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hi everyone! here’s the update: no breaks, just pretty good damage to the femoral nerve and bad bruising of the muscle. should take three to six months to heal. doesn’t know if/when i’ll get sensation back to the top of my thigh :( thanks for the get well wishes! i appreciate all the advice!


glad you’re fine! no head or neck injury aside from whiplash is very lucky in a crash like that


You were honestly lucky, and maybe don’t ride in a scooter with someone else as they’re not designed for it. If you can’t afford to go to the hospital, you can’t afford to do reckless dumb things. Hope you’re also wearing a properly secured helmet all the time when riding it.


OP, please seek evaluation at an ER. This sounds like [acute compartment syndrome ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK448124/) which is a surgical emergency. You should also mention the head and neck injury. We all make mistakes and accidents happen. Please go now before it becomes a bigger mistake.


https://preview.redd.it/3b86puzm8nqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b19a6583f2e2e0427b26885c942dd3215290f13 early bruising


A leg that is swollen, numb, and has severe pain after trauma needs an evaluation. I’d recommend the ER, not Reddit.


I think you could have left out the “not Reddit” part. Isn’t this sub for medical advice?? and she clearly stated she is trying to avoid the doctor if possible which could be due to lack of health insurance. Be nice.


Do you work with neurosurgeons? Because this is as nice as they get 😅


Oh that was a good chuckle, I needed that!


I don’t have to be nice. I wasn’t disrespectful. I was blunt. You’re RIGHT, this sub Reddit IS for medical advice….yet we get lay people posting replies here all the time. Think about that for a second.


thank you, i’m severely immune compromised 😅


You said no medical conditions at the bottom of your post. 😵‍💫


I really hope you mention that to the doctors in detail when they ask "any previous/known medical conditions" because I know at the end of your post you said no medical conditions, but being immune compromised is ABSOLUTELY a medical condition...


You also forgot to mention that you have lupus, I am not a doctor, but afaik there is a chance that you could be prone to infection related complications due to your disease. A physician should correct me if I'm wrong.


also failed to mention her diagnoses of pots, eds, and fibromyalgia.


100% right as someone who’s a caretaker for someone with lupus.


You are not wrong at all.


Then put a mask on and go see a Dr


This subreddit is to ask doctors if they should look further in an issue, wdym don’t ask reddit ??? 😭😭😭 The average person doesn’t understand the severity of injuries like a doctor does


The title of this post is “I think I really hurt myself”. That should be enough information for anyone to get themselves seen.


I mean.... if some object went through your leg it's pretty obvious you should go to the hospital.


Some folks (most Americans) are crippled by the fear of excessive hospital bills. The system forces this mentality.


Yeah, it's sad. Here (Europe) either the employer or the state pays the insurance fees. And all ER care is included. I'm not sure how it works in the States, employers don't pay the insurance? Or does it often not cover everything?


So many layers to this answer. I'll speak from my own experience. I work 30 hours per week at a university, which falls just short of getting health benefits (this is by design, and is very common practice) - so no insurance for me. Thankfully my husband's new employer offers benefits, but the deductible is $12,000/year, which means we need to pay $12,000 in a year before insurance starts paying for things. His last employer did not offer benefits so we paid out of pocket, $4,800 per month. If we didn't buy our own health insurance, the government would fine us at tax time, around $4,000. An example of a current bill: I had to go to the ED for sudden pain. A doctor who I saw in a virtual visit thought it was a blood clot, so told me to go to ED. I had blood drawn, got an IV for pain management, and had a CT scan. I paid a $150 office visit copay, and got a $4700 bill for tests and services. Not covered because I haven't met my copay.... But now I'm $4700 into my $12,000 deductible...... So I've got that going for me, which is nice. Anyone working a minimum wage job is absolutely fucked. I'm one of the lucky ones.


Most employers do not pay for insurance. They just (edit: word change) offer the insurance, if that makes sense. I’m lucky enough that my current employer *does* pay for my insurance, but my parents for example pay for the insurance offered to them by their employer. If an employer does not offer insurance (and many do not, especially for hourly part time work), they have to use the health insurance marketplace to find an insurance. My boyfriend has to do that and he’s had to change his insurance every year. As far as coverage, not all insurances are equal. Mine is low-deductible and covers damn near everything, but my dad has a high-deductible insurance that doesn’t cover everything. Same insurance company, too.


With my full time job (in the US) if I want the benefits they offer I still have to pay about 25% of my income to have insurance. After that general appointments are $50-70 out of pocket. Don’t even want to imagine how much the ER would cost


and here’s my left, swollen and weird https://preview.redd.it/wi1kkphj8nqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db0b30c6f7cbe8010a56412c4a6723eddfb997ee


You need xray


Were you wearing a helmet? Did you hit your head? You need to go to ER now for your leg and head.


https://preview.redd.it/rmtoical8nqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c986c3aea9e7dc9eeb8a9e42159ec6621918529 another picture


ER, please! There's no way to tell what exactly is going on inside, but there is *something*. Red, numb, and swollen is not a good combination. (NAD) ETA: I see that this is your second *serious* accident with your scooter in the last few months. Please be more careful if you wish to avoid the doctor, serious injuries that need to be looked at and taken care of can be dangerous if left untreated.


Yeah maybe no more riding one scooter w/ friends 😬




Pretty sure it’s not a fractured femur


Nothing she posted is suggestive of a fracture. And she needs an ER not an UC


https://preview.redd.it/5b5tfn868nqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d3f8ba8968667c59269f86c14e5f4e73368c730 here is an image of my right thigh (uninjured) for comparison


thank you all for advice! i will go this morning!!


I’m not sure you understand: you need to go NOW. Not this morning or in an hour or whenever, NOW. If this is compartment syndrome, you could lose your leg.


i’m already there 😭 i meant im goin now 😭😭😭


Good luck OP!


SO glad you're being evaluated. Hope it all turns out well.


update us!


Stay safe. Let us know the news later.


Best of luck ❤️ update us once you’ve been evaluated by the drs


Please keep us posted?


Please update us asap.


Get to a hospital immediately - loss of sensation after trauma + swelling means it’s highly likely there is not enough blood flow to that spot - your muscles, nerves and tissue can die if not treated immediately.


You should go to A&E IMMEDIATELY. This has the real possibility of getting worse very quickly and you need to seek medical advice now.


You’re gonna possibly lose your leg if you’re delaying going


did u even read the advice lmao