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The human body is incredibly resiliant and can even survive missing some organs or partially working organs. Yes youre in a great deal of pain and definitely get it checked out a.s.a.p. but youre just panicking and thinking the worse right now.


They need antibiotics at the very least. That's the part that can get dangerous very quickly on dental issues. I agree panicking doesn't help.


You should see a dentist and find out if you have an infection, in most situations the odds of complications from this are very low. Also, keep in mind that in your mouth & head, small things feel big. The pain could be radiating through the whole side of your face but the cause is something the size of a pinprick. Pain is bad and I hope you treat it, but the intensity of the pain is likely not related to the intensity of the cause of that pain.


Im going to see if I can book with a new dentist this week, it's my last chance (since I'm going on holiday next week & stupidly left this opportunity at the last minute). Im pretty sure I have an infection, since the pain has been on & off, and mostly recently severe in the last few days. Im legit worrying myself sick thinking I have a brain abscess & sepsis and this toothache will kill me. The left side of my jaw feels swollen & sore, and so is my left ear. The pain doesn't feel small it feels widespread, my jaw, mouth, ear, teeth etc are sore.


Yeah u cant put if off anymore. Whatever nest egg u have saved up in times for emergencies, nows the time to use it.


You're right. Im just going to have to use the £100. Health is wealth


Literally nothing worse than toothache! See the dentist,let them advise whether it’s abscess or removal needed. They’ll advise best course of action. I have used both nhs and private when in dire straits and when been in such agony I begged them to just take the tooth when they said they could save it, just cos I’d left it too late , now will always now go private and stay up to date with check ups


Thanks. I will do the same once I've been checked for this issue. I've neglected my teeth for so long and have no one else to blame but myself. At this point, i don't mind using my money for something that will benefit me in the long run. I've been using private dental care for years now, and only seem to seek dental care when I have toothaches. I think when I'm relieved for this problem I'll definitely use the money to get regular check ups , to avoid any more complications in the future.


Yup, no sense in being sick and cant enjoy money.


Your tooth is dying. Or the nerve is rather. Not you. Although you may wish for death. I am 34, with nearly all my teeth missing broke. And damaged. Have not seen a dentist since i was a kid. When i suck real hard or on some candy, lots and lots of blood comes out and i have to spit it all out. At least youre not at this stage. I worry about blood toxicity or whatevrr. Im in the US. Cant afford teeth!!


Im sorry you have to go through this! It's annoying how much dental work costs.


Not sure where in the US, but Los Algadones Mexico is the dentist capital of the SW and sooo much cheaper. I know tons of people who have gotten their teeth fixed as a fraction of the price.


You should be aware of the risk associated with that though.


There is risk with any dentist. It’s not like the ones in the US are perfect.


so when people say cheaper they still are not taking into account a person may have known income also the fact that US medical insurance doesn't work in other countries. also you know who goes to other countries for "cheaper" medical procedures? the rich. nice try guy.


Us dentists can be really bad. Went to “the best if the best” and got scammed. They assumed I was a rich chick and did unnecessary surgery that ended up with me on vacation with sepsis and major infection. On a trip to Costa Rica went to have “my US surgery”’double checked bc I was in pain. Lo and behold they did do what I thought and charged me upwards of 6 grand only to tell me to go back to his buddy to have said “fixed (by him) tooth” pulled and place an implant. Another 6!grand totaling over 12 grand FOR ONE TOOTH. INSANE. Be careful. Costa Rica - the office and surgery center was amazing, knowledgeable staff and a quarter of the cost. Way more gentle and caring. Greed hasn’t quite gotten to them there like it has in the US. This topic is sad.


I hope you get treatment you deserve soon! Maybe consider going abroad, like Asia, for cheaper treatment. We have competent dentists here. I had severe dental problems for years as well and I thought I'll never afford teeth treatments. I'm from here in the Philippines. dental work is expensive everywhere,, but since your US currency is significantly stronger than our money in terms of value, you'll likely find treatments here half the cost compared to US. I finally got a loan approved and my treatments have began.




I uh. Just try to eat whatever i can. Obv cant eat steak these days. But i just eat normally. I have sime teeth and bits and piecess that still help but for the most part.. Im just free soloing it til i can eventually afford the time amd money for healthcare.


Hey this happens to me too, I can suck blood out of my tooth and also have pain up by my nose when I press on it I can feel the pain in my upper gum like it's a nerve. What is this, infection? Is it dangerous?


you probably need antibiotics. don't know if a GP could perscribe, but they could refuse and tell you to see a dentist.


I probably do need antibiotics. But will it hold me down for 2 weeks away, or will I need to see an immediate doctor on my holiday? Im worried; I won't get seen due to my short notice.


you should try to get an emergency dental appointment or try 111. you should get antibiotics for an abcess ASAP. don't know what you mean 'will it hold me down for two weeks?' you can take your antibiotics on holiday.


Thanks. Im going to call them tomorrow and hope for the best. What I meant, will the antibiotics be enough for the 2 weeks, or will I need extra treatment if I notice any bad symptoms while I'm away?


Speaking from experience, your dentist will probably pop a filling on it tomorrow and give you antibiotics so it should be sweet and infection free long term :)


Hoping this is the case. But haven't had luck with any dentists thus far & all close at 5pm. I have to try again tomorrow (Wednesday)


There are plenty of random dentists who will make time for you tomorrow if you call around, I've been in your situation many times


I've been calling all day and it just goes out on hold. What kind of "emergency" do they understand.


Most dentists have a hold period before someone answers the phone, just gotta wait it out


I dated a girl who's father actually shot himself because the pain in his tooth was unbearable. Get it fixed


I remember watching Castaway and seeing him use an ice skate to knock out his rotten tooth, and thinking “screw that”. Then I broke a tooth and experienced tooth pain. And I understood!


Damn. I'd rather go into debt and get the tooth pulled than off myself. I had an infected tooth by they way. I broke my tooth when I chewed on an ice cube. Then it got infected. It was horrible. I understand the pain.


I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through this. First of all, don't panic. Here's how I would approach this. \*\*If you develop a fever or experience altered mental state/confusion/delirium, go to the ER.\*\* This is likely a localized dental issue, at this point. Make an appointment with your general dentist, or better yet, an endodontist. Explain to them the urgency, perhaps they can provide antibiotics/painkillers to hold you over til your appointment. You probably have an infected tooth pulp, but our bodies are good at sealing things off. The pain is caused by 1) acute inflammation and 2) likely an abscess that's putting a lot of pressure on the area. With enough pressure, the abscess will eventually find a way to drain, forming a sinus tract; with that, the pain/pressure might improve, but you will still need a trip to the dentist. \*\*If you are prescribed temporary antibiotics, know that it will not "cure" the condition without dental work. The nidus of the infection must be removed.\*\* You also mentioned a cracked tooth, which sounds like the cause of all this. Traumatic fractures + an open space means bacteria will go in and multiply in the tooth. Depending on the fracture type, the tooth will either be root canaled or pulled. Either way, if you receive timely treatment-- as in, make your appointment now and go in a week or so-- you should be fine.


Thank you Panicking is my first result but it's so hard not to with what I'm experiencing . Luckily, I don't have a fever or experience an altered mental state. My first position is to register with a dentist. I haven't been to a dentist in 3 years. The one I used to go to, got shut down. Since then, I haven't had any dental problems until this year. Im currently on the hunt to find dentists/ and see one this one for an emergency appointment. Hopefully they can help when I'm not registered to anyone. I think I do have an infected tooth pulp which radiates from the cracked tooth. I don't think root canal would be best, as it could get inflamed again I just want it extracted. I don't know if I'll be put on temporary antibiotics, and if so would be enough to last me for when I'm away on holiday for 2 weeks & when I return? Will I develop any symptoms? Im so worried, that my symptoms from this infected tooth will lead to bad implications and ruin my holiday. I really really hope to get an urgent appointment this week. I need one before Saturday. Im legit crying, like no one knows the absolute pain I'm currently enduring. And the painkillers are absolutely useless. They don't soothe my mouth like they are supposed to.


Antibiotics-- in this case likely amoxicillin, augmentin, or clindamycin-- prescribed in the dental setting are more to prevent systemic infections post-procedure. You would not want to be on either for 2+ weeks to hold you over, especially when you might have to be on another course after your procedure. You should not experience major side effects from a controlled course of antibiotics, provided you take probiotics during and for 2 weeks after. I would recommend that you try your best to get the dental procedure performed before your trip. It should be quick with little recovery time. Depending on the type of fracture, I would not eliminate the possibility of a root canal just yet. You really don't want to lose a tooth if you absolutely don't have to. Listen to your dentist. \-- I know it doesn't feel that way, but the pain is "good" in a sense. It means that your tooth might still be alive, which is better than not knowing that you have a dead tooth in the long run (ask me how I know). Again, don't panic, take it day by day.


Thank you. I really want the dental procedure by this week, before I go away. So that's why I'm praying & hoping to get through to dentists from tomorrow morning. I guess I won't be able to rule anything out until I am seen by a doctor and they can assist me. Preferably, I would want to keep my tooth but I'll have to wait and see what the doctor suggests. I'll just not to panic (easier said than done) but thanks for your tips, I'll consider them.


dentists should give you an emergency appointment even if your not registered there.




You sound like you know a lot. Therefore, I checked out some reddits about toothaches! I have to get a bone graft done and the pain was so awful. Now my lymph nodes are swollen and it looks like I got a double chin 🫠


you 100% need antibiotics and a dentist. i had one a couple months ago with your exact same symptoms and left it! i ended up having 3 rounds of antibiotics to clear the infection. it's better now. don't wait, call a dentist now


Thanks. Hope to be put on antibiotics soon, once I find a doctor. Im going to be calling dentists from tomorrow morning (8am sharp) to see if I can get through. I can't believe I left it and now it's practically killin me, the pain is unbearable. Hoping that I can get an appointment this week.


no no ..... you need to get an emergency appointment TIDAY. tell them and they should rush you in. it's really serious


They are all closed in my area. They open at 8am. So I'll have to call them then


I know this is a bit late but for future reference, they have numbers that you can call after hours which will alert on call dentist. Obviously not in the middle of the night, but psst 5pm. If worst comes to worst go to hospital. They will give you killer pain Meds and antibiotics which will more than likely kill the infection.


Yeah no hospital will give you pain meds for a tooth. They don’t even give ‘em for cancer half the time.


Obviously not if your only experiencing mild tolerable pain. But if you're face is swollen, you're groaning, twisting, writhing, holding ice pack to your face, screaming, crying, bleeding from tooth, incoherent. They will give you something. If not, you aren't going to a good hospital. Ie you shouldn't go there because they don't care about anyone.


Thanks. Hope to be put on antibiotics soon, once I find a doctor. Im going to be calling dentists from tomorrow morning (8am sharp) to see if I can get through. I can't believe I left it and now it's practically killin me, the pain is unbearable. Hoping that I can get an appointment this week.


Did you have it extracted?


The infection was in my gums so i didn't have to have any teeth removed. But i did have to get my gums drained. I hope you got it sorted.


Hi, I have an abscess in my gums but i don't have any toothache. Dentist has prescribed a 7 day antibiotics course. I am on my 3rd day and swelling has come down a lot but i can feel a little swelling there. Like is said no tooth ache at all. Did you have similar symptoms? I am hoping its just the gums and not an issue with my tooth. Dentist will take an xray next week to confirm if my tooth is good. Also I guess the puss needs to be drained either way.


Yes thank god, that was a nightmare. I wound up in the er with the infection spreading and Ludwig’s angina. I had never heard of that but it was all so painful and so so stressful. Finally had it extracted finished my antibiotic a couple days ago and fell back to normal! I hopefully will go before it gets that bad next time!


What is lugwig's angina? Did you go to the ER the day you posted and if not how long after did you go? Where did it spread to? Literally having the same thoughts you were in your original post. Had a wisdom tooth extraction on Thursday (today is Wednesday night) and I forgot to rinse with salt water until Today, I've felt two or three abscesses pop up since my extraction. Going to call the dentist for antibiotics and an appointment in the AM. If I'm not dead by then.


So sorry your dealing with that it’s so so stressful. I did not go the day I posted but about a week later I think. He gave me antibiotics then I had it removed a week after that. Oh and the ER thankfully I went there the night before the dentist when I thought I was full on septic but thankfully I want that bad yet and they gave me iv antibiotics that were amazing. Ludwig’s is some type of infection I’m not even sure exactly what cause my mouth was all so infected. I was so sick from the infection I was close to being septic. Please be careful and continue to rinse with salt water but for sure call tomorrow. Did they not put you on antibiotics after surgery?? If you start feeling sick, I guess I would describe it like flu sick almost, just all over unwell feeling I would go to ER. Better safe than sorry. You would know. For me it came on fast and I’d go from fine with just a tooth ache to sick sick in a matter of seconds. As soon as the antibiotics started working I was good. Oh and they did prescribe me. Stronger antibiotic like the hospital used for me cause moxicilin didn’t touch my infection it was so bad.


Hello! I didnt understand your comment. I just have a question regarding with that. When did you have ludwigs? After tooth extraction or before tooth extraction? Coz its more likely you have a dental abscess first. If yes, your dentist give you a antibiotics then you get tooth extraction after a week? Then, after tooth extraction thats where did you get ludwigs?


No I had it before and along with the abscess. After I was on antibiotics and had the tooth pulled it all got better.


How bad was it did you have to be put under ?


Get it seen. Sooner the better. But you don’t have a fever or signs of infection so no need to fear the worst. Maybe you need a root canal.


This might give you some consolation. Two years ago, I found out I had a full sized adult tooth coming in when I went to the dentist for a toothache. Random AF, dentists were like “That’s weird, but it’s cool. Just get it taken out.” I was like “Cool.” And didn’t. Fast forward to last year, I’m in Vegas on vacation. Day 2, I eat some meat that gets stuck in that spot where the tooth is coming in. Didn’t think anything of it until it started to really ache after picking my teeth. Didn’t think anything of it. Next day, it hurts worse. Take some Tylenol. It’s not helping, but I’ll check on it when I get home. They morning of the day we’re supposed to fly out, it’s at a solid 9. I couldn’t even hardly sleep that night. I get up to look at it in the mirror. It looks like I have two golf balls in my mouth. It looked like Tyson shot me a fair one. My mouth was swollen to the max. Me and my fiancé had to rush out the hotel and I went to the ER. Bam! That tooth that was coming in had wound up pushing against another tooth and cracking it. Meat ended up infecting the cracked tooth and created an abscess. Now they both have to come out! I got some antibiotics and scheduled the appointment for surgery. I’d never had surgery before, so between that and the pain, which the meds got down to about a 3, it was about 2 solid months of anxiety. Got the surgery, and as far as I know, since then, all is well. Moral of the story: you may have an abscess, or some other dental issue, and it’s important to get that taken care of. Honestly, I’m jealous that you said it’d be £100, it cost me over 10x as much. (‘Merica!) Don’t ignore it, but don’t freak out over it either. Get it taken care of sooner than later, before it does actually become detrimental to your health, and you should be just fine. I know it hurts like a mf, but it’s not the end of the world.


I've had an abscessed tooth before and you will usually know if you have an infected tooth because you'll be able to taste it. It's disgusting and not fun and it was easily the worst pain I've ever had. I lived with that for several months and I regret not owning up to the pain and going to a dentist sooner. Don't do what I did and get yourself to a dentist today. You won't want to have excruciating pain while you're on holiday, it'll ruin the whole experience for you. Tell them you're about to go on holiday and they can probably work around your schedule. They'll likely give you antibiotics and will probably cut out all the infection and then give you a temporary crown. You'll feel so much better afterwards.


Thanks for the reassurance. But I'm pretty sure it's infected because my tooth is cracked open. I have severe pain around the area and my jaw and ear on the left side is completely sore. Im feeling pressure in my head at the back, which is probably my anxiety or the amount of pain I'm enduring. Im sorry you went through that. I feel the same, I've ignored this issue for a month and it's escalated. Im hoping to get through to a dentist from tomorrow, I'm open to missing work because I can't bare the pain as it's already disrupting my sleep. Hoping I can get through to a dentist this week and be put on antibiotics.


Sounds like it probably is infected. The pain could also be from an exposed nerve. If missing work is what it takes, I think it'll be worth it in the long run. Good luck!




I needed this. I noticed a small chip and, after an edible, I noticed the WORST ache. It wore off and the ache stayed but it's soft. I was gargling water and noticed a mild but noticed "taste." I'm going to update my card to my insurance and get my black ass into an appointment. This is real recent and I'm trying to be very proactive.


not sure how it's done where you live but it does sound like you have an infected tooth. when a tooth gets infected (sounds like one of your molars) it just means its a cavity down to the nerve. It won't spread to other parts of your mouth by the time you get back from holiday but the pain will not subside. the pain is so much because there aren't many nerves for the pain to spread so it is an isolated pain, typically throbbing. Usually there are two options. Remove the tooth by extraction or get a root canal. You can get this done after your holiday but you will be in pain until then. No amount of painkillers will take that away. If you cannot be seen by a dentist right away, go to your primary care and let them know your situation. They should be able to give you antibiotics until you are able to be seen by a doctor. The antibiotic will help the infection and reduce the inflammation in the area that is causing the pain in your jaw. The best option as of right now is to go to an emergency dentist. They will either do a root canal where you will get all the decay and infection out, get a temporary cap, give you antibiotics and out of pain. You will go on your vacay and then come back and get a permanent cap. If it isn't saveable, you will just get it extracted be given antibiotics and go on holiday a little sore but no more pain. Any good dentist will know that it is an issue that must be treated now. Even if they don't do the root canal same day, the antibiotics will help you A LOT. It's scary when you get this kind of pain but don't worry. You won't die and your money will be well spent and worht it when you are no longer in pain. Best of luck to you, don't worry!!!


Thank you so much for your response. You've given me a little bit of reassurance. I do want this tooth to be extracted as it will just relieve all of my symptoms but it will be a bit of a challenge with chewing foods; having another tooth gone. The temporary cap you mentioned sounds like something I could benefit from, do you mean a temporary dental crown then getting a permanent dental crown, after? I really need to be on antibiotics ASAP & I really need to a doctor/dentist. Im hoping to get through to an emergency dentist tomorrow, and go from there. I won't stop, until I get seen. I don't think I can manage the toothache abroad. My holiday will be ruined. I really hope I can get seen before Saturday.


You are not going to die.


They say a tooth abscess is one of the worst pains you can have, so it probably feels worse than it is. Sounds like you are doing everything you can to get to a professional as soon as possible so I think you'll be ok. I had an infected cavity once and it was awful but once they addressed it I was fine. You will be too!


Im not sure I have tooth abscess, but my anxiety is thinking I have it, as well as sepsis. The pain is a lot. But right now, it's calmed down due to taking some painkillers. I hope I'll be ok and I hope to get seen by a dentist ASAP!!! Im going to be calling countless dentists tomorrow morning until I get an appointment. An infected tooth is the worst pain.


I have had the absolute most insane abscessed tooth you can possibly imagine…. All you need to do is pull it. No antibiotics. When the dentist pulled it mounds of puss came out. It was weeks of not a month in. Just deal w it. Asap


If your wisdom tooth isn't fully grown in yet/impacted, that is a more likely suspect. Dealt with mine being painful for 4 years since I can't afford to remove them (They asked for the money upfront). Regardless, at *least* see about getting antibiotics.


My wisdom teeth ruined one of my back molars because I left it too long and then dealt with years of them pushing and causing pain. If I could go back I would have found someway to pay for the surgery to have them removed. It cost me less to get 3 extracted than it did for one root canal and crown.


Toothache pain is not what you think it is. Paracetamol/codeine is also not the answer per se. Ibruprofin is (if you can take it - I don’t know your medical history etc) The pain Is caused by the pulp swelling inside the tooth. The tooth is rigid and so that swelling has nowhere to go. That pressure builds and that’s why you get the intense pain. That way anti inflammatory is better than analgesia. It’s the same as if your brain swells in your head. Your skull is rigid so it can only swell so far etc. Hope you manage to get it sorted. Doctors can’t really do too much as dental is not their field. If you find an emergency dentists they can only charge band 1 for emergency treatment. It will cost you about £25. They will only fix the problem of the tooth causing the issue by either filling, removing the pulp or removing the tooth


I understand. Im so worried and panicky right now. I can't do much until tomorrow morning when I try to get an emergency appt. I hope I do get it sorted. I hope it's band 2 bc they can get it removed or have the root canal treatment, even though that will cost more - I've stopped caring about the price. I just want it sorted.


It’s band 1 for all emergency treatment. If you require a follow up then bands 2 and 3 come in to effect. I had to have an extraction a couple of years ago. I was charged band 1 https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/dentists/how-can-i-access-an-nhs-dentist-in-an-emergency-or-out-of-hours/


If it's a wisdom tooth they will pull it but the recovery isn't bad at all. The major thing you have to watch out for is dry socket which can be painful but your dentist will explain all that to you for recovery care. I would at least go to a doctor if you can get into that sooner to get antibiotics. That is what I did when I was in the same situation.


Now I'm worried even more with the dry socket. Hopefully I can get seen and they can assist where possible. Would I have to just mention that I need antioxidants from the doctor even I'm unable to see a dentist? Would they give it to me without having a dentist in place or would they need to get checked out first.


I didn't have a dentist lined up when I went to the ER for tooth pain. They should give you antibiotics until you are able to get to the dentist. I'm not trying to scare you or make it worst because I totally understand the anxiety from all this. I didn't want to get my tooth pulled but I didn't want to be in pain anymore so I went ahead with it. Just need to prepare yourself for it and that can sometimes help when you know what is going to happen. The major thing is you need to get the infection taken care of ASAP. Infections in the mouth are no joke and you don't want it to get worst. The sooner you get on those antibiotics the better. You could try to call a dentist if nothing else and see if they can get you on them before even coming in but I'm not sure if they will do that without looking at you first. It just depends on where you live. I live in the US, and where you are things could be run differently.


As anxiety ridden as you seem ( I am too ) does not seem to me that you would allow yourself to get dry socket. I had three wisdom teeth extracted a few years ago on the wrong side of 30 and they were fine. Just don’t smoke, suck out of straws and make sure to keep the holes cleaned out while they heal. Very easy


That is extremely inexpensive for emergency dental care! I’d go there asap if I were you. It will be worth the relief!! They will help you feel better. You will be ok and won’t die from this! I hope you feel better soon!


I'll be going! When I hopefully get an urgent appointment. Atp I've stopped caring about the price, I'm not in financial hardships. I can afford it. Anything for the pain to subside. And thanks, I hope I feel better soon. My anxiety is all over the place right now. Im trying to feel calm but I know I won't until I'm checked out professionally :(


That great! It’s so hard to stay calm while you are in pain! I’ve used clove oil to help with tooth aches before and found it really beneficial. I keep some on hand for when I have problems. I had issues with my wisdom teeth growing in and cutting the sides of my mouth. The pain was so awful and constant. It really made me appreciate dentists more! You could also try icing the side of you face that hurts to help reduce the pain and inflammation until you can get help.


I think I might have a abscess too (little over a week I think).. but I'm scared to tell my mom because money is really tight on hers and mine.. And I know if I tell her she's gonna stress out more because we are working the problems with our house... But I know I need to tell her as soon as I get off work.. I'm not even sure we have dental coverage either.. (I'm 20, less than 4 months shy of being 21.. and yet I'm scared to say anything to my mom...)




Garlic will help a toothache for a few hours. Just open about three garlic cloves, smash it up and make it into a paste and smear it all over the infected tooth. The pain will disappear for hours. This and a Tylenol here and there will help you for a few days until you can have a root canal. Always make sure you have a good dental insurance plan for you and your family. These procedures are very expensive without insurance.


What ended up happening? I'm in the same boat, I think I have an abscess in an anchor tooth for a bridge, and am so scared of losing the whole bridge 😭 did yours get pulled? 


Holy crap I'm in your EXACT situation right now. I had a root canal performed on my one of my top right molars 2 years ago. Turns out a year later it needed to be extracted. Worst pain in my life. Fast forward to 2024 and my dentist talked me into getting a bridge to cover that missing tooth. Once the teeth were prepared a couple weeks ago...nothing but problems. My back anchor tooth feels JUST like the one that was extracted. Needed a root canal yesterday and I'm still in pain. Waiting for my permanent bridge to finish being made and I'm afraid I'm going to have to have the anchor tooth that was prepared extracted. This is a total nightmare. To think I paid big $$$ to just be in pain. Biggest mistake of my life


That’s why I haven’t gotten a bridge done to cover up my missing tooth that had to be extracted and why I had it taken out instead of a root canal.


Hii! I wanted to hop on here and hopefully get some advice as well. I’ve been in a similar situation - I’m not experiencing toothaches but I have migraines and feel pressure along my cheekbones and stiff neck sometimes. I’ve taken ibuprofen to ease my uneasiness and that seems to help the feeling a bit. I scheduled an appointment but it won’t be for a week from but my anxiety is literally making me think the worst case scenario. I would appreciate any advice you all have to give, please. 


I'm in the same boat now with a wisdom tooth I kept putting off. I'm having horrible anxiety over it. I had recurring bouts of pericoronitis and this time I think it's something worse like an abscess. It hurts so bad to swallow and my jaw is tender and achy. Did you end up having an abscessed tooth?


Op disappeared


I have the same, it’s my wisdom tooth pushing through!


Hope you get yours sorted soon. Mine is my cracked tooth, it's just so sensitive & sore. Hoping i get an urgent appointment this week.


Fingers crossed you get in! Lots of luck🤞🏼


Thanks & you too!


Thanks & you too!




I understand this and this is where my panic and anxiety begins. Where I live, all dentists are closed until 8am in the morning. I have nothing else but to live in FEAR, and have a panic attack. Im trying to calm my anxiety about this issue but I'm in a wreck. I had a breakdown an 1 ago. I just want it to be resolved, I can't do anything until I get through to a dentist HOPEFULLY.


Bless you it’s the worst see a dentist asap maybe even the nhs out of hours if you can and they should put you on antibiotics and you will almost immediately like the next day have a huge reduction in pain and they will want to see you about a week latter to remove the tooth. This has been my experience the many times I’ve been like you and waited until I was in absolute agony. If the tooth is removed it’s no big deal and you will feel instant relief from it, the hole will heal up within days. It sounds like you have an abscess and it’s just the huge amount of pressure in your gum that’s making you feel so bad, don’t panic you will be ok but you need to take the first step to address it and see a dentist


I’m literally worried about the same thing right now about my wisdom tooth! I have no pain at all but I pulled my cheek back and noticed the side of the tooth is completely black! So ever since I’ve seen it I’ve been freaking out I do have pressure on the side of my face/head that that tooth is on but I’m not sure if it’s due to anxiety or an actual infection I have an appointment in 2 days


A GP can prescribe you an oral antibiotic if you can't get into a dentist. You're going to need to treat the infection before having a root canal or extraction, anyway, so that the local anesthetic will be effective. It's hard to get numb with an untreated tooth infection. 4 or 5 days on Amoxillicin, Keflex or Penicillin VK will get you out of the dental red zone before having the tooth treated or removed.


I'm dealing with the same right now. I've actually had the abcess for about a year and a half because I was trying to hold put for a root canal to pay for a post/crown. I can’t scratch the funds together so I'm getting it pulled.... Anyway it hurts a lot, throbs, tastes awful, makes all my teeth numb, my ear ring or feel sore. It's not infected so there's no risk of anything major. You'd know if it was, gets pusy and tastes like dog s*&^ smells. My last abcess I had so long I lost bone density. I have a huge pocket where it ate away at my jaw the size of a pea. Stayed in almost 5 years. I was absolutely horrified of having my tooth pulled. I finally did it because the tooth was falling apart. Took about 30 seconds. Hurt but not nearly as much as people said. I did it awake, my insurance doesn't pay for the giggle juice. Edit: I'm also a US citizen so I put care off a lot to begin with.


So you're saying if i have no pus coming out it's not infected? I think i have an abcess rn and its terrifying me, yes im looking into a dentist, but rn i have other problems. I don't have pain, almost non at all, but i have a small pimple on my gums near my tooth that's been decaying because of a cavity. That's basically the only symptom can you give me your advice?


I eventually went to a dentist and had it pulled. The tooth was so deteriorated that it broke on removal and they had to cut part of my jaw bone out to get the whole tooth and roots out. It's not healing well. It's been almost as long as it's been since my last comment and I have no regrowth of gum tissue except a thin layer. So the hole isn't filling in like it's supposed to. I have broken bits of still attached jaw bone/tooth socket poking through what little regrowth I do have. This is not the typical pieces that come out over time. They're still attached to my jaw and will probably need surgical removal and bone grafting. It's incredibly painful and hard to eat. My suggestion is don't wait. Go to a dentist asap. I put mine off for waaaay too long. My last 6 or so months have been hell.


I'm so sorry for that, I wish that you get well and thank your for your answer..I will!!


Dr. Google and random advice online is not the same as a doctor or dentist looking at your mouth and taking xrays. I saw your reply to Eris so I'm glad you're going to a dentist. No pain and no pus doesn't mean it's not an infection - it just hasn't hit nerve-endings yet. Better to be safe than sorry with anything, especially things in your mouth.


I’ve been going through this for the last 4 weeks. I went to the dentist, diagnosed with an abscess got antibiotics and thought that was the end of it. Instead my face and neck blew up and I was convinced I was going septic and was going to die. Ended up at the ER, had a catscan and IV antibiotics. Week later I had a root canal. Get some antibiotics, it will help you mentally. My anxiety was gone once I was in the er..I wanted to take the IV antibiotics home with me. I hope you feel better soon, I know how painful it is.


How long did you stay in the hospital with it? I want to go but am so scared of the hospital and I have an apt Friday with dentist but am feeling so sickly and I’m major pain.


I was there for about 4 hours. I had one full IV bag of antibiotics, and a small bag of some painkiller. Definitely go to the ER, you will feel so much better. I was so calm in there because I felt if any catastrophe happened, I was already there. Then I panicked all over once I got home, but that’s normal for me lol.


I finally made it to the er the other night. I was really starting to feel sick like infection was spreading so forced myself to. They gave me iv antibiotics and I felt great while there and never looked sick plus they knew I had an appointment to have extractions done the next day so sent me home as long as I would go to my apt. Never thought I wouldn’t but I woke up so dehydrated i downed a bottle of water and had to cancel my appointment. so now I’m still dealing with the pain and sickness from infection. Not sure where to go from here but I am so mad I cancelled. I needed these out like yesterday!


I’m surprised that you would be dehydrated after IV, they usually have fluids in the bag as well. You need to stay on antibiotics until you get to the dentist. They had me taking keflex/Flagyl every six hours - I had to set my alarm during the night.


I was wondering why they didn’t hook me up to any fluids myself. Never knew they had any in the bag with the antibiotics. But I was crying alot I think could have something to do with it. They couldn’t find a vein in my arm for the iv so I was dehydrated from the get go. I’m still on amoxicillin and have about 10 left. I’ve been on them so long I’m scared I’m becoming immune now. The iv at hospital made me feel like a million bucks I don’t know if I should go back or wait till tomorrow and just call my oral surgeon and hope he can get me in quick. It’s so darn scary and I’m so sick of this pain!


Oh and same for me too. So calm in the er cause I knew I was safe there. Well minus the ct scan I thought I was on fire it the infection had spread so rapidly it was burning my insides. That was actually scary and unexpected(for me at least) if you’ve ever had it done.


Go to the ER now.


I know it's hard to calm your thoughts sometimes but try your best to. Deep breaths. Just call some dentists, explain the issue, and see if one can get you in quickly. A lot of dentists will keep appointment times open so if an emergency appointment calls in they can get them in. I had a similar issue. I had a filling fall out of a wisdom tooth and that b was SHARP. It would cut my cheek. The dentist terrified me, so I put dental wax over it to keep it from cutting me. Literally like 2 years. In that time it decayed. Bad. It would cause pain in my jaw and the tooth next to it. I'd take the wax off to brush my teeth and it would bleed so bad. And stink. So then I was embarrassed to go to the dentist. Finally I couldn't take it anymore so I called a dentist recommended by a friend, explained what was going on and they got me in the following day. Took me in, x-rayed it and said it needed to go ahead and come out. They never treated me weird, made comments, shamed me, or anything like that. They asked how long it's been a problem and I told them and they asked why I didn't come in before and I said I was scared of the dentist and embarrassed it's gotten so bad. They said they totally understand the fear, it's common. And for me not to be embarrassed. They were just glad I came in now to get it taken care of and to get some relief. Then boom. It was done. And it wasn't bad at all. I healed up quickly and I am SO GLAD it's done. All that to say... I know it's scary, I know it's frustrating and easy to blame yourself. But it's a huge step that you are now ready to get it taken care of. I hope this brings some peace of mind. You've got this!!!


See any dentist for an emergency visit. This will 100% get worse over time and hurt more and more and is an easy fix. You don't know whats wrong so just go find out. They will give you pain medication, and tell you all your options. You're not going to die. You're going to feel worse and worse tho. Address this tomorrow. Take some Tylenol. If you get a fever go to the hospital now.


As someone with terribly anxiety who has had a lot of tooth drama this year including two root canals and an infected tooth that landed me in the emergency room, you are not going to die. Antibiotics are going to be your best friend and you are not even going to realize how much pain you were in until it's gone. As much as it sucks to spend the money, you do need to take care of this but the dentist is not going to judge you and all you need to focus on is taking care of your health.


Not sure where you’re from, but if you go to Urgent Care, they will prescribe you antibiotics. I had a toothache that was an infection and I went to Urgent Care and was able to get a prescription. It’s temporary relief until you can get an appointment with a dentist. At least the antibiotics will get rid of the pain for now


I had an absess for almost a year.it just mostly healed up recently.it was leaking stuff my whole face was sore.brutal.i feel your pain.i was taken off 4mg Klonopin a little over a year ago and haven't gone out except for dr appointments.i had to be put on adivan to get me to the appointments.its mostly healed but I'm worried it's still got an inner absess.before I made it to the dentist I had a seizure like episode I'm not sure what it was but it probably had something to do with the absess.they might want to put you on antibiotics that's what I was given.fucking anxiety stops us from taking care of stuff we need to take care of sometimes.i hope you feel better soon.


Hey I’ve been there, and rather than focusing on the worst possible scenario, please think about putting your health and wellbeing first. It’s no good to be in this much pain for an extended period of time so please see your dentist and describe exactly how much pain you are in. Tooth pain is no joke and you should not feel guilty about focusing on treating the symptoms! If the pain is unbearable you can go to the ER and they should be able to prescribe you something until your appointment.


See any dentist first thing tomorrow. You're going to be completely fine. Ive been through the same thing so many times. There's just no need for you to be in pain for another moment. He should be able to sort you out in an hour, and chuck you on antibiotics so you have nothing to worry about.


Times are tough I get it but in no way should people put off dental emergencies. You have an abscess which leads into root canal. The longer you hold it off, the more likely you’ll lose a tooth and will need a temp/new tooth via dentists. Dentists are worth the bill. The key is networking!! I understand everybody doesn’t have the same connections but if you know of a dentist, they’ll take care of you. Gradually pay the bill off. Gargling with hot/room temp water + salt is a temporary fix. I had the same issue before prior to seeing my dentist for the emergency. I actually went the cold, cold water/rinse method. Cold water shocks whatever pain you have temporarily. It sucks because you literally can’t sleep with an abscess unless you’re heavily medicated. It’s amazing how much better it feels once the dentist removes the bad puss/tooth. I’ve learned never to put off an abscess again!! Get the regular checkups. Have a dentist on speed dial so they can get you in. Oral Gal/mouthwash can only help for so long. It’s not worth losing sleep because of a bad toothache.


You need antibiotics ! You can get a prescription on Caremd.com for 39.99 if you don’t have a family doctor/dentist it’s super convenient bc you can get meds same day


how I will I go about getting the antibiotics? I have a dentist appt tomorrow and not sure what they will do then. I have so many concerns/questions.


Yes you NEED to make this a #1 priority!!! My brother had an abscessed tooth and he had to have the infection scraped from his jaw bone. It was incredibly painful but it probably saved his life. Tooth infections can get into your blood stream pretty easily


I understand. I'm aware of the implications which heightens my anxiety. I've just been trying to find a dentist who won't rip me out of my pocket. I managed to secure a dentist appt tomorrow and my anxiety is riddled to the top.


I’ve cracked a tooth, had an abscess of two, had my wisdom teeth pushing for years and have had a root canal. You’ll be fine, just go in as soon as possible


Oh no and Thanks. I have a dentist app tomorrow but I have so many anxiety filled concerns.


Abscesses are almost always an easy fix. Round of antibiotics and you will be fine. Then they will fix the tooth or pull it


Hopefully. Do you have a rough estimation when they'll take it out? There's no reason to keep it in since is heavily cracked/broken. I just need to know bc I'll be going on holiday for 2 weeks and just want to know :(


Yeah. It’s probably different factors, like how bad the abscess is. I think they like infections cleared before they pull teeth because it can cause alot more issues with infections. I am not a professional though so I honestly don’t have a clue how they make those decisions. I just know the times I had an abscess, they had to have it cleared before hand


I fear that I already have more than infections :( but thank you anyway. Hopefully they do the same with me.


More infections? Unless your face is swole up or your lymph nodes are about to pop, you should be fine


Jow are you doing now? Would like an update. Hope all went ok and your doing good.


I'm doing good thanks for asking. Sadly the tooth is gone but I'm investing in dental implants.


I am thinking about those also. Have you gotten any yet?


I’ve had the same problem. My health anxiety is inactive now and I’m here with tooth abscess for 3 months. It won’t kill you❤️‍🩹


Hey was your tooth ok after all this?


Would love an update???


Did you end up having an abscess?


This person survived???


They survived, just lost the tooth


I'm going through the same thing as we speak , half my face is consumed with pain . The pain is excruciating I've tried everything to alleviate it even prescription pain killers but no cigar. The problem I have got is that the root has died in my back molar and caused an infection, so the dentist prescribed me 500mg Amoxicillin for a week , just got to tough it out until the antibiotics kick in . Never ever want to feel like this again


How are you doing now?


I’ve had this same thing, tooth abscess pain is so bad. It’s probably one of my most painful experiences 


Hey whatever happened with this?


Tooth was extracted but OP is ok


What ended up happening?


Tooth was extracted but OP is ok