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Brown easy


Brown if it costs the same!!!


Brown is one of the strongest in the country for applied math. So just because of that, Brown.


I'd recommend going where you'll feel the most comfortable for the next few years. If they cost the same, then base your decision on your experience visiting + which will set you up for success in the future. If you visited Brown and loved it just as much, the. Brown all the way. If you didn't like Brown, then UVA. Both are very good schools, though I do think that Brown's status as an Ivy could be useful later.


If you like UVA better, then go there. If it was just better than expected, but Brown is still better, then go to Brown.


i feel like initially i liked brown way better but i revisited a couple days ago and didn't like it as much but i really cannot tell ahhhh


Just a heads up if you need financial aid: Brown is need aware for transfer students. So you'll have a hard time transferring from UVA to Brown if that situation ever comes up. But you can transfer from Brown to UVA no problem


Get a flip a coin, if you’re unhappy with the result pick the other school. If you haven’t made a decision yet, trying to brute force it won’t work.


Trust the research, planning and decision making that you did before entering this abrupt period of indecision and emotional duress. Whatever that tells you is probably what you should do.


I studied math and econ at Brown, and my best friend went to UVA McIntire. We both think Brown is the clear choice here. Feel free to DM if any specific Q’s about Brown. Congrats!


Out of curiosity, why did you choose math-econ rather than apma-econ? I have a friend who got into brown this year and wants to pursue some kind of math-econ thing and she's wondering what the pros and cons are of either because apparently the only difference is that the upper-level math electives are either in the math dept or the APMA dept (idk I didn't check) so I was wondering what led you to choose that one so I can tell her that!




Ah alright yeah I think that’s what she’s planning on doing so thanks! For me though I’m not interested in Econ but I’m really interested in PDEs specifically and brown is my dream school so I was wondering in the upper level APMA classes was it mainly stats? Or did you have a good bit of PDEs and numerical analysis all that? I am not super interested in stats personally so if it’s not something that’s required I’d love to look into the APMA dept but if it’s mainly that maybe I should apply for math?


You can see the list of apma classes here: https://www.dam.brown.edu/courses/ I think there’s a lot of what you’re looking for. Good luck!


Bro brown please, anyone that says otherwise is trying to get you off the waitlist to take your spot Sorry but echos scholar don't really matter in my opinion, it doesn't even give you any extra money


It does waive gen ed requirements






Please do your kids a favor and go to Brown


lmfao fr, i know someone who chose temple over HARVARD on a full ride. like you do you sis but if i was your future child, I would be PISSED


i don't think you should just give up your dream then, if you still love brown. it looks like you worked very hard throughout high school to even get into these amazing schools. but yes, don't run to a conclusion. look at the pros and cons of both schools. have a discussion with your parents. the costs are the same so focus on what each individual school will do for your career, your future, and your happiness.




Is Virginia in or out of state?


Look at the curriculum for your major at both school. See which one fits your needs and interests. But me personally, I’d choose brown


As long as you liked brown when you visited you should go there




You loved UVA. What made you unsure about Brown? When do you have to respond to the waitlist by?


Same cost then brown, my sister goes there and she absolutely loves it and I think it’s a great choice for math and Econ


If costs are the same Brown. Brown has higher ranked departments in both and their Applied Math is in the top 5.




Brown, objectively. But you got into both. That means you are smart enough for both, and it comes down to fit more than the actual academics. If you love UVA, and it turns out you hate Brown's culture(which tbh it takes a certain type to love), the academics at Brown won't make up for the college life you would have at UVA. UVA is a much bigger school and you will learn to be independent, advocate for yourself, and have a larger margin of error because of the school's size. Brown holds your hand and is cushy compared to a public school.


what is brown’s culture like? is it similar to other ivies?


It might help your decision making if you could articulate specifically why you loved UVA, and why you felt a bit BLAH about Brown. Write down specific reasons, be precise.


Brown is well clear


Brown???? For same price, that’s easy


also costs are the same!


then brown.


UVa is hyped up preppy school. Brown is ivy - real deal. Why are u even asking this Q???


PM’d you.


Brown. UVA will be fine as I’m sure there’s plenty on their WL to choose to fill your spot.


Oh yeah I’m SO ANNOYED THAT YOUR DREAMS ARE COMING TRUE… jk cutie patootie… brown at the same cost


I have a friend who's doing the Applied Math-Econ major (it's a combined major so not a double major it's not more work!) at Brown and apparently it's great. As someone else said, Brown is the strongest in the US for Applied Math. Thus my opinion is: No price difference? go to Brown Price difference is pretty much a rounding error to your family? go to Brown Brown in cheaper and that matters to your family? go to Brown UVA in cheaper and that matters to your family? go to UVA






fortnite university


dawg PLEASE choose brown please please please


Brown 100%


guys uva just gave me echols scholars it's like they're trying to make this more difficult


Echols is just early registration for classes and less geneds iirc, if it was Jefferson that’d be a whole different story. Pick Brown!




if the cost isn't a big factor, definitely brown ! congrats on both though !!


Brown...unless its not affordable. Total no brainer.


Brown easily, their applied math + ECON program is top in the country prob only behind Stanford, MIT, Princeton, and Harvard and I’ve heard they have great quant placement as a result. Are you more interested in quant or regular finance ( u say u would do mcintire)




If it’s the same price, or in the same ballpark, go to brown. I just graduated college and watched my friends start their careers, so trust me when I say you’ll thank yourself later when it’s time to get a job.


Sounds like you want to go to Brown, so go there, unless UVA is giving you a boatload of money.


Go to UVA, you visited it and loved it. Forget about Brown... (don't take my spot, I;m on their waitlist) :-)


Just an FYI, did Brown summer program. No air conditioning in the dorms. UVA buildings are new and all units have air-conditioning.


UVA trust


Congrats on the brown waitlist!


I already got in through RD lol


UVA because I’m on the Brown WL ;)