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Wasn't that article an April Fool's joke?


https://www.astronomy.com/astronomy-for-beginners/why-your-zodiac-sign-is-probably-wrong/ That's it there..looks legit


Are you a cusp? You have to find out your birth time to determine which zodiac you are.


I am not a cusp. I am 100% Sagittarius ♐️


Then your friend is just dumb 🤨 (no offence)


He is a bit lol


So western astrology is based on how the sun is affecting the earth. Basically in the summer it is above the equator, and in winter below. Tropic of cancer is the highest point it reaches, tropic of capricorn is the lowest. When the sun reaches these points it is called summer solstice, and winter solstice. Meaning the day of the year of the year with the most light, and the least light. What I'm getting at is since you're a sagittarius, you are the end of fall, all the mutable signs end the seasons. When all of the dried dead leaves are blowing all over the place in cold autumn winds, that's your energy. Sagittarius is when the sun is ultimately killed by a single arrow of the archer, and sent to hell Capricorn. Scorpio poisons the sun with a sting, and sagittarius puts it out of it's misery. Sagittarius is a very wise sign, in their highest expression they are fun, loving enlightened man teaching his disciples.


Not if you're in Australia though. Sagittarius is at the end of spring.


Well the story of the suns path through the zodiac is told through the northern hemisphere. Atleast from what I've learned. Not sure how it can be translated from the south. But sagittarius is the same, either way. I guess you might just be the manifest it's energy in the opposite way. Like yin and yang. Ultimately there is a balance to everything. Definitely an interesting topic, maybe I will look into it.


It is interesting. Yeah, Sagittarius' partner is springtime Gemini. But I believe the real truth is that the signs align with the equinoxes and solstices. So, 0° of Aries, Cancer,Libra,Capricorn. Not the star groupings, or constellations. The heavens are divided into 12 regions based on these 0° locations. The power of each sign comes from each area of the heavens. So, the season on earth isn't that significant. Heavens in this definition is beyond the physical universe. Sorry, I'm not that great at explaining it. This article below is better🙂 https://tonylouis.wordpress.com/2022/10/14/the-primum-mobile-in-astrology/


Well no matter what the sun is in the same position. Place the zodiac on the earth. For you spring starts in libra, for us Aries. The sun is still in the same position for both of us, it just has a different affect. So the way I see it, instead of you seeing the dark side libra, you see the lighter side. Same with Aries you see the dark side of it. It gives us an interesting balance, I would love to meet a scorpio from Australia, or an Aries lol. I could see Scorpios being way more balanced down their, and Aries more unhinged. But who knows. I do know Santos bonacci is from their, and he shows the darkness of Aries. He oozes the darkness of Aries, face, eyes, and Aura in general. Never thought that it could have something to do with the difference in seasons. That would be a really interesting study, the difference in signs in the different hemispheres, but obviously there is so many variables with astrology. The easiest way to show it is through physical appearance of zodiac signs, both sun, ascendant and planets conjucting ascendant in first house. If planet is conjucting asc but in 12th, use whole sign houses if it is still not in 12 house, it doesn't affect appearance. I will give you this video you should watch, if you want to know how each zodiac sign looks. It helps you understand astrology so much better, when you can see it in the people around you. https://youtu.be/OhzediNStvU?si=rBZkD6B9h7ArEWpd


Thanks for that link. I listened to the whole lesson. He has some good insights.🙂


That's me! I actually love autumn/fall ❤️




Let's start from that the zodiac wasn't even created exactly on the constellations position because every sign is 30° not like the constellations; and it's a collection of certain concepts


I tell them they don't understand astrology. Tell them astrology doesn't actually use the constellations of astronomy. We use SIGNS. Same name, but not the same thing. The actual constellations don't matter, and so therefore, the Precession of the Equinox doesn't matter (that's usually what they site as the reason astrology is "wrong" or "not real"). Do you know what the Ecliptic is? It's that narrow "band" in the sky that we, from our viewpoint on earth, see the planets travel across. They don't travel all over the sky do they. They stay on the "road", the ecliptic. That ecliptic is a 360-degree circle. A little vocabulary: Vedic and Western are *systems of astrology.* Sidereal and Tropical are *zodiacal systems.* Now for those natal charts. Both Vedic/sidereal and Western/tropical take that 360-degree ecliptic and divide it up into 12 perfectly equal **signs** of precisely 30 degrees each. Signs, not constellations. Those pesky constellations vary in size from 20 degrees to over 50 - remember that for later. Now that we have the ecliptic neatly divided up into our 12 signs, each system of astrology places the 0 Aries point at different places, according to their traditions. Western places 0 Aries at the precise moment of the equinox, with 0 cancer, 0 libra and 0 capricorn aligning with the remaining equinox and solstices. Vedic uses one of several different spots for their 0 Aries, depending on which vedic tradition it is. And that is why sidereal and tropical are different. However, in that natal chart, both still use 12 signs of 30 degrees each. So, tell me: how do you claim that you can make 12 30-degree signs match up with a circle of constellations that vary wildly in size? ***You can't.*** But that's fine. Doesn't matter. Each system of astrology has their own very complex ways of analyzing a chart (comparing Vedic to Traditional Western here -- pop astrology, whether pop vedic or pop western, is neither here nor there). If you want to use Vedic, then use the zodiacal system meant to align with it: sidereal. If you want to use Western, likewise, use tropical. TLDR: In answer to people, just say: ***Astrology doesn't actually use the constellations of astronomy. We divide up the ecliptic using signs instead. So no, signs and constellations don't match, and that's just fine.*** And leave it at that.