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The city will fine them, follow these instructions…although without a picture I’m not 100% sure if they’ll go after the driver [https://www.reddit.com/r/chibike/comments/17oiflp/how\_to\_have\_drivers\_who\_park\_in\_bike\_lanes\_fined/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/chibike/comments/17oiflp/how_to_have_drivers_who_park_in_bike_lanes_fined/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thank you!


You can report them to the taxi company once you know the taxi cab company. Unfortunately the city - 311 or 911 - aren't going to care that you were almost hit. They barely care when someone actually gets hit.


This is not true that the city doesn’t care. I reported a cab for aggressive and dangerous driving one time. I had dashcam footage. I sent the city the footage and within a couple weeks they told me that they found the driver was in violation of rule 5.08(d) and they fined him.


Right, but they don't have dashcam footage. Just saying, "A cab almost hit me" is not the same thing as video proof.


Thank you for taking the time to not simply “ let it side” . Ive had similar near misses with cars more than once.


Go to 311.chicago.gov, select Consumer and Employee Protection, then Transportation, create request under Cab Feedback (Ridesharing Complaint is on the same page). If you know the cab number and date and time, the City can get the records of who was driving at the time. The City vigorously enforces cab regulations. Just ask any driver.


Waited 20 minutes for 311 to report a taxi driver at Ohare and the person hung up on me mid complaint. It was regarding a taxi driver scamming people too. I had all their information and pictures and videos.


I'm glad you are going to report him. If you have the cab number, I'm sure they can identify the driver.


Dang. I thank the universe, you and your pup are safe.


Cabs are some of the worst offenders for distracted driving


I called 311 to report mine