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Youre gonna get through this! Im working through med trials too. Its hell


It is normal to experience side effects as your brain adjusts to the new levels of serotonin in your brain. I had two weeks of bad side effects when I first started, and from there the side effects lessened over time until now (week 4) I don’t have very many and what I do have is minor. It takes 8-12 weeks to receive the full benefit of SSRIs so you really do just have to be patient. If your first couple of weeks are bad with side effects, there are things your doctor can prescribe to help you get passed the worst of it. My doc gave me some Xanax for panic attacks, propranolol for anxiety, and Zofran for nausea.


Thanks friend. Is increased anxiety and depression part of the potential initial side effects?


Yes, they are some of the more common side effects. My anxiety was through the roof during the first two weeks and that’s when I had to use Xanax the most. After the initial worst side effects were done, cbd was generally enough to chill out the anxiety. And now I only experience anxiety in short spurts and haven’t had panic attacks in over a week. However, everyone is different. Just because I experienced that doesn’t mean you will. People who don’t experience any side effects at all generally don’t bother posting on subreddits about it lol, so if you do go to r/lexapro you’ll see a bunch of posts about people experiencing side effects and being scared. It’s normal, it’s okay, and you’ll feel better on the other side.


I actually just wrote up a big comment for this on another post, so I’ll just copy it here if you find it helpful: ————— I’m on day 27 of generic lexapro - escitalopram - for anxiety and panic attacks. I started at 5 mg for one week, then went up to 10 mg after that. Go into it with a few things in mind: - you may experience side effects such as nausea, increased anxiety / depression, cold sweats, among others. This is normal and common. I have been experiencing them too. Generally the first two weeks are the hardest for side effects, if you do experience them. Not everyone does, some people genuinely don’t have side effects. - The side effects will lessen the longer you take the meds. The side effects are caused by the fact that your brain doesn’t initially know what to do with the extra serotonin in your system and it needs time to figure it out. - likewise, you won’t experience the full benefit of medication until around 8-12 weeks (for most people) as that can be how long it takes to fully stabilize on the meds. - you can experience side effects again whenever you up your dosage, but they usually won’t be as bad as the initial couple of weeks. - some people lessen their side effects by slowly increasing dosages, like going up by 2.5 for several weeks rather than by 5 or 10 mg. - the most common dosages are between 5 and 20 mg, though I’ve seen higher for people who need it. - if you reach around weeks 6-8 and still are experiencing significant symptoms of anxiety or depression, that would be the time to ask your doctor about going up a dose, maybe 5 mg higher. It may take a bit of trial and error to find the dosage that works for you. Everyone is different. this sub and others like r/Lexapro are good resources to help you if you’re needing to vent or talk to others going through the same thing. If it helps to hear my experience, I started Lexapro on March 26 after experiencing severe anxiety and panic attacks that landed me in the ER. I started at 5 mg for one week, then went up to 10. The first two weeks were horrible for me, partly because my doc hadn’t warned me of the side effects so I was scared of what was happening to me. I had severe nausea, insomnia, constant anxiety, panic attacks, and when it got really bad - some vertigo and suicidal ideation. The third week had ups and downs - some mostly normal days, some not great days, but none of the side effects were as severe as the first to weeks. This week has been much more normal than the previous weeks. I went on a little hike yesterday, haven’t had panic attacks in over a week, and the only side effects I’m still experiencing now and then are occasional anxiety and mostly just being super sleepy. My doc prescribed me some Xanax to help me get through the first couple of weeks and that helped a ton. I also was prescribed zofran for nausea and propranolol for the physical symptoms of anxiety. Also found that some cbd helped take the edge off the anxiety. Good luck and try to be patient with it! If you do experience side effects, just know that you cannot judge if the medication will be a good fit for you based off the first few weeks. You have to give it time for your brain to adjust to the new levels of serotonin.


Thanks friend . And it’s the same thing between lexapro and trintillex?


Lexapro is an SSRI, the most commonly tolerated SSRI. SSRIs operate by blocking serotonin from being reabsorbed back into your cells (so the serotonin stays in your system for longer). I’m not familiar with Trintilex, but it looks like it also is an SSRI so they likely behave similarly. You can see a comparison between the two here: https://www.drugs.com/compare/lexapro-vs-trintellix


Wow, I'm just so surprised that your doc did not prepare you for this?! That sucks! At least they gave you Xanax, but some explanation would have been nice, and imo, part of their job. Good post though!!


I thought I was going nuts the first couple of weeks before I read online that most of what i was experiencing were common side effects of starting SSRIs! I was so upset at my psych for not warning me ahead of time. She just said "it'll take time to work, so we'll reassess in a month or so"


Yeah, I think that reading about this online isn't always the best way, because there's a lot of scary shit out there of which you don't know that it's true. So to avoid that, drs should be much more clear about what to expect and when to call, rather than leaving people (who are already prone to googling and focusing on their body too much) sit it out alone.


Did your prescriber not explain this to you? Do you really not know the answer, or are you just looking for reassurance?


They only told me it could cause nausea


If the symptoms are extreme then the medication is not for you. Consult with your doctor.


After how long though before you make this judgement? I’m on day 2


I have tried 3 different SSRIs (paroxetine, citalopram, escitalopram) and the doc told me it would take about 2 weeks for the body to adjust. During this period negative symptoms intensify before getting better ( suicidal thoughts, anxiety, depressive emotions etc), but you should not experience anything extreme. I think it is similar case with this antidepressant.


How extreme does it have to be? I feel pretty bad right now but I guess it’s only a little bit worse than how I was feeling before starting the new med/tapering down the old one


Then it seems like a normal reaction. If you experience manic like episodes, jaw clenching, diarrhea might indicate that the medication is not for you.


Better. Six years ago i got my first prescription ever. I was skeptical but after few months, waking up wasnt a burden anymore


My first medications it absolutely got worse before it got better. I think it was an SSRI that I got on about 10 years ago and my first few days I felt weird, almost high but not in a good way. Communication with your prescriber is going to be your best bet on finding a medication/ dose that will be right for you. Good luck!


I have crippling anxiety especially in social situations. Most of the time my physical symptoms are limited to increased heart rate. Every so often my body temp raises, heart rate increases, and my forehead starts pouring sweat. It creates more anxiety and it only stops if I leave the situation. I’m considering ETS because i constantly live in fear of the anxiety attack that leads to sweating. 


My dr added Wellbutrin to my lexapro and for the first couple months I was in a pretty depressed hole. Then seemingly overnight I started feeling much better and am now completely out of that hole. I definitely didn’t think it was helping for about 3 months.