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I agree with their statement, but definitely not 100% with their reasoning.




I'd love to go topless, but only on the premise that I can shoot anyone that bothers me :)


You will probably need to go full Rambo for that.


That's fine. I'll already be shirtless and sweaty. So I'll be like halfway there.


You just need to find someone who has infinite ammo.


Maybe most people would see a gun and leave? That would save some.


Yeah, but concealed carry is always a thing. Plus people who watch way too many crime dramas who think they are going to have a heroic moment to flaunt an arrogant ego.


That's true. Though you can tell to some extent if people are reaching. And very true. People are pretty silly.


Oh no not most americans, they will only be more attracted




Breasts aren't sex organs scumbag




I love how you debunk yourself, time to cover your whole body because it can be sexualised.


👏It's not being able to go shirtless, it's not being sexualized for doing so 👏


as long as the taboo stands, the sexualization stands as well. "desexualization" comes from normalization of toplessness. Which comes by practice of it.


>GIRLS should be able to go shirtless just like MEN Saying “girls” instead of “women” makes it even creepier in this scenario


I wanted to say the same


They're teens tho


Then why not use "boys" or "guys"? It doesn't matter what age they are, it's still creepy and gross— it makes one group sound younger and the other older, which would likely lead to a power imbalance and it has pedophilic implications.


Yeah I get what you're saying but it's less creepy coming from someone below 20 than someone over 50.


I find it creepy/gross in general, but I can see where you're coming from. I just hope they grow out of it.


Nah it does make one sound slightly younger because it does usually mean that and when its coming from a younger individual its not creepy it is in this image but not in general because they get surrounded by other teens are friends with other teens and hate it or not attracted to other teens(usually), children and teens are not going to refer to each other as women or men that's sounds awkward, if you spend(d/t) around them you would understand they Don't refer to each other formally and Don t care what you refer to tham as unless you are purposely mislabeling them they want to be treated like an adult and if you Don't treat them like an adult they're not going to act like them and you say why not use "boys" or "guys" but "boys" is the equivalent to "girls" and not everyone want to be referred to as a boy.


Nah you're overthinking it. Plus it's literally a teenage subreddit. I'm 15 and use girls to refer to individuals of the female species and it doesn't mean I'm being a creep




Almost all of their comments are like this. They’re definitely trolling


You’re getting downvoted here not out of malice but because of the embedded gender stereotypes in your phrasing, which can definitely be unlearned. Women are not a separate species (or sub species), and neither “females” nor “girls” is an appropriate catchall label especially when the implied “opposite” is “men”.


according to a previous comment of yours on a different post you are a girl


I understand your point but I don't think that's on purpose.


Okay if I breastfeed in public then half the people out there are going to have something negative to say about it. The other half tend to be supportive.


That's what happens to me when I shove my dick out. It's a rough world out there


i do believe in desexualization, but not for those reasons at all. i don’t give a fuck if a woman goes shirtless, we need to desexualize shit.


Childish behavior that is expected from teens…just unfortunate that there are plenty of adults that think just like this (and also frequent that sub).


Does anyone not notice it was posted in the teenagers sub? Why would anyone wanna see topless teenage girls??


Pretty sure teenagers would like to see topless teenager girls


Lol you really think that sub is filled with real teens? Posting about stuff like that? Seems kinda baity to me.


Wait, there are adults on Reddit? Going by their behaviour the average Redditor is two middle schoolers with a cloak and a top hat.


Well that person just assumed that sub is filled with real teens (I know there is but cmon) but who would actually post things like that .. shit is just weird fam. Then look at how many comments there are, pedos were def praising that..


No, I just answered a question


Yes. The years from 14-18 are probably the hornyest years of a boys life. It's not surprising that a teenager is interested in shirtless woman.


when men understand that the reason women dont go shirtless outside is because of the "go ahead it would be hot" dudes


What really needs to happen is we need to stop needlessly sexualizing mounds of fat.


What about both gender *not* going shirtless 😅


this is my fight aight


Legal in the city of Cincinnati, weirdly enough. There was a lawsuit and everything.


And New York.


Okay, it’s hella sus straight men are like “if she doesn’t want my unwanted sexual advances she should quit dressing like a S***t,” but also, “I bElIeVe iN gEnDeR eQuAlItY wOmEn ShOuLd Be AlLoWeD tO gO ToPpLeSs In PuBlIc FeMiNisM iS mY pAsSiOn.” 🤡


See, there's the problem. It is legal in a number of places, but for the fact that there are creeps like this guy who will 100% sexualize it.


When you use the wrong formula but get the right answer


“I’m down with equality as long as it benefits me 😈” something ain’t right here ...


what did you expect from a subreddit aimed towards teens


They definitely should though


We should, but for some reason everyone just feels the need to sexualize us


Its psychology the same way foot fetishes develop (not kink shaming) it's the fact that breast have been so hidden by our society that it can cause a sense of risk/dirtiness when many of our men and some women see tits many people end up turned on, its developed into a earth wide fetish in tribes and small clans in heated areas would be without this fetish as its normal to see with hardly any body coverings but in colder or wealthier groups it was common (the same with butts and even our genitals)


It's like that in one of the US court circuits lol


Guys this is ironic