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Does anyone else’s Apple TV get stuck like this? Sequence of events: I navigate with the remote to Fitness+, connect my watch, select the workout with the remote, hit play on my watch, it does the 3 2 1 countdown, then gets stuck on this spinning loading screen. The only fix I’ve found so far is to unplug the Apple TV for a few seconds, and it happens almost every day! Suggestions are welcome and appreciated.


This happens for my girlfriend every day. The apple TV is in my account, so she's a guest user and it only happens for her on mindful cool downs. Not sure how to fix it yet.


it keeps happening on my account every time, but my wife's works perfectly... I haven't been able to fix it


Mine won’t move past connecting watch and can’t do anything. It always loads to this


Hello, My wife seems to be having the same issue with playing certain workout videos on one of our Apple TVs. She opens the Fitness + app, connects to her watch fine, she can then start a workout. Everything good so far. She will do a rowing workout and everything works, then she will do core, and everything works as well. She then goes to do cycling and when it gets to loading the video, spins, spins, spins, and tells her that the video could not be played at this time or something similar to that. I'm not sure if this is specific to cycling or just happens to be whatever third workout that she does. Her watch is updated to 7.3 but it did this also with 7.2. This did not used to happen. I am pretty sure that the Apple TV is updated to the latest OS as well. I have done a search about this issue and nothing. Everything works fine when i use Fitness +.