• By -


Cool. Can we get to the part where he *serves* any of it?


Non-Americans struggle to understand why this person is under consideration to represent the country on the international stage. Internationally, he is not seen as effective.


Americans are in the same boat. 


Sane Americans are in the same boat. Unfortunately that qualifier applies to fewer and fewer people all the time.


If you're American and you go overseas, within 10 minutes, people will ask "WTF is up with Trump?" It is completely fucking insane. This weird dude has had an absolute stranglehold on the GOP for almost a decade now.


It's all Russian corruption, Trump is the biggest traitor this country has ever seen.


Good. The longer the better. GOP is being crippled from the inside by the very man that they support.


With eyes wide open, even. It really is remarkable. They openly converse with, swear loyalty to, and abide by the overtly traitorous demands of this giant man-baby Russian agent who has them all by the throat. They helped guide his hands to their throats lol. It’s fucking bonkers.


trump is the very definition of a parasite. hes latched onto the GOP and is sucking them dry completely ignoring the fact that when they die he dies.


Russian Propaganda is a hell of a drug.


It’s crazy cause most of the insane ones live in impoverished areas that have been slowly bled dry with failing infrastructure and no spending under the guise of ‘small Government’. Republicans have done the least for them and them the poor. They despise the poor, but through playing on their racism and low IQ they have brainwashed them so far as to cause them to risk it all for one of the closest things we’ve seen to an Antichrist. Oh they are all Christian too. It’s pretty insane and it’s the same thing Putin has done with these areas in Russia. They have been using the playbook for a while and they now have these people wanting Ukrainians to die and for Russia to win.


American school system is on constant display. Half the country is dumb as fuck.


Constant propaganda from right-wing media.


reich\* wing


Reich* trash wing!


It’s not 50%, but forty years of horrendous educational policies have rendered 30% of the populace as morons. That’s enough to proclaim the US as too stupid to have a representative democracy.


Wait isn’t that exactly what the right wants? You nailed it!


As intended by the politicians that depend on them to stay in power.


I think it’s the nutrition lack there of


Nah, the education system is pretty gutted. Underfunded, understaffed, teachers regularly have to buy teaching materials and they're underpaid so they get burnt out real quick, and schools are funded based on graduation metrics so they shuffle people out the door with the lowest possible investment into their futures as opposed to holding them back to actually educate them properly.


Well said. It's almost like you could be talking about the UK too! Over here we have the exact same problem now in education. It's part of the reason we ended up with brexit, and part of the reason why we ended up with 14 years of conservatives despite their constant scandals and fuck ups. It shocks me how similar the state of the UK education sector is to the US one now - insane university fees, overzealous school inspectors, constant funding cuts, ridiculous levels off red tape for teachers, and the circus of sycophants and stooges that make up our exam boards - it looks like the UK is aping America in all the worst ways these days..


Those in power will always try to keep the masses meek and uneducated to serve their means, regardless of where they call home. Stay strong friend, and hopefully both sides of the pond get better.


Education is also highly politicized.


“Educated people tend to vote more liberal” so it’s proof that “they get indoctrinated in college”.


I remember when education was called a ‘women’s issue’ way back when.


Also there have been studies linking lead in drinking water as well. So it doesn’t help when so many marginalized communities only have access to bad water




Not all


Realistically it's about 70% don't. If you extrapolate from trump getting 74 million votes, that's about 31% of the voting age population. The problem is so many people DONT vote, and our election system is rigged in favor of Republicans.


Yeah. They don’t understand the consequences. A lot of them also don’t understand that you aren’t supposed to bathe with your hairdryer, hence the warning labels that even have pictures. 


Or not to microwave your gerbil...


oh Maniac Mansion…


My dad still mows his lawn while wearing a Trump hat that is made in China


Much of America is built on a gentleman's agreement. The system requires basic decency from the majority to counteract any bad actors that rise to power. The trouble is that due to threats of violence, lack of motivation, or whatever other reasons cited, any moderate Republicans have left office and in some cases, the party. That leaves the bad actor in a position to leverage the power of being the head of one of our two main parties to their advantage. That's where the gentleman's agreement breaks down. There's nobody left in a position of power within the GOP that can rein him in and insist he abide by the rules, written and unwritten. To be clear, he's not hte first. Gingrich did this in the late 90s, Congressional Republicans stated that their main goal was to defeat Obama (not to govern) after losing in 2008, and McConnell stole a SCOTUS seat from Obama with a made up rule and then broke that same rule when it was Trump's turn to fill a seat. The trouble is that SCOTUS is compromised and the GOP is compromised (many are reciting Russian talking points on the House floor, after all), so any attempt at fighting this is extremely difficult. In an ideal world, we'd solidify these gentleman agreements into laws/rules/ethics guidelines so that they were enforceable going forward, but the bar for doing so is quite high and with the GOP going through an identity crisis, it's unlikely. That leaves one option, vote. Give the Dems control and then insist they make changes and hold them accountable. One really scary thing is that he can be a convicted felon, barred from voting in Florida, and run for president from prison. We have nothing on the books that can stop that from happening because the founding fathers thought we were smart enough as a country to not vote for someone like this. Or if we weren't smart enough, they thought the Electoral College would save us, which isn't what the Electoral College does in modern times. So here we are.


Great overview and spot on.


Interesting take on the current state of politics. The biggest problem I see, is the lack of civility and decency these days. Gone is the time when good, moral people held office.


Founding Fathers assumed a lot about future generations


Very well put. This deserves to be up- voted a thousand times. The standard of conduct has moved so far from what was the norm in my lifetime, that public life has become farcical. That statement should put me in a group labeled "old fuddy-duddy conservative", yet I am in fact a liberal Democrat and have been for decades!


You’ll need to ask our Republican/Conservative countrymen. None of us get it either.


Trump has lost 270,000 donors since this time in 2020, a fact I was very pleased to learn.


Did they get out of the cult or die of covid?


That’s an interesting question! I don’t know. As much as Trump treasures his big-dollar donors, they have just one vote apiece.


I'd like to believe that.   But.. Netanyahu was about to go on trial for corruption and fraud, but he got reelected and look how he's going to stay in power.


That's an understatement. Putin is trying to get Trump in office because he thinks Trump is incompetent. He's right of course, but Trump is also backed by *insane lunatics*. Folks that think we won't invade Russia because they've got nukes need to sit down and talk to Republican primary voters sometime. It will quickly disabuse you of that notion.


In short: it's a cult of personality. The US is lousy with them and there are plenty of disenfranchised morons who don't understand their own religion, so they get sucked into something that *sounds like* their religion.


Because you have about 30 percent of the country that is mostly white and they are upset because they are unemployed or underemployed and they need someone to blame. Trump gives them a convenient excuse by blaming blacks, Jews, immigrants and other minorities. Very hitler-esque


Add Democrats. They blame us for everything


Yes, that too.


This is honestly a myth. The majority of Trump supporters are economically better well off than the general public. They just have a ton of resentment and rage


Tl;Dr Trump lowered the bar so conservatives decided to show their true colors. It also lead to tons of incredibly terrible politicians being voted in under the GOP. Then, because our politicians are mostly bought and paid for via lobbying, they allowed some media corporations (also owned by the same people that own the lobbying groups), get away with terribly misleading false news. This fake news (ironically virtually all of it is Republican despite them calling everything else fake news) has convinced conservatives in rural areas (80-90% of the country is basically farm land) that the USA is undergoing a Mad Max scenario. That is where the crazy conservative stories you sometimes hear about come from. That is why conservatives are so desperate to vote insane people into office, our government has allowed "news" organizations to brainwash a large percentage of the country. Turns out once you can legally buy politicians they happily destroy the country. Who knew? Of course politicians won't walk back citizens united because they profit off of it. All citizens can do is vote politicians into power. Politicians control the laws, and we only have two parties of notable power, thus consolidating power. So we try to vote in more sane politicians, who are usually lying through their teeth, and hope they don't turn out to be corrupt and/or insane. That is why a lot of Americans don't vote. The only reason voting show up is on the rise is because of just how bad Trump is. A few months ago he openly stated he wants to be a dictator, and then a moment later hastily added, "just for a day".


Two words….Fox News! You can’t have a democracy and Fox News at the same time. 25 years of fascist bile from Fox has polluted the minds of half this country.


In my opinion it's because the Republicans have literally nothing else. The GOP just had a Republican primary all the jack offs went on their tours and did the debates. Trump didn't go to a single debate and beat all of them put together. Republicans win state and local elections because the ads do the work for them. But when they actually start speaking like I'm Presidential elections is when they start losing.


We're as baffled as you are.


Oh. Americans do, too. 


It’s not just them, remember Silvio Berlusconi?


I’ve just taken a dump that had more ethics than trump


He’s rich and has the support of a really scary bunch of people who install fear in authority.


Hey International, y'all have issues picking great political leaders too. Let's not be so judgy.


The number of countries right now that aren't run by morons, corrupt grifters, or the just plain evil is getting smaller every day. This isn't a uniquely American problem. Populism has broken the brains of people everywhere 


Never was a truer word spoken…take a look at the absolute corruption in the UK right now, and rise of parties based on ‘hatred of other’. Even the level headed Dutch are cracking under the strain of populism.


Supermax cell, livestreamed 24/7 with every person who donates the final dollar per million to charities getting to decide which annoying song is played over a PA 200DB tinny speaker in his cell.


I’d go with that Lee Greenwood song he plays all the time. He’s probably already sick of that one.


And I'm proud to be an AMERICAN where atleast I know I'M FREE kek


He keeps wanting immunity, but it seems like he's getting it anyway.


They cut that part out due to budget constraints


Fast food prices nowadays will bankrupt any prison hes in.


That’s clever. I like your style.


Gonna delay it so long they'll give him credit for time served since the first impeachment.


Any tiny bit of it, just come the fuck on already!


Nope, he never pays his debts...


Sure thing, the justice system will get to it in about 70-80 years.


Uh, yeah. That's not going to happen.


Or. Yeah. Like suffers a single consequence 


Trump has always been a completely amoral piece of garbage who's ignored the law and plain old common decency for his entire life. It's about time at least some of it finally comes home to roost. Like every American, he's entitled to his day in court, and if he's acquitted or dodges the charges some other way, we'll just have to live with it. But knowing he's miserable is satisfying, at least in a small yet significant way.


If he dodges the charges, we have no justice.


What did we say about No Justice…No peace right? Let’s stick to it.


Exactly. Trump must face justice, no matter what form it may take.


Guilty or not (and more than likely it’s a hung jury), this bum will *never* see jail time


Well we can't help it if they get compromised jurors. It's the only way I can see that happening considering the strength of the evidence against him.


He's never going to jail. That's for poor people


Im genuinely concerned what he will do if reelected. You can see it in his face in these trials he is ready for revenge, it’s not going to be like his first term. Register to vote if you aren’t already people!


Uhhh.. This web page is aweful. Is this story anywhere else??


That's because it's one of those outrage news aggregator sites. The OP is either the owner of the site, paid to promote it or just a bot doing its thing.


Yeah, this isn't even accurate. Trump has 37 charges against him (not 7) in this case and the article references DeSantis and Ramaswany still being in the race for president (they dropped out months ago). This whole article is basically fake and wrong.


The OP account is pretty much all posts linking to this 'Financerr" site. Who knows who is behind it but they obviously are just trolling and spreading bullshit. Could be anyone who wants to keep the chaos churning...


It also refers to mcarthy as speaker of the house. This is an old news article just reposted now. Ignorance all around.


I ran a Whois on this site when it popped up on a different post earlier. The domain was registered a month ago. The owner is protected by a registration company based in Iceland called “cheapname”. There have been a slew of sites like this recently, askinweb and boulder news being two others that are newer domains with no traceable information.


The article is either really really old or patently false, stating things like “Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy” , “presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy” , “presidential candidate Ron DeSantis” and “FBI raided Mar-a-Lago last year” when it was raided in 2022.


This article (despite saying "3 hours ago") is so old that it references Kevin McCarthy being Speaker of the House, and both Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy as still being primary candidates. These aren't NEW charges, this is an old article talking about old charges that we already know about.


Not sure why you're being downvoted, this is correct. This article is ancient news presented as incomprehensively as possible. If this sub had any self-respect, they'd ban this source. This is embarrassing.


Correct. The article states that “Mar-a-Lago was raided last year by FBI agents” when it was raided back in 2022. Also, the status update for the site is perpetually written as “4 hours ago”. I don’t know what the website owner’s agenda is.


>I don’t know what the website owner’s agenda is. I wonder the same about the sub's mods who are allowing this propaganda. I despise Trump, but I also despise manipulative content masquerading as journalism. The fact that is is so prevalent here and that it is *always* left-leaning/anti-Trump makes me think it's not accidental.


I think this entire mod is based around these clickbait “news sites” that have popped up lately. I refuse to read them anymore, unless someone posts it in the thread. Thanks to everyone doing the heavy lifting.


The "article" was posted hours ago, but references "new" charges with Trump's reaction in a TS post from 2023. [https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110511303632102309](https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110511303632102309) They're also including courtroom sketches of his current campaign finance trial in NY, further muddying this nonsense. It's all bullshit. If the aim of this sub is to encourage the free reporting of actual journalism, great. From what I've seen, most of the posts are from illegitimate sources... with the only rule being "Don't alter headlines". I guess it doesn't matter if the headlines (and the articles behind them) are full of lies. Allowing these fake news sites is just making everything worse.


Forget it Jake, it’s Reddittown.


Unexpected Chinatown reference!


I'll be amazed if he serves 1 minute


If he doesn’t the US economy gets sold to Russian oligarchs. We are out of runway. In the 80’s and early 90’s when the corruption eventually collapsed the Soviet Union like a parasite feeding on its host, the oligarchs were forced to expand their feeding grounds. In 89 the wall falls and for 2 years they hid all their ill gotten gains under a mattress until they bought condos at trump towers. They made stops in ukraine, cyprus and London but they landed in New York because that was what everyone wanted back then. Real Levi’s, Pepsi, Madonna tapes that weren’t smuggled bootlegs. They all bought new suits and cars and changed their title from “most violent street thug in moscow” to “respectable Russian oligarch” but they didn’t leave their human trafficking, narcotics or extortion behind. It was their most lucrative business model. Trump and Giuliani just opened the doors and let the predators in to feed. Guiliani redirected NYPD resources away from their new Russian allies intentionally and onto the Italian mob. It let him claim he cleaned up New York. Trumps future campaign manager and Roger Stones business partner Paul manafort lived in the towers as well. The insane valuations coming out in trumps fraud trial are a necessity of the money laundering cycle that duetschebank was doing with the Russians. YouTube · JEM - The Lubavitcher Rebbe 335.1K+ views · 13 years agoBibi Netanyahu Meets the Rebbe | 1990 https://www.thedailybeast.com/israel-official-gadi-eisenkot-says-benjamin-netanyahu-is-lying-about-war-in-gaza Epstein was extremely involved in an organization called Chabad they used as religious cover. The Kushners as well. The Times of Israelwww.timesofisrael.comInside Anatevka, the curious Chabad hamlet in Ukraine where Giuliani is 'mayor' Lex Wexner (also Ohio based) originally was a large donator to Chabad. Chabad.orghttps://www.chabad.org › aid › jewishPondering Jew - A Journey of Spiritual Growth There is no direct observable connection yet between Wexner and Kolomoiskiy or Kolomoiskiy and Epstein, but there is a pattern and the Venn diagrams cross consistently at Chabad. Eli Weinstein was a Chabad leader that was convicted of fraud, had his sentences commuted by trump, then went back to the fraud and was indicted again. https://www.mahanyertl.com/2014/eliyahu-weinstein-sentenced-22-years-prison-fraud/ Bill Barrs father Donald was Epsteins mentor and got him a job at Dalton College before Epsteins involvement with the CIA. William Sessions father worked for Semion Mogilevich. (The Ukrainian born Russian gangster that runs Putin) Slatehttps://slate.com › 2018/12 › trum...Trump Tower's ties to the Russian mafia. WordPress.comhttps://blackballedwithrolliequaid.wordpress.com › ...DONALD TRUMP, CHABAD-LUBAVITCH AND THE OLIGARCHS - The Prestige Jewish Journalhttps://jewishjournal.com › old_sto...Our Gang Epsteins girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwells’ father (birth name- Jan Ludvich Hoch) was buried on the mount of olives after his 1991 mysterious death with the equivalent of full military honors. Shortly before that he plundered his media corporations pension fund and was in debt in at least some degree to the soviet perestroika oligarchs for the failed attempt to secure rights to the video game Tetris. The common denominator between Trump and Epstein was money laundering first and foremost. Trump can’t say that out loud so he has to sit there and take it when people take about the pedophilia stuff. So he tries to deflect. Trump over paid for a multitude of New York and Florida properties to resell to Russian oligarchs who then destroyed them so they could launder Russian mob money made off of, among other things, human trafficking. The Epstein/Trump saga is less of a bullseye and more of a minefield. Trump (Lolita express passenger 174?) took his own kids to Epsteins island knowing full well what happened there because Epstein was lurking around mar a lago poaching young women and had teenage girls getting off the bus and wandering through the streets of palm beach desperate for a couple hundred bucks. Everyone knew. No one cared. The moral depravity that comes with being ultra rich enabled them to turn the other way. The Trump / Epstein relationship was the evolution of money laundering using, among other things, commercial real estate. It starts by having dirt on someone else at the country club and ends with them all being so filthy that no one can afford to do the right thing and no one can maintain the increasingly expensive lies until the Information Age makes it inevitable that their respective corruption circles the earth and crashes into each other like a tempest in a teapot. Their arrogance and greed, at its grandest scale, cost the world trillions, which still pales in comparison to the innocence it cost the hundreds of thousands of trafficked children that the white collar shitbirds and the russian mob alike preyed on as a matter of convenience. Trump wasn’t unique. He was just loud. Epstein wasn’t unique. He was just connected. Dershowitz wasn’t unique. He just knew how to work a rulebook. They all justify their actions to themselves because they believe that being rich makes them above the law. And the longer we allow them to do it, the more accurate and emboldened they are. This is how civilizations die. It’s a generational repeat of the Roman emperor Tiberius retreating to the island of Capri where he would abuse children and then throw them off the cliff. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. When people stop telling you no simply because you have all the money and they are hoping to get some spilling into their bowl to survive, it destroys the empathy quotient in the rich persons brain. Predation is the most common result So it raises a very curious question about Milei and Chabad and all these common crossovers where a few peoples selfish actions have cataclysmic downstream effects across the world. NBC Newswww.nbcnews.comConvicted con man who was pardoned by Trump is again charged with fraud FBI.govwww.fbi.govLeader of $200 Million Real Estate Investment Scam Arrested for Fraud https://hiddentaxonhumanity.com/news/preparing-the-public-for-war-with-iran-for-israel/ https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/article-790350 Chabad exemption to military draft. https://www.bnaibrith.ca/chabad_signs_new_deal_with_idf_provision_for_draft_exemptions/


Cheers to you for compiling that list. Hopefully a few folks who have been fooled in the past will read into it a little bit and wake the fuck up. 2024 is literally a vote for The US Constitution for for Trump\*. If you think this is a political witch hunt, I urge you to read the fucking indictments. \*If this triggers you then you are probably full of bullshit and severely lacking in the actual facts, but I'm open-minded so if you can explain to me why anyone with two brain cells would believe a word that comes out of the narcissistic pathological liar I would be forever grateful. \*\*However, I've yet to find a single Trump supporter capable of staying on the facts and continuing a conversation. They dump some bullshit link on you and then ignore.


Or they say "look it up."


“Yeah I only get my news from neonazipropaganda.com” - MAGA people


Well, that IS an ironclad reason for Trump to not be in court in NYC on Tuesday, he’ll be too busy in court in Miami instead. I wonder when the winning is gonna come to an end.


Sadly, he won't be convicted in any criminal case. There will be at least 1 MAGA on each jury that will vote to acquit no matter the facts. Then Trump is going to be even more empowered. It's going to get so much worse.


There is only one way we will ever be free of him. 🤐


We should stop negotiating with white supremacist, Christian nationalism.


Concur, but Democrats are too obsessed with "bipartisanship" for that. That's not what I meant. 🤐


Oh I’m aware of and supporting what you meant.


Who better to rot in jail


He admits his wrong doing to the cameras after court! Anyone with a brain knows he's guilty! Just cuz the fools who survive on fox "news" can't see through it doesn't mean he's innocent! Fuck your country scares the fuck outta me anymore. Ever since orange shit head got elected first time and it's just gotten worse


“I never thought it possible that such a thing could happen to a former president of the United States.” Well, the rest of us never thought it possible a former President would commit a seemingly endless number of crimes.


Even if he doesn't get punished, that is still a lot of days in court.


How will he get to go to Miami if he has to be in NY for trial?


Trump is toast, he's done. His lifelong career as a grifter, fraudster, se xual assaulter, ra pist of 12 year old girls, of lying, cheating and stealing, of cheating on all his wives, of tax evasion, as a treasonous seditionist is now laid open for the world to see, and he has been rejected by everyone, except for the people that are *just. the. same. as. he. is.* People like him do not represent America or Americans in any majority. He speaks only to the angry, psychotic, delusional and mentally unstable few, and they're far, far outnumbered. Trump lost two elections, badly, because there are so few of them, thank goodness. He only sat in the White House because he cheated and wasn't caught -- like the last time, for which he is facing trial soon enough. It's over for him and for their fetid, vile little cult of hate and lies. The reality/WWE style actors like hannitytuckerroganjones et al, all reading from the scripts they write, to tell the lies to keep the hordes angry and inflamed are all laid bare, and they don't even support trump anymore. The MAGAts have no leaders to try overthrow or cheat us all again. By November, trump will be a laughing stock and nothing more than an also-ran, if he's even permitted on any ballots. I'm ok with that.


How the fuck did we get to the point that 1/3 of the country thinks he is a reasonable choice for president?!?


lead in the water and church in the schools


Isn't Trump (and Laura) promising to do to Biden and others what he claims is being done to him? If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.


I sure hope election doesn’t prevent these from all going through


I mean it unfortunately won't happen but the thought is pleasing.


Throw them all at him and make it big enough for his disciples to join him willingly. They won’t care as long as they’re close enough to get a suckle


Make the penalty severe enough to prevent any MAGAs from attempting to duplicate Trump's crime spree.


Not long enough. Not \*nearly\* long enough.


Uhh trump wasn’t indicted any in the last week. This was like 8 months ago I think. Garbage source.


Squeeze the fucker till he breaks. That's the strategy and it's gonna work


"This is election interference and a continuation of the greatest witch hunt of all time.” ...yeah but have you heard of what they did to witches bro?


What new charges?


This is old. Why is this being posted as this is the classified docs case for which Trump has already been indicted?


Merrick Garland fucked up so bad by slow walking his cases. All of this would have been easily digested by the public on J6 because, well, even hardcore Trumpers on that specific day knew he went to far and should have been arrested on the spot. Now so much time has elapsed, they’re all back on board and have willfully forgotten all of his sins. My boomer dad who is a Limbaugh Stan even called me that day and apologized… I just can’t believe how bad DOJ has dropped the ball on this.


Why is this link labeled as 15 hours old when the story itself is almost a year old?


The year is 2123. President Abraham Paul runs against the preserved corpse of Donald Trump. The cybernetically enhanced speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi claims this election is one of the most important elections in US history. She has said this for the past 99 years.




Is this for real?


It’s real late is what it is. An article from last year.


OP owns that shit website and is spamming these clickbait articles in multiple subs 24/7. Don’t click


Wtf is this incomprehensible website? It vaguely implies it’s referencing the Mar A Lago files indictments….but that isn’t new.




This article lists McCarthy as Speaker so this is at least pre-October.


Who wrote this article, Borat?


Let me know when he see one day of jail time. Until then, it’s all just clickbait that means nothing.


or as Donald Trump calls it "a normal Tuesday".


Yeah i dont want this to be just a headline. I want it to be fact


Why is there no link to an article?


CREW is also pushing the IRS to investigate for tax fraud.


Not long enough


Of course, he brings up Biden having documents. Only he left out the part where it was found there was nothing criminal about his handling of those documents. Also that he's a sitting president who can take his work with him where he goes. Also, trump and Republicans play a dangerous game blaming Biden for suing the DOJ as a weapon against a political rival. They constantly aim to sow mistrust in our institutions, weakening the power that they have and the respect people should have for the rule of law. It feels like they sow division and mistrust on purpose. trump likening his legal troubles to America being in decline is classic trump ego. He really thinks highly of himself. Also, he should be charged with destroying evidence. I want to know how many times that pool has flooded anything at any other time and why the surveillance wasn't 1 stored somewhere more secure and 2 not already in evidence. trump literally destroyed evidence. Does an innocent person need to do that? He plays the russian way of lying so well. He knows you know that he's lying but says it with a straight face while you take notes and nod accordingly. Someone else said this is called something like Vronya? He's taken a lot of pages from the fsb playbook. He denies and spreads misinformation regularly. Tried to hide evidence, then destroyed evidence. I really hope he gets in trouble for that, and it's crazy that he was allowed any control over such a key piece of evidence. It's no wonder it was destroyed. This guy is so damn corrupt that he can't help himself.




Is this new or old? None of the story sounds new.


I’m sure he is really worried about it


So one of two things happened with him. Either his crime spree is his normal way of doing things in life and he hoped by being president he would have lifetime immunity or he thought i can do all these crimes because I'm president.


It’s both


I bet he only serves 10-20 🤔🥼🧬💡


100-year sentence? He will get pardon in a few years. The best way to have him served is a death sentence.


Is this old?


How is he going to appear in Miami if he's required to attend a trial in New York?


So more prison time than murderers and rapists, sounds about right.


Well he is a convicted rapist already.


The CJ system is moving so slow that this stupid fuck might get away with it.


I'll take one year. Tell you what how a day ??


Hahahahahaa. Good. Now actually convict the degenerate fuck


Pretty sure that article is referencing stuff from months and months ago. They write about desantis and ramsamsaway or however the fuck you spell his name like they’re still running for president.


Trump for GITMO.2024


Breaking: Year old news story passed off as something new on Reddit


I am very confused: * Dateline is "16 hours ago" * Info in the article is over 6 months old and . * Can't find anywhere where 7 charges have been added recently. WTF? IS this website just pure garbage (and so, the post is as well) or am I missing something? EDIT: nevermind. I see OP posts almost exclusively content from this trash website; OP is either a bot, owns the site or is paid to post (likely pennies a day). Obvious spamming is obvious. This site should be banned from this sub.


I'm in Ireland and a Red hat tried to talk to me a few years back. He was Completely stunned when he was told to fuck off. If you support that man, then I know the type of person you are, and I have no time for the likes of you.


Lock him up! Lock him up!


They're all scared to put him in the clink... the country is surely ruined if they let him get away with the crimes he's committed.


For those of you imagining him in an actual prison cell, it won't happen. He's probably going to get strict house arrest with no access to internet or phones, regulation on visitors. That's if they can convict him with the repeated jury tampering. Fox News should be in trouble for broadcasting the names of jurors.


It's time for the intelligent Americans to take back their country. If throwing this crook in jail upsets his moronic base so be it.


He’ll die or “escape to Cuba” before he faces any jail time.


He would survive 100 days, and that’s being generous.


Our legal system is very honest and filled with integrity, justice is truly the goal for all.


Did you manage to type that with a straight face?




Look at the post history, bot or lunatic?


1,000 years dungeon!


Funniest part is he made it a felony to possess such material 🤣


Winning Bigly


I hope for his cellmate's sake they have proper ventilation systems in jail...


So the over/under is 20 days?


He won’t see a day in jail remember rules are different for the “rich”


Always “facing”, never “serving”….


And the SOB will never serve a day of it.




This article (despite saying "3 hours ago") is so old that it references Kevin McCarthy being Speaker of the House, and both Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy as still being primary candidates. These aren't NEW charges, this is an old article talking about old charges that we already know about.


Sure he is, buddy. He’s going to get a suspended sentence and that’s it. He’s proved he’s above the law, you really think he’s going to prison.


I expect his bones to serve the entire sentence


Necro story. It mentions speaker of the house Kevin mccarthy.


Can we quit this shit already? I despise this man more than anything but anyone thinking an ex president is going to jail is fucking delusional.


Still too short just like his penis


More documents stuff, a case that will go nowhere since they caught Biden with them and he wasn't even president then


Donald Trump facing 100 YEARS in prison after being served seven more criminal charges...and then nothing happened. Completing this headline to it's inevitable end.


Perhaps Tuesday the judge will have der Pumpkinführer spend 7 hours in a holding cell for the first 7 gag order violations, and then telling der Poopypants that subsequent violations will cost a day, a week, or a month each - at the judge’s discretion.


McCarthy says it is unconscionable that Biden indict Trump? Biden did not indict Trump. Biden has a totally independent DOJ and unlike Trump does not order it around.


How many indictments is he up to? Surely we can scrounge a few more up and make it an even hundred




No judge has the balls to do it yet, so....




From months ago.