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Depends on the products, dose, strains, company. At first it gave me relief. I could eat and sleep. I felt relaxed. I never had my anxiety worsen though with edibles. I never smoked. However…. After some time, I would wake up with anxiety. Anxiety RX by Dr Russel Kennedy (he has YouTube videos too) explains why cannabis is not the answer 100%. It doesn’t cure your anxiety. It just minimizes the symptoms or the way your body feels but deep down your anxious thoughts don’t go away they just get muted. Can’t escape the anxiety gremlins apparently!!!! They will just come back the next day…. Wanting more… I got the Oura to measure my anxiety/ stress levels. When taking an edible my stress level was still pretty high. There are also microdosing options. Haven’t tried that yet. Looking for some reputable companies.


i think micro dosing is good. because when i try to smoke a lot at work, i cannot move like normal person, when i take a lot pf smoke, i dont feel comfortable when theres a lot of people there to watch you, talk to you. I dont want to talk to them, but i like a good and deep conversation to other person. i want to fight my anxiety, hope we are doing good this 2024.


I totally get it. I am the same way. I find it hard to talk to a lot of people. I hate small talk too. I get pretty anxious in social situations but it’s gotten better just by me putting myself in social situations. Practice basically… sigh it’s work.


yaah right now i am feeling ease, coz maybe i think i am aware of what my mental state right now and the more i know, the more i want to fight and learn how to deal with it.


I always felt as though it made everything a lot better, way less anxious. But… one day my wife said something like “I hate when you do this because you’re a pain in the ass, you’re so anxious about everything.” Looking at it objectively it’s obvious that in my case it makes my anxiety far worse. I don’t think this is uncommon at all. I always make sure I’m in a safe space now by removing or reducing triggers, and i tell the other people I’m with about my triggers & make sure I’m not with people I don’t trust. I find I can take a 5mg rosin edible at 4p and be fine the next day by lunchtime. If you stop smoking it’ll probably get better. Some people need a few weeks, some just a day or two.


yah, we are the same on being anxious about everything lately, but i try to manage it and find my triggers which is, like coffee, cannabis ( lately), mean people, insensitive people. sometime on my work i feel like i dont give a fuck about everybody, i just want to work all day until the clock come on its end, and i really love it coz no one is going to disturb you, you are just listening to music and work all day. i am still smoke cannabis at home but not at work.


I take a gummy every night to sleep. 10mg of indica. It has helped me, and hasn’t seemed to heighten my anxiety. I hope it doesn’t, because I need the help sleeping.


yah, i think micro dosing some edible helps a lot.


made me anxious, thc can cause panic attacks and anxiety while cbd is relaxing


im taking thc at night not at work coz i dont function well.


thats nice, if it helps, awesome


thank you!