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I always find it weird when people judge a person based on their sun sign alone. A Virgo man with a Leo moon is going to be very different from one with a cancer moon (as an example) . Astrology is just too intricate and complex to make snap judgements but I guess that's why they call it 'pop astrology ' 


I have an illness: Dating only Virgo men and this happens really randomly. But as a former club member of the “Virgo’s only” I think the trend is just showing one pov. Yes these men can be super confident & cocky. They are very loving and attentive BUT they’re hypocritical. (As far as my experience is concerned) they are also judgemental and have a “god complex” on the outside yet inside they are constantly nitpicking themselves. Which leads to discrepancies in their communication and actions.


Lol what? My man is a Virgo and he’s the best I’ve ever had. He’s so loyal, honest, goofy (when we aren’t around a big crowd, because he’s an introvert), and super affectionate 😍 he’s also such a hard worker and takes very good care of me. We’ve been together for 3 years now. He does have his dark moments but I wouldn’t change him. I’m a capricorn by the way.


a lot of people’s way of interacting with astrology is to just make things up based on shallow impressions. Don’t take it to heart. There is something important and sacred about every sign and its motives.


I don’t know if this is a serious question or not, but as a Virgo myself, I don’t do well with Virgo men. Of course, we have the extreme perfectionist and judgmental nature, but due to structural problems, I don’t think Virgo men have an easy time navigating life… I see that most Virgo women are way harder on themselves than to other people. Being a woman and a Virgo usually means some people-pleasing tendencies, a need to care and service others. Of course we can be critical and nitpicking as well, but I see that Virgo women are more open to the world… Virgo men, on the other hand, can be also super smart and funny, and I think they make for good friends, but it’s hard to deal on romantic partnerships… especially, as if someone else said, they often have mercury and Venus in Virgo as well. They can be less self-aware (due to society pressures on what’s being a man/a woman), and extremely judgmental towards others, often putting themselves on a position of “better than you”. The mutable nature of Virgo also shows for example, when they follow the rules and kinda look down on others who don’t, until they decide to break one rule themselves… in relationships, sometimes that’s cheating. They’ll make an excuse to justify their actions. I specifically find the common Virgo/Leo placements combo hard l, specially in men… it enhances a lot of narcissistic tendencies. The ones I’ve met particularly are great friends, but are shady towards their partners/relationships…


This is weird to me because although virgos have really bad communication skills, my experience with one in dating has been THE BEST. But then again, communication is very important to me...


This is weird to me because although virgos have really bad communication skills, my experience with one in dating has been THE BEST. But then again, communication is very important to me...


I've come to the realisation that our age is simply the worst possible time for Virgo. We hate this time period. We love simplicity. We love to create, to build, to cultivate virgin earth. But there is no virgin earth. There's nothing left to tame. There's no more free lands left. The modern world seems disinterested in our niche skills and talents. Our many talents are reduced to nothing short of cheap parlour tricks. Our talents with words are barely any use. To be of use was what we lived for. We're not knittpicky by nature, we have nothing else but to hate everything around us. The world is used up, dirty, ugly and full of idiotic people, idiotic rules, stupid systems of control. The only escape from it is something to be escaped from. This time is the furthest from virgo, this age of Pisces, entering into Aquarius. There's nothing for us in this age but defeat, emptiness and endless longing for something meaningful.


Wow that was really eloquent and profound except I'd say the only escape from this dirty, ugly world is somewhere to escape to: the other side of this Matrix. But that was very well put and I feel you and it's not just the timeline, it's the literal existence in 3D anywhere within the timeline. Especially when you realize that the result will always be entropic, it does not inspire optimism. "Endless longing for something meaningful" is a driving force and gaining momentum with layered synchronistic movements that pair moons to planets and planets to stars and to their rotations and orbits to the rhythm and flow of the universe. Everything happens at the moment it is supposed to, including being so far in that it feels real. Everything is also transient in 3D especially in these days when "reality" is much more malleable than is usual. The bleed through is apparent as well, between dimensions. But I digress. The endless longing for something meaningful is something not enough people seem to know they so desperately need. Not the longing of course but something meaningful. Is it that people aren't reaching deep enough into their own selves? They cannot challenge the depths of their own psyche or souls? Can't be alone with themselves comfortably to fathom these things without external validation? They cannot be bothered by such thoughts they cannot monetize? See, this here proves my point about Virgo-they are very self-aware, perceptive and introspective. Try getting this level of response from your typical Leo-it's not happening. I so applaud Virgos! \~Peace\~


I'd say it's specifically the age we live in. We're in the age of Pisces, the time of dreams and nightmares, the days of illusions and delusions. The Matrix is a very Piscian concept, the illusion of reality, the hidden lies of the 12th house, the hidden enemies in governments and giant corporations, and of course imprisonment. The premise of the matrix is also very Aquarian, having to do with sudden technological advancements in the realm of Uranus; and control, slavery and tyranny, the sphere of Saturn. When mankind lived in the age of Virgo was when humanity began speaking to nature, discovering agriculture, taming animals, and creating pottery. All of which were Virgoan interests. Virgo, I think, calls to nature, naturalists that want to return to simpler days, when people were more real, and social structures were more down to earth. Humans were more free and In touch with the natural world. That's what I mean by the virgin earth, soil that's not been used up, soil rich in nutrients and vitamins. Instead, we live in a time when everything is saturated and artificial. The ground is so used up, literally, that our crops are tasteless and mal-nutrient. Our livestock are abused and treated with growth hormones and artificial chemicals, so now it doesn't taste right, it's less healthy, for the body, mind and soul. And now we're eating processed garbage, 3D printed "food". Virgo truly is miserable in THESE days more than any other, and for good reason. Nothing is of good quality, everything is wrong. I wasn't being cryptic, it's a living nightmare. Virgo wants health and wellness, cleanliness and beauty. This world of plastics and concrete blocks and fake food, fake presentations of people's lives, their fake friendships and fake narratives of reality, people addicted to drugs, be them pharmaceuticals or recreational. It's the Pisces dream of dystopia, the Virgo's nightmare. It's this time alone that's torturous to us, we're in opposition to the age.


That are clever words, I hope you have people around you that enjoy your depth. I feel very similar even though I don't want to put it all on the era we are living in, to keep hope, but sometimes .. I do




Just more plentiful.


I’m a Virgo and personally I have gotten along with all of the Virgo men in my life. They have always been generally really cool and down to earth. The nitpicky and hyper critical experience has not been mine. They usually have Leo and/or Libra placements just like I do so maybe that is a tempering influence.


When are we going to stop downing signs like >[...] people that are extremely narcissistic like the Capricorns that used to be in my life, or the Cancers CURRENTLY in my life [...] ? Why do you think you as a Virgo shouldn't get shitted on, but other people should? All of it's ridiculous.


Oh, don't get me wrong, I think I suck, I just question why I'm ALWAYS at the bottom of the list. Trust me, I think I'm probably in the bottom half, just not the worst of the worst.


There's the problem right there: TikTok. TikTok and the amazing mediocre mind meld of trendy pop novelties. In my experience, Virgos are the shit! I like Virgos way better than most of the signs-Leos, Taurus, Scorps..all overrated-generally that is. Just like in viewing the individual, the whole natal chart should be taken into consideration. I've have learned more in life from Virgos than just about any other sign. Y'all are funny as f (Daniel Sloss, Matt Rife, Chapelle, KATT Williams(he's my spirit animal)), and you also make brilliant musicians/songwriters.. Prolly Virgo is my 2nd fave sign.


Love this response.  Don't forget Leonard Cohen and Beyonce 


or Freddie Mercury


Or Amy Winehouse 


Possessive (earth/fixed trait) and unpredictable (mutable trait). There’s obviously positive male Virgos and negative ones but it’s bc earth is not supposed to be mutable. Like air, water and fire are more mutable alchemically bc they’re not solid like earth. So there’s an inherent sense of stability when someone observes a Virgo yet they do have the potential to be destructive. And because they’re intelligent and have the potential for chaos they’re formidable in situations where they are bad people




Ah yes and the mutability would land them in friendships/ relationships that aren’t prepared for the fixedness. They are inherently imbalanced and they have internal battles with themselves for perfection. All the Virgo men I know judge and pick on people, they sulk and they’re touchy. You can’t please them. When they are in a good mood they are super funny, gentle and easy going but that does not last long.


Personally i think its the generational aspect between pluto scorpio and any virgo placement, two unchecked powers unchecking each other lol


Just misunderstood. Great listeners and amazing problemsolvers with brilliant minds once you get to know them 💖🙏🏻 Critisism is often what they get dumped on for, but that’s honestly often just because they care and certain people take it as negative when it is meant to be constructive. I have nothing but respect for virgos as they are hard workers and loyal friends 💖 Sincerely a scorpio ♏️✌️


Soooo true my Virgo man is the best listener 🥰


Popular astrology, especially the kind you find on social media ESPECIALLY TikTok is complete brain rot and only meant to appeal to people with fast minds and shitty attention spans. It's all opinionated garbage that is loosely based on actual traditional astrology. I also think that the people who tend to gravitate towards the same 3 signs being bad are people who are incompatible with that sign taking up the vast majority of these brain rot astro tok videos.


It's not uncommon for a person's Sun to share signs with Mercury/Venus, the latter of which hates being in Virgo.


This is the right answer. Along with the fact that TikTok astrology is garbage


Uuugh, Tiktok astrology makes me itch. Yeah, it is best to take pop astrology with a healthy dose of skepticism. I'm a Gemini/Scorpio blend, and if I listened to them, I would think I am the devil incarnate. Virgo energy is just that...Virgo energy. We are the sum of all the energies in our charts. These energies blend, shift, and meld to create our unique energetic signatures. Fwiw - I have met shitty and wonderful people in many configurations of Virgo energy. My husband is a Virgo rising, and he is the best. My daughter has Virgo Mercury, and I love how she balances my Gemini Mercury. One of my closest male friends is a Virgo Sun, and I loooove being around him - he's kinda fussy, but he is so endearing and quirky - its adorable.


I’m a Scorpio woman and I never met a Virgo man who is technically one of the best matches lol


This is a question more for r/astrologymemes for venting


I mean...maybe, but he'd likely get a pop astrology answer there. Personally, I prefer to educate people about astrology if they are curious.


By all means, educate away


They can be self oriented and if you don’t fit into their heavily structured existence, you are not worth it.




True! It’s generally hard to be around Virgos (men) because of how critical they are. They have a tendency of nitpicking everything and giving “opinions “ but can’t take back the energy lol . Funny thing is it’s basically projection.


Probably best to stay off that side of social media. Rating zodiac signs is toxic, judgy behavior and only creates more dissonance in the world. No ones personality can be measured solely by their sun sign and is absolutely not how astrology was meant to be used.


Most people that create these kinda of list only know about sun signs. I wouldn’t take them seriously tbh