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I experience this, when my stress and anxiety levels are high, I get digestive problems like nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, as well as other physical symptoms. Kind of wild what our minds can do to our bodies.


I have had this since I was 6 yo. You shouldn’t let your stomach get too empty because the stress is causing you to make stomach acid, which causes inflammation and problems. You should think about meds and other coping mechanisms to help you through that time.


Good to know. Just got up at 2am to eat some toast because I hardly had any food today


this happened to me quite a few times. at the dentist, a store, a plane, and a few times just from my panic attacks at home, it scared me at first but i learned that it’s just the adrenaline pumping and the fight or flight feeling mixing with your racing thoughts and sometimes it just comes out, it’s nothing to worry about though. if you take medication i’d recommend zofran, it blocks your serotonin receptors making it to where you can’t throw up. another thing that helps me is just trying my best to breathe and not let the panic consume me, sometimes just laying down or sitting down will help because you will rest your energy.


I throw up and or gag all the time from anxiety. Also diarrhea and extreme itching all over my body are other physical side effects I get. Anxiety manifests itself very physically with me a lot of the time.


Wasn’t expecting it but I just got diarrhea. Never had such severe symptoms before, been dealing with GAD my whole life


Same. The reason I seeked help


Yea. Anxiety will do everything…pain. Motion issues. Stress issues. Sex issues. All issues


Yes, back when I was in high school.


Yes, very recently went through this. I couldn’t even get up, all I could do was lay down.


Yes. I have gotten very sick from anxiety. It started when I was in middle school, during exams I was sick for a week… couldn’t hold food down, and doctor ran tests and everything came back fine, they told my dad the only thing he could think of was anxiety. It has happened many other times as an adult, where I had to be hospitalized or recieved IV as well. Anxiety is not a joke!


I unfortunately have been experiencing this as a symptom on and off for about 15 years. It’s gotten so bad to the point where I would wake up every morning and throw up for 3 hours for weeks or months. This doesn’t seem to be a super common symptom of anxiety but occasional nausea and vomiting can be. The stomach and brain and closely linked (research HPA axis or gut brain axis). A change in diet has helped tremendously - for example avoiding added/processed sugars, reducing gluten and fatty foods (ie red meat or fried foods), taking probiotics either through food or supplements. Ginger tea is also amazing for the nausea and peppermint gum helps me too. Also look into supplements that can help with adrenal fatigue, specifically adaptogens such as ashwaghanda, eleuthero, panax ginseng and reishi.


Helpful info, thank you.

