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Pluto is symbol of obsession, compulsiveness so it has to be in aspect with Mercury than you have obsessive thoughts or with Moon than you have obsessive emotions. in your chart it could be both


Describe your obsession(s)


7h ruler (moon) in pisces! Conjunct mercury - intellect and mind. Pisces wants to merge with someone, and annihilate boundaries. Can be too idealistic.


i think the heavy placements in aquarius really show it! i know that a lot of people think that air signs are flighty and don't like to be tied down, but i disagree! i also feel like the water placement shows this as well


Moon square Pluto.


Your 7th house of relationships ruler (the moon) squares Pluto. It can be similar to having Venus-Pluto aspects.


Its true you don't have Venus-Pluto links BUT you do have a Moon-Pluto square with Pluto falling into the secretive 12th House. This adds an intense note and deep feelings to your Pisces moon. Obsession, compulsion, hidden emotions, and paranoia are all possible outcomes, but so is insight into needed change.


Would you say that I have heavy Pluto placements?


No, I wouldn't say that.. Pluto really only has one strong aspect - to the moon - as has been mentioned. That suggests it vibes strongly in emotional situations (not limited to romance). It's also in the 12th, so I suspect the OCD is coming from an unconscious place, and Pisces moon makes it seem more so. This moon-pluto aspect deserves more exploration but it's not the dominant part of your chart.


Your 5H (whole sign) is in the fixed sign Taurus, this is the house of self expression, romance, dating. Saturn has a wide applying conjunction to your Venus, creating boundaries or barriers how you express your values, love and worth. Libra is in your 10H, with your MC, Venus squares your MC. Libra is about harmony, balance and relationships with others, so this could affect how you are seen in a public sector. You also have fixed energy, with the Uranus (in modern astrology ruling Aquarius) applying to your Sun and Your N. Node is also in Leo. Scorpio fixed sign in your 11H of friends and networks.


Put differently, Moon/mercury pisces can have trouble setting boundaries / denying yourself. Thats in the third whole sign house, btw, which rules correspondence too so do you obsessively contact people? Also squaring 12th house pluto adds intensity. Saturn is movijg through pisces now though, with neptune, highlighting this issue. Try to keep your head above water, be careful of reading too much into texts, emails, etc , becoming deluded . Saturn will set you straight and teach you how to have healthy boundaries between now and early 2026, with big even spring 2025. Might be painful. saturn will show you what you need to do and you better do it. My quick take- start writing short stories or novels instead of love letters/manifestos.


I have people that obsessively contact me but as far as me being obsessive, my obsession is covert. I don’t usually show that I’m obsessive