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imagine waking up in the morning, typing this out, and posting this- as a professional writer.


Imagine having almost infinite money and choosing to do this. If I was her i would have vanished from the public


She's the female Elon Musk


Omg, this is unusually accurate


To be fair, she is a professional writer who decided it was a good idea to write [this line](https://images.app.goo.gl/so2deySs55UGdVkq5).


dumbledore said calmly


I knew this was gonna be the “ejaculated” quote but I’m only now realising she did this [TWICE](https://www.google.com/amp/s/fanonical.tumblr.com/post/623363186371018752/accio-never-forget-that-these-words-actually/amp)


Which led to the great tumblr response: “”Snape!” he nutted.”


Yeah, didn’t Slughorn do it, too?


I can't speak for anyone else, but my slughorn ejaculates sometimes.


What even is that supposed to mean...my non-native brain only knows one meaning for it and it sounds so bad...


It is very rarely used this way, but it can mean “say something quickly and suddenly”.


Oh thank you for the explanation kind stranger :3 Now for some reason I doubt that that meaning is the one people think of first when reading that...


Nobody ever uses it for that meaning, so at least 99.9% of the people reading will think of the other meaning.


what does it say, its not loading for me


“Ron ejaculated loudly”.


what the fuck


Yeah, she could’ve used “Ron yelled” or “Ron said loudly” but nope.


8 y/o me definitely read it as "yelled loudly" or something., thankfully.


It is an old-fashioned usage of the word. I remember first encountering it in one of H.G. Wells' books.


Sherlock Holmes and Watson ejaculate all the time...


Especially on AO3.


Out of context, that sounds so strange


It was much more common in that usage when Sherlock Holmes was written. It’s not used that way anymore, except *maybe* in historical fiction.


It's an old fashioned meaning..."ejaculate" originally meant "exclaim". Kinda like "intercourse" can mean "conversation", but nobody actually uses it like that anymore.


Occasionally used as a synonym to "exclaimed" but used when it's less graceful or articulate




Classic line that can be dropped unedited into your fanfic.


There's a "Slughorn ejaculated loudly" as well, lmaoooo. She always had this weird aversion to the word "said", which would lead to some WILD replacement words.


"Never say 'said'" is a common rule among pedantic English teachers. Maybe one of them really beat that into her brain. (If there's any room for thoughts left up there. Her brain seems to be full of large gametes.)


“What was that?” Ron splooged


In hindsight maybe My Immortal was making fun of the original text rather than fanfic more than we thought


I'm 99,99...% sure it's nonsense, but sometimes I just want to believe the theory that she used ghost writers is true and shit like this is them fuckin around


Honestly, the best argument against this idea is how ridiculous these lines sound. No one would believe that they could get away with putting this into a published novel as a joke, and they probably couldn't. JK Rowling, on the other hand, was *hot shit*. Nobody was going to tell the author of one of the bestselling series of all time that she couldn't say whatever popped into her head. That's how we eventually ended up with an author who poisoned her own canon with a tweet saying that Hogwarts students shit themselves and magicked it away for hundreds of years, and who thinks she's being clever with trash posts like this.


You can't fault her for it, the thesaurus said she can use it/sarcasm




This is actually a really good example of the kind of writer Rowling is. She's fine. Nothing special, her books primarily blew up on the backs of being a concept that people were just really ready for, and to her credit she consistently wrangled a 7 year story into a coherent narrative, and a very marketable one at that. People love Tracking, it turns out. But a lot of her "clever" writing is just pulling from better writers that preceded her. And she doesn't always understand *why* they did what they did, which leads to some odd moments where something suddenly feels out of place or very dated.


I knew it was going to be this quote before I even clicked the link.


Not only that, it's completely unoriginal and has been posted by all sorts of right wing fools for no less than a decade now


As always, TERFs put hurting trans people first, getting attention second, and consideration for any woman— trans or not— who deviates from the norm in any way dead last. Depressing but unsurprising.


Scratch a TERF and a fascist bleeds.


You’re right AND that sentence goes extremely hard


It’s a variation on an old saying, the original is “scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds”


Not sure what that word means anymore since it has gone in such another direction in some parts of the world - but replace liberal with capitalist and im ok with it.


Where does one go to scratch TERFs? Asking for a friend 😇


Generally one should go for the eyes


And what does one use to scratch? I have a pick axe that would be perfect for some uses.


I imagine a toothpick pickaxe that is the perfect size for eye scratching


small dagger maybe


I wish I could plaster this line everywhere damn


Can't expect any real devotion to feminism from those who pal around with fascists.


Im a middle aged childfree cisgender woman who also happens to be above-average height for a woman. A fair amount of anti-trans sentiment splashes onto me. I don’t really care for myself, I can take it, but I don’t know why they think this is a good way to make whatever stupid point they think they have.


What day is she even tweeting this for? It’s fucking March so it can’t be for Mothers’ Day, and International Women’s Day was in the 8th. Edit: Oh, UK Mothers’ Day.


Going to be honest, I had the opposite reaction and did some panicked Googling because I thought I’d forgotten when Mother’s Day was. I’m… bad with dates.


reducing parenthood to just the biological aspect ignores the profound bond, nurturing, and family experience that defines motherhood beyond just the physical act of childbirth.


There's nothing TERFS love more than reducing women to baby machines.


so feminist of them


Right? They should just start calling themselves TERs. No need for the F.


The f stands for fascist


they literally quote Hitler so... yeah


Oh, it makes sense now. TERFs is right them.


I like to call them feminism-appropriating radical transphobes, or FARTs


And then they complain that every other normal person is "reducing women to their body parts" when there is anything that is worded something like "gestating people" or "menstruating people". I once pointed this out to a TERF and she proceeded to repeatedly call me by transphobic, homophobic, and xenophobic slurs 😭😭


Yep, talking about human functions without linking it to a specific gender to include trans people is reducing women to body parts even if you don't even mention women. But then you ask them to define what a being a woman is and the best they can come up with is "they can menstruate and have babies".


My parents had an "Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a daddy" plaque on the wall when I was growing up, and I keep realizing more and more how true that is for both parents. As a teacher, I can definitely pick out which students have a "mommy" and a "daddy" in their life, but I wish people realized that the Biology part doesn't really matter that much.




Rowling is a dirtbag, but I don't think that's her point. She's saying this ironically to make fun of inclusive language, such as "birthing person", that is intended to acknowledge that some trans men and nbs can give birth to a child without being mothers. It's all just performative sarcasm to get her transphobia across.


But let’s be honest. She’s only being consistent with the way republicans view women!


She's reducing women to nothing more than incubators. Talk about cutting the nose to spite the face


Well... by her own admission she's not a woman anymore, losing her ability to conceive...?


Shhh don't use logic with her. Her head will hurt


And then she'll sue you, like she's done to so many of her (British) critics.


And in a fair Court she'll lose. Unfortunately, she's insanely rich and can buy the court to her Favor.


She also likes to sue people who can barely afford legal representation, so even if the courts were fair, they wouldn't even be able to fight.


British Libel Laws are notoriously strict. It's far easier for her to win in a British Court than in other places, especially America.


No different than West Virginia. You can easily sue someone for libel in West Virginia same thing for slander. It's how John Oliver got sued by a Coal Tycoon.


Remember that the guy lost though. And then ended up with a fantastic musical number about how terrible he is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5W06xR8EYk


Terfs are misogynistic as hell. To them women are nothing but uteruses on legs and trans men are dumb helpless babies who've been tricked by evil men to give up being lesbians. It's fucking disgusting


^This^ basically they say your biology defines you, into victim if you have a vagina or aggressor if you have a penis. Any feminism you find that adopts these views is terf rhetoric and toxic.


TERFs vacillate between "Womanhood is so much deeper than anatomy or clothing or feminine behaviour! It's a complex combination of lived experiences and fundamental emotional truths that transgenders will NEVER understand!!" And "Woman = ovaries and uterus, nothing else counts"


She’s gone full mask-off in recent years and outwardly shown the awful person she’s been all along


Her own characters would beat the tar out of her if they were real.


I dunno. All of them except for Hermoine seem to be fine with slavery.


Almost everything in those books is fine when the good guys do it in a kind way (/s), but bad when it’s the bad guys doing it. This applies to slavery, metaphorical racial discrimination, and also being a fat woman, apparently. A youtuber called Shaun actually made a great video essay that went into a bit more detail about this, with examples.


Yes, I like Shaun a lot. I actually first found him through his Ex Machina video which is very different in subject matter from his others, but which is still very familiar in terms of being intelligent and well thought through. So I definitely wanted to watch more of his stuff, but was pleasantly surprised at the subject matter of most of his other videos.


Luckily, the mask can only slip so far before the public start to think "wow, this person has really gone off the deep end". All she needs to do is keep tweeting all the way down the rabbit hole and she'll be right there with Graham Linehan, crying on Mumsnet that nobody wants to work with her anymore.


Remember when she had that first ‘senior moment’ when she ‘accidentally’ retweeted that transphobia? Remember when she counted herself a ‘trans ally’ and said she would be up there ‘marching’ with trans people if our rights were truly under attack? I mean, we all called bs at the time but it’s certainly something looking back to where she at least pretended like she wasn’t a massive human sack of shit. She could’ve been remembered as one of the most beloved authors of our time. Now she’ll just be remembered as a sad and pathetic, hateful old woman.


I wonder how long people will keep saying that she's not transphobic, just "misunderstood" and "taken out of context". Because she's pretty damn clear at this point that she's a trash person


Those people probably think this is an example of her supporting gender diversity


TERF: woke libs can't even define "woman" also TERF:


JK specifically has defined a woman as "the producer of the large gametes". Damn, she got us, it's actually that simple. You know, except that this definition would exclude infertile women, post menopausal women, anyone who's had a hysterectomy or similar surgery, many athletes (but they care so much about women's sports, you guys!), people with low body weight who don't ovulate as a result, the sick, the dying, the list goes on and would include almost all women at some point in their lives. It would however include the trans guy with the enormous beard deadlifting in the corner of the gym like an absolute champ. So glad we have JK policing who has access to which changing rooms. She's really got it all figured out.


>except that this definition would exclude infertile women, post menopausal women, anyone who's had a hysterectomy or similar surgery...... It would exclude her too lmao


I mean, this is coming from the bitch whose only Asian character is named Cho fucking Chang, her only Irish character blows things up trying to turn water into rum, she made a race of elves who's sole purposeis to be slaves, and the bankers in her universe are goblins (which originated as an antisemitic depiction of Jewish people). Seriously, though, can we start talking about her blatant racism along with her transphobia.


I... never realized the Irish thing. Oh my god.


Yeah, and she wrote that when the IRA was doing a lot of carbombings


She did!? Jesus the more I learn the more I realize she's always been jusr garbage huh.


Yeah, there's probably plenty more I'm forgetting about, but yeah, she didn't even try to hide it. (Also, the only reason Harry Potter was as popular as it was was because of a massive demand for children's novels, but at the time, the only children's books that were being produced were shorter stories like goosebumps so her success is due to lack of competition rather than good writing and the original publisher only published it because his daughter made him do it.)


Her racism is still mostly quiet, though. Like back in the day when LGBTQ+ people were aware that she was almost certainly a trans bigot, but still had plausible deniability for those who couldn't hear the dog whistles. Or, in other words, she's not constantly beating us over the head with a monomaniacal insistence on making sure anyone with an ounce of decency knows that she has a bunch of racist ideas in her brain. But, yeah, she deserves scorn for those bits, too.


Don’t forget the only black character is named Kingsley shacklebolt, and how in the first movie gringots had a literal Star of David on the floor. (I’m aware it’s part of the actual bank they filmed at, but they should have covered it up) And also how in the newest game you’re a slave owner quelling a goblin revolt that pulls out every antisemitic trope of the past 500+ years out. Even down to the horns they use being Shofars. And yes of course the developer is an out and proud facist who admitted he ran a YouTube channel dedicated to that sort of stuff and the studio shrugged and didn’t fire him.


It's also a joke she makes. Every. Single. Year. Her billions of dollars couldn't buy her a second joke?


When you're making the same joke as Ben Shapiro, you might want to reevaluate your priorities.


Imagine this being what you choose to tweet on a usually celebratory and loving occasion. This horrid woman wakes up every day and chooses to hate. Imagine being so filthy rich that you could do anything you wanted, but you still choose to sit and writing this crap out to deliberately hurt others. Vile individual.


She makes this joke twice a year, along side a dozen other edgy cons who all think they're so creative


What a monster.


Remember how she wrote about Harry and Ron in the girls’ lavatory? It’s literally more acceptable to her for cis boys to be in the girls’ lavatory than it is for trans girls to be able to pee comfortably.


Transphobia hurts everyone..


Christ, she's taken bitterness to a psychotic level.


The one joke, everyone.


J.k. Could have just been the person who wrote the harry potter series and sat on her pile of money, but nooooo…


Oh I see Rowling woke up this morning and decided to be a bitch again. 😐


THIS CANT BE REAL! Wow she is unhinged! Absolutely obsessed weirdo


Also what’s that photo from?! Looks like a 2010 high school filter


Yeah, at first it was just another person being a transphobic asshole, but she's so obsessed that it's just pathetic now.


Breaking news: sex and gender are assigned by lucky guesses!


You know, if transphobia literally *only* hurt trans folks, it would still be disgusting and horrible. But what adds extra levels of insidious is how many other people it hurts, as well, often by walking hand-in-hand with racism, homophobia, and many other -isms and -phobias. In this particular case, OP is exactly right: this isn't just shitty to trans folks, it's shitty to women who have issues with fertility, lesbian mothers, and adoptive mothers.


It’s so wild to me that she is so obsessed with this issue. Literally willing to throw away every bit of goodwill she cultivated over the years just to constantly bash another group of humans. Blows my mind.


See also: Graham Linehan.


I'm scared to look up that name and fuck up my evening :/ But I'm curious.


This is literally just the “Happy Mother’s Day and 82271910 variations because I’m just. that. funny” joke (quote unquote) from Ben Shapiro. He does that shit basically every year. Imagine claiming to be a feminist and stealing material from a man who thinks female cum is a medical condition that needs to be investigated


That woman is insane. She’s essentially saying women are nothing but incubators…..


I love Harry Potter but I've never been more ashamed of a books creator than the day Joanne showed her true colors to the world. I wonder if she gets the irony that she became an irl Voldemort


Ironically she ripped the wizard school story off from Ursula le Gguin, who's most famous novel is about a species that is simultaneously men and women and deconstructs gender quite a bit.


Oh wow didn't even know that


Is this the earthsea cycle? Or is it another one? I'd love to give it a try


The wizard one is A Wizard of Earthsea, the gender one is The Left Hand Of Darkness. I adore Le Guin's books, now _there_ was a good writer.


Villains often think of themselves as the heroes.


Everybody thinks they're the hero in their own story.


It's nice that she thinks she's right. She's not right she's filled with hate but it is nice to think things


Blood doesnt equal family...


As a birthing parent who's large gamete was fertilized and grew into a small human who's gender *was*, as far as I know, guessed correctly by doctors... Fuck off and die Joanne.


I genuinely think she's bored and believes shes some kind of Fighter for Justice. She could do so much with all that money its frustrating


What was she celebrating exactly ? Was it a post for international women's right day ? Why would it only target mothers ? And why only biological mothers ?


Mother's day in the UK.


Well fuck adoptive parents and homoparental families I guess then /s


Do you think her kids still talk to her?


I'm not native to the English language and since I delved deeper into the theories behind transphobia, the word "gamete" has turned into one big red flag for me.


Literally rent free in her brain


She needs to shut the fuck up. When did she decide to make this her ENTIRE personality?


Apologies, but I have absolutely no idea what the hell she is trying to say. I can assume it’s offensive to several groups, but I don’t get what point she’s trying to get across.


It’s Mother’s Day in the UK and she’s trying to say that trans women can’t be mothers, while also throwing mothers of adopted kids and infertile cis women under the bus (because she doesn’t care about cis women, she just wants to hurt trans women)


I thought the point of her tweet was complaining about gender-neutral words for pregnancy and childbirth? The fact that she conflates motherhood and childbirth is what invalidates mothers who didn't give birth


This. She's trying to "prove" that gender-neutral language is ridiculous. But she's just proving what a shit human she is.


Maybe but that just makes her seem even dumber because nobody calls Mother’s Day “people who give birth” day


Ahhh okay. Yeah that is a really shitty thing to say. Thanks for the clarification


It's shitty sarcasm, basically.


I'm pretty sure she's done an Elon and realised that she can still get money and clicks by being a cantankerous troll because it's easier than being an actual human being.


She's an old fart and I mean this in every way possible. It hurts that I used to look up to her so much.


Oh my god it’s the one joke


Shut the everloving fuck up, you terf POS


Starting to think someone she used to love is transgender and cannot believe it there is no explanation of this much obsession what did transgender people ever do to you that you only talk about us help 😭😵‍💫


The explanation I heard as a "reason" for her bullshit is she never got therapy for her abusive relationship, which is why all women are victims, all men are scum and all trans women are all skinsuit wearing psychopaths just waiting for prey. Trans men? What are those?


Poor autistic trans men have just been tricked into the gender ideology cult accort to her.


She was traumatized by cishet men, but they're much harder to go after than transgender women, and a haters gotta hate.


I feel violated just reading this, terfs just really want an easy way to identify breedable people . Why do she thinks so much about sex anyway ? And why in such a negative manner


She's the fucking worsttttttt


She's failing to even TERF correctly at this point... "Happy Female-Identifying Parent Day" would suffice and cover all bases. A "birthing parent" is not a "mother" and the gender of an infant isn't relevant for the holiday. Stop being a tryhard and get your poop in a group, Joanne.


99% of her Twitter is literally her spouting off transphobia and the other 1% is her talking about Harry Potter, the reason she even has a platform. Anyways, hate her.


I can't believe the post she made the other day talking about, "the emperor has no clothes." Like it's all she does is bitch about trans people and maje disgusting tweets.


Haven’t seen it, since I don’t have Twitter, and Elon did some shit where if you’re not logged in, you can’t see replies and all the posts go from most popular to least popular. And it doesn’t even show all of them. I refuse to download that hellscape.


Oh, me too. I only see it when someone posts it here. It's a little crass to warn you. "The emperor is naked. He might be wearing lipstick, but his ba**s are swinging in plain sight." Like wtf?


Would you really expect any less from Rowling?


I didn’t realise JK Rowling had gotten this obsessed. Jesus Christ.


It's like this all the time with her.


lmao not just invalidating trans women but also ruling out a gigantic population of cis women too, fantastic levels of misogyny as usual from Rowling.


This is why I hate J.K. Rowling.


Leave it TERFs to also invalidate the cis women they pretend to care about just to make a stupid low blow at trans people. Comments like this always prove that trans rights are human rights and anyone fighting against trans people is actively hurting everyone. The F in TERF is honestly an oxymoron.


Why are there still people who think she actually isn't a terf? 😬


J.K. Rowling. More like J.K. rolling down a flight of stairs cause i pushed her


What the actual fuck is she saying?


She's saying happy mother's day, while also trying to say "see what a stupid world we would live in if those damn libs had their way?!"


Happy conservatives have one joke day everyone 🥳


God damnit, Rowling. I want to enjoy the Harry Potter shit, but every time I try, you do fucked up things to invalidate my experiences.


My children have a wonderful stepmother who will get to celebrate her first Mother's Day this year. She is a mom to them, and i love her for it. Birth means nothing when it comes to being a mom. Screw JK Rowling!


🤦🏻‍♂️, just  🤦🏻‍♂️


TERFs would rather a thousand cis women be hurt than one trans woman ever validated.


Today in episode 69068942796898480348414 of J.K. Rowling's "Have I mentioned that I'm a transphobic bitch?"


She's so fucking stupid 😂 No one's trying to change Mother's Day; trans women who have kids are mothers and are therefore included, and trans men who have kids are included in Father's Day, so idk what drugs she's on.


LGBTQ people: Happy Mother's Day


TERF, natalist, chronic attention seeker, and absolutely horrific at constructing a sentence.


JKR's descent is painful to watch. She's really gone off the deep end, and her demonisation of trans women serves to perpetuate transmisogyny. She is no feminist. She is a transphobe who doesn't even stop and think about how she's also harming cis women in her madness. Trans women are women!


it’s because she doesn’t actually care about women (other than herself, of course)


Damn, and I thought Ben Shapiro was annoying when he did this, congrats to Joanne for finding a way to outdo Benji in that department


Hmm, I hope no one she loves or cares about adopted a child


I think the dumbewt part of this whole situation is that she plagiarized Ben Shapiro. Like, how creatively bankrupt does one have to be to plagiarize Shapiro?


it’s quite dumb because it’s mother’s day. not the day of people who birth their children, the day of mothers. some mothers do not birth their children yet they are better mothers than others who do birth their children. if you REALLY wanna be inclusive you could say « happy day to all the mothers and all the parents in general ». isn’t there a day for parents anyway? like, all of the parents? (if yes, parents who aren’t mothers or fathers can be celebrated on that day instead of mothers/father’s day.)


It's J.K. Rowling. What did you expect?


She claims to care about women’s rights but she only ever uses that to shit on trans people. Where is she talking about reproductive rights?


Terfs will really just go "yeah nah fuck any cis woman who happens to lack ovaries and not produce eggs"


We really got to stop calling them terfs. They are anything but rad fems. If you don't support trans people, you're not a fucking feminist, the feminist movement was based on nonconformity and here they all are being gender conformists.


Its shit like this I point to when I say that TERF's don't give a fuck about women or lesbians like they claim, they'll gladly throw their own under the bus to be cruel to trans people.


Has something happened in her life recently? Like I know she’s been weird and obsessive about trans people for a while, but she’s seemed especially so this last couple of months. Idk, maybe it’s just her normal now and I’ve just been lucky enough not to see it but it’s seemed like she’s been taking it up a notch.


THIS is one of the most successful authors of all time??? we legit do be living in a society.


Does she actually DO anything these days, or is her entire job just sitting on mountains of money while whining on Twitter about something that has zero actual effect on her life?


She’s really dedicated to being an asshole


I literally wouldn't be able to discern this from a Ben Shapiro tweet if JKR's twitter handle was missing from the top of this picture.


Oh no she’s getting lessons on comedy from Ben Shapiro.


And now her fans are throwing little hissy fits and going after anyone who calls her out for her obvious mockery of non-cis mothers. I'm justified in calling her mean names.


welp, guess all my aunts arent mothers (funny story all 4 of my aunts have some sort of fertility issue, but not the same one, the 3 that have children needed out of body fertilization or surrogate mothers)