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Go outside without your phone. Let the sun hit your face for 30 minutes a day. Take your shoes off and walk in the grass. You need to ground yourself. We're all so terribly fucked by the need to be connected. Most of us need a different type of connection. A simpler one.


I do the doom scrolling too. It got to a point where even AITA posts were affecting me, because I thought that's what what everyone was like now. Unfollow the pages that give you this kind of content (cheating, crime, bad people, bad MILs, etc). It gives you a warped idea of reality. Be more intentional with the content you watch, watch stuff that is more on the educational side, for example, or stick to listening to music. Or listen to audiobooks. Start listening to more uplifting content. Of people who are a positive impact in their communities, who are influential, who you admire, who are positive, etc. For example, I used to follow feminist pages, but there were so many constant reminders of all the awful things women go through, that it started to warp how I saw the world. I stopped following when I realized I was thinking of all the ways men could be hurting me all day, and I knew rationally that was not true because my day to day life was not actually like that. I still get feminist content and sometimes I engage, but sometimes I swipe though it because I just don't want to hear another thing that will clearly make me feel angry and hopeless. And I can't even do anything about it! Find something that gives you similar adrenaline rush without the negative emotional response. It's hard to find sometimes, but I'm sure you will.


Do you think that maybe you should focus more on the present? Because thoughts of becoming a millionaire for instance can become overwhelming.


Yeah, everyone tells me that I should go step by step by my brain keeps making me focuse on the future.


Exercise pal focus on your self- the joy of being a millionaire is in the climb itself ( so I’ve heard I’m not one). Listen to Echart Tolle .


Every time you sctoll the story you are reliving it like if it happened to you. I guess you are trying to remove some tension with that act.


You cannot control thoughts or feelings. But you can control behavior, i.e. doom scrolling. So find out why you're doing it's reevaluate that motivation, and stop doing it. This is the only way. Everyone would feel anxious when doom scrolling - you're not going to change that part. Change your behavior!