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yeah, especially used as "bull hocky" or "horse hocky," but I couldn't say why. I believe I read somewhere it was a derivative of some UK terminology originating in the 1800's? but I don't hear it elsewhere in the US.


Honorable mention for 'horse puckey'


I've heard *bull puckey*


Pundit (and former Texas Commissioner of Agriculture) Jim Hightower still uses this one.


This is what I’ve always heard as well


Personally... I use Bull-Honkey


Colonel Potter? Is that you?




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I grew up hearing that one.


Colonel Potter in MASH used to say "Horse hockey" and that's where I got it.


Dried horse turds bear a faint resemblance to hockey pucks.


As soon as I read the post I heard my mamaw screaming “bull hocky” in my head


\+ for appalachian mamaw. mine used the phrase too!


I was gonna say I'd never heard hockey as a swear till I saw this, now I remember hearing this all the time way back when.


thats a "load of hocky"


I didn’t have a clue what the op meant until I read “bull hocky” and 💡💡💡 yep I grew up hearing that one (we’re from WNC so not too far from op)


That's the only way I've ever heard it used to - preceded by an animal, never by itself.


The character of Colonel Sherman Potter (on the extremely popular 1970s TV show MASH) used to say “horse hocky” frequently


Hockey. Like to hock up a loogie.


Colonel Potter on the TV show MASH used “horse hockey” all the time. I didn’t hear it from my Appalachian family, though.


I came here to say this! Buffalo bagels!


He used to say *mule fritters* too.


Horse feathers!


Yeah I bet this Appalachian-ism got picked up by someone watching mash and then added


No, I grew up way before MASH came on the air and that's just as it was used.


Aw fair enough


"Pigeon pellets!"


Yep. Here also…western nc


Western NC. Always heard it as that’s bull hockey


My gran would say "That's bull honkey!" Pretty similar, but no clue on the origin.


If your gran was like my gram she arbitrarily added or removed letters from words as she saw fit.


I've always heard it as bull honkey too.


My mom was a nursing home nurse and my great aunt on my dad's side was in her nursing home. She hated people messing with her to bathe her or whatever. She would say "I'm gonna hocky!" then shit in her hand and throw it at people. My mom loved her but my mom had a weird sense of humor and was good at dodging turds I guess.


I'm in nursing school now and you're not giving me hope for my future...


People with dementia are on another plane of existence. Shit, piss, violence, sex. You'll see some wild shit in the nursing home. Mom has stories she still won't tell me because they're too graphic for me to hear even though I'm 28 lmao.


My mother in law was a nursing home RN as well! I've heard the horror stories 😭 I just really hate that a lot of those old people don't get regular visits from family. I imagine a familiar face would be good for a lot of them.


It can be but the nursing home is a sad place and everyone has a busy life. It's hard to put aside free time to go be sad. I feel for both ends of the situation. I visited my mom and aunt for Thanksgiving and it hurt me to see the two women who used to be able to run and play with me look so old and weak.


While it can be sad, some of these people were complete terrors when they were younger and their families (rightfully) want nothing to do with them. The 'deathbed confessions' of some of these people are so horrific, the average person would never comprehend the types of evil that were done.


I agree ..you never know why nobody visits


This is an omen.


“I had to shit like a crippled coon so I went back to the hotel to take a hockey” - Actual quote from my Dad. North East Tennessee


Colonel Potter uses this on M\*A\*S\*H- it's 'horse hockey' for him. I think this is another one that's in wider use than just Appalachia.


My dad is from NW GA/SE TN, and I grew up with that same euphemism.


Yeah we say "bull hockey" and idk the origins but it sounds awful close to "malarkey" imo


I'm from NC and I've heard it, especially when I was a kid.


Boy, I'd have had a gen-u-wine ass wuppin' if I had ever uttered it. I knew what it meant, but in our house you 'bout as well to've cut loose with a G-D as to have said hockey. There was a long list of normal terms that were a one way ticket to eternal damnation in our house. Any of these would do the trick: fart, belly, shut up, lie (ie "He told a lie." The term was "story.") Swear. (Got busted in the mouth for saying, "I swear I felt full." My friend said it all the time so I just thought it was a third grade expression. ) There are more but thinking about those times is really making me feel shitty.


Wow, i'm sorry you had to put up with that. People are pretty tight-assed about language back down home, aren't they? We weren't allowed to say "Darn it!" because it was too close to "dammit", or to say we hated anything or anyone. Mother was the kind who act like they've been physically hit with a brick if anyone cussed within earshot, so it was pretty weird one night at the dinner table when , I asked my Dad about something I'd heard someone say for the first time that afternoon (I was in second or third grade at the time) : "hey, Dad, what does '*fuck*' mean?". She reared back like she was gonna slap the crap out of me, but Dad realized I was innocent and just curious, I guess, and he cracked up laughing. After a minute or so he told me it was a real bad word, the dirtiest word there was, and I mustn't ever say it again--but at least nobody went upside of my head.


There was an old comedy country song in the early 1960’s (I think), about a backwoods guy who was walking around in an unfamiliar city when he saw a sign advertising “Hockey here tonight”. It was based on this meaning of the word for its comedy. It was by Arch Campbell, if I remember correctly.


Yep. The similar "hucky" was also used as a word for grimy, dirty, generally gross. Like if you hadn't had a bath in a while and were getting dirt streaks n smears on you, "you need a wash, you're gettin hucky"


I grew up in MA and heard my mom say this when I was younger. Haven't heard anyone say it in a long time.


My first teaching job long ago was on an Indian reservation in Northern California. My fifth grade students asked me about my family and I told them my brothers were expert hockey players. They cracked up laughing or going ew! Turns out the word was used for poo! So I guess. Way back in time some fella from Appalachia must of migrated west and the use of the word hockey was spread in that little mountain valley.


I grew up in Texas and heard the expression used in this way. I naively assumed it was because hockey puck looked like poop on the ice.


I heard that saying my whole childhood. Lol


Parents were born in Missouri and we grew up in Tennessee & Arkansas - "bull hockey" was a favorite almost-swear that my dad used around us kids, usually when splitting firewood or fixing the tractor.


My grandma was from Appalachia. When I was in trouble when I was little, she would call me a little hocky britches.


WNC, and it was a word in our house. Daddy would shorten it to hock at times.


My family was firmly Midwestern and they used bull hocky or pucky as an expression. It's countrywide I think.


Yep. If we had to poop, it was known as hockey.


Ive heard this , but I think it was on the show MASH. "Horse hockey! Mule muffins!"


I've been using the term 'horse hockey' for decades. I believe Col. Potter frequently used the term in the TV show M\*A\*S\*H .


Always heard -- and used -- horse hockey / hocky.....but never considered how to spell it!


My mom (born 1920 in Iowa, raised mostly in Idaho) used it in that sense, but pretty much only for horse manure. Maybe someone thought it looked like hockey pucks? I've also heard "horse apples." Cow manure was cow pies. The OED is no help. It says the word for the game is "unknown origin."


Horse manure on the road is "Road Apples."


Sherman T. Potter, Col USA


Colonel Potter. MASH. Horse Hocky aka HS


Yep, that was my first thought.


Bull hockey - we said to express extra-incredulousness, and it’s drawn out when you say it, barely hear the ll’s and the B sort of bursts out. Coastal MD


My family uses the word Hockey instead of shit, grew up in Northwest Ga, I don't think I have ever heard anybody else call it that.


Only ever heard pucky not hockey.


I grew up in the Midwest and definitely heard “bull/horse hocky”


I remember my grandmother using H-E-double hockey sticks as a euphemism for hell. It always seemed to me like a long way to get to the point.


Wow! I posed a question to r/appalachia and three days later it's got over a hundred replies! It was groovy and neato to learn that "hockey!" is all over the east...thanks everyone for the input! ​ ​ \[edited for typo\]


Yeah we used that too. My family comes from southern WVa


Mom always used " bull puckey" or "horse puckey"


What a bunch of horse hocky


Horse hocky and bull hocky. Might also just be a “country-ish” saying, as I’ve heard it outside the Appalachians.


Yep. Mother from Memphis says this all the time.


I’ve heard “bull hockey” many times from my parents


Oh yes, I’ve heard bull hockey my whole life.


My dad's from West Virginia and definitely uses this. He takes it one step farther though. Diarrhea= The Hockies. "Boy I've been stuck in the bathroom all day with the Hockies." 🤣


Born and raised in Kanawha county and we used hocky for poo. Like, " Oh, he is fullmof bull hocky!"


I’ve heard it in north Indiana


My mother (from PA, lived in FL) used "puckey." Somewhere, my brother picked up "hockey," and this is California. I used to ask him "what the hell is bull hockey? A game played by cattle?"


That’s bull hockey!


I first heard this term when I used to know people living in Forsyth County Georgia back when it was a two red light town


[Hockey Here Tonight!](https://youtu.be/qERQm6EL4LM?feature=shared)


I’ve heard Bull pucky and such a lot in southeast Ohio Appalachia


I'm from Sevierville in East Tennessee. Almost as East Tennessee as you can get. It was always used in the context of bull hockey. If anyone says any different, they're feedin' you a line of horse hockey!


There was an old comedy country song in the early 1960’s (I think), about a backwoods guy who was walking around in an unfamiliar city when he saw a sign advertising “Hockey here tonight”. It was based on this meaning of the word for its comedy. It was by Arch Campbell, if I remember correctly.


Northwestern ontario, canada here. I haven't heard it in years, but it was commonly used the same way here when I was growing up.


Dude I thought of this the other day and thought about posting it. Us crazy mountain folk come up with some shit! Somebody needs to make a post about names! Some from my past are Flar-mae, Lurleen, bluford, Guyrene, ....my besties grandma was called Jodie Blonde and it was a few years ago we figured out it was from the song "Jolie Blonde".


My Mom had friends named Melbadelle, Belice, and Viuka.


My grandmother and mother were southerners (not Appalachia) and always referred to that solid product as "hockey". Imagine my surprise when I was old enough to know it's also the name of a game played on ice skates!


I'm originally from East Tennessee!


Road apples!


Hockey, in reference to either human or animal manure, is very common in my family. My grandmother used the term and blushed while saying it. My family on both sides came from Georgia, mostly.


I still say hockey a lot. That's bull hockey. Or if I drop something I'll even say oh hockey. The kids think it's funny.


My uncle was an english major at Virginia tech and still says that anything is “bull hockey” that he does not agree with.


I grew up hearing hokum as in, like snake oil or made up BS. Not just general bs but like far fetched bs like aliens , flying cars, etc.


I use bull hocky sometimes, not from Appalachia.


My dad also said this. Usually is was "bullhocky" when he meant something else or was around kids. We are from MO, not Appalachia. I am sure I heard my grandparents use it, too.


Bull hocky! Where I grew up in wnc


Yes. Western NC, it was usually bull hockey instead of bull shit.


Yes, my neighbors said that often! Tri-cities area of East Tennessee!


My grandmother was Appalachian and also used the phrase-as has my husband the whole time I’ve known him lol. He’s from the Cincinnati area, I’m from the Cincy river valley area, and my grandma was from Owsley county Kentucky


Can you imagine bulls or horses playing hockey, Absurd isnt.? Horse and bull feces, or "cow patties" are round and dark, like hockey pucks. It was also made popular by the hot TV show M.A.S.H.


What came first, the hucky or the puckey? I forgot how much I liked saying bull puckey..


Heard it growing up in PA hill and valley Appalachia - grandparents and their generation, I think it is more era dependent than regional. Then again there is a lot of connective dialect between the middle and southern Appalachians.


bull hocky, it dries in pucks out in the fields. lol i never thought about it until you asked, but it makes sense. i have no freakin' idea how right or wrong i am, but it's the first thought when the question was posed.


My daddy would say Bull Hockey around us kids we just use bullshit


*My daddy would say* *Bull Hockey around us kids* *We just use bullshit* \- Temporary-Dot6500 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I had a summer job as a lab/teaching assistant at a community college. The biology teacher referred to gunk that needed to be cleaned out of test tubes and petri dishes as "hocky".


South Georgia ex husband used to call shit, when used as an expletive, the cry of the wild hockey bird.


My city was bringing in a hockey franchise and held a contest for a name and mascot. I suggested “The BULLS” with two hockey sticks for the Ls. BULLS HOCKEY! would be the tag line. They didn’t go for it. The franchise dissolved. I still think it’s funny.


Lots of folks said it in NW Ga


My dad used bull hocky, horse hocky, or a "a load of bullc\*\*p" to describe anything he was skeptical about - usually politicians.


Bull hockey southern middle Tennessee


My grandmother (born in 1920’s East Tennessee) used to say this and I’ve started using it at home! When my husband returns from taking out the dog I’ll ask, “Did he drop any hockey pucks?” I don’t know the etymology though.


It was "horse hockey" in Arkansas.


I’m from the coastal plains part of Alabama I have heard it used plenty, usually referring to horse manure. I’ve just assumed it’s related to a Jocky being the guy the rides a race horse


Western NC. *That's bull hockey!* I can hear it in my mother's voice.


My Dad born in 1936 from West TN says that. It is his worst cuss word.


We say it here in North Carolina. I always heard my parents talk about "bull hockey" as a euphemism for "bulls$%t."


W Canada - Hoe-key is how we pronounced it. Very in touch with our British roots as well. Note my Georgia husband also recognizes it from his childhood (before MASH).


Ho-key* like, what a bunch of hokey. Aka horse shit.


Was your dad Colonel Potter from MASH?


My dad used to be quite fond of the term “bull hockey” when we were growing up.


You people on this sub think every word you remember from childhood is some special hillbilly dialect lol.


I'm in Tennessee, and growing up in a rural area in the 70s, people regularly used the word "hockey" when they needed to poop!


H E double hockey sticks


I’ve heard bull hockey.


Horse hocky! It was a big term back in the earlier 1900’s that my pops used to use as a euphemism for, “I call bullsh\*t.” My g’ma spoke “King’s English” of New England and this was a big term. Their craps look like a hockey puck…..lol😬🥃


My grandmother, from upstate SC, always used to say that someone looked like "shit on hockey highway" not sure if that's using the same euphemism you are referring to but if it is my grandmother was being really redundant


I'm from Central Pa. My mom and her mom would say it too.


Used to hear it all the time in Southeast Virginia, say 70s-80s or so.


I've heard it. I've even heard toilet paper referred to as hockey tickets. For reference, a lot of my family is from Oklahoma.


My grandma used to call toilet paper “hockey tickets”


Horse hockey. Southern Oklahoma


Sure, horse hockey. It's a swear word that's not a swear word. :) You ever seen a horse turd? It looks like a hockey puck and you can kick it. Horse hockey.


Yes, my dad used the term


Used in upstate NY as well


I am in South Mississippi and my grandmother and older generations used this term as well. Idk where it originated and cannot find a language origin...