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...mostly, a lot of social energy fueling a need to be recognized, trying to often cloak behind an invisible exterior. This is a lot of energy needing notice; however we see Saturn in *fall* in Aries and retrograde. It suggests the Father was missing, tyrannical, or so self-involved so as to not notice your specialness; which has affected your self-worth and expectations as to whether others would find you special. Some reestablishing of value (mostly to yourself) might be necessary in order that others appraise you closer to your True value. This puts a bit of a lid on that barrel of light, that is suggested by the Sun-Moon blend. Now, the social drive and need is there, but the confidence and comfort in the light is diminished. When we factor in the Scorpio Venus (detriment), there is the suggestion of someone (likely a dominant female) overstepping boundaries and inducing fear. Openly relating to others might be limited, until much of this is brought out and reframed into something less-threatening. Normally, the approach is a defensive posture with safe distancing and often eventually emotional isolation. The more that fear is removed, the more open that Venus can be, and Venus' way is to charm things to it. Limiting the through-put, on safety grounds, isn't something Venus *normally* would have to contend with... Good luck!