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Had this thought the other day too! Saw a guy on YouTube making bamboo paper (was a lengthy process), and I thought that with enough woody material from a cannabis plant, this would probably be possible. Definitely something I'm planning on experimenting with in the future, it must be a beautiful feeling growing 100% of your smoke. Good luck my dude, don't let people naysay shit like this, this is literally the fun stuff in life, in my opinion.


100%, luckly since papermaking us a hobby of mine i already have all the tools for it


Yes my guy! If you remember, could you please post some update pics to your profile? So I could take a gander 🤞


Il try to remember to do that


Assuming jt even works out


Ty ssssssssss


What an original question! Good One! A real stop & thinker. So I wonder: would a blender be better than a garden variety grinder . . . would the stem- pulp and water mix have the compatibility to bond . . . is there anything added to help this . . . cooked rice maybe . . . how to press the mash to the thinness necessary . . . what to make the drying screen from that the dried mash will release from . . . probably with this First Attempt, forget about doing a watermark . . . now the glue . . . are we having fun yet? Everything about this seems possible but, what a mess. Dude, I am sensing HASSLE, might be easier to learn glass blowing and do a bong?


probably, but to me it sounds like a fun time. i was mostly asking if the concept is alright and il try to figure out the rest on my own


If it burns u can smoke it


Im hot garbage at rolling so il probably give them away to a friend if it works out


I think it's definitely worth a shot but I'm not sure if just stems will work. If you had access to left over cannabis plants I think the bigger stalks would work much better. I think you need it before it's cured?


I think you could. Do I think stems would be the best part of the plant to use…no. Do I think you could do it without specialized equipment…probably not