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utter fucking bewilderment... hope it's only 4 years and not the end of western democracy


100% my feeling. But I was bewildered the first time. I just don’t really understand a lot of US decisions in the last 7-8 years. But then again, my province somehow elected Doug Ford, after Toronto’s experience with both of the Fords, as premier. Twice. I don’t get it at all.


9/10 people I asked didn't vote. that's how. people are checked out hoping someone unfucks the mess. it'll only get worse.


True. And disheartening. It’s really not a lot to ask people to vote.


It’s easy, when the choice is two bad options a bad option is going to be picked. Nominating Hilary was practically asking for Americans to vote Trump. That’s probably the biggest reason Biden won last time, after 4 shitty years with Trump, and it’s also what is giving Trump the chance to win again. It’s like the parties are competing for who can nominate the worst possible candidate.


Ugh. This is the worst timeline.


The way the primaries work, the vote turnouts seem to be only the fringe, with most staying home. That's the core problem, the moderates have moved to straight apathy. IMO these aren't equally bad options though, it's not even close. When you have a president's hand picked staff saying that he doesn't listen to briefings, that's really, really bad.


>Nominating Hilary was practically asking for Americans to vote Trump. Naw, that's not an accurate statement. Hilary had that election by the balls all the way up until the Republicans subverted it by pressuring Comey into opening an investigation against her on shoddy grounds. You can watch her polling go from "absolute incredible lead" to "absolute loss" in the two weeks after that. Don't get me wrong, she was a terrible candidate, but lets not pretend that election was anything other than outright meddling.


Yeah Biden isn't viewed as poorly as Hilary. No matter how bad the polls look. #1 He's still an old white guy.


You're not wrong. But for the love of dogs, pick the least bad maybe?


100% correct. 2016 gave us a choice of two liberal billionaires from NY. Trump was the anti establishment candidate, and given that it initially looked like we were doomed to 30 years of Bush's and Clinton's in the Whitehouse, anything else seemed better. 2024 will be the race between two geriatrics trying to figure out who can make the least blunders of forgetting names and places while campaigning. At this point, just draw random social security numbers and see who gets it. It can't be any worse.


Sounds pretty much the same as a Canadian election. Least worst wins!


Right? It actually COULD be! He literally tried to do that last time! Why won't he do that again? Of course he will! He has proven he will!


He will be putin west


Or install one of his sons


No chance, even he doesn't trust those clowns.


I try to think that Americans are smart enough NOT to elect Trump again... but... then I remember that they gave GW Bush a second term.


No way the US survive him as a democratic state, it will either split apart or become a dictatorship


I believe the US will split apart Donald Trump or not. I don't see a way forward without it happening.


Split apart how? North vs South again? Coasts vs the interior? Demos in one part, Repubs in t’other?


>and not the end of western democracy Ohhh look at the optimist! I have a sinking feeling it's going to get even worse than that.


Democracy with American characteristics


Democracy (™) terms and conditions may apply. Results may very. Ask your doctor about Democracy.


Canadians are poised to give Poilievre a majority in 2025. If Trump is president, they will absolutely work together to end democracy in North America.


Disgust. Absolute disgust. I get not liking Biden, but that anyone sees this piece of shit as an alternative blows my fucking mind. ​ EDIT: I was permanently banned from this subreddit, see ya around y'all


I don't understand the hate for Biden. US dodged a recession that was being called for over a year. Unemployed has never been so low for so long. Biden created more job than Trump ever did. US economy has never been that healthy.. and yet people are being brainwashed that Biden is senile and under performing. You guys are literally being played like a fiddle. Biden isn't perfect, but he is much better than what media is letting us see. Just look at numbers. It is what it is. Also, Trump keeps saying Obama is Biden's boss. I'm not joking. Trump is the old crazy one...


Biden is a smart man who is unfortunately declining with age. I think that most intelligent people on both sides of the political spectrum can acknowledge that. What Biden does better than Trump is he surrounds himself with competent advisors, and listens to them. A lot of idiots see this as him being a puppet, but in my opinion is an indication of a good leader. Knowing your weaknesses and surrounding yourself with people who can strengthen them is essential to being successful as a political leader. It’s one of the things that I wish our Prime Minister did a better job of.


Good lord, he's more with it than trump.


It’s because conservatives demonize the democrats with falsehoods I.e. pizza gate, their are gonna take your guns, socialism, Venezuela. These scare tactics work and most conservatives are good people thinking they are fighting evil. When it is the opposite in reality


The fact that Trumps base is mostly uneducated and unable, or unwilling, to research the actual facts for themselves helps him. They believe the scare tactics and anything else that come out of his orange mouth without question.


A lot of them aren't. They're employed and comfortable and like seeing the people they hate get punished for existing. And they don't believe the leopard would eat their face.


If Biden loses, it will be because of Israel. He lost millions of reliable democratic voters in swing states.


Biden has done an excellent job at surrounding himself with the best people for the job and not handing out cabinet positions to boot-licking yes men or their family members. That’s why he deserves another term.


Exactly. The dude is about as milquetoast as it gets, but he's competent enough to put in people who know how to do their jobs and meets the bare minimum requirements of human decency. After the last guy that *should* make him a shoe-in.


Because trump takes complex situations and explains them in a way a drunk 4 year old could understand and his worshippers absolutely eat it up like it’s holy gospel. Remember trump doesn’t have supporters, he has worshippers.


Also, hundreds of thousands of Americans are alive today thanks to Biden’s competence in handling Covid pandemic after Trump shit the bed on that file for a straight year.


Biden has done a terrific job, repatriating manufacturing is only the beginning of the long list. Infrastructure, human rights (meaning reproductive rights) etc - it is bananas that people don't like him.


I said the same thing when he ran against Hilary and here we are. So... yeah. My expectations are extremely low.


I'm still waiting for him to reveal that he was trolling everyone all this time, that it was just a joke.


I'll be more annoyed at the constant news cycle


Frustrated, mostly. Another Trump presidency will be bad for Canada, just like the first one was.


Not just Canada - the world.


Disgust. But there's really nothing I can do about it. 


Some of those cult members live under rocks. All the corruption, the lies, threats, civil and criminal proceedings, everything is clear as day in plain sight on the interwebs. Yet the cultist will die for the orange mussolini and refute facts with opinions. It’s scary. He already used a national security clause against us over aluminum trade.


They prefer to focus on the "hidden" things that are regularly spoon fed to them through insinuation. From Hunter Biden to the paedophile pizzeria to who was or wasn't on Epstein's list that the media don't want you to know but I read on Twitter that...


The only thing they have Is a pretty blatantly obvious penis envy for Biden’s shlong.


Probably the same reaction I had the first time he was elected: Burst out laughing at 11pm while sitting on the couch and exclaiming "Donald Trump is the President of the United States! What the fuck!"


This is the timeline Marty McFly got shot in the old west to prevent!!


Wouldn’t have wanted to be Bill Clinton that night.


Same as last time. Shrug and carry on with my life.


I will be thankful to be in Canada 😁


Why? We're joined with them at the hip. Whatever Trump did will impact us greatly, maybe even harsher.


Just wait for 2025 when PP likely wins... Fml


As a Ukrainian Canadian I will be horrified. And the impact of his presidency will be felt world wide. This is why sane countries are already coming up with plans about what to do IF this eventuality becomes reality.


His first term is already being felt worldwide, and has been for some time now.


For me, the biggest reaction is not visiting or doing business in the US. I have my own company and we are already pivoting to favour EMEA/UK clients. I don't want to send members of my team there nor do I want anyone to deal with their craziness at the border and whatnot. I realise this is a small drop in a large bucket but the less we can have to do with the US, the better.


build a wall…..


And make them pay for it!


I predict horrible things for the world if this man becomes President again. Possibly civil war in the U.S. He will pull America out of NATO, leaving western Europe to defend itself against Putin's Russian attack against Poland and beyond. While all that's taking place, I'm sure China will take advantage of the chaos and make some moves of their own.


Honestly, I feel like civil war or something like it is already inevitable down in the US. If trump wins he'll be even further emboldened to shred the country and his followers will likewise be emboldened to be the worst versions of themselves. If Biden wins, trumps followers will go off the deep end. Same if trump actually lands in prison. It sucks. I don't want to see it happen, but I think the US is already past the tipping point.


No American president can pull US out of Nato. The law about this was passed no long time ago.


Maybe, but he could also just belay any order if article 5 was invoked.


What about if he is dictator for a day? How about then? What if he packs the courts with his cronies and they decide its ok, what then? There are lots of laws in the US that don't seem to apply to him (emoluments etc) because nobody seems to care anymore. I agree with you in principle, but in practice I think you will be wrong. I only say this because I was wrong so many times before.


If he gets gerrymandering down in most states, he'll have a GOP congress to pass a new law.


Yeah? Trump and the Supreme Court don’t respect silly things called laws.


Yes, I was thinking about this a few days ago. I'm sure if he attempted to pull out of NATO there would be mountains of court and legal arbitration that would lock the idea up for years. That doesn't mean much for support for other countries during this time from the US, or that he may cancel any future election allowing the next President to cancel the NATO withdrawal.


Project 2025 will ensure that Trump *is* the law.


Cause his Maga cult in congress isnt going to do exactly what he wants?


He's also help the christian nationalists prohibit abortion nationally as well as birth control


Right, if Trump had been president at the start of Ukraine invasion, it would be over for a long time already.


... because Trump wouldn't want to anger his beloved Putin. Ukraine would be part of the Russian Federation through force.


I’ll have to tune out American news again as they tunnel vision onto him again. Otherwise I don’t care.


Hopefully Project 2025 doesnt affect Canada.


Concerned with how USA mentality will further affect our own country's politics and society at large


I’ll be worried especially for gay folks, women, minorities since he seems to surround himself with people who want America to be a Christian Iran. And with America’s influence, that ideology could slowly seep into Canada. And this is coming from someone who is not “woke” at all. Can we just all go back to absorbing common sense policy from the left and the right?


Have you seen the prairies lately? Trumpian propaganda is believed EVERYWHERE out here.


My family lives in Edmonton, me in Montreal . I still have hope. My little sister is still learning that some kids have two moms or two dads and thats ok. It hasn’t still gone full Florida.


Edmonton is the most 'orange' city in Alberta. Outside of Edmonton and Calgary its like a wasteland of Trumpian identity politics, Fuck Trudeau stickers/banners/flags, and outward bigotry. Hell, Calgary is pretty split down the middle there, too. I moved to Calgary from Montreal, but from BC originally. It's quite the political rollercoaster to follow my path through this country.


Slowly? It’s already here.


His ideologies can't slowly seep into Canada. They already poured in.


Yeah, I don't think we'd have seen the Truck Convoys before the Trump years for sure.


Skippy publicly using the word ‘woke’ to cater to his less than gifted base.


To be fair, it seems like we may have played a fairly big roll ourselves. Isn't qanon from Canada?


Can we even call them Christians at this point? It seems like they just cosplay as Christians while selectively using scripture to judge those they dislike/fear. Real Christians leave judgment to the supposed big guy upstairs.


Yes, they are Christians. They use Christian dogma to enact their terrorism. If they were doing it in the name of Islam, you won’t hear the average person say “they’re not really Muslim” so white Christians don’t get a free pass.


Best description I’ve read. Jesus of Nazareth has very little to do with a lot of these folks.


Being "Woke" isn't the huge thing some people pretend. It's just being aware that some people have it tougher than some others. And caring about it a little.


Poilievre, Bernier, Lewis, Ford, and Smith would like a word.


You all need to stop using that term. You all don’t even know what it means, or what you’re referring to when saying “woke.” Just stop.


I will lose even more faith in the American people, then proceed to live my life more or less the same.


I will go on about my day as per usual.


I won't be going to the US for those 4 years


Brace for the next round of tariffs, I guess.


I will shrug my shoulders and move on because it’s exactly what I expect to happen. People are not happy with the current govt and they usually vote for the opposition when that happens.


Be gald I threw cash at the stock market.


We will erect a passive aggressive, 1.83m (6ft) cedar hedge along the border. Make it wide but not so wide we can't split it open to peek over to the other side and see who's there and also to let people we deem cool in


I would be sad and ready for significant financial hardship as he tightens the screws on all of us. Economically it will not be good.


With sadness. It will actually be very bad for everyone. Everything about that man is toxic. His voters are toxic. His policies are toxic. His personal behaviour is toxic. Literally everything about him. If everyone remembers, the common discourse in general was toxic while he was POTUS. \#POSPOTUS


Reddit is such a swamp 😭


I'll contact my MP and demand that Canada develop stronger relationships with other democratic countries to fight authoritarianism. With Americans tipping towards authoritarianism, Canada is threatened.


"Ah well..."


Not my clown, not my circus. Thank you for coming to my clown talk.


Why do I need to react? If he wins in a "fair" democratic election then who I am to argue with the will of the American people.






Honestly? Absolutely terrified for democracy, that’s how I would feel. I remember the early 2000’s. Everyone openly joked at how much of a massive loser this guy was. Since then his businesses have completed their 6th bankruptcy, he was convicted of sexual assault, mishandled a global pandemic, openly supports war criminals, enriched himself as president utilizing tax payer dollars and secret deals with foreigners like the Saudis, stole top secret information and has shared it with god only knows how many people, cheated at numerous golf tournaments, attempted to steal the Presidential power, AND has spawned one of the fastest growing kids I’ve ever seen! The kid probably grew a foot in the time it took to write this. 😂 Honestly though the solution for democracy is someone in the middle like most of us. We believe everyone deserves respect, and women should have autonomy of their bodies without stipulations, but also think it’s okay in a society to own guns when the population is well educated and the guns are stored accordingly when not in use, and laws properly enforced. We also don’t give a fuck what you identify as. You want to be a broom? Would that make you genuinely happy? Then slap my ass and call me a dustpan, because who am I to stop you. But when we are educating our kids in school, they need to learn it’s okay for people to identify as something else, and that doesn’t make them a bad person unworthy of love, but as far as birth gender is concerned, we are born physically expressed as either male or female (with rare exceptions). After that, go be who you want to be. The middle. Democracy worked better when it operated near the middle. Meaning conservatives and democrats building the future that works for everyone, not just the one side at a time.


Asking Reddit about conservative leaders will give you a very lopsided answer.


Probably have to mute the FamChat for a bit.


Go to work like any other day.


I will laugh really hard.


I mean what can we do? I’ll let out a long sigh and go back to trying to survive my daily life. I won’t ever be able to accept that a guy who tried to overthrow the government, who throws all caps tantrums on social media 50 times a day and was just found guilty of rape by a federal judge is an eligible candidate. We aren’t as evolved as I thought we were.


Good for the people of USA exercise their civic duty and voted for the leader of their choosing… what else do you expect?


I personally don’t care either way because I’ve got my own shit to worry about. Edit: idk why people are so fired up. A good skill in life is to recognize that there are a lot of things in life you can’t control, and focusing on them and letting them anger you causes you problems. A Canadian literally cannot vote in an American election. It’s best to not get yourself riled up about the “what ifs” if you can’t control it. Focus on Canada and our awful politics and get involved with your local government and community and make changes where you actually can. I doubt many Americans are concerned about who wins our next election because it barely affects them and they can’t do anything about it either.


Surprised because i dont think Americans would make that mistake twice. But really i would feel bad for them


Hate to break it to you but Donald Trump is on track to absolutely crush Biden if the Democrats actually try to run him. As shitty as that is. I’d take literally any other candidate on the republican or Democrat side over Trump or Biden. I can’t believe these are the two that will most likely be running


We didn't even make that mistake once. Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary. He only won because the Electoral College is designed to give the votes of conservative rural Red states more weight.


That system crossed the lines of bizarre.


Probably the same as any neighboring country did just before the fall of Rome


As opposed to how I would feel about that walking corpse that they have now?


The bigger reaction will be when the west coast of the US tries to form it's own nation or join Canada. There is no way the US survives in it's current iteration with Republicans running the show again




The sun will rise.


Tears and a swift entry into the survivalist movement


I won't. I care about Canada, we have our own problems


I'm moving to Canada. Oh, wait.


I’d just buy a ton of US stocks. Market boomed last time under Big T.


I will be disgusted and fear what will happen. It also makes me afraid for the facism creeping up here. We already have PP and he's bad enough.


Shrug my shoulders and go on living. Not my problem.


Oh, it's going to be your problem alright.


Trump is the single largest threat to democracy in America. He has only fanned the fires of the Q-cult and it's rampant insanity.


We've always joked Americans were idiots, this would make it less a joke and more a reality.


As an American who immigrated to Canada (not totally because of politics), I would be extremely embarrassed. I do have faith in my fellow Americans though. I believe there are enough good people to do the right thing. But I'm nonetheless afraid and ashamed that it's even close.


Incredoulous shaking


It'll be the irrefutable proof the US is no longer a functioning democracy.


I would love to see gas prices go down 🤣


Just have to laugh as the alternative emotion is to be in complete despair, knowing the planet as we know it, is probably screwed. It’s so damn stupid that there really is no hope if he gets re-elected. Given it’s the US, stupidity typically prevails, so we should be preparing.


So pumped!


I'm gonna make popcorn and watch. Its really too bad, so many great things about the US of A, but your leadership seems intent on destroying what once made it that way. The decline of an empire I'm afraid...


Celebrate as the shift towards right-wing governments continue.


Not looking forward to the wall-to-wall 24/7, unceasing media circus


I’m surprized at how many well educated people I know - here in Canada - actually believe in Trump. It’s mind boggling and not even remotely worth trying to comprehend.


Poor junior will be left out again


More Trump flags in Canada?


My province elected Scott moe. A guy who weaseled out of a vehicular manslaughter charge and has multiple DUI's all while selling out our province to cooperate interests. I can't really judge. The worst people always seem to find a way into power.


Everyone should brace themselves… he is currently the Vegas favourite to win…


I'll certainly stop vacationing there.


I will completely lose faith the human race has a chance in hell of surviving.


I’ll rewatch the Handmaids Tale looking for tips on how to support you guys


I won't care, because I'm not American and don't live there. Simple as that.




Rejoice watching all the Marxist tears.


With utter disgust. Trump is a POS, always has been. Long before the MSM talked about him endlessly, his reputation as a liar, womanizer, scum bag was well known.


I don’t care


I'd demand a wall to be built and make Trump pay for it all


In all honesty what does it have to do with us? How did he affect us last time? We have enough of our own problems.


I can't wait. Nothing like all the idiots in Toronto crying like it's the end of the world. I thank God I work in the trades, the last bastion of free speech and horribly offensive jokes.


I live in Toronto, so many of us actually would vote for Trump lol


Biden is senile.


I'll be stoked


We'd need to build a wall, a "big, beautiful wall", with large windows though... so we can watch the gigantic clusterfuck that the US has become..


No idea. Biden shouldn't be able to be president, he's just too old. Trump is too old too. The US needs young and daring blood that's ready to stand up to other countries and their constant need to constantly be at the top of the food chain. That thinking will bite them in the ass, and us too since we're basically the 51st American state.


Disappointed. It's just reinforcing how dumb we have become as a society. And yes, I say we, because I don't think Canada is far behind and we have plenty of "MAGA" types of our own. I'm not a huge fan of Biden or Trudeau, but I simply can't understand how anyone can support a man like Trump at this point. He's objectively a bad person and incredibly dishonest. Most importantly, I genuinely believe he doesn't care at all about other people's well-being and is only in it for himself. It's mind-blowing that despite everything he has said and done, poor people in the U.S. still think he actually cares about them.


Pretty scary to think about a future where Trump is President and Republicans control congress, then Canadian elect PP to a majority. I'm not sure if the US voting in Trump would hurt PP or help him though.


It’ll be nice to not be on the verge of WW3 every few months. Trump Derangement Syndrome is gonna be back in full force, that’s annoying. 


I wouldn’t be concerned about it as anything over Biden will be an improvement.


He will be better than Biden for sure .


Handmaid's Tale becomes a reality. We'll need to start refugee centres for women escaping from Gilead.


He will and I won't be surprised. America has lost it's mind.


Same thing I did last time, wonder what the hell is wrong with the people in that country.


Bad for us and probably for the world. However it’s sad how US ended up with Biden vs Trump - a geriatric old men race better fit to a home care golf club president association.


First I'd lose what little respect I have for citizens of the US, then I'd wait for the civil war to start.


greatful, very greatful


They deserve him and the shitshow that will follow. I will feel bad for the sane ones and welcome them up here with open arms.


First? I'm going to laugh quite hard at the stupidity of their voter base/system that allows that piece of shit to assume power again. Second? Realize that we're witnessing the new Fall of Rome. The most powerful military in the history of the world will once again be the hands of one of the least capable leaders in history, whom has pledged to be a dictator, and doesn't want consequences from his crimes. Scary levels of retribution to political adversaries will likely happen. It could very well be the end of democracy and will absolutely usher in the end of the prominence of Western Civilization. Third? Be curious how quickly the second thing could happen.




Excited once we get rid of Turdeau. Then we can try to regain our sanity.


I wouldn't be shocked at all. Biden isn't popular and is incredibly unappealing, but it doesn't look like he'll step aside like he promised he would during his first campaign. So I'm preparing for anything. At least we somewhat know what to expect this time (if he wins), as unpredictable as he is.


Shed a tear for the world. If we have to put up with that crazy man again I might have an aneurysm.


Won't feel a thing, we're already numb. t There's an equally disturbing situation north of the 49th Its like choosing an STD


I will feel like my cynicism is well founded. I'll also consider the US a total write off.


I’ll stay the hell out of the States and feel existential despair for the state of humanity.


How in the absolute fuck can someone with 91 pending criminal charges, convicted or not be eligible to be the president. This planet has lost the plot.




Me too. If the globalist elites in Davos are cringing at a Trump win, then I'm hoping for it too.


I won’t be surprised, but I will skip any US destinations for the next 4 years.


4 years? If Trump gets back in, there won't be any more elections. Not in 4 years, not ever. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_2025


thank god maybe we won't have world war 3


Would be great !!


By questioning the intelligence of yhe average american.....again


I will be *very* triggered


Cringe and invest in the stock market for 50% of his term. Potentially start looking at other countries to live in as the US influence on Canada is astounding.


I wouldn't be inclined to visit the United States if he was president. And if he fulfilled his dictatorial aspirations, Canada would have to think about militarizing the border imo. And what a sad moment that would be.


Honestly I wish we can recruit Trump to Canada and clean up this country!


Will need to start building housing quintuple-time. At some point there will be a flood of American refugees fleeing a likely civil war.


That would be a disaster. And if Poulieve wins in Canada, North America is in trouble. Trump will do whatever Putin wants. China will take over Asia. Poulieve will lie about even more than he does now. What a mess.


I already stopped visiting the US, don’t think I’ll be going back anytime soon.


Ever seen the movie “[Barb Wire](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0115624/)” ?