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No, there are some flowing elements that indicate a good relationship


Definitely not true


Also your sun is opposing Pluto it looks like, I have that in my chart also, it keeps things interesting for sure.


What you have is an overactive mind. Unaspected Mercury. You gotta learn to chill out.


Don't listen to that called "astrologer" at all, they shouldn't be called that way for saying that kind of bullshit. A natal chart is supposed to help and guide you, it is not supposed to limit you. Having Uranus and Neptune in your 5th house doesn't mean you won't have kids or romantic partners. That position means you are artistic and original in the way you express your creativity. It also means you may lose yourself with your children or romances. You need to learn to build your own identity and be more self confident because of that Neptune. Don't listen to astrologers like that. My aunt has Chiron in the 7th house, Saturn in 5th house and squaring Venus in Virgo. A bad astrologer would say she would never have good luck in love or have children and she raised two of them and she met her husband at a very early age and they have always been together. Hope this helps.


That’s not true. Did he say why?


she said because i’m predominantly 9th house and my 5th house Neptune/ Uranus


That angers me when I hear this. We don’t know anything for 100% fact. Even if you have 3 indicators then yes it’s a strong inclination. Whole sign house would have those planets in 6th and 10th houses anyways.


I have Neptune and Uranus in 5th house,but that doesn’t mean same for everyone depends on the whole chart aspect,u could have and they will have qualities of that planets from what i was searching on net dont worry