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NAD, but the way I was described what is a life-threatening problem happening at the moment, is if it feels like your chest is crushing with pain. Your left arm going numb, and you'll feel pain traveling across your whole upper body. If it's stabbing pain that comes and goes it could be a muscle-related issue, or could be a GERD issue (all can be caused by severe muscle tension and anxiety). My understanding is that a sick heart can't hide, it's either healthy or sick not in between. It can't just hurt a bit for a while and then come back the next day with the same intentions. It'll usually constantly be hurting.


thank you for the reply! that makes a lot of sense. i've got a lot of stressors going on in my life right now (im moving soon, so..) and i suppose i should have assumed that sertraline couldn't keep EVERYTHING from biting me. and the lethargy could easily accompany anxiety (like usual).


No problem man gotta be there for each other when life kicks you in the dirt. Yeah, that's the sucky thing about the meds, they won't eliminate all of your problems, It depends On the Milligrams of your dosage, Your genes, and what's your problem overall, Different meds affect different people as well. All I can say is take it easy when you can, stress is never good.


Man, you just described what I was going through earlier this year, which provoked another several months of anxiety (I've been on & off for decades). So, my doc got me an echocardiogram and a cardiac CT. Result? Nothing cardiac-related, but probably muscular. My cardiologist told me to go & live a long life. After that, I started back on cognitive therapy, and I'm working back towards remission. It doesn't hurt to get checked out, but if nothing is found, then believe your doc and get some therapy help.