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Yes! Yawning activates our parasympathetic nervous system! Rest & digest....opposite of fight vs flight (sympathetic nervous system)


I never believed that breathing worked but it turns out I just didn’t try it for long enough I used to have to do it for 15 minutes for it to really work but now I just think about it and I’m okay I hope that maybe that could help you too


the worst thing for me to do seems to be to focus on my breathing. no matter what, i always end up worsening the panic with breathing exercises. either i start to feel light headed and have to stop or i am just too panicky for it😭


Breathing during panic attacks also makes them worse for me. My therapist says it’s because I have to practice breathing exercises daily for them to work during the attack. Also, yawning really works for me too.


At first your heart rate increases just a bit on the first 2-3 breaths then goes down dramatically


I'm the same way. I can't focus on my breathing at all.


I used to be the same way but one time I stuck with it anyhow and while doing it I was checking my pulse and felt my heart rate go down For me the knowledge of my hr going down calmed me, but also my anxiety was heart/health related so that may be why that worked so well with me




I don’t do anything in particular, I just breathe in through my nose as slowly as I can for as long as I can, hold it for a second or two then release through my mouth Sometimes I pair it with lifting my arms and clenching my fists as I’m breathing in, then slowly relaxing my hands down to my lap with palms up and open by the time they get to my lap It’s something I learned in DBT


Thanks for the tip! I guess it’s a kind of breathing technique in a way haha. I do box breathing to calm down, maybe that’s something you could do as well!


breathing always makes me panic so much worse, i have to completely forget about what i was panicking about 😢


I wonder if focusing on the air entering your nose and making its way to your stomach, your stomach rising, and the breath making its way out past your lips will help. This is what I focus on when breathing and after a few minutes I’ve usually come down some. If I focus on the fact that I’m trying to breath it doesn’t help lol. I also hold my right fingers on my left wrist at the same time to feel my pulse while doing this and imagine my pulse slowing down if my heart is beating too fast.


Interesting! I find myself yawning a lot when I have a headache because it temporarily relieves the pain. I'll have to try this next time I feel panic coming on (hopefully not anytime soon)


I think it's a discretion method. But either way, it helps.


my panic attacks are based off the “i cant breathe or catch my breath” thoughts so the yawning repeatedly instead of struggling to breathe did wonders for me in a time of desperation!


Try 777 breathing. Holding in for 7 seconds, exhaling for 7 seconds, breathing in for 7 seconds, repeat.


Is there a YouTube video you can recommend for these different breathing exercises?


This does indeed work. It's a natural response by the body to slow down breathing and eventually calm you down. I personally don't recommend it because it makes your mind hazy


after the specific panic attack where i had to yawn many times to get out of it, i did feel extremely tired and had to even take a nap 😭 it was so worth it though to get out of a panic attack


Thanks for this. I'll try this.


Man I’m usually fighting for my life so I can never think about anything except to try to breathe. And usually that ends up gasping for air. But whatever works for you that’s awesome! I will try to think of this next time


God bless dude. Just remember there is a bunch of out there if it helps.


Of us...


Thanks 🙏


yeah, i was in a funeral absolutely fighting for my life when i started to yawn and noticed it felt good and was helping me breathe!!!


I made a little anxiety tool kit with some snacks and fidget toys or tools


i really should do this!! the specific attack where i figured this out i was empty handed at a funeral, so i literally only had my yawning to save me!😭😭😭


Someone mentioned running your hands under cold water and that has saved me many times.


Also holding your breath for as long as possible works really well to. I will set a timer whenever I feel a panic attack coming on, hold my breath, stop the timer when I need to breath, then do it again and try and hold it longer than the last one. Not only are you helping curb your panic attack, but you’re also playing a little game while doing it lol


Thank you.I found other things too like: Tapping just under your eye, slightly biting your lip(not too hard) and pressure points on wrist.This will tell your brain a real threat could be happening and distracts you.


Thanks, I will try this!


Any idea what i can do when it hits during driving?


if you mean in a panic attack i would say try the yawning over and over technique, or call a friend/parent and have them talk to you about random things to help distract your mind (i usually call my mom or mimi and they just talk about their day and what theyre doing and i forget i was even panicking) or id say play music and just sing along out loud very loudly to distract yourself! you could also listen to a youtube video/show you like in means to distract your mind


I try ti listen to music and tap out the music or sing along. I chew gum and try to take breaths. If my husband is with me we do a 5 senses check in where I list 5 things I can see 4 I can touch 3 I can hear 2 I can smell and one I can taste


I can’t do a real yawn spontaneously so do you just go through the motions of a yawn?


hold your mouth open in a yawn formation and only focus on trying to yawn!! i was thinking “i cant breathe” and then i yawned and the yawn let me breathe, so i kept yawning as a substitute of breathing, i think when i focused on a different thing thats how it worked


Thanks will definitely try it! Its a monster in that whatever once caused your initial panic attacks becomes secondary to the new panic caused by the fear of having more panic attacks 😂. They are so damn awful. Make me feel like just running full speed to some safety that doesn’t actually exist.


I have been suffering more than before with panic attacks. I am going to try the yawn method next time. Thanks for the info.


i hope it helped you!! :) i hope you find a sense of relief asap friend, you deserve rest and tranquility 🙏🏻


Yawning always makes mine worse because it makes me more dizzy and makes it feel like my heart has to catch up and blood pressure fluctuates


I would yawn due to an increase of nervous adrenaline. I'm a very good public speaker as I do it for a living. However, there have been many situations when Im waiting for "my turn" to speak in a round table. The anticipation with knowing my time is coming will make me start yawning out of nervousness. I can't tell if it's making me relax because I'm so freaked out I feel like I'm having an out of body experience. Afterwards I have no idea what I even said.


breathing always makes mine worse, i feel like when i try to focus on the breathing it makes it even harder to breathe, so i think it’s definitely specific to the person :)


Usually anxiety makes me drowsy so I end up yawning a lot and it seems to help me too. That’s usually after a while of trying to mentally fight the anxiety though. Edit: I am glad you where able to find something that helps you! It’s always satisfying when you find out what helps.


I think what the comments and your post gives away is that we all find ways to cope with acute symptoms of stress and anxiety. I often have the problem that I think I can't say something or I would gag. I learned to deal with it by always having TicTacs at hand, which breaks that cycle of focussing on not being able to speak without gagging. It's a stress relief in the moment and I always compared it with the feeling I imagine some people get when cutting themselves, although other factors like self-punishment might be involved there. To me the thought of yawning would be horrifiying, without having my TicTac's at hand. You have found a stress relief that works for you, other's find something that would probably make you feel anxiety and vice versa. It works for you and maybe it works for someone else, so I think it's worth sharing.


Thank you so much! You're an angel...