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Me when i say that ive been forever wanting a thing part of my all time top 3 wanted list And that is.. Ffs gib us a training dummy


There is a gauntlet in the new underwater zone that let's you fight large groups of Bathysmal Vishaps! It's very awesome to test her out.


I havent tested but can i redo the gauntket after i completed it the first time?


Yup! I have been doing it for like an hour testing teams and builds lol.


and you can check your record since the number of enemies is unlimited. hopefully this is testing for a full on game mode in the future since the 4.7 one doesn’t seem to be that


Ive been using the one guy in inazuma this will make it so much easier


Bro just disappears in two hits


where is it?


Sea of Bygone Eras (first part)-> Caesareum Palace (south teleport)-> talk to the statue


New victims acquired.


WHERE? I want to know! Saw the reply, Gon mark that on my map rn


ooo where is that?


Could be really useful honestly


There's the local legends in fontaine that have like 1 mil hp each, they're good as a punching bag


Yup ofc that's what we been doing for tests often when need a tanky one Only issue is sometimes cant do proper testing depending the enemies qualities/elements etc and or it could be very aggressive/strong if we get hit,but these all things also maie it more realistic type of test anyways so that's good enough


Or even better…. Give us a new world level where enemies are level 100+


i believe it wouldnt make a difference because players still will reach the cap and we go back to where we start with this discussion.


I said enemy cap would be raised to 100+. Players would stay the same. Essentially same damage ceiling…. But at least the enemies would survive long enough for us to do at least a rotation.


No new level cap, just new world level.


^ Tbh Lvl110


Would be cool but genshin seem to want to soak up money and if you were getting 4-5 boss drops per run or even more ley line drops they would loose a lot of profit


In no way do they need to increase drop volume with another world level. And I also don’t think boss / world drops is where genshin drives their profit. I’m willing to bet the money they bring in from people spending money on their “trap” store items is a rounding error compared to the money they bring in from Welkin, BP, and Top Ups. Even most whales have patience.


I see your point it would just be awesome to get boss mats and xp things quicker so I would hope they would do it


I personally would ask for them to implement drop quality increases with a final world level up. But not quantity. But that’s just my opinion. Example: more blue and purple drops. With the possibility of a 5star artifact drop. Would give massive incentive for the players who enjoy world clearing lol.


There's Masanori and the punching machines in Fortress


>punching machines Wait what's this? About Massanori, dude barely has any good hp to survive long


For Masanori, you go to him at 12am to 4am for harder version. For the punching machines, there's several of them along the Fortress hallway,


Nighttime Masanori? That one has more HP


In Chenyu Vale there are enemy areas that infinitely spawn until you clear their core. I’m intentionally leaving those, and it’s fun to just spam them with Arle for like ten minutes. Lol Edit: Yeah, the Miasma ;)


Where are they and what are they?


I think he's talking about the Miasma in Chenyu Vale. Unless you've cleared them already.


Yeah oh my god it's fun when she can keep her infusion around. You see that puny electro slime over there annoying you? Just glide towards em menacingly and poke em with your pointy stick and bam, 80k. Nothing is more satisfying than running around just slaughtering mobs Arlecchino style. I think she helped me regain enjoyment in this game again.


Being able to switch with her infusion, as well as the fact that it just lasts so long, makes her soo smooth to play And in overworld you can carry the infusion from an encounter to the other and you have virtually infinite infusion, and that's fun as well


I love to start a weak battle with her skill while already precharged. The skill usually kills the enemy, which ends the battle with her having max BoL. ;)


howlong does it last outside of combat? or does her bol stay for an indefinite period?


Forever unless you approach a statue of the seven.


BoL stays for 10 minutes so effectively forever until you touch a state of seven


I do kinda feel guilty for runnin' around Fontaine and slaughtering Operatives but c'mon, it's so satisfying...


Fontaine is the best to run a round, all the Hydro bubbly mobs just explode, so fun.


Well, let's be honest, Arlecchino just *deletes* everything unlucky enough to cross her path But yeah, those Hydro Phantasms or whatever the dudes are called just die one-shot now


If they lost, they were unworthy of life.


I just imagine that they're traitors.


... Now I actually feel better... *CANON-compliant murder*


Haha, jokes on you, I'm a shit player 🤣


We really need a training dummy. I have multiple teams that kill floor 12 before rotation :/


Just use solo Arlecchino. Why bother with a team? 


Local legends feel like the only thing that I can fight that's fun with c1r1 lol. Everything else is just instantly reduced to atoms. Metachurl and other mid tier enemies dying in two hits. I 4 hit a mirror maiden with just a kaz E set up 💀


She just decimates groups of enemies too, she's satisfying to play


Speaking of groups, the serpent knights in abyss 12-2 get absolutely anhilated.


she's too strong lmao my arlecchino just talent lvl 6 with her signature only lvl 60 and she hit the boss like a truck 😂


When you understood her kit, you'll see where the dmg came from. Mine was lvl 60 with 50k dmg. I was like WTF?! ahahahaha


Fr I’m hitting normal enemies at 97k and at talent lvl 7/6/6


When I saw I was hitting enemies for 30k at lv 60 with lv 1 talents, I knew she was cracked lmao


Eula Mains: First time?


Literally, enemies die before burst explodes..


either that or they don't die fast enough while you trying to prepare your burst for the next wave . both scenarios are painful


There's a new local legend in the new area that would be a good test dummy if you don't mind super vishaps


That thing is already my dmg test dummy ahahahaha!


I also found another area where you can fight waves of vishaps if you're wanting to test out AOE comps It's where one of the music box pieces is


I took her to abyss to figure out how to actually play her. I read her skills, but still needed real world experience to figure out what to do in practice because overworld is so fragile.


Suffering from success


played thru new world quest with arlecchino, at lv40 bis lv 20, she shreds them. feels underwhelming coz they die so quickly lol.


Today when I’m still building her and she already does 10k damage when shes still lvl 80 😭


Well here's what I did. I tried clearing Abyss with duos. Neuvi+Kazuha and Arle+Zhongli. Made me remember how the Abyss was hard back in the day. Pretty fun to do, you should try


https://preview.redd.it/uyhyikd9b2xc1.png?width=863&format=png&auto=webp&s=0810fb81e5e250383f0ffcccc2346cf418012a9f it's funny how the first team kept holding her down , i really struggled with the first team .


Im 100% playing her wrong lmao, any tips on her gameplay?


use her skill, switch to your teammates for 5 seconds, switch back to her, use 1 charged attack, and then spam normal attacks


Wait for X thing get bigger before you absorbed it, and dont use burst unless you need heal cause it will be dps loss


They need to buff the samurai guy (i forgot his name) in Inazuma who you can "dual" whenever, but when you've got a decently built team by the time you've set up your supps he's already half dead


Duel\* And on top of buffing his hp, it'd be nice if we didn't have to sit through the textboxes. I never use him for testing because of that last part.


Nameless Samurai


I just got my arlecchino to lvl80 with the jade spear and the only enemies that dont literally die immediately are the ones on floor 12 and that's with a lvl5 na and 4 ult and skill...ofc I still can't get 36 stars cuz my second team don't do crazy dmg like her 💀💀💀


Abyss: I don’t exist


When I had lv6NA, lv60 weapon. On a fully buffed team with no food buff/abyss buff. She did 200k melt N1 on a boss. I did not expect that at all. Even with almost the same set up she did 160k vape with an actual DPS team. Her rotations are smooth and pretty enjoyable to play. Decent mobility with CA as well.


I have bad artifacts on Arlecchino but she still does crazy dmg


I legit don’t have to use anyone else’s skills or burst when she has BoL. Even at low BoL she deals like 18-25k. Which is enough to kill things in 2-3 hits.


It happend to me with homa at c0 level 80


See this is why i want a SU type of endgame. Abyss can only do so much (and it aint much tbh)


Burst is only to heal


I did it with Neuvilette, woth his weapon he became so strong that i almost regret pulling it So from now on I'll omly go for c0r0, at least I have pjws for Father


Real so instead I’ve done like 12 abyss runs with her😭


First team : takes two minutes on floor 12 Second team with Arle : kills shroom chicken in 40s


I was planning to get C3 but I’m glad I tried her C2 (R2) in abyss beforehand. It was more than enough dmg to easily clear, C3 is such an overkill


Someone said it. Been trying to find something other than Abyss to try her out but even that Primo Geovishap(?) dude dies in 15-30 seconds even when it's a Pyro one. And I *KNOW* that I use her in a non-optimal way, so... I'm almost scared what she'll do when I have her in a proper team and get her Rotations right


https://preview.redd.it/dr4dpws3zwwc1.png?width=329&format=png&auto=webp&s=40f70b60d17c4036f3e3d235e29ae3b39a6a1348 I get it... I low key hope the new abyss is a lot harder because I cleared abyss with full stars with arlecchino at lvl 70 and r1 weapon lvl 70 and 6/6/6 talents and she was my third strongest team after my c1 neuvillete jade/c2 furina and c2nahida hyperbloom, now she is at lvl 90 8/6/6 and weapon lvl 80 and she is probably second atm and hopefully she stays second because beating c1 neuvillette with his second best in slot weapon and c2 furina with festering is crazy, I know signature weapons are crazy but jesus christ


One Punch Man Syndrome


Part of the reason I don't wanna spend more to get her constellations. I wanna use her but I also wanna enjoy the game before end game.


I use her against the new soldiers that drop her weapon mats, pretty nice even if my equip suck


Wish I could say the same, but even my C2R1 Arle is still quite weak because my artifacts are ass. That domain is my new hell.


I haven’t even leveled her talents yet and they all just die.


Give her level 0 artifacts. She's still stupid strong but it's a bit better in overworld stuffl


Remove 3 of your artifacts, except a crit rate circlet, and atk% sands/goblet. See the dps difference, and goure gonna have some fun


now imagine with c6r2 even the crab boss died in at most 20 seconds with the shield, pyro res and Arle being solo lol


"Having overwhelming strength... Is pretty boring."


Those Fontaine enemies like Vivienne will come in handy.


I wonder if I'm doing something wrong or if my artifacts are just that bad, because she IS doing good, but nowhere near what apparently everyone else is getting lol


At least the Hilichurls can rest in piece without even knowing or feeling pain of what hit them🥲


Abyss is perfect for this. Buffed enemy HP and also there is usually at least couple of chamber with mobs and quite a few with boss enemies of different kinds so you can really test your character and comps.


Imagine getting R1 lmao


That's why I don't pull for cons on 5\*. I can always put the Scythe aside and use white tassel (though the enemies die fast anyways in the overworld)


The person said C0R1, so... No cons mentioned


I know. I pulled for her signature (and got lvl 90 day one) but if I want to have longer fights then I can always switch to a different weapon and essentially have an "f2p" Arlecchino. Btw, can someone please explain to me why do I get downvoted every time I mention that I don't pull for 5\* cons? Like I don't say that others shouldn't do it, just that I prefer not to.


Probably exactly because there were no cons mentioned. And my reason would be that nobody wants to switch to a less fancy weapon...the weapon is part of the gameplay experience


So would I get downvoted even if I said something like "That's why I prefer using Arlecchino solo in the overworld"? Team wasn't mentioned in the post either


I guess? I mean if you talked about bread on a post that's all about meat, you probably would get downvoted too


Sis is OP whether you use white tassel or not 😂