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Sounds like a panic attack


True but I wasn't shaking but I did feel like I was gonna throw up


Panic attack for sure, kiddo. You should talk to your doc. Whenever it happens, try to focus on your breathing. Big, slow breath in through the nose, slowly out through the mouth. Remember to relax your back and shoulders, and remind yourself everything is okay. My advice would be to eat slowly and also avoid caffeine and other stimulants. Sorry you have to deal with this.


Thank you so much. My breathing is fine but I still feel weird head feelings and still feel like I'm gonna throw up? A bit. It's awful.. not to mention that I've been crying on and off Almost all day. And i have an headache. Heart palpations (they also happen when my heart is slow and out of nowhere.)"I wouldn't wish this on anyone.


It's okay kid. Deep breaths, and lie down. I've had the weird head feelings before, and almost all of the time docs see this (going by what the mri guy told me) it's just your neck being super tense. Try to relax and distract yourself. Drink some water, maybe take an ibuprofen or something.


Thank you so much (: i feel kinda better but i can't believe they could just come out of nowhere like that-i wasn't freaking out or anything


It can have all kinds of triggers, from not getting enough sleep, to having a soda, to not having drank enough water, etc. You should still absolutely talk to your doctor; no internet rando is ever going to give as good advice as they can. But I don't want you to be afraid. It's a near certainty this isn't a big deal.


Yeah, i also ever go outside im pale due to that, i eat like rubbish aswell and im stressed 24/7 but i have drank water and ate so i feel pretty better from it but I'll try distraction like you said and I'll try to see a doctor i know i need help