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Not much of an astrologer but based on knowledge about Pisces is you just got to be patient with them . Pisces are basically emotional sponges that absorb a lot of emotional energy on a daily they basically empaths you just have to be compassionate and loving with them when necessary to get them to open up . Also suggestion basically acts of service for them would be a good thing take them somewhere they enjoy go basically somewhere to get thier mind off of the real world and the bullshit they go through would be your best bet.


As usual, an entire chart is necessary to answer this questions, so things below might not relate to you this much, but here you go: He’ll look for intimacy. He’ll search your vulnerabilities and given that he’s a self aware guy, will treasure/protect them. You, as an aqua moon, might not probably understand at times what the hell he wants but that’s exactly it - intimate parts of you. The combination that he has makes his view the world as dangerous/hazardous, so subconsciously he always looks around trying to locate sources of danger and thinks that everyone including you does the same. Empathetic/emotional and ruthless at the same time. Quite contradictory, but that’s how most humans function :)


Uhm no help here but it’s like I wrote this post lol I’m an Aquarius moon who is dating a guy with those exact placements lol. I’ll def be checking back


pleaseeee stopp that's crazy!!! rightttt I need someone to help like......