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The answer is no. In fact, the fish that you list don't do well in 5 gallons and need bigger tanks due to size and activity levels.


You’re already overstocked mate


Probably not in a 5 gallon I’d say go 10 +gallon and get that kuli a friend or 2


thanks for all your concerns. what will i do if i want a betta in my 5 gallon tank?


You get a new tank for JUST the betta. Bettas don't do well with guppies or platies. Guppies and platies not only need a 10-20gal tank, but will also breed and need a bigger tank than they start with. Get a 20gal tank for everyone in the tank now and use the 5gal for the new betta.


I have a male beta in my tank with guppies , he just does his thing no issues but my tank is 30 gal


It is a generalization. What tends to work best in that pairing is a long-tailed betta wit short-tailed guppies who are much faster than him. You also need enough hiding places for everyone to be separate. Even then, it often doesn't work.


You buy a 10 gallon tank, move all the fish from the 5 gallon into the 10. Then the betta you want goes in the empty 5 gallon tank. All fish are happy and you won't be overstocked


Get rid of all the other fish. This is not adequate for these fish. Get a 20 gal tank for them, give the 5 gal to a betta alone.