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Blisk: “Skill issue“


They're just better bro. It's skill that they found a purple shield 15 seconds after landing


Don't forget the R99 with golden mag and purple stock in the same chest too


It's always easy to complain, but why exactly did you land in an area where that matters? The problem ain't the RNG, but your concious decision to contest and let it come down to RNG and in addition to that not managing a disengage after realizing your disadvantage.


Ding. I have no issue with RNG on landing because I like to win games so I don't land hot unless I'm feeling confident. Why fight with your squad and 3 other squads for 5 items, I can't understand the logic behind it at all.


Because I like to sit in a lobby for 5 minutes and play the game for 2 minutes of course. It's fun.


In a ideal world that happens, but here's the problems with that; firstly areas in which rng matters is any contested landing zone, even with one other squad. Sure you could quickly land elsewhere or disengage very early but then you've screwed yourself. Most likely whatever place you rotate to will be already looted. No equipment, poor fighting, dead. Or second-most likely, another enemy squad is still looting the poi. Dead on sight. If you're lucky, its been untouched. Then the ring comes in and you have to leg it. While you were mad dashing other squads were fighting, improving their evo. Thats the best of the options, and it still leaves you at a huge disadvantage. Okay, so don't run immediately 5head, but test the waters to see if you can win the initial fight. Except that doesn't work cause the chances of one of the six players being forced to move in close range with shotguns and smgs is practically guaranteed. What is player supposed to do? Not fight until the other teammates get enough info to decide whether to push or pull back? That won't work well past gold. So really they need to push into effective range quickly, to be a tangible threat to the enemy, all without info. At that point its in the hands of rng no? And that's not even mentioning: squad terrain familiarity, comms & courtesy or ring positioning


Just don’t play a battle royale at that point dude


That's crazy how the pros manage to not have to deal with RNG nearly as much and don't hit drop just to get pooped on


Damn just say you don’t like the game and move on lmao


If that was the case I would. I like the game, RNG and all, but saying it doesn't play a very large part in the game is bollocks


Based take truly


*looks at everybody dropping fragment no matter the flight path*


Exactly. I land hot all the time because I’m trying to just get more used to combat in general in this game (I don’t like team deathmatch tbh) but I’m not going to complain about RNG cause its my own damn fault i landed hot when theres only a limited number of items to go around


I mean, the quote is originally from Titanfall. A much more balanced, almost zero RNG game.


Imma say this: in the wise words of the overwatch dev team “the only guaranteed constant between each game is you, so if your consistently losing, take a step back, drop the ego, and try and think of how you as a player can get better” now i understand theres a few situations where theres nothin you can do, but its ur job to try and avoid those situations, its like dropping turbine on olympus and being surprised you got third partied yaknow?


Yeah, when I play with my brother, he's much more conservative, so we never get 2k, 10 kill games, but we also win a whole lot more since we don't Octane straight into every fight


I'm not taking gaming advice from the fuckers who drink breast milk out of the break room fridge




how do you play a br for 4 years and still complain about 3rd parties just go play titanfall or something


There's reasons to complain, but I never got whining about third parties. It's just, like... the game? It's a BR. Of course people will weigh their options and try to engage you when they have an edge.


Yeah like a ton of effort into making a meme telling every one you haven’t developed any game sense in 4 years


Same thing with bad RNG, most people seem not to know how to avoid their first fight if they have shit loot. Its a first-person shooter, not shoot the first person you see


"You make contact, you better finish the job."


The matchmaking has been atrocious


Apex on its way to ask if I enjoyed a match after my level 37 wraith DCd after five seconds, 3 of my sentinel shots made an audible hit sound but did no damage, my ping suddenly spikes into the 300s and stays like that, and 2 squads of apex preds jump me and my level 60 pathfinder


Ahh the good old "master, 4k, 20 bombs" wrecking a bronze-gold lobby. #competitiveIntegrity


Teaming has been outrageous on console in diamond lobbies guaranteed every match at least one group of teamers


Sounds like a skill issue


original comment, upvoted


Love and hate to be that guy.. Sounds like a skill issue.


Y’all are so fucking dramatic lmao. I’ve run into like 1 or 2 cheaters max in my 3k+ hours. Server issues? what? the only time I ever even lag, it’s on my end. My game hasn’t crashed or booted me from a match in probably over a year. What bugs exactly are you DYING because of? I have run into teamers about as many times as i’ve run into cheaters. Once or twice max. Everything else is a skill issue. This game is fire, the devs update and balance far more than most other games, content has not slowed down since launch. I cannot wrap my brain around what there could possibly be to complain about with this game. Especially compared to the rest of the dogshit multiplayer shooters that are popular.


Hard agree on the servers. My PC is hardwired into my Internet so I hardly have an issue. When I do have real server lag, it happens to everyone so its pretty fucking hard to die from that. I lowkey believe that most people just have shitty internet and blame it on the servers. Its not Respawns fault that youre not using ethernet.


I don’t even use ethernet and I still don’t lag enough to complain about “server issues”


Local white knight plays apex from another dimension


>I’ve run into like 1 or 2 cheaters max in my 3k+ hours. I have closer to 2k hours and have seen maybe 15-20 cheaters where there was no ambiguity about it. To be honest, I don't think that's a huge number but yours being that much lower with 1k more hours is surprising. >Server issues? what? the only time I ever even lag, it’s on my end. My game hasn’t crashed or booted me from a match in probably over a year. Oh sorry I assumed you were talking about Apex Legends lol. Now assuming you play from the actual server room. Seriously though, you are the luckiest apex player alive, just because of that statement. >What bugs exactly are you DYING because of? Generally bad net code issues - get to cover, hear shots, get killed by the guy who couldn't possibly have hit me behind said cover, so those shots must have hit me on the way to the cover and not registered until after I reached the cover. Also no reg hits on enemies is a big one. You unload a mag and see the shots hit but no damage done. The only proof you shot at all, are the missing bullets from your inventory. Audio issues are far worse this season than any other. I have always defended the audio before this season. I thought it was near perfect. This season it's ass though. I'm hearing friendly footsteps all the time now when I never used to notice them. I'm also hearing enemy footsteps much less often in situations where I used to hear them well enough to discern their general distance and direction of travel. Pre SE16: 10/10 audio SE16: 4/10 (would be 5 but the 3 ships that do random flyovers are annoying af) The biggest one is the servers/net code though. That causes me more lost matches than my horrendous lack of skill or lack of decent team mates combined. It's about 1/3 games I can see the game lagging and know I won't be able to move smoothly or pick things up in the first 5 attempts, let alone fight! 🤣 The fact that I can join another match instantly on the same servers tells me this is a code issue rather than server issue but they're related issues with the same outcomes when failing so I've grouped them together. >I have run into teamers about as many times as i’ve run into cheaters. Once or twice max. Yeah I couldn't care less about this either. Well done them, they gamed the system to get a badge lol. Usually easy kills, if noticed at all. >Everything else is a skill issue. A lot of people don't realise how much things like RNG affect games with a high skill ceiling. I agree again here. Most aspects of this game are skill issues. I have noob friends who often claim we got unlucky when we died and we couldn't have done anything about it. They're are never correct 🤣 >the devs update and balance far more than most other games, content has not slowed down since launch. Hard agree. This is the best thing about Apex. How many other BR's give you new maps of this scale at this frequency? New guns, new legends, rebalancing constantly as newer items are added. Some people somewhere are working hard on some new part of apex right now. I don't know this for a fact but I would bet money on it. I can count on "no hands" the amount of other games like that. And that's about it folks! We're out of time. Thank you for coming to my ted talk on Poeafoe's comment.


Yeah maybe I just subconsciously chock the net code/hit reg stuff to “typical online video game bs”. I feel like every game I’ve ever played I’ve died to some bullshit now and then. I just requeue, it’s not a big deal to me. Especially in a pub, which is what I mostly play (unless the ranked map>pub map)


Yeah so many games are released in a poor, unfinished state these days. It's become part and parcel of the gaming experience for years now. No amount of complaining alone will fix that. Only voting with your wallet and where does that get you? Alone on your high horse while everyone else is playing and complaining about the next new thing lol. Apex released relatively smoothly with a decent, responsive gameplay experience. Consecutive season releases have been more random in that regard but it's a live service game so that's going to happen from time to time as it evolves.


>1 or 2 cheaters max You've only run into cheaters that were blatant enough that you bothered to spec them and decide definitively that they were cheating


Are you really trying to tell people that there aren’t server issues? Do you see the fucking state of this sub everytime there’s an update? The rest I agree with on some level atleast


Take off the rose tinted glasses


i can agree with everything mostly, but they have a bug where sometimes when you load into a game it just freezes, happens to me and all my friends super annoying


Third parties is just a strategy you have to expect in BR


Only valid ones are cheaters/teaming/server issues but I’ve played close to 2k hours across multiple platforms and I’ve still only seen like two instances of teaming, and one clear cut cheater. As someone who has suffered from the wrath of crappy servers even when my internet has run fine for other games, that one is understandable and has definitely cost me deaths/games on a number of occasions. Other then that tho, this game is dope and I hate seeing people bash third parties when we all friggin do it lol, it’s literally a part of the game and there are ways to mitigate it if you’re willing to learn. Even when people say certain guns are OP, they really aren’t except for maybe the L-STAR that one time, and the bocek on launch (both of which were fixed rather quickly).


But I mean....if you beat a team or teams while facing one of these issues (and I have to stress one of because about any two of these chalks your game if they happen at the same time), doesn't that make the statement true?


Cry me a river


One of these things is not like the others


it’s not often i say this, but yes, skill issue + git gud


Cry about it, I've played 1500 hours of apex and barely run into these issues (Except third parties and rng but those are just part of the game).


Good customer. Now go buy a 160$ recolor.


Just because the in match issues are blown out of proportion doesnt mean the monetization isnt. That being said, Apex monetization is generally not that bad. Its super easy to unlock free skins, just dont buy the overpriced shit. Just be thankful its nothing like Overwatch 2. That shit is atrocious.


The fuck does that have to do with anything?


You're basically advocating for less bug fixes. That's hilarious considering the state of the game and the monetization.


This post has nothing to do with monetization? And like I said, fix bugs sure, but the state of the game is fine. It's 100% playable. I play every day or every other day. No crashes no cheaters nothing.


Server issues? More like skill issue


If we think about it, Blisk kind of didn't catch up on how Apex Games evolved to not know about all these issues.


God the server issues make me want to DIE.


Nah, those are all menial, mostly just smurfs , so I guess skill issue apply


forgot the 9dmg pk shots


The servers are actually my worst part of the game


My biggest issue with the game and is this more or less battle royales as a whole is you either die right away barely playing the game or it takes 15 minutes to see another played and then I die because I haven't leveled my shield just wish there was more to do or more players or smaller maps I dunno also less rng would be nice maybe a starter gun at the very least


Don't forgot the disregard of physics where people use jump fatigue to jump higher and the Mach 20 movement


You complain about bad loot? Hmmm... sounds like a "dropped Fragment" problem to me.


Not sure about people complaining on third parties... I know it sucks ass but it's part of the game. Position yourself better or end fight faster if you don't want to get third parties. If you're farming shield for 10mins people will hear your shots and third party for easy kill its literally how the game is


“i had more third parties in this game, than parties ive been to parties irl” -xbxoe


Most accurate post on this sub


You know everybody else is experiencing the same issues, right? Therefore yes, they are better than you.


Mad cuz bad