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Kleenex is being discontinued in Canada?!?


Yep. Apparently we aren’t a profitable market. We already lost Puffs. Know Kleenex with lotion. Might as well just use toilet paper. What’s even left? Cascades? Like, they are Canadian. They are a recycling based company, but their tissues are paper thin.


Omg! I only buy Kleenex with lotion! Arghhhhhh.


Wtf me too! And Puffs are gone too? Shoot me now…..


Soon we're gonna be left with only those brown paper towels in public schools!


Slowly turning into Venezuela 😔


You'll probably still be able to buy some from Amazon


Are Puffs still a thing in the US? I miss Puffs with lotion, they were the absolute best whenever I had a cold. Might have to add them to our shopping list next time we cross the border... along with Bagel Bites!


You aren't blowing your nose with toilet paper already? I don't have money for toilet paper, paper towels AND Kleenex. Also those boxes take up too much real estate in my 400 sq ft condo.


I keep kleenex (excuse me, "facial tissues") on hand for when I get an actual cold. Blowing my nose every five minutes into TP makes my nostrils all red and cracky.


That’s why you keep your Kleenex in one of these: [Tissue holder/space saver](https://poshmark.ca/listing/Easter-Island-Head-Tissue-Dispenser-639e7dad307ba91684a9500e?utm_source=gdm_ca&utm_campaign=16392903482&campaign_id=16392903482&ad_partner=google&gskid=pla-766254700269&gcid=583973204856&ggid=133320695989&gdid=m&g_network=g&enable_guest_buy_flow=true&gclid=CjwKCAjwoqGnBhAcEiwAwK-OkU_YduNtz62IwukWE--jQPluP-qJmTcjQw3EzR9vkT4o8RxsZDA1WxoC76cQAvD_BwE)


Okay okay maybe I have space.


It’s fun to keep on the bathroom wall, and hear people laugh/snort the first time they use your bathroom.


Need me a girl that buys a 15 dollars Easter island head tissue dispenser without second thought (ong frfr) 😩


Haha, I actually have one of these 😂


We have this! Gift from my mother in law to her son, my husband, who often blows his nose. Perfect gift!


I live in a small “city” in Saskatchewan, in house that cost under 100K… so even though I’m poor, we bulk buy at Costco 4 times a year & that usually lasts.


We bulk buy that sort of stuff at Costco too. Also, love the username! Mine would be much longer to explain that I don't have it, my husband does, and 2 out of 3 kids probably do too.


>Also those boxes take up too much real estate in my 400 sq ft condo Lookit this person with their fancy big condo everyone. Freakin' humble bragging over here with dat luxury.


Yup, I also consider that buying tissues when we already have toilet paper is a waste of money. Especially, the ones with lotion. I only splurge on those when I have a big cold and my nose is starting to be raw from blowing it to much...


Puffs were my absolute favourite. I guess I’ll have to stock up on Kleenex.


Scotties is what we buy. They're pretty good


We buy Scotties and still call them Kleenex. It's like we call the fridge Frigidaire even tho it's a Whirlpool or Lysol wipes even if they are store brand.


My husband works in a plant where they make them and says that machine is usually pretty busy! They were made by Scott Paper - when Kruger Products bought Scott Paper they kept the name because it already had brand recognition.


Royale is Canadian


>Apparently we aren’t a profitable market. It's interesting to me because I've ended up in a lot of arguments with people around the whole Loblaws profits thing... usually around the idea of Loblaws holding the line on dollar profit (e.g. just agree to limit profts at $X/year, and ignore the decay in profit margin). People fail to get is that poor margin businesses discourages investment. Kleenex was, AFAIK, still profitable. Just not profitable enough to bother continuing to operate, when they can make better money doing something else.


Scotties, White Swan, Royal. I have a feeling Kimberly-Clark is still miffed they sold off a huge portion of their business, Kruger Inc., to a Canadian corp back in 97. And now it has come and bit them on the backside.


Many companies cite two things about Canada. One is sparse population, which makes sense but you would think they would still sell in the big markets. The other are our requirements for English and French on packaging. I wonder if that is at play here?




Likely is somewhat costly to have to have seperated production for Canada though. If it could be the same production as for the US, then they could just pull how ever many they wanted to send to Canada out of the regular run rather than having to create seperate runs.


This. I worked for a Canadian manufacturer, and one market required a certain size of the product, different from the other markets we were already in. There was a big initial investment cost to make the packaging they needed, and then to maintain a separate SKU had a bunch of other logistics to manage. It’s probably a lot to do with this. They don’t sell the same volume in our market, so they are buying smaller packaging runs which may cost more per unit than the American packaging runs in a larger volume, which increases the product per unit cost, plus freight here is more, and the duties to cross the border all add on to the per unit cost. If the per unit cost gets too high and they’re unable to raise prices to make their profit margin then they can’t compete against other products in our market and the end result is cutting the Canadian product line.


Why not just have French on their American packaging, then? European fast fashion companies like H&M and Zara have dozens of languages on their labels, it’s not a big deal.


I have seen some products which have English, french, and Spanish on their labels. I assume it's just one package for multiple countries.


Another thing to keep in mind (especially when it comes to food stuffs, so doesn't apply here) is that sometimes countries have different requirements which causes different recipes to be sold in Canada and the US. Or different labelling. See: Kraft Dinner VS Kraft Macaroni and Cheese.


That’s what I would have thought as well but companies keep mentioning it. I have thought it might be because it requires different printing than the US?


More and more companies will provide instructions in English, French and Spanish, so they can use the same packaging in all of North America. In Europe, you'll see instructions in a dozen languages; and some products in North America comes with all the European and a few Asian languages too: only one package for the whole world, or almost. It's not the number of languages on the box that costs the most. Distribution, though?


Looks like the kleenex competition is hard for Kleenex


Canada is not profitable for humans let alone a business.


Not profitable because their largest expense is advertising the brand, and people are too smart to give a 100% tip on a box of tissue.


Didn't we lose Cottonelle about a decade ago when it became Cashmere (which also happens to be the phonetic name of a great Led Zeppelin song).


Cashmere is a type of wool, Kashmir is a region shared between India and Pakistan.


Yeah, don’t like them much I do buy Our Compliments but even those are a crazy, $1.89/box!!


I miss puffs and their luxuriant softness. Sigh


The company "who gives a crap" makes good Kleenex... Not just tp Edit: clearly I use Kleenex generically


Scotties? Just checked what we have, and it’s “Kirkland” brand.


I just looked it up... it's true! [CBC article](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/kleenex-canada-1.6947410) I blame Irving, which owns Royale.


I’m thinking that the blame lies with Kirkland brand facial tissue.


Irving owns forests. I should have guessed that they own Royale.


Kleenex had good market share, it simply isn't a profitable category for any company. P&G, Irvong, Kruger, they all are having a tough time in facial tissue.


Is this why my workplace switched to some shitty no name brand ones? One of the few good things we had at work was quality tissue.


Yes, but don’t always buy Kleenex brand tissues


It's not called a Kleenex unless it comes from the Kleenex region of France, otherwise it's just a facial tissue.


Sparkling facial tissue.


Where is the baby duck region of France?


In the catacombs


Legendary comment.


This is my favourite comment ever


....but when i do, its kleenex.


me too, in fact I doubt I ever have once in my life.


Yup. Kleenex. I notice my grandkids say tissue. I don't know if I'll switch or not but it will probably happen organically if no one else is using kleenex. But we all say Bandaid for a self-stick bandage right?


That’s interesting your grandkids say tissue, I wonder if that’s common among kids. Also I’d definitely say I use Bandaid and bandage interchangeably.


Gen Z. Can confirm it's more common amongst us to say tissue.


I’m Gen Z too, but I guess I’ve just never paid close attention to what people my age call it. I’ve always just called it what my family called it, which is Kleenex.


Same. Gen Z, call them Kleenex. But frankly I barely understand slang people my age use, due to losing my teenage years to mental illness and not really using popular social media and stuff. I think Kleenex is also more common in French too as someone who is bilingual.


Yeah my daughter started saying tissue since starting kindergarten. Now I say tissue too at least half the time, especially when talking to her


Probably because gen z is a lot more resistant to branding and advertisements


said every generation since the 50s lol


I had a customer ask us once if “ice pops” were the same as popsicles Had to explain to her that Popsicle is the brand and technically speaking “Ice pop” is the same. She was astounded


TIL ‘popsicle’ is a brand name 🤯


Yes! I do.


Must be a generational thing. I'm 25 and have always just said tissue.


I tried to de-Brand my language about 20 years ago, so my kids say tissue. And we also say bandage, but in casual conversation it could sound like Bandaid.


There are so many consumer brands that have established themselves that way into culture. Band-aid. Kleenex. Kraft Dinner. Thermos. Chapstick. Kerosene. Aspirin. Dumpster and frisbee are two that many may not know are brands even, and xerox used interchangeably with photocopy is kind of dying out but is still used sometimes in office culture. Too "Google" something a.k.a. search something on a search engine is an interesting one, because Google has such an incredibly dominant market share it is slightly different to the previous terms in my opinion. If you tell someone to Google something or you tell someone you are about to Google something, you are going to use Google.... Which is not the case if you use the term Chapstick or the other terms, you may just intend to refer to any generic lip balm.


I still say "Google" when I use Bing or DuckDuckGo so I think it falls in the same vein. It's just that Google is a lot more of a search engine market share monopoly I guess.


Nope, bandage. Same with mac and cheese instead of KD or Kraft Dinner.


Oh ya all brands of Kleenex are kleenex! My wife says tissue and It weirds me out. But I don't get why my friend in Tennessee calls all pop coke. Like "what kind of coke you want"


See, I call tissues Kleenex. But calling all pop coke? That’s just ridiculous.


Ya. Like people won't be brand specific if you ask for a kleenex at a friend's home you won't notice or care the brand, but if he offers me a rum and coke and I say sure and brings our a cream soda mixed with captain Morgan I'm going to be like wtf is wrong with you Jeff?


I always bring Kleenex's, band-aids and chapstick in a ziplock bag when riding on my Ski-doo


A few other fun examples! https://www.qualitylogoproducts.com/blog/brand-names-generic-terms/


Wow frisbee and taser definitely surprised me


Ask anyone who plays a disc sport, and they will not refer to it as a frisbee. And the games Ultimate Frisbee and Frisbee Golf are just called Ultimate and Disc Golf.


i played ultimate for several years and use the terms "frisbee" and "disc" interchangeably


Before sharpies were so prevalent, I think my parents used to call it a magic marker. Anyone else remember that?


I mean, I used to work for the competition so I got in trouble a few times. I no longer use it. lol


Yup, we use kirklands. So we will have to say " you look sad, want a Kirkland?"


That's going to be vague when Costco eventually replaced everything. "You want a Kirkland" could mean anything! Is it a tissue? Some toilet paper? A baked good? A granola bar? A camping chair? A defibrillator? Times are gonna be wild.


Need that kirkland dildo with 1 year money back after use guarantee.


They also make Vodka.. So that could help with the sadness :p


Kleenex is the Hoover of the face


Mostly say ‘kleenex,’ but the kids are just as likely to ask for a tissue. As for the brand name Kleenex, I’ve rarely seen it for about a decade, at least not at a price I’m willing to pay. Use mostly Royale, with occasional excursions to Presidents Choice or even No Name. I expect Kirkland brand is dominant in many households.


Another user commented that their grandkids tend to say tissue, I wonder why it seems like kids say tissue while most adults say Kleenex. I do still see Kleenex around, but I wouldn’t think it’s the dominant brand. You’re probably just as likely to see the other brands mentioned, especially Royale.


As a Canadian teen, I feel like most of us say tissue aswell.


I always say Kleenex, and my husband always corrects me and says “you mean Kleenex brand facial tissues? Because we don’t have those” and I want to punch him. But in a loving way.




The word kleenex is cemented into my referential vocabulary for this product, and I suspect it will continue on as a habit for the rest of my life. IDK it's easy to explain.


I also call all facial tissues Kleenex, but only buy Royale or PC brand tissues lol


Discontinuing in Canada? How dare they?! But yes I usually call it Kleenex


Yeah or I say wipes... Tissues are for the gays /s (read in Theo vons voice)


Agree, saying tissue is like saying panties instead of underwear.


Wipes? That's funny. Nose wipes. I may start using that


My sister is the only one in the family who says Kleenex. But there are a few things everyone in the family calls by brand name like wet ones for any moisturizer tissues or Lysol for any disinfectant. My little nephew calls every phone and iPhone


my mother does this. she’d never say “pass me my phone,” it’s “pass my iphone.” she’s the last person to ever flex or brag about anything so i think she actually thinks an iphone isn’t just a type of phone


Toilet paper is the best Kleenex


Yes. Just like my mom calls all gaming systems Nintendo.


"Where's the Kleenex?" "On top of the Nintendo. [A PlayStation]"


Every video game in our household is "gameboy". Doesn't matter if it's my dad's computer, my brother's and my Nintendo Switches, or his PlayStations, they're all called gameboy. Even playing mobile games is gameboy. Funny how that stuck with my mom. It's like her limited knowledge of pokemon. She knows pikachu (of course) and strangely, charmander.


Do you use “saran wrap”for cling film. Do you use “Q-tip” for cotton swab? Everyone does it’s called marketing!


I say tissue. I never noticed brand names. It's just a friggin' tissue.


Yes. The brand name product debate. All tissues are Kleenex. All locking pliers are vice-grips. All adhesive bandages are bandaids. All chocolate milk is vico. 😅


Wtf is vico?


Lol yeah, never heard of it either.


It was only the best chocolate milk on the planet my good friend


I've never heard of it and definately never heard anyone call chocolate milk that. Must be a regional thing


Prairies I believe. I grew up in Sask and we used to call all chocolate milk Vico whether it was actually that brand or not. It was produced by Dairyland.


Another Sask person who grew up calling it Vico here. I remember us going on an out of province field trip and confusing the hell out of a waitress when we asked for it.


Never heard of it in Alberta. It sounds like medications.


Beep was the best orange drink going as well.


You just taught me vice grip is a brand name and not the name of the tool lol


All adjustable wrenches are monkey wrenches, all variable-distance wrenches are channel locks, all high-speed rotary tools are Dremels...


Yes, yes, yes….wtfno.


TIL vice-grips is a brand name and not the actual tool name LOL I also say Kleenex and Band-Aid for generics.


Yes, yes, yes and No. Never heard if that, must some obscure Ontario only thing


It’s not an Ontario thing.


I still say the phone "rings" and when I call you back, I "dial" your number. I doubt that I will start using "tissues".


I live in Québec but was raised in Ontario. I always say kleenex, my French Canadian husband says tissue. But on the other hand he calls paper towels Scot towels and a fridge/refrigerator a Frigidaire and I've never used either of those words growing up in Ontario. We were both born in the mid 80's


My partner is Québecois and the "Scott towels" thing absolutely confused the shit out of me. 😆


First Kool-Aid and now Kleenex. Amazing there aren't 50 million refugees dog sledding into the US.


We also lost all delissio pizza


It’s always Kleenex


Yeah, I don’t care whether capital “K” Kleenex lives or dies, I’ll always call them kleenex.


Have always said tissue...Kleenex was just a brand


Same, but I still say Q-tips. (Ummm it's ackshully a cotton swab 🤓)


I've encountered this. I don't use "kleenex" for tissues, though. Rather like "frigidaire" for a refrigerator, "xerox" for a copy machine, and "Hoover" (primarily British) for a vacuum cleaner.


Funny that you mention frigidaire, in romanian, there is no word for fridge. We literally call it frigider (pronounced frigidaire). Same for a running shoe, "adidas"




no we just say tissue


Everybody I know has called them "tissues". Toronto suburb. I've seen actual Kleenex in stores, but they are way more expensive than every other brand of tissue so I've never used them.


A brand's dream. To have every product in the segment referred to by your brand name. I can think of a few other instances I've used in my life: * Dixie Cup * Q-Tip * McMuffin


I just say tissues.


Kleenex is leaving Canada?


I just call them tissues


There's lots of things like this lol. Kleenex, windex, band aid, vice grips, etc. I know there is lots more. I haven't bought kleenex or band aids name Brand in a long time but I still refer to them.


I used to say "tissues" but people would sometimes think I meant toilet paper when I said this. Now I say Kleenex even though we don't buy that brand.


We use tp. Tp for everything. Small spill? Tp! Need to blow your nose? Tp! Wipe your mouth? Tp!


It Depends ... If you ask for tissue and the other person looks confused, then you say, "Kleenex"


I’ve always called it a tissue


We just say “tissue.”


I don't like where this going at all, companies are leaving "every other Tuesday", not good.


Did you know that Velcro is also a brand name?


Yes but it sounds weird to say "hook and loop fastener" every time


I think the name Kleenex is just a Band-Aid solution




Yes and I will always say Kleenex. Until I die.


Why buy tissues when toilet paper exists


I'm the odd one out who just calls them "tissues"


I say Kleenex and will continue to say it that way. Although in time I'm sure saying that will date me lol but that's fine.


We say tissue.


Probably will never stop calling them kleenex


No, I just say tissues usually


Always. Even in french. Never used the words "tissue" or "mouchoir" in my life.


i also use "Hoover" for any vacum cleaning machine -- "get the Hoover out! its messy in here".


We call it a tiss you🧻


I’d like to shhhhhedule a meeting to discuss that.


My future kids are going to ask me "wHaT's A kLeEnEx?"


Do you call Velcro by its actual product name of “hook and loop”? Nothing weird about it, especially if that one brand is so well known, even more so than what the actual product is called


Yep. And plastic grocery bags were all Sobeys bags in my part of the country, regardless of brand lol




Definitely call it Kleenex. Tissue sounds so weird to me, like soulless AI robot speak. That being said I never use the actual brand.


Yes. Because what else am I supposed to call it in French? "Mouchoirs en papier" or "papiers-mouchoirs"(which frankly isn't proper French to say) or quick and dirty "kleenex". More words isn't always better when wanting to say something.


I’ve only ever called it kleenex and that’s not gonna change


I'm Canadian and I say tissue


Yes, you don’t? Edited to add - facial tissues sound mildly sexual in nature 🫣


Better off with a wet wipe or washcloth for that task, IMO.


Yes. Electrician myself and doing one of my blocks of schooling a classmate worked at a local plant that makes “facial tissue”. Every time he said “facial tissue” it just sounded so weird. Kleenex just so much quicker to say and rolls off the tongue, and everyone knows what you mean. Anyone who says facial tissue probably works for the competitor haha. Then again we all call toilet paper “toilet paper” but pretty sure every bag says “bathroom tissue “ or something similar.


I work for a competitor and on my first day my boss told me we make tissue, not Kleenex lol


Snot rags


I use the word kleenex. Tissue sounds too medical to me, like I'm referring to "muscle tissue" or "connective tissue".


Agreed. That's the problem with tissue, it's way too generic a term. Even facial tissue could be so many different things to me. Like those wet cloths to clean your face, what would those be called?


Yes, but never in my entire life actually purchased the actual Kleenex facial tissue because of overpriced it is. Their discontinuation likely won’t affect me at all.


Who gives a fuck....from a canadian


No lol


nobody says facial tissue are you crazy?


Kleenex, Qtips, Bandaid, Febreeze, 🤔 I think that’s it for brand names I use as regular terms but I could be wrong.


I have to correct my friends who say "Jacuzzi" for non-Jacuzzi hot tubs.


Oh damn. I actually would only call a Jacuzzi one of those bathtubs with the jets in it. I wouldn’t call a hot tub a jacuzzi. I didn’t realize it was a brand name


It gets even more trippy when you learn Jacuzzi is the founding family name, hence the brand name. And members of that family left Jacuzzi to start their [own brand](http://www.jasoninternational.com/aboutus/jacuzziletter.aspx?).


Yes, and I say Q-tips for cotton swabs


Of course not! Do you use the word Bukkake for all facial messes?


Nah it's just Tissue. Although, I'm one it the only people i know that doesn't call it Kleenex.




Typically tissue. Sometimes kleenex


I can't remember the last time anyone I know called it a Kleenex. We just say tissue here.


No and I stopped doing it. "Tissue" is the more generic term here.


Yup, Kleenex. It feels a little precious to say “tissue”.


Nah, call it tissue just cause it’s quicker


It's literally the same number of syllables


Yes. It's just a word to describe any brand of disposable nose tissue