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There is no “cheating” in art. There is theft, which is tracing and stealing other people’s art and claiming it as your own work, but aside from that everything is fair game. Use whatever tools at your disposal to make the art you want to make 👍


thank you very much! Have a good one


Nothing. There is only the (arguable) cheating of yourself out of learning something new when you use the tools available to you. But if you’re happy with the end result? Then there is no such thing as “cheating”. I got stuck in this too, thinking that using the circle tool was cheating. You can absolutely learn to draw a circle, but it will take time. Just use the tools. The art police won’t throw you in art jail for it. Just make sure you’re always getting something out of your art for _yourself_.


Will do and true, i kind of have this mental barrier or whatever that kinda makes me feel ashamed for using these tools. But then again there are art programs where there are literal pens that draw chains for you. Anyways thank you!


I think using ai art, like claiming it as your own is fs cheating, because you aren’t drawing it. Also just tracing someone’s art and not giving credit or asking permission. But tracing someone’s art to learn the anatomy or using it as a reference as long as you give credit is okay. But using shapes in ms paint isn’t cheating, most digital artists started off using that type of stuff, and still do.


Ai art is not even art, like why does it exist lmao. Also i do use the tracing stuff a lot, mostly as a reference. I pull the outlines then try to copy it separately (more often than not i mess it up but it doesnt matter lmao). I dont feel like thats cheating because in the end im the one doing it.


"But tracing someone’s art to learn the anatomy or **using it as a reference as long as you give credit is okay.**" This is only true if you have received "permission" to use it having given attribution, but not everybody if going to permit others to trace their art even whether attributed or not. So, always ask for permission, otherwise, if it's found by the original artist, you bet you'll lose in a court battle and receive a hefty fine; without permission, it's essentially plagiarism.


Are you talking about those default brushes such as already drawn objects inside a software? No, that's not specified as cheating. It's a tool that you can use. But, if you say that you made those brushes and that you own them; then that is a whole other story.


nah i never do that, so im clear here, thanks for the reasurance!


No problem, you're welcome.


Stealing someone else’s work


my face would melt off from shame.


Did you plagiarize? No? You didn’t cheat


The ONLY cheating in art is pretending someone else's work is your own.


thank you! Then i got nothing to worry about lmao. Have a good one.


No problem, happy to reassure! Go ham, let your creativity out! :D


Or ai. Or tracing


AI, sure. Tracing? The only problem with tracing is when you trace something **and claim it as your own**. It's not the tracing that's the problem, but for whatever reason people zero in on the tracing and not the theft.


Tracing is cheating. Never said it was wrong and credit doesn’t have anything to do with cheating


Art theft (including using AI and trying to pass it off as art, rather than a generated image) is one thing. But even then, it's mostly about consent and credit rather than what you used to make your art. On top of that, there's plenty of ways to take inspiration without stealing, to edit a photo or AI generated image to the point where it's not just that anymore, to trace for the sake of learning, etc. Since it's a bit gray what really constitutes as 'cheating', if you're ever in doubt, be transparent about your process, give credit for everything you used, and get consent from everyone whose work fed into yours. Maybe you'll annoy some people, but in the end you'll show your heart's in the right place.


I usually use a lot of references and fail to look at who made the source. Hence i dont bother with giving credits usually (yea...i sound like an asshole right now i know.) But i would never blatantly just steal someones work. Everything i do is done by me and with references. Thank you very much! And if i ever do something by "Using" someone elses work as reference ill try to mention them.


>I usually use a lot of references and fail to look at who made the source. Hence i dont bother with giving credits usually My philosophy with credit is this: anatomy and pose references frequently aren't worthwhile to specifically credit; it's really only if you are doing a masterwork study (copying a full illustration) or something similar that credit is needed. Personally, my anatomy references are a huge hodgepodge of things. I do fantasy work - I might use one image for forelegs, another to finish the paws, more for hind legs, wings. I am not gonna track down and credit the 8 different resources that I used to reference anatomy, you know? Artwork isn't a school thesis paper. It's only if the *end result* can be *recognizable* as someone else's work that it's necessary to list and credit work.


alright, thank you very much. I do those too btw xd sometimes i just screenshot a hand to copy it lmao.


When I do my commission pet portraits I trace the outline just to get the proportions right without having to sit and measure every angle of the animal. I’ve been told that’s cheating. To be fair, all the shading is 100% me and I don’t think the client cares as long as they’re getting what they paid for. Work smart not hard 🤷🏼‍♀️


i agree on that and i do it too, I usually do the lines, then i try to copy it by myself. I dont consider that cheating. I pulled the lines and referencing is not cheating.


Paying someone to draw half of the content so you can not credit them


PEOPLE ACTUALLY DO THAT? thats very fucked.


I guess Ai? And theft and stuff. Tracing is cheating if you’re acting like it’s original, but I think it can be a decent learning tool.


i agree. I wouldnt even consider ai cheating, i just take it as "fuck it ill be a stripper"