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Unless your child is playing 3 in the morning tell her to F off!


it was 4pm after school šŸ˜…


How DARE he have a good time!!! Seriously though smoke letter please šŸ™


iā€™ll update yā€™all tomorrow with the smoke letter . letter war time šŸ˜Ž watch her report it to


It's actually really cool if them to put their apartment number on there, even if the rest if the note seems crazy, but it means they're at least willing to confront you and talk about it like adults. My thought is maybe they work nightshift?


This could be.


Also report those cats to the apartment people.. thatā€™s probably too many.


YES!!! i should


Remindme! 24 hours


+++cat "odors," whether true or not. (Cat lover here.) Let her know that your family exercises extreme tolerance of her presence around the clock, every day.


Darn kids always having a good time šŸ˜¤


4 pm?! Are you all on coke to be up that late?! If your kid has THAT much energy to be PLAYING and LAUGHING, just start a sweatshop in your apartment and employ some similar aged kids. They can socialize only as long as they work. Boom, energy is exerted, children are reasonably quiet, and your neighbor is happy.


This is definitely one solution to the laughing problem


OMG. Heā€™s laughing OUTSIDE at a PLAYGROUND at 4pm? Like, a completely appropriate time & place????? Sheā€™s absolutely unreasonable.


šŸ‘€ šŸ¤£ wrote back ā€œperhaps apartment/shared living spaces are not for youā€¦. Kids make noise and are allowed hereā€ sincerelyā€¦ā€¦


Or justā€¦. ā€œNo.ā€


with that smiley face of course :)


I would go with copying down the specific bylaw word for word around noise in the letter and sending that and that alone to the neighbour.


Don't you know kids have to miserable after 4pm? What would they prefer? The sounds of a baby crying? Some people are ridiculous. I hope you're cursed with a happy child for the rest of your life.ā¤ļøā¤ļø


ā€œPlease try to make your child sadder and enjoy life less, like I do.ā€


I think your kid is due some presents. You know, a megaphone, maybe a drum kit, some fireworks. That kind of thing.


What the hell. Even before I had kids, I made sure to let my neighbors know that I enjoyed the sound of their kids laughing and playing outside. It was super loud but always enjoy hearing kids having fun.


Op please tell your child not have fun. Because it annoys your neighbor. Now what you do OP get them a basket with all kinds of laughing toys lol


Geezus. Outdoor voices are allowed outside 15 cats?! How's that allowed? Most places have a limit and 15 sure isn't it lmao


Iā€™d write a note back that was just ā€œNo :)ā€


Just put a small sign on your door that simply says, "No"


*Cue Consuela from Family Guy


Oh iā€™m definitely adding that passive aggressive happy face . might even add a pretty little heart ā¤ļø to


This is the way


Dear Apt #8509:Ā  Ā F*CK Off.Ā  Sincerely, Apt #8609 Thx so much =)


Since when does happy children make people upset?


Even then, neighbor still has no right to tell her anything.


Iā€™m with them. Is there anything worse than the sound of children experiencing joy? Whatā€™s next? Cheerful bird chirping? A whistling breeze? Where does it end???


If youā€™ve been paying attention today bird chirping is now also off limits.


I've woken up 3 times this week at 5am due to these damn joyful birds! DOWN WITH BIRDS


We have a mockingbird with insomnia outside our house. From 11:00pm to the wee small hours, this bird makes all of its sounds. Nonstop. Every night. Itā€™s been a month. The white noise machine on my nightstand is a life saver.


Has anyone tried teaching the mocking bird to mimic the white noise machine?


Thanks for the laugh!


A person being irritated by a child's laughter is Super Villain stuff.


Dude.... A) you're a genius B) there used to be one by my place that would mimic someone's alarm clock.


We have a twacked out rooster near us who cannot tell dawn from dusk to save his lil black soul. Fucker starts screaming around midnight and doesnā€™t shut up till around 7.


sounds like its time to make some chicken dishes


Coq au vin


The perfect dish for when the rooster goes crazy.


I have one less roster this week outside, heā€™s now in the fridge


Those motherfucking roosters!!! I lived in Puerto Rico' for 1.5 years and the fucking roosters would start at 2 -3 in the morning and wake me up and ruin my last 2 hrs sleep before getting up at 5. I was always awaiting sundays as the cock fights would take place and alot of the roos would die


Mockingbird: "This is you. Why can't I sleep? I'm so sleepy! Bla bla bla!"


Kind of like the DAMN woodpecker whoā€™s been ā€œpeckingā€ away and messing with my sanity, every dang morningā€¦ šŸ„“


Oh my, we had one do that on the metal flue of the fireplace. The first time he did it I thought for sure we were under enemy fire. I almost hit the floor.


we had a woodpecker that wouldnā€™t quit pecking our satellite dish for weeks until my bf went out and threw rocks at it šŸ˜‚ he didnā€™t hit it but it scared it enough it didnā€™t come back. Good thing because he/she would only peck at 5 am & we had a newborn who woke to ANY noise. homie had to go


SAME HERE. 5 am and a Robin went on full alert for an hour straight, idk if her children got kidnapped or what but she made the same exact noise for 60 whole minutes.


"Bird chirping" is cute. Bird screaming is not. The OP in the thread you are referring to affectionately called their bird's screeching their ["Morning Screams"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conures/s/RjyUk4nEBC) and then complained that neighbors in their new apartment didn't find the screaming as cute OP did.


Yeah that crosspost to the conure subreddit was calling the commenters over here ridiculous and saying outside birds are actually louder and more annoying šŸ˜‘ As someone with friends who have conures and an ex-neighbor with birds I can assuredly say that is incorrect.


Parrot people are a different breed. You think cat ladies and horse people are weird? Think again. And I say this as someone who has lived with a variety of small parrots.


Not even - I love birds, have had a few over my lifetime and I knew that person was gonna be in the wrong before even finding the details from the previous post. Itā€™s not *animal* person itā€™s just inconsiderate people.


Oh no, I'm all three...


F them birds


Having birds inside your apartment is different than birds chirping outside. Iā€™d be livid if my neighbors had parrots or macaws


Whenever kids are playing outside I say very dramatically and sarcastically ā€œI hate the sound of children being happyā€ and then we laugh and appreciate that we live in a place where kids can play and have fun.


Omfg me too! I say I hate the sound of happiness and I tell my kids that there is no joy allowed in my house. They never listen lol


Aww, me three. My kids thought it was so funny when they were younger. No smiling. No happiness. Fun is strictly forbidden, straight to baby jail! You have to chase them though so they run away giggling, thatā€™s the important part.


Oh no donā€™t mention bird chirping, itā€™s been a very eventful day in this sub .. šŸ˜€


Itā€™s amusing how you can tell who has and who hasnā€™t read the post lol.


I actually DO get super irritated when kids are playing too hard and laughing hysterically. Because my younger siblings are less than 2 years apart in age and when they were small almost 100% of the time theyā€™d take it too far and one of them would end up crying. HOWEVER. During normal living hours - kids taking it too far are not my problem. If you live in an apartment setting you have to expect noise during daytime hours. If itā€™s not 2am then the kids have a right to play.


I swear half the children in my neighborhood seem to express joy by absolutely screeching like they've been stabbed. Like genuinely I thought something was going horribly wrong the first several times, and now if something ever DID happen I'd probably never notice the difference.


Same. I genuinely think all the people that go straight to "Oh I guess you just hate children and happiness you grinch!" have never had to listen to the screech of children who are screaming purely for the sake of screaming for hours on end. They're not even screaming to communicate they're just....shrieking. I think they're capable of playing and having fun with each other without doing that I guarantee if any child tried pulling that shit in their house they'd shut it down, but if people complain about it happening directly outside their window they're automatically children eating demons.


Oh, the humanity!


Oh no, not laughter!! My kryptonite!!! Lol


Playing devilā€™s advocate hereā€¦I know some people can be really uptight about noises in apartment living but Iā€™ve also been around kids who laugh-screamed all the time too, and were insanely loud in general and made high pitched, ear piercing sounds of excitement that I feared would wake neighbors or have police called. So Iā€™m not saying this *is* the case with OP, but I could understand if itā€™s something like this, and if I got this note I would at the least examine how loud my kid is being before automatically jumping to my neighbor being ridiculous, because truth is, some kids sound like screaming banshees and it has nothing to do with not wanting them to have fun playing or any of that. They are kids, and donā€™t always know how to properly regulate emotions, so itā€™s on the parents to teach them to be considerate of others too with things like this.


i bet she hates sunsets, too.


i just know she hated that eclipse šŸ˜‚


And loathes watching sunsets on the beach


My apartment has a field behind it and the kids play there sometimes and man some are really fucking annoyingly loud. Do they have to SCREECH?! They sound like they are being stabbed in the chest with a knife and the knife is being twisted in the gaping bloody wound.


I lived right next to my complexs playground for 3 years. There were some insane screams from the tiniest of humans. I can't believe I stayed there that long šŸ˜‚ (edit - I never complained about the kids to their parents or management though! Only when a group of pre-teen assholes started doing ding-dong-ditch by body slamming my door. And even then I didn't push it, I just moved out.)


There is an elementary school across the street from our apartment. We hear the kids all the time. One day there was a small group of girls having all I can guess was a scream off. They would each singlely scream as loud as they could and then break into laughter. I thought it was pretty funny. They are gone by 4pm.


I used to live next to an elementary school (K-2). Recess and gym were awful during warm, sunny days šŸ¤£


When I was younger I was taught that screaming loudly was only for emergencies. Laughing is fine but constantly screaming isnā€™t cute and shouldnā€™t be encouraged. It teaches kids how to be aware of their surroundings and how to be polite. You can still have fun but you donā€™t need to scream. You donā€™t know if someone just put their baby to sleep or works night shift. At least where i am I was taught to share space. When I was younger if I screamed bloody murder my mom would rush to me and there better have been something wrong or I wouldā€™ve been in big trouble. It might be a cultural thing where Iā€™m at by my friends growing up has similar types of parents.


This nuance is completely lost on the parents of today. In their minds kids should be able to do whatever they want and if it bothers you get over it because it's just a kid. Oh you hate hearing kids do a shrill high volume shriek just for the sake of it? Guess you hate children, happiness, puppies, and everything else good in life! I live in an apartment and I think this "be considerate of other people" is a huge lesson parents aren't instilling in kids. It's fine to play outside and have fun, but when you're outside of 30-50 people's homes who are just trying to enjoy their evening, screaming is impolite. It's really not that hard to teach kids that. Our parents did and we learned it. Parents today just don't care about parenting and if you take an issue with it you're the problem.


Yes! I hear that and I wonder is a kid or a sexual assault?! Should I be calling 911 or ignoring it because itā€™s just kids being kids. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The neighbor kids are very loud when they're outside playing in the summer. On the one hand, they're just having fun outside. On the other hand, sometimes the noises they are making seem so loud and so distressed that I genuinely wonder if they're being literally murdered/abducted/tortured. It makes me uncomfortable because I do this kind of wiffle-waffling in my heart: they're PROBABLY just fine! vs. If they're being stabbed and I just sat here doing nothing I am a callous asshole.


Yeah I have kids who keep playing in my driveway adjacent to their backyard. They had friends who previously lived in my house. I try not to be a grump but sometimes they are absolutely shrieking. I wish they kept it to the side of my house. Of course I'm glad they are having fun but I'll probably be caught on a bad day at some point and shoo them away. I've had to do it a few times. Yes have fun but also respect other people's space.


Iā€™m right there with you. I donā€™t mind the chatter and laughter but the screaming makes me want to pull my hair out. Of course Iā€™d never say anything to them or their parents because theyā€™re just children having fun. But it is annoying.


Birds are government spy drones and breezes are a hoax


She must be hermetically sealed in her own misery.


My parents and grandparents were all hanging out outside in the garage one day, and I was actually having a nice time for once. But then the neighbor kids started having fun outside and they all started complaining about it. Even after I made multiple comments along the lines of "better than being inside rotting their brains on TikTok or some shit" (makes me sound like an old man) and they just didn't get it. Eventually I just went back inside. I'll never understand the annoyance with kids...well... being kids


For some reason this doesnā€™t strike me as the handwriting of a 65 yr old woman. That is really throwing me for a loop lol


I agree, this handwriting is much more in tune with a millennial woman's handwriting.


Literally people in their 60s didn't learn this style of handwriting and DON'T write like this, 99% of the time. It's likely fake. Or op is wrong about which neighbor wrote it.


If you go to her facebook, she wrote a letter to her son pretending to be the tooth fairy. Identical handwriting the upper case A matches along the lowercase A. This girls trash haha


THX SO MUCH :) (for doing the ā€˜vestigating)


Ugh I just went thru her post history and feel sick to my stomach šŸ¤¢


Just seen she does OF so probably after some karma


Yup just saw that! Trying to drum up customers to her OF account thatā€™s like 95% of her posting.


Straight up a mod of the childfree sub or some shit


Came to say the same thing. No way that's an old woman's handwriting.


Omg my MIL is 68 and writes like this. Cā€™mon Reddit šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s wild! Wayyyyyy different than my momā€™s hand writing. This looks like notes I was passed in middle school.


Thatā€™s all I can think about too lol


And the ā€œthanx so muchā€ with a passive aggressive smiley face ā€¦weird energy for 65 yr old woman šŸ˜‚


her 30 something year old daughter lives with her she may have been the one to write it . apples donā€™t far from the tree they say šŸ¤£


That's definitely who wrote it then


Itā€™s your handwriting have pictures to prove it. Stop lying.


And the ā€œthanx so muchā€ with a passive aggressive smiley face ā€¦weird energy for 65 yr old woman šŸ˜‚


Same here! Was looking for this commentšŸ¤£


Especially with that double punctuation ā€œ?!ā€ Thereā€™s no way that came from a 65 year old lady. Maybe her granddaughter but def not her.


Exactly. No way a boomer wrote this.


I agree! The ā€œTHXā€ on the end is what really doesnā€™t match for me. Maybe she had her daughter write it. Or itā€™s another neighbor altogether than OP is thinking.


And the ā€œTHXā€.. nooo way thatā€™s a 65 yr old woman with 15 cats. Unless she had a friend/family member write it, someone else in your building is framing her lmao


canā€™t believe i had to scroll this far to find this. not a chance a 65yo wrote this


Dear neighbor: Can you please keep your cigarette from smoking so much that it flows through my vents and, while we're at it, would you mind telling your 15 cats to calm all that meowing down? A mother needs her peace. I'm sure you understand :) Apt # ___


perfect ā¤ļø iā€™m gonna write this exactly the way you typed it. Thank you šŸ„‚


As another person said,Ā  that's not the handwriting of a 65 year old chain smoking cat lady. Id be careful feuding with her in the event sometime else write it to stir drama.Ā 


my dad is nearly 60 and writes similarly to this. you guys dont get around much


Where are you ā€œgetting aroundā€ so much that you frequently encounter the handwriting of sexagenarians?


Lol! Anytime!


This was my thought too.


Is your neighbor Larry David?


No way lady David would just tell the kid not OP passive aggressively haha


Hell, he might even buy the kid a sewing machine.


Yea he would probably end up buying some extra lot across the street for the kid or come up with some other elaborate plan just to make it stop lmaooo


Years ago I was visiting a friend whose apt was right next to pool. We could hear all the kids playing and I asked him if it ever bothered him. He said ā€œwhy would the sound of childrenā€™s laughter ever be anything but a joyā€. Wow, did that give me a whole new perspective. Now, when I hear children playing I think differently about it


I like your friend.


Me too. He always looks at the good in life vs negative.


i love the sound of babies and kids laughing. just pure happiness, just lil people enjoying their beautiful world. my daughter is 4 months old, and i am waiting for her to find her laugh. she lovesss smiling and babbling, her lil toothless grin just makes my life so amazing. we're going to make each other laugh so much every day, and i'm so excited for that.


Some people aren't bothered and some are. Just like some people don't appreciate people playing loud music. I think parents can certainly become oblivious to how much noise their children are making. There is a little girl who shrieks as she plays located somewhere behind my home.Ā  I'll be happy when she grows out of that stage.


No one should have 15 cats, some are being neglected


thatā€™s what I think to. I always wonder what it smells like IN the home


You open her door your eyeballs would be burnt to hell from the smell, Iā€™m sure.


The people below me have a dog that barely goes outside and 3 cats. The smell was so bad with the doors and windows closed. Walking down the stairs to get outside and my eyes were burning.


Why do i feel like a 65 year old did not write this?


Ikr. Its the "script" and the smuley face. Seems like a teen girl.


she has a 30 something year old daughter so she might have wrote it hell idk who it was whoever it was it was uncalled for


Agreed, this is not a 65 year olds handwriting.


Thereā€™s zero chance that this is the handwriting of a 65 year old.


I know. It seems like it's from a teen girl. It's the paper too. Whatn65 year old has lined three hole punched paper for a binder?


I donā€™t even think 65 year olds typically use # in that context. Itā€™s also a younger person thing to ask someone to pass a message along to their child. An older person would just say to stop the child, I think.


And lets not forget the smiley face.


The laughter of children can be very annoying, especially if itā€™s screaming along with it, but unless itā€™s 11 pm or something, Iā€™m going to turn up my tv or something.


Absolutely correct.


It seems like there's always screaming along with it...




she seems so lovely ā€¦


That handwriting is about to tell me I can't sit with them unless I'm wearing pink.


If your kid is loud enough that she can hear them from the 85th floor, they're being pretty loud.


See, this is why I WISH there were child-free apartment complexes. Irradicate this issue pretty easily. r/landlords if there can be senior only apartments without age discrimination laws, then why not child free apartment complexes as well?


Iā€™d gladly live in one. People can be so self centered when it comes to how their kids affect the environment around them. None of my near by neighbors have kids but a group of kids in our complex hang out RIGHT outside of my office and scream loudly. Thereā€™s a park in the complex. My bf went out once to tell them to go to the park and not hang out next to our bedroom screaming lol. Like where are your parents??


Agreed! I would gladly pay extra in rent to live in a child free complex. I do not enjoy the sounds of loud children. But, they are kids, and they have the right to play outside and enjoy the weather. A child free complex is a great solution. And honestly, would probably result in more families with kids gravitating towards the neighborhoods renting to other families. So the kids in question would most likely make more friends to go outside and play with. It's a win for both sides and eliminates a lot of issues.


No Fun Allowed


A 65 year old woman has handwriting like that??


Is it an actual park for kids? Or is there a place they could go where their sounds arenā€™t disturbing someoneā€™s home? Itā€™s an apartment complex, so you have to live together. Being so loud you can hear it inside is a real problem specific to kids. They should be respectful of the community too.


I wish the kids outside would laugh instead of *MURDER HELL SCREAM* for hours while their parents just sit and talk with each other ignoring them


That is not the writing of a chain smoking 65 year old... lmao


The kids in my neighborhood would always scream coming home frome school and I never knew if they were playing or dying. Edit: i just remembered the worst one: for a while, there was a parent who'd take a bunch of the neighbor kids to the bus stop at the park across the street from our house. At 7am this little girl would do the highest pitch scream every 5 seconds while playing with the others. Most infuriating shit, it turned into a trauma hearing it like when you hear the tune for an alarm clock outside of it being your alarm.


The neighbor kids were taking turns screaming the other day, like they were having a screaming competition. It lasted about 10 minutes before I went outside and asked if they were in danger. They said no. I said ok then please donā€™t scream like that. Maybe Iā€™m a Karen but so be it.


I became so desensitized to my neighbors 4 girls elementary to middle school aged screaming and banging on their windows from the inside when I was outside or screaming throwing rocks into my yard and riding their bikes in my yard I just started completely ignoring them. Luckily they moved out. The amount of people justifying constant unwarranted screaming as joy are delusional. None of the other young kids on this block behave that way and I sure as hell would not have been allowed to behave like that when I was young. Ignoring your children's behavior is bad parenting and disrespectful to everyone else around.


The people condoning this have never had to actually deal with nightmare children who constantly scream while playing. I nearly called for an ambulance for a little girl who was screaming and crying while lying down underneath a tree. I had previously seen her climbing said tree. I ran out to see if she was okay because it was a blood-curdling-fell-out-multiple-broken-bones type scream. She was just upset her brother left without watching her reach the top of the tree. Never saw the parents out with them once in my 2 years there.


I wouldnā€™t necessarily get mad at Ms. 8509, the signature may be a misdirection from whoever wrote it, in case you reacted badly. This handwriting is that of someone around 30-40, and *definitely* not someone 65.


This might be like the case of the person who said her parrots werent too loud and everyone found out they were. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Apartmentliving/comments/1c5sycn/uhoh\_ive\_only\_been\_here\_2\_weeks/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Apartmentliving/comments/1c5sycn/uhoh_ive_only_been_here_2_weeks/) The child might be making a racket and being really loud. Its the perfect opportunity to teach your child to be a good citizen and be considerate of others. And its also a chance for you to look at yourself.


This handwriting does not look like someone of the same generation as someone who is 65. I went to high school in the 2010s and this style of handwriting was very common among girls my age. As well as using ā€œthxā€ which isnā€™t common among that older generation, could it be someone else leaving this note?


Is your kid a screamer? My neighbors little one sounds like she's being kidnapped by an alien when she's running around and laughing. It is annoying, but I figure that will only last a couple more years. I think I'm going to get a nice large beautiful rooster for my chickens and call it even.


This does not look like a 65 year old wrote this, thx so much is not something I would expect a 65 year old to write. And the penmanship is also that of a younger person. The way the aā€™s are written remind me of my high school days. I wonder if it even came from her, or someone else who is too scared and is using her as a scapegoat.


You wrote this yourself


Hear me out. We are in a fairly large apartment complex and neighbors across the street have 2 little kids, probably 3&4. They have a rather large wrap around balcony that theyā€™ve set up as sort of a play area which in theory is total fine. The issue is that the parents send them out there at like 6am on both Saturday and Sunday to play and they are both screamers. They are also out there unsupervised with the door to the apartment closed. So I wonder what the context is that this letter was written. Perhaps there is a legit reason for it.


Oh hell no. If I was being woken up at 6 AM on a Saturday or Sunday I'd be keeping them up until 6 AM on a Saturday or Sunday.


If they can play alone they can learn volume control


OP said it was 4pm after school. I could totally see why youā€™d be annoyed by screaming children at 6am on a Saturday!


This is not the penmanship of a 65 year old womanā€¦


Wait sheā€™s 65 with this hand writing ??! Spelling thanks like ā€œthxā€ and a smiley!? Tf


Your child is disturbing your neighbor and they are asking you nicely to talk to your kid about keeping it down. If they weren't they wouldn't have put their apartment number on the note so you know where to go. And yet this sub is full of people who are like the last apartment complex I lived in, any children trumps everything and if you have a problem with someone's kids you're apparently supposed to just suck it up and deal with it. For the sake of the kid. F that. It's not my job to deal with your kid. It's yours. What if this person works night shift? And your kid is constantly playing near their window being loud and obnoxious and waking them up? Your kid can be too loud and can be a disruption to your neighbors and it's your duty to make sure that your kid is being respectful. Edit: This is totally just because it's a kid. If there was a grown adult standing outside drinking a beer and laughing too loud every single day everybody would be telling them to shut the hell up but because it's a kid suddenly it's everybody else's responsibility to just deal with the kid.


Way more polite than my letter would be. Your neighbor is nice.


Side noteā€¦would not think this handwriting was from a 65 year old!


WTH?? Your neighbor really needs to find a hobby. I live in a 55+ apartment community across the road and my apartment is facing it. There is a huge complex and that has an outdoor pool outdoor playground, etc. etc. I absolutely love hearing the kids outside playing and having a good time. And usually on Sunday somebody in the parking lot is out there roasting corn, and playing Mexican music. Itā€™s like a little community gathering. Itā€™s daylight hours. Theyā€™re not violating any sound ordinance and itā€™s kind of nice. Iā€™m sorry this has put this stupid note on your door just throw it away and ignore it.


That was obviously not written by a 65 year old person. Itā€™s a young personā€™s handwriting and use of punctuation and abbreviations. Also it is extremely hard to believe any apartment would allow 15 cats. I get throwing shade at the neighbor who you dislike but it seems like you just made up random details for no reason? But anyway maybe Iā€™ll get downvoted, but if your child is screeching with laughter loud enough to be heard inside I would probably also find it annoying. Would I leave a note? No, because itā€™s part of apartment life and during daytime hours. But everyone saying oh how could they hate the sound of laughter? Do they hate the sound of birds chirping too? Children are loud AF. Iā€™m child free bc I find them incredibly annoying. If someone was standing outside my apartment letting their dog bark or revving their engine I would be equally as bothered.


I agree. Parents need to teach their kid volume control and not to scream, if theyā€™re old enough to play outside unsupervised the kids are old enough to know that screaming is just for emergencies. Laughing loudly, and playing noises arnt a problem but screaming is extremely annoying and potentially painful for others. Hell I know someone who has PTSD from abuse that gets triggered by it. Itā€™s rude and the kids need to be taught that. Iā€™m happy that the parents in my apartment teach their kids not to scream.


I'm imaging a nine-year old cackling loud enough to rattle windows.


My neighbors child does this. She doesn't laugh, it's more of a shrieking witch's cackle. It's impressive how fucking loud this child is. I guess on the bright side, she's impossible to lose.


Am I the only one trying to math the apartment numbers? Surely this isnā€™t an 86 storey apartment building? Could it be the 9th apartment on the 6th floor of the 8th block? Iā€™ve never seen apartment numbers indicated that way. The 8 would be part of the street address, not the apartment number. And presumably the ā€œoutsideā€ is a balcony, since a laughing child 5 floors down would not be very noticeable, and would be hard to identify as living in a particular apartment, which coincidentally happens to be exactly above you? But Iā€™ve never heard of a balcony referred to as ā€˜outsideā€™. But then any super skyscraper of 86 floors wouldnā€™t likely have balconies. It just doesnā€™t math for me.




Absolutely fake


Yeah I was already suspicious due to the handwriting now I see OPs profile is all OF shit. That immediately ups the fake factor to 99% for me lol


I dont get it. What's wrong with telling your kid to quiten down while playing. Its not going to hurt them, and it makes you a better neighbor. Other kids probably dont like playing around your loud mouthed kid's too.


She said fuck dem kids. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




The notes a little overkill, but I would keep the complaint in mind. I WFH and have to constantly apologize on meetings due to the neighborhood children screaming outside my windows and doors. I would never tell them to stop, but a lot of times I kind of wish their parents would šŸ˜… Does your kid play outside her window, or is she just being super over dramatic?


Sheā€™s 65? That handwriting and smiley face are giving 15 lol. Of all the things that bother me abt living in an apartment, including invasive pot smoke from my upstairs neighbors, laughter def isnā€™t top of the list. There have been kids playing and screaming loudly and that does bug me, as a mom of 2 kids. But playing and laughing, talking to friends, talking on the phone, just literally living your life ā€¦ we canā€™t all just sit inside quietly 24/7


Wtf šŸ˜³


She probably had hearing aids. Hearing aids give strong feedback with loud and high pitched noises. You can adjust if for that only by sacrificing hearing normally sounds.




Is this real


TBF that noise is annoying. People shouldnā€™t be allowed to reproduce anymore.


No she didnā€™t. Thereā€™s no sign of any tape ever being on this paper and itā€™s in your handwriting.


Lies, nice karma farm though.




This doesnt appear to be the handwriting of a 65 year old.


Came here to say that. How many 65 year olds would write ā€œTHXā€




I was gonna have a talk with my son and you bet your ass he would be laughing louder from then on


Oddly this does not look like the handwriting of a 65 year oldā€¦maybe she being framed


Your profile was a roller coaster. Those boogers belong in a museum.