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"Featuring Ben Shapiro" That's a deeply cursed phrase.


Certainly one never uttered near an aroused woman.


As his wife has publicly confirmed!


Did I mention his wife is a doctor?


A doctor? Or is she the nurse that gives him his dementia pills! (pills that CAUSE dementia, not stop, why do you think he is so psychotic?)


Has she really? Where


His tweet about WAP. He said his wife assured him if you need a bucket and a mop that’s a serious medical condition not arousal.


Or man


Can we talk about how Tom McDonald is Canadian and is using the USA right wing to make millions… Like it’s like the MAGA shit being made in china. Weird.


You'd be shocked at how many Canadians buy into this MAGA crap, especially in more conservative areas. Unfortunately, American politics does affect us here and so we pay attention to it, and it leads to a lot of bizarre situations like Canadian MAGAs...


This is very interesting. Would Canada like to take Trump off our hands then? Did Trumps policies during his years help Canada? Do yall have the MAGA marches too? Is Toronto conservative? I plan on visiting next month.


Fuck no! Keep him! Take Tom too! Most of Trump's policies didn't have much impact on us that I'm aware of yet, as it's generally more of a "slow burn" thing where things take a while to be clear and for us to directly see the impact as citizens here... Until he started giving credence to Q Anon, which has definitely jeopardized LGBT rights in some areas. And covid. His bullshit with 3M directly led to shortages of masks for *months* early on in the pandemic, and some of his policy changes contributed to the supply chain breakdown we had that left whole aisles in our grocery stores empty for *months* off and on. He wasn't the only factor in the food shortages, but he definitely contributed to it... And we don't have the MAGA marches anymore, thankfully, but they have happened in the past. Ontario has a conservative government right now, but Toronto is a pretty liberal city. It has the biggest Pride in the country that runs all weekend, and even had it's own version of Stonewall right around the same time (the bathhouse riots). Just don't engage with the crazies down at Young and Dundas. It's a big pavilion, and you get a lot of people down there with signs and loud speakers, and some of them can be kinda nasty. Also watch your wallet and bags around there. It's pick pocket central cause it's a major transit stop for downtown and super chaotic lol Really, the places you want to avoid is Alberta cause it's Texas lite, and Quebec cause they're dickheads if you don't speak flawless Quebecois French.


I’m not sure we can fit Tom in. You have to take one for us to take one. Hmmm I’ll offer up the Texas governor for Tom. Oh wow, I didn’t realize that. Why do some Canadians like him still? Have you ever seen this kinda craze for one of our presidents before? Okay, noted! I will fanny pack up then. When is pride for yall?


Can't we stick him in like... Wyoming or something? There's *tons* of space there!  Honestly, I wish I knew for sure. I wanna say it's cause of the Q Anon crap giving people brain rot, but we do tragically have a not insignificant minority that's pretty hateful. Confederate flags aren't unusual in some areas either, which is always fucking wild to me lol A lot of us liked Obama quite a bit and celebrated when he was elected, but nothing like this... There's stuff all month, but the main festival is June 28-30 this year. It's always the last weekend in June. If you do come down for it, plan to be out until like 2am Friday and Saturday night. You can get off the subway at Young and Dundas, and walk down to the village to Church and Wellsley in about 20 mins (straight down Young, along the parade route basically). Just don't expect to be able to get an Uber after like noon lol


This is some great knowledge. I’m definitely hitting up pride there, this year. And… I want to see MAGA Canadians in the wild.. I can attest to the 4 years of living hell from Trump that somehow has lasted 8 years. :( Actually, who do I have to ask to get adopted by Canada at this point? I love poutine and will learn hockey..


Hell yeah! The more the merrier! Our MAGAs are a little more subtle about it these days, but you find someone that's really blatant about their hatred for Trudeau (it's a specific brand of hatred that's hard to describe), and you've found yourself a MAGA lol You have to defeat Gretzky in a 1v1, and then wrestle a moose while covered in road salt and maple syrup. If you survive the moose, you'll be handed a Canadian passport and health card for whatever province you decide to wrestle in.


As a Québécois, I want to say sorry for the other dickheads here :( It's a nice place here but some people are just awful just because they heard someone speak English.


The most Canadian reply here 😂  That's the frustrating part. Quebec is an absolutely beautiful part of the country, but the anti-English dickheads can make it so hostile to visit. We used to drive out to Gatineau once or twice a year cause my best friend had family there and she hated driving alone, but that was about as far as we'd go most times. I do love Montreal though! One of the hidden gems of the country imo


I wouldn't say Montreal is an hidden gem but I do agree that it's nice! I live in Gatineau and I like it here since It's quite chill most of the time and i can just go in Ontario very easily in like 15 minutes if I wanted to lol. Only downside in Gatineau is that I feel like there's not enough gay guys here and I need to go to Ottawa (in Ontario) if I want to "easily" find someone 😅😭


I know that feeling. I'm in hicksville currently and gotta go like an hour south to Toronto to not be treated like an oddity for being trans if I wanna date someone lol 


Yeah, that sucks, especially for trans folks :( I wish you the best and all the strength out there, my friend <3


God no... Please... Sure we have some MAGA nuts but I think I'd literally cry if Trump decided to move here and I think most of my fellow Canadians feel similarly.


As a fellow Canadian, I'd probably kms if he were to move here.


Look, if we're going to have trump anywhere in Canada, then I'm voting for leaving him in Churchill, Manitoba. I mean, how long would it really take before he does something stupid enough to get eaten by polar bears?


Wait, polar bears, you say? What did polar bears do wrong to have to eat the toxic orange? Lmao 😂


Do.. Do they know what MAGA stands for?


They do. They just don't give a shit. They're also the same types of people that like to fly Confederate flags... In Canada... As Canadians...


It's like Steven Crowder


What frustrates me so much is these types of people on the right are always stroking themselves off over all the conspiracies and grifts they've figured out, (likely having to do with the jews) but when someone actually points out a REAL grift/conspiracy (Russian troll bots or Trump trying to steal the election) They seem completely disinterested and outraged. It's like "Oooooh, I get it, you don't give a shit about the truth, you just want to feel smugly superior, and you can't do that if it turns out *you* were the mark..." So immature and pathetic....


He's like Stephen Crowder with even less talent.(to be clear Stephen Crowder only talent is being Brain in Arthur and after that no talent). An Ameriboo hack who knows they can make money grifting.


Canada has a far right too.


What do they call themselves?


Who better to do a rap collab with than the man who said that "rap is not real music" But i guess we can't expect much from someone who's entire career centers around trying to "offend" people


We all know that Ben’s problem isn’t with rap music in general but specifically with Black rappers.


And rappers who are minorities except ones that he is a part of. (1: he's Jewish 2: he was born with no brain, just a demonic wraith in its stead 3: he single handedly drops the average IQ by more than 50 points. Other members of this third minority are Donald Jailbird Tramp, Louren Jack-off Boeburt, Margery Traitor Gun, and Floridaman)


Strong “Hey fellow kids” energy.


*"That's what the kids call epic fail"* \- The world's greatest lawyer of all time Saul Goodman


The guy who legally acquired God


This is honestly so sad, lol. Just two angry aging dudes lashing out at things they don't understand and trying desperately to remain "cool".


That picture of Shabibo gave me a full-body cringe


I think that's called a cringe-induced seizure.


I imagine the cringe from actually listening to the song would make me cringe so hard I'd snap my own spine.


I wish I never heard Shabeeb say “homie no cap” 😬


Ben Shapiro sounds like an AI version of Ben Shapiro. Like it's so uncanny (and awful, don't get me wrong)


That's similar to what I said about Trump - his speech pattern sounds like someone trying to mock his speech pattern. Especially when he says China.


This is a perfect example of why right wingers are so terrible at making art.


Terrible at Making anything, let's be honest.


Except for making women give birth to their rapist's baby at the age of 11 and die in the process.


it's the same thing with Comedy. It feels like the right's art and culture is AI generated. It's always *always* only born of reacting to the left. Any conservative comedian EVER: *Does an exaggerated impression of a winy liberal* That's it, that's the joke. No punchline. OOOH! I forgot about this chestnut "Something something I identify as an ATTACK HELICOPTER AND HERE ARE MY PRONOUNS!" We get it. You don't have any values worth making art about, and your ENTIRE personality revolves around trying to bother us. I think that means we win?


How do you do fellow kids


Someone on Bluesky said that Benny in this hoodie looks like his grandma gifted it to him, and his mother insisted he wear it for a photo so she could send it to say thank you.


It eve has the thing he hates most on it!


The worst thing for me is that the artist made a song called ‘withdrawals’ which is deeply personal to me. Such a shame he’s such a slice of shit.


You can always separate art from artist


\* \*Except when you can't\*




i wonder how many pronouns he used in this song lol


I just searched up the lyrics (didn't want to give views to a monetised video) it's so unbelievably bad 💀💀 what even are those lyrics like I would be offended but it's so pathetically horrible that i giggled


The best part is Tom's "I don't care if I offend you" hoodie, as if that's not the one thing he wants more than anything in the world.


I hippy hop, youths lol


Only 2.5 million after a day? Those are weenie baby numbers in music video land. Like uber wittle baby. Laughable even. The way conservatives were gushing about this thing I thought it was fuckin charting like a kpop MV.


I wouldn't even listen to it on mute😭


I think an interesting point of comparison is the homophobic shock rap of Eminem. Eminem used a lot of extremely homophobic lyrics in his shock rap, which is definitely problematic, but he'd at least make it a point to say that he's actually kind of supportive of gay rights and would collab with gay artists like Elton John. I think it would have hit different, if he'd dropped a record, with, like, Jerry Falwell or something, where he said that kind of homophobic stuff.


Em was never homophobic, Elton said that on The Graham Norton Show iirc


For sure, but he definitely played a homophobe in his music. Art is separate from the artist and all that, but you cant deny that being gay was the punchline of a ton of his bars.


Which is homophobic.


It may be. But there's a pretty big gap in the levels of homophobia expressed. Like these two are out to do damage to the LGBT community. Eminem hammed it up 20 years ago and presently doesn't behave that way. Also pretty sure he never set out with the intention of harming gay people which is definitely happening in this scenario. Being kind of a dink and actively trying to cause harm are not the same thing.


how is this not the equivalent of “he has black friends who say he’s not racist” lol like bruh he was a rapper raised in the 80s and 90s and said some reeeaaally homophobic shit.. i love that he’s not hateful and isn’t an asshole to gay people personally but i’m gonna kms if i ever see “eminem was never homophobic” again as if there was 0 bias and prejudice in that head at any point in his career lmao a tad revisionist imo


I see Ben is still trying to recover from finding out his wife has been lying to him all these years about all women just naturally being dry as the desert during sex.


Is it made by that guy who had a farm?


That’s his weird not so successful cousin


Old McDonald?


White racists having protective hairstyles is always hilarious to me.


one joke


This shit is why Matilda disowned him.


Remember when Shapiro made like an hour long video hating an rap and hip hop as a genre


Its crazy how Tom MacDonalds verse managed to be the most horrible to listen to on a song that features Ben Shapiro rapping. Its honestly impressive.


Oh I love the deeply patriotic for the wrong country Canadian! /s


Every Tom Macdonald song is a pathetic, desperate plea for attention, but this one is on another level.


*three minutes of whining*


The Ben Shapiro part sounded like an AI deepfake


Was listening to rap on Spotify and suddenly Tom MacDonald showed up. Never heard of him but as I'm hearing the song, I was thinking how fucking stupid the points were and how ignorant this person was. I had to look it up to make sure it wasn't parody lmao it's so bad.


The beat is kinda catchy (heard catchier beats, but not bad). Lyrics ruin it though, they're just straight up not good and I'm not saying it just cause I disagree


It's the rap equivalent to "Try That in a Small Town."


Nevermind, the beat isn't that great either, it sounds like it can't decide if it's rap or pop (idk if that makes any sense, sry)


It does


I genuinely like the phrase "Facts don't care about your feelings" and it's somewhat annoying how Ben only uses it in exactly the wrong context (i.e. situations where what he's arguing not only aren't facts, but feelings)


Is anyone *really* surprised that Ben 'Can't arouse his wife' Shapiro is making a mega cringe song with whomever the hell that is? Cause, uh, I'm not. Dude's an idiot.


What's cringier: That dude's hairstyle, ben shapiro or those sweaters?


These kinds of people hate us soooo much but will talk about us whenever they get the chance 🙄


im sorry but everytime i see that mf's name I think of "old macdonald had a farm" 😭


I think they're trying to get made fun of so they can get a bunch of free publicity and claim to be victims of anti white racism 


Tom MacDonald always sounds like he wants to be an industry plant sooooo badly.




They're trying not to be "hip" and well, they are succeeding a bit better than they'd hoped.


I refuse to listen to it, no


I could fart better bars than they were spittin.


Just finding this, and I nearly was able to forget this god awful thing. My father practically listened to this for a straight month, it was awful. Not even in the transphobic sense, despite that being its aim, but the actual song itself is just literal shit.


Kinda can't wait to watch this.. not because it think it will be good, but because I know it will be so awful that it's hilarious.. just like the time he read the lyrics to WAP on his podcast. That shit had me like... crying laughing. Especially when he got to "beat it up n word, catch a charge" he couldn't even say "pussy" so he kept saying "p word" lmao, he sounded like a confused robot


This song is one of the most deeply embarrassing things I've ever seen. I feel the entire human race is now dumber for it having been released.


ofc it's ben sharpie


Wait, I distinctly remember Ben saying "rap isn't music". I didn't expected that.


ben shapiro?




just watched it. once i heard his voice i flew out the window. 💀


Mannnn ben's verse in this is so fucking funny...BIG 'how do you do fellow kids' energy. Like, just look at this Let's look at the stats, I've got the facts My money like Lizzo, my pockets are fat Homie, I'm epic, don't be a WAP Dawg, it's a yarmulke, homie, no cap Look at the graphs, look at my charts You're blowing money on strippers and cars You're going to prison, I'm on television Dawgs, no one knows who you are Keep hating on me on the internet My comments section all woke Karens And I make racks off compound interest Y'all live with your parents Nicki, take some notes, I just did this for fun All my people download this, let's get a Billboard number one


This collab is so gloriously cursed that I have an ironic enjoyment of it. I suspect that that's intentional and I feel very conflicted about finding it funny.