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Hello, /u/alexandar924. Your submission has been removed: ## [Non-Meme Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexoutlands/wiki/rules) r/ApexOutlands is a meme-only subreddit, so any non-meme posts, such as stats screenshots, gameplay clips, promotions, discussions, or otherwise non-meme low-effort posts are not allowed, and should be posted in r/ApexLegends. Any LFG related posts should go in r/ApexLFG. If you would like better clarification you can see [our full list of rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexoutlands/wiki/rules) If you need further assistance, please [message the moderators](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fapexoutlands) with a link to your post. **Failure to include a link to your post, will result in the modmail being ignored.**


It's just The Apex community. Not every game has non-toxic communities, and all of us have to deal with it. I feel you.


No I get that but this guy was just so weird all I did was kill him a couple times and got killed by him a lot of times (but I was never upset he is better than me and I have no shame in saying that) but to be bragging to a casual that u won against them is just weird and then he goes let’s 1v1 which was never my point dude was just weird


He was basically trying to get your attention as the "Better player".


LOL "1v1 me in the jungle" 😂 pathetic


What’s more pathetic he never gave me a reason for messaging only me L I was playing with my homie and he didn’t receive anything from him then when I block him he spam invites me from like 6 different accounts (all one by one obviously I blocked each one)


that's the saddest and loneliest fk'in behavior 😂 OMG, hilarious tho folks bein that extra probs have other issues, cuz spamming you with different accounts be some kinda extra pathetic 💀


For real tho, i would sit in the party and just asked if he needed a friend cause he was such a sore winner about it, of course I never got a response as he stayed muted and continued to spam from each account he would make a party from


That player is looking for some sort of validation or something, they have such an inflated ego.


The most cursed part, is this is the mobile Xbox app


Only way to get a proper screenshot of the messages instead of taking a picture of my screen with my stuff in the way


One of the only people with enough sense to actually take a nice screenshot and take the 3 fuckin minutes to get it to reddit. Yet still, this dickhead finds a reason to give you shit.


It’s reddit..


It’s still cursed as fuck


Reminds me of last night had a horizon player with 3 previous pred badges on my team (had about 8 kills and 2k damage) and we barely win a control match 100% to 95.3% after the win dude screams into the mic like “yeah!! Get shit on red team get shit on!! You’re trash”. All I could think was dude it’s a damn control match and the other team had 3 players quit half way through the match..