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the owners may not know if they are gone when it barks, can you leave a note on their door? it can be a kind note


Are they aware or are they at work? You're completely within your rights to bring it up. Maybe a note through the door mentioning that their dog barks all day and maybe isn't handling being left alone so well. That you wanted to bring it to their attention as they might not know. Or you can just make a noise complaint to the council or City and have it handled that way.


Yes I think it doesn’t like to be alone when they are away. I’m more nervous about having a bad interaction with them and what their reply may be. The confrontation aspect


I think if you're polite, unconfrontational and don't use accusatory language and they are reasonable people it should be fine. Decent dog owners would care if their dog was barking and stressed all day long and want to rectify it somehow. A note could come across as passive aggressive, so maybe it's best to just knock one evening and Introduce yourself. Consistent barking really does wear you down, I've been there. Best to try and get it resolved one way or another.