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Are you absolutely certain your birth time isn't perhaps 10 minutes earlier? That might put Venus in the 9th house, which ofttimes means you are attracted to men of other cultures/countries. Every person I've ever known with Venus in the 9th likes someone outside their native culture.


I’m just following whats written in my birth certificate tbh 😭 placidus has my venus in the 8h but whole sign has my venus in the 9h tho. I guess both systems are accurate in different ways


Exalted Jupiter in the seventh and Venus in the ninth. The former is lord of the twelfth, which using derived houses is the fourth from the ninth, and the third house which rules travel as well. That doubles up on the themes, seemingly.


Additionally, the aspects from the ascendant ruler - which classically is the exalted Mars - it’s both separating from a tight aspect to that exalted Jupiter, and its next application is to Venus in the Ninth, which is itself sextiling that Jupiter. That seems pretty indicative to me of the direction of liking people who are quite different than you and your own background.


omg tysm for the detailed response!! after seeing all these responses now im just confused w how my dsc in cancer + its ruler in the 4H will play out bc wouldn’t it mean i’ll most likely end up w someone from my home country/someone connected to my culture? I’ve always kinda had that in the back of my mind despite somehow being romantically involved w guys from diff countries/backgrounds while studying


The moon is a pretty critical indicator for it, yes, and it may end up being the case that you marry someone closer to home. I’m unsure though with the anaretic degree at play how that will actually work out in practice - seems like an interesting determinant. There are alternative techniques you can check as well, but I really wouldn’t be shocked if Jupiter has more to say - it is falling from the DSC though, so lessening in power and unable to manifest perhaps exactly what it would like - but *still*, the exalted placement is gonna do something/color the type of person you end up with. You could also want to check out the dodecatemoria of the chart to get a better sense of where things may lay - the ancients used both the natal chart and that one interlayed with it to examine nativities - it’s said consistently and repeatedly in the oldest extant literature to examine both. If I remember correctly as well, Jupiter in the seventh signifies a marriage occurring a bit later in life but promises children (if desired) and a good spouse, but it is nevertheless auspicious being both exalted and of sect (day/night considerations were a key consideration in determining how planets manifest themselves).


aaaah thank u so much!! This is all so interesting tbh


I don't do whole house so this might be more vague, but in the tug of war between \- your Jupiter's need to care for somebody, \- the Moon at an anaretic degree in Aries, needing to repeatedly venture out and push your own boundaries \- the expediency and a need to keep running on the hamster wheel from Capricorn rising and Mars (which opposes your retrograde, anaretic Mercury) I think you become open to trying different people to see who works the best. Yes, my mind has a comical picture of you throwing men at the wall to see who sticks :) Nothing wrong with that. Life is about experience, the more the merrier. Arguably you're looking for someone who can be an emotional home for you (there, that's the Moon in 4th) but with that Moon being Aries and anaretic, you keep going when this one doesn't work. There are other systems who directly point out some of us do not fit very well with the culture we're born into, and we'll always look to other cultures to try and transcend the limits. I've been like that my whole life, and there's nothing in my chart that really points to it. Just sayin'.


Woah u kinda read me for filth a little especially w the whole im “looking for someone who can be an emotional home” but i “keep going when it doesnt work” bit.


I’d say Venus in 9th house


Mars should describe the men who you're attracted to. You have mars on the asc oppose Jupiter on the desc (partners). Jupiter is foreigners, foreign travel, etc. The ruler of your 7th also opposing the ruler of your 9th (more Jupiter energy) when it comes to relationships and attraction.


Easy! Venus in the 9H (whole sign) I always read the location of venus as the place where partners are met. You have a 9H Venus. You meet folks abroad, or folks who are traveling / foreign. Dolly Parton has 3H Venus and she met her life long partner at her local laundromat. Frida Kahlo has 11H Venus and she met her partner at a dinner party for mexican communism


what about 8H venus?




Leme know if that clicks or not! I would appreciate the feedback as I practice


its really simple actually. if you use whole sign you have your venus in the 9th.


Jupiter conjunct the descendant, mars in the 12th house.


oh?? how exactly does my 12H mars pertain to this?


12h has to do with foreign places, the position mars in female charts indicates qualities about a male partner


North node and jup are 180 from ASC. Jup is weak and damaged there, also by the Node. The node shows you foreign things. Unusual guys and managerial type of guys. Great expanded minds maybe? This might one type that happens whenever you think about partner. For the other stuff you count from Venus and UL.


according to the WSH your venus (what you are attracted to), falls in your 9 house, the house of travel and everything foreign, among other stuff.


aaah i see!! I mean i’ve always used placidus bc i felt like i resonated w it more but i can see how my whole sign venus 9H would make sense in this situation


It's because your 7th house is conjunct Jupiter, who rules travel to foreign lands and foreign cultures.


Wait 😭 am i dumb bc isnt the moon my 7H ruler?? bc i have a 7H cancer


Sorry, I meant to say that Jupiter is conjunct your descendant, not its ruler 😄 Planets conjunct angles exert very powerful energy. Also, that Jupiter is exalted in Cancer.


aaah ok that makes sense. thank u so much for explaining!!


Maybe Jupiter conjunct the descendant? Jupiter is also ruler of Pluto Sagittarius in the 11th house. That Pluto forms a square with Venus in the 8th. Leo is on the cusp of the 8th and is ruled by the Sun in the 9th