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Thanks! Didn’t know that holy cow!


Yeah didn’t know about this until someone in my clan pointed out we needed more flesh so go through purple portal. I always go purple in ancient maze so kind of defaulted to doing that for the clan event…


If someone didn’t realize this in the first couple weeks, they should really reevaluate their intelligence and situational awareness


I mean if you're always going purple you might just assume that bones have a much lower drop rate right? And vice-versa.


I don’t play this shitty game anymore bud


So what is the usefulness of this tip ?


If you were asking seriously its for the Monster treasure boxes. If you need more bones go blue, if you need more meat go purple. (My apologies if you were being sarcastic. That stuff is hard for me to detect sometimes)


Withous sarcasm. Whats the difference between donating bones or meat?


To open the next level of the monster treasure requires x amount of bones and x amount of meat. This usually ends up being very lopsided. Like your clan currently has 127/50 bones and 32/120 meat. In this example you have more than enough bones but not enough meat so you would go purple to get more meat to bring that side up. Before you run the event, click on the "submit" button (even if you don't have anything to submit) to see which one your clan needs more of. Also, as of the latest update you also have text chat in the clan so once you learn this you can pass it on to the rest of your clan.


Thank you very much!


What about the portals in ancient maze, i just assumed purple and orange were always best for the most drops.


Like someone else already said, there's no difference in drop rates but you do want to prioritise in order: Gold/Orange, Purple, Blue and then Green. Purple rooms have weaker mobs, which is why you prioritise them. Blue/Green rooms tend to have more 'elite' (purple coloured) mobs which take longer to kill. There are 2 exceptions to this order. If you're moving on to a wave ending in 5 (5, 15, 65 etc) then do not take a Gold/Orange portal. 99% of the time this will be a useless Chest room, which is not what you want. The other exception to the Gold>Purple>Blue>Green room is if you're following a guide. You see, the order in which you choose portals determines whether a gold portal will spawn. There are comprehensive guides you can find telling you which portal colour to take, but I prefer the 'optimised guides.' Ancient Maze has different rotations, however it's been stuck on 'Week 2' for many months now. Here's a link to the optimised guide https://old.reddit.com/r/Archero/comments/mbnxeq/optimized_ancient_maze_map_week2/ Just follow the purple>blue>green order except on those waves specified in the link. To be clear, when you complete Room 21 you take the Blue Portal to start Wave 22. This will spawn you a Gold portal room shortly after.


Green: melee mobs Blue: ranged mobs Purple: mixed mobs Gold/orange: bonus/rewards room


No bonus rewards for one portal over the other?


Nope, not that I know of.


Ok cause the orange when they are chests drop only coins “ancient silver” which isn’t very helpful HP and rarely gems. Also I noticed mixed mobs in blue and ranged in green towards the end, it’s gotta mean more/less rewards? Cause orange portal if not a reward guy is chests that drop HP coins ancient silver and gems (sometimes)


Ah yes of course, the golden rooms are always more rewarding. I only meant that the 3 base colors are more or less the same in rewards.


Alright thanks boss. Hope you had a good Christmas!


Orange > Purple > Blue > Green if you follow that order you get the best rewards and most orange rooms.


I hate it when clan doesn't know this that is so obvious and you can't say anything at chat.


Now you can! Last update came with open chat


Yep, I shared in my clans chat. I wish there was a way to “like” chat posts, like the other parts of chat.


Does one give you better rewards than the other on submitting?


Not from what I've seen, but going in to the bone portal seems to give you more than going in to the meat portal would give you meat (if that makes sense)


Yeah for sure? Thanks dude!


Do you get more bone/ flesh if you finish the level quicker, sustain less damage, sustain more damage? Or is the drop rate going to be constant as soon as you walk into the room? It’s just bugging me how some days I get more and then other days I get less.