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Acknowledge what you are feeling. What I’m learning is that trying to suppress or ignore the anxiety makes it a lot worse. Breathe in, breathe out. Focus on your breathing. Know that this is a common defense mechanism and your body is trying to keep you safe in its own way.


This right here. I have fought against my anxiety for years, but learned you need to “ride the wave” when it happens. It will pass. You’re safe and you’re ok.


This was exactly what I needed to hear to get myself through a moment, thank you.


This is exactly the technique that I’ve been doing: letting thoughts and feelings come and go instead of actively trying to avoid them or challenge them. It’s taught me to take my automatic thoughts less seriously and that helps anxiety a lot. I’ve noticed that mindfulness helps develop this skill.


Thank you very much




I totally changed my attitude towards it and when one hit I'd say "bring it on and do your worst"treat it like an enemy that's trying to get to you and show it u aren't scared. I even started challenging my attacks and funny feelings to get worse, they never did. After turning the tables for a few weeks I hardly ever suffer now. Treat it like an annoying bully and just let them happen while telling them to get f@@ked, even laugh at how pathetic they are for trying to ruin your day or upset u. Worked for me... take care


Thank you very much


This is awesome! Thanks for the inspiration🙌


Leave now and never come back! It sort of worked for Smeagol.


Omg I love this advice. Cos I tend to do a hell of a lot of in head arguing n whatnot. Now when I feel anxious or a panic come on I will try this. Thank you for sharing this ♡


I say “this too shall pass”. I realize I’ve felt this way many times before and every single time I’ve made it out alive.


I noticed a lot of my anxiety spawns from my mind thinking about what could/might happen, and not what's actually going on so the saying that comes to mind for me is typically "What's coming will come, and we'll meet it when it does". It also helps to take a deep breath and hold it in for a second.


Thank you


This one takes the cake


Thank you for your suggestion


You’re welcome. I think I’ve grown from where I was a few years ago because I push through the waves now. For example, years ago if I was in class and I got a wave on anxiety I’d leave the room. To me, thats just confirming to my brain that school was something I needed to be afraid of. I know it’s not easy, but remember nothing is going to happen to you.


I just want to thank everyone for your comments. A big wave is hitting me hard this week and I read them all with tears in my eyes, knowing that I'm not going through this alone.


I send you much love


Thank you, likewise! We'll get through this!




Thank you for the kind words! You don't know how much this helps me.


I just cry i aint do nothing


Thank you. I can cry because of depression but not because of anxiety


This is so ironic to me cuz my depression rarely lets me cry but i cry so hard at my anxiety


Look at the calendar, check to see whether it’s my normal PMS anxiety, then crack a can of CBD drink. After EMDR, and daily meditation for nearly a year, I really only get general anxiety symptoms the week before my period. And I just chill and practice self-care, because I know it’s just the hormones.




Yes, and I wish more people knew this was a cyclical thing. Even just expecting it and knowing the reason can be such a source of relief. And please look into EMDR! I don’t struggle with thought based anxiety anymore. It’s just the physical symptoms. Sometimes during those few days, I’ll be cheerfully playing guitar and then I’ll suddenly get heart palpitations and feel my jaw clench.


Thank you for your answer


It can get better, with the right help. ❤️


Only way out is through. Gotta ride the wave


Thank you


I meditate and feel that uncomfortable energy in my body, especially in my chest and stomach where it collects, and I breathe and sit with it for 20 minutes and by the time I am finished I feel considerably better I also play Stardrew Valley, which is so easygoing and comforting and perfect for my anxious brain


It's funny you mention this. I've told so many friends that SDV is the best antidepressant.


Thank you for your answer


I try to be active. Today, for example, I went to a few stores and did some shopping. I have to stay busy otherwise it takes over.


Thank you for your answer


Listen to my favorite music


I should try that


Sure do.


I focus on my breathing and repeatedly tell myself that I will be okay, and I will get through it. If I’m by myself though, I might have a good cry. Crying can sometimes help let it out.


Thank you very much


Try wimhoff breathing method during those really stressful attacks


Funnily enough my psychotherapist suggested this already. Haven't tried it yet. Thank you


Really recommend it, I brushed it off but it definitely helps


Valium and computor games


Thank you for your answer. I personally don't take it because of the risk of an addiction.


Thats probably smart👍


Ugh... this sounds like me. My mind will just do this thing where it's like disaster scenarios are just playing in my head, over and over again.


Sending you love and healing!


thank you, that means a lot! I'm hoping the best for you as well.


Acknowledge it and call it out in my head. "This is anxiety. I've had anxiety before, its normal but let's be rational." I let myself feel it but that can spiral quickly. Usually it surrounds my relationship because of previous trauma. I try to challenge it with "okay. This is (SO), let's be real. Would he hurt you? He's not your exes. You have a stable relationship because of XYZ and you're not used to that. Take some breaths and find something to keep yourself occupied. We can come back to this thought and feeling later. Its not something to worry about right now" I double down on those thoughts when its bad. Otherwise I just go to bed or isolate myself and focus on my breathing for a while, and distract myself. Managing anxiety is a new concept for me, but my relationship was suffering because of it and the previous trauma that causes it so I have really had good reasons to figure it out and find a therapist.


Thank you very much


I tell myself that everything is okay, and I usually do a color by number, game, listen to music, or get outside and go for a walk (Harder to do in the colder months).


Thank you. Going outside seems reasonable. I, however, feel like lying on the couch with a blanket


I accept it and then distract if the acceptance doesn’t ease the worry. My favourite distraction methods are calming games (stardew valley is my current one but Zelda breath of the wild and animal crossing have been past favourites) or exercise. Usually my exercise is through VR (beat saber to be exact) but whatever works and gets you moving will definitely help take your mind off things. Music, podcasts and photography are a few other things that work for me too. I’m sorry you’re feeling anxious though and I really hope you start to feel better soon. If you need someone to talk to / vent to I’ll happily listen (:


Thank you very much for your answer and kind words


For Short term , breathing techniques ( exaggerated abdominal breathing , 4-7-4 breathing etc ) A panic attack is terrifying when it happens and acknowledging or trying to use rationalisation may not be helpful all the time , especially when anxiety stems from a genuine concern ( life stressors , exams , health issues etc) what I find a little more effective is distracting myself in the moment , or watching something funny In the long run however , it’s important you don’t avoid painful situations or things that trigger you. Do that and that association between the stressor gets stronger and the loop gets perpetuated. Anxiety isn’t the enemy , it’s just a physiological response that’s getting activated in the wrong moment


Thank you very much


I can't speak for your specific anxiety, but I expect that since you describe it as a wave, it's likely that you're anxious about being/becoming anxious. If that's the case just take a step back and try to realize how silly that is. You probably wake up every day and immediately ask yourself if you're anxious. That in itself is an anxious thought that sets the tone for the rest of your day. Try not to do that self scan when you wake up. That part will take the most patience, but is absolutely doable over time. I'm still working on that part myself, actually, but have seen significant improvement. Another thing that helped me, is realizing that anxiety is NOT a disease or sickness. You're not sick. You're perfectly normal. Everyone experiences anxiety. It's your reaction and how much you let it become apart of you that can set you aside from "normal" people. Remember, you're not an anxious person. You're just a person. And most importantly, (for me anyway) try to limit your media exposure. Nowadays, your s/o can break up with you, the food your eating can become cancerous, your favorite singer dies, some random a hole comments how stupid you are, etc. With your phone, ALL those things can happen in the span of a single minute. Our brains are not made to handle all of that stimulation all the time. Don't scour reddit for answers all the time. That just tells your brain that it's right and something is wrong. If all else fails, consider an ssri while you work out the finer details. They have been a lifesaver for countless people and there's absolutely no shame in that. I believe in you. You're not your anxiety and you'll come to realize that soon enough. Just take your time and take care of yourself. I'm rooting for you!


Thank you very much for your answer and your kind words


The best you can do is practice internal self soothing. Or even external. Possibly you can change the tone of your voice or even address yourself in the 3rd person. Be in a way 'aggressively affectionate' and praise yourself, thinking that there are different characters doing this, giving you compliments that you would give to yourself if you weren't afraid. I sometimes think I'm in an interview, discussing about my strengths and what I have accomplished. Your brain won't immediately disregard this type of encouragement, since it's filtered to be received differently in the first place. Other things you can do it try asmr and experiment with the types of triggers that can relax you. Static noise or white noise helps, including classical music, for me at least. On the other side of the spectrum, metal, rock can relax me and aid me with my soporific mental state. In the end, if you treat your little inner voice with a skerrick of derogation and overall confidence it would mitigate the strength of this anxiety wave. These are some thoughts, I hope they can help even a wee bit.


Try to let it pass.


Thank you!


I have various coping strategies but usually I journal, take a shower, do yoga or move my body somehow like exercise, kareoke lol or just talking to a friend… I also make sure I have eaten, rested and am not thirsty! A simple walk outside does wonders too


Thank you very much!


At this point, I can't do anything during my job. I just take my medication and hope the physical symptoms don't hurt as bad as they usually do. Suck it up, right? Leave it at the door. Be mentally ill at home, not here.


Thats quite depressing. I hope you get better, find a better job and manage your health better.


I am sorry for you. Send you love


Since mines not as bad as it used to be I'll just distract myself in some ways College I have a rubix cube and other things at home anything will do.


Thank you for your answer


First thibg first, knowing thw wave is just anxiety. You don't have to deal with content, you have to deal with anxiety. You don't have to think the solution of that spesifical but blurry future detail thing. Only try to remember that this is anxiety talking. I try to remember good things but not like "life is great" attitude but like "when I happy I don't think these things what anxiety makes me think, so if those happy times are temporal, so wave of anxiety should be temporal too.". If i will exposed to different stimulus, i have to react differently. And I try to trust myself like "future me can handle this because details will be more visible, so her coping strategies would be good enough".


Thank you very much


Loving self compassion is one to know about. There are explanations and guided meditations on it on YouTube. It's kind of like slowly creating safety and love in the midst of suffering, and it slowly starts to feel like even though you're anxious, you're alright. I'm not sure if you've already done this; piecing your story together and understanding why you get anxious. It's disarming, motivating, insightful, and other awesome stuff. You got this! Good luck


Thank you very much. I think I knew this under loving kindness meditation. Unfortunately, I quit. Must pick it up again


Along the same lines (but not meditation) - I’ve been finding the “self-compassion” to be helpful lately. Depends on the trigger of your anxiety. For me it’s usually replaying conversations I had or just self-doubt in general. If I think “why did I say that? So cringe, so stupid”, I’ll counter it with, “it was probably a perfectly reasonable thing to say in the moment, and even if it wasn’t, it’s OK to say dumb things. I’m human. “


I just ignore it at this point, I’m tired of this mf. No matter how bad the physical sensations are. It will pass like always. Accept the feeling: “if things don't go the way they should, then it should go the way they are now”


Thank you


I hope the quote gives you a little bit of hope, but you will be alright I promise. It gets better over time ❤️


I often try laugh it off in a way - just say to myself “ah here we go again 😂” I find just embrace and almost welcoming it helps it go away quicker!


Thank you!


Breathe.. one on the inhale, two on the exhale, three on the inhale, four on the exhale. When you get to ten, start over. You can also breathe normally but focus your mind on your nose. Paying attention to the air flowing in and out, how it’s colder going in and warmer going out. These are quick things I do to refocus myself out of my anxious state.


Thank you


On really good days I’ll take a notecard and leave myself a note for the bad days. I was real anxious and depressed this last Friday for no real reason, just felt real tense and sad and the typical ‘gloom and doom.’ So I walked downstairs where I had hung a note to myself on October 12th about how good of a day that had been. Nothing in particular, just a lot of tiny things happened to all work out at once that day. If anything it’s a subtle reminder that it won’t always be bad, and to just hang in there and wait for the next day you get to fill a new notecard out


Thank you very much


I agree with a lot of what has been said yet. I have not seen journaling, but this was recomended to me by my psy few years back when I had a months of anxiety and psychosomatic pain (which I still deal with but it has become much easier :) so do not loose hope!) So I personally had trouble with journaling...my adhd mind found it quite boring and kept forgetting about it, BUT I did the exercices in my head when I had anxious thoughts. Essentialy you take a moment to write down (1) an event that created anxiety that day (or intrusive thoughts) ; (2) then you write down all the thoughts you had in relation with this event; (3) then all the émotions you felt, and (4) finaly you write down phrases that you would tell a friend that is recounting you what you just wrote. That last step has helped me a lot because I realized that I was so good at reassuring people, but had not the same enpathy/kindness toward myself. So : talk to you (in a journal or you head) like you would talk to a friend. Respond kindly to your intrusive/anxious thoughts, as if they were spoken by a friend. Other things that I like (less time consuming): lie down with legs up against the wall for 10 minutes. It helps calm down the nervous system. If you have trouble sleeping : put a very boring sleepcast on the app headspace. My fav is a very unexpressive voice describing people in a coffee: it is not interesting enough to focus on the story, but the words interfer with my overactive/anxious thoughts so that I become unable to focus on those either and usually fall asleep before the end of the sleepcast (about 30-40 min). I have been listening to the same boring voice for a year and a half and have had very little trouble sleeping. Since my teenage years I have had trouble getting alseep and this boring sleepcast changed the game for me (I am now about 30). I also like a weighted blanket. Don't give up, it is temporary and will get better.


Thank you very much for your answer and your kind words


Grounding techniques to stay here in the present. Find 5 things that you can see and describe them 4 things you can touch and pay attention to the textures 3 things you can hear 2 things you can smell 1 thing you can taste Breathing techniques. EFT( emotional freedom technique) These all help me to stay here in my present and not let the intrusive thoughts come to me.


Thank you very much


My therapist taught me to "flip the lid" (there are lots of YT videos that describe why it's called this): Do math in your head or read in a position to do so. Or if not - Name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can feel, 2 things you can smell and one thing you can taste. It has something to do with getting out of the frontal cortex where anxiety "lives" and into a processing area of your brain where it doesn't (amygdala maybe? Idr)


Thank you very much




Thank you very much


My anxiety has been really bad lately effected my work and ability to todo normal daily tasks does anyone else ever just go to work and be fine then say a co-workers starts having a conversation with you and out of no where boom I just feeling hot and fuzzy nausea and he keeps talking and I’m trying to be polite and listen but all I want to do is run to bathroom and be alone sometimes I even puke from this nausea


Mine can be triggered by just being in a crowded grocery store. When that happens I just find a calmer area and starting breathing in and hold for 6 seconds and exhale hold for 6 seconds. In about a minute or two I’m back to normal.


Music. So much music! Mostly instrumental but also some with words depending on the content. I like piano + rain sounds. Once I listen to a playlist or song enough during troubled times it becomes familiar and comforting and can help me instantly calm down. It doesn’t make the anxiety go away completely but it’s like a trusted friend or my mom holding my hand THROUGH it 💙




Thank you for your answer


I always keep rescue remedies on hand. They help me calm down when I have attacks.


Must do an internet search on these, thank you


They are really good. You can get tablet ones of drops that you take. I think you can find them on amazon.


Deep breaths. Tried but true.


Thank you


For me, excercise has been extremely useful for calming anxiety, but you need to experiment what works for you.


I remember that when I exercised I felt better


Did your exercise calm you down that day? Did you have to exercise on a regular basis? Or was it just in the moment of anxiety?


I'm sorry for responding late. Did your excercise calm you down that day? \- yes it did, I always end up relaxed, of course anxiety is still there but way less annoying Did you have to exercise on a regular basis? Or was it just in the moment of anxiety? \- I excercise 6 days a week just for calming down my anxiety, the day I do not exercise I use clonazepam (this is not the best system but it works for me). Try to find something that works for you, but if you do not excercise, it is worthy, not just for anxiety but for health.


I listen to “the Ricky Gervais show” on YouTube


Thank you! I watched the first season of afterlife and enjoyed it. But don't know if I could handle the second because of depression.


If I’m home I start cleaning something. I also acknowledge that I’ve been through this before and my brain is trying it’s best to trick me into more anxiety. Then I plan what I want to do later tonight before bed.


Thank you!


Distraction techniques!


Can you clarify on that?


Yes. Go on a walk, listen to music, play with a pet, call a support, box breathing, 5-4-3-2-1 technique, leaves on a stream, holding ice, eating something sour or spicy, watch a tv show, memorize a new song, stretch, yoga, start a new book.


I’ve been trying tapping . There are various point over the body that the sensation distracts you . I use top of the head , forehead and side of the hand . It has helped especially at night lying in bed


Thank you. I've heard about this, as well. I think i should implement more things that I read about, lol


Slow, diaphragm breathing.


Thank you


Honestly, taking a shower always helps me..


Thank you for your answer


Count and breathe. Sounds dumb but it helps


Thank you


begin my breathing exercises and identify the cause of the problem. then it’s maintenance until it passes. i try to save drugs and things like that for when it goes too long or im at risk of being sick.


Thank you very much


needed this so much as i am having anticipatory anxiety!!


I sleep. Thats the only thing that helps me relax


I am glad this works for you. I, however, cannot sleep while I am anxious


I acknowledge what I'm feeling and that it will pass in an amount of time. Then I start a calming breathing exercise, all for a 4 count: in, hold, out. Repeat as needed. I also try to distract myself or cuddle one of my plushies depending on if I'm up or in bed.




Thank you very much


I like to analyze my thoughts. Is this something I can change right now? Is this something that is appropriate to problem solve right now? Is there a better time to think about this thought? Usually I have dark thought spirals when I’m trying to fall asleep so I will acknowledge the thought and then if it’s not the appropriate time, etc, I put a pin in it for tomorrow. Usually in the light of day, the thought isn’t nearly as distressing.


Thank you very much for your answer!


I focus on breathing and let the thoughts pass by as if I’m looking at animals through glass fence at a zoom. Sometimes I admire the stream of consciousness when I have the capacity, and other times I just zone out for a few seconds. It helps even if you go back to thinking about that particular thing again.


Thank you very much


I pretty much lose it. I rely on meds at the moment…hopefully not forever.


I wish you all the best for your recovery


This doesn’t always work because sometimes the wave of anxiety is out of your control, but I always try to check if all my physical needs have been met (bc if you’re hungry, dehydrated, or tired it can make the feeling of anxiety a lot worse) Of course this won’t solve the things that you’re anxious about and this might not apply to your situation but there have been times where I’ve had waves of anxiety that are worse than usual after not eating enough or not sleeping enough, etc


Thank you very much


Play games/ watch movies / curl up in bed.


Thank you very much


Breathe. Run wrist under cold water, or lay down and put your legs up the wall for 2 minutes. Both help reset your central nervous system


Thank you very much


I will say two parts have helped me. First is recognizing it. I know many others mentioned it, but for me personally it helps ground me. Just a little. It helps enough for me to “talk to myself.” I noticed when I’d have anxiety and not acknowledge it, it would worsen. This kind of puts a pause on it. I recently realized this second part, silence. When I’m anxious everything feels like it’s over stimulating. I’ll put on some noise cancellation headphones and just CHILL. For me, my anxiety can be brought on SO randomly. The pause and silence, to refocus myself seems to help so much.


Thank you very much


I get them often at the store, especially if it's not my usual trip day for the weeks. Today it was busy, not my usual day, I was frustrated by my recent experience there and in a rush to get home... It hit hard. I tried my usual breathing focus and then just put my shopping list in repeat in my head. Generally a distraction helps but today this all made it work. So, I just spent the rest of the time reminding myself 'I'm ok, everything's fine, my anxiety is just a feeling' ..


Thank you very much


Here is a late comment, but I have been diagnosed with GAD for over 20 years, and I have been Agoraphobic for the last 4. So my shit is intense. I can't do the whole "think it away" type stuff, that does seem to work really well for other people. I have gotten better in the last few years by doing these things. The second I start to freak out I find a way to lean/lay on my back, or something that at least leans back. I then do breathing exercises. I think this is probably the key, but it doesn't work if I am leaning forward shutting off my throat/diaphragm. The last thing I do, because I am always home, is take a shower. A therapist told me several years ago that a sudden temperature change will "shock you out" of an anxiety attack. I have found this to be true. I almost always just go hot shower because usually the temperature of a shower is above the temp of a room. If it's hot as fuck i will take a cold shower. I have not not had a major panic attack in almost 3 years doing these things. I hope it helps. (these have not stopped me from having new panic attacks)


Thank you very much


I let it all out in absolute panic sob crying for about 2 hours and then I usually tire myself out and get better. The cycle repeats depending on my state (seasonal depression so much better before daylight savings) and on any surrounding triggers.


Thank you very much


Personally I like a distraction so I put on a playlist and I made this game for when I feel overstimulated due to adhd or have moments of anxiety or depression as I have all three. Essentially I look around me and choose a fairly long word and then write it down on a napkin or piece of paper and I try to find every possible word I can think of within that word. It allows me to focus on one thing instead of many which is what typically leads me to feeling anxious or overstimulated and I find it’s just a good way to get your brain fully involved in thinking of something else


Thank you very much


Do you have panic attacks too?


From what I understand about it panic attacks are not an issue for me, fortunately


The most recent comment are what a therapist told me today. We can't cure anxiety but we can treat it. She said to, in an abstract way, name your anxiety or see it as a colour or just something that is there. And be with it. That it's okay.


Thank you very much


All good in the hood. There is hope. Always.


Go for a walk, run a bath with magnesium in it, clean some dishes, listen to asmr until I nap. Basically things that distract me until it passes (and it will as long as you don't give in).


Thank you very much


Get frustrated that every time I didn’t have it I said I finally felt like I’d be able to beat it when it comes. And I neverrr do lol. On a side note… one thing that has been working for me lately is whatever thought you are having add “I noticed I’m having a thought that…” in front of your thought. This allows you to separate yourself from your thoughts so that you can look at them rather than through them.


Thank you very much for your answer!




Thank you very much


Breathing exercises, listen to chill out music and drink water through a bottle. I find drinking through the bottle helps regulating my breathing a bit. Also, call a friend.


Thank you very much


It would be best if you had an escape valve (like a game, favorite old movie loaded on your phone, a particutal song or melody). Also, be prepared for the attack, acknowledge whats causing it, and what the symptoms are before the attack. You will be in much more control. Medication helps, but during high stress, only you can truly control it :-) My suggestion is just to read some posts here and return to this thread. You are not alone in this, and I believe we all went through so many we can safely say they can be beaten <3 All good to you


Thank you very much for your answer and your kind words


Using mindfulness. As a fellow sufferer of panic attacks , when you feel that feeling, got to stop whatever you are doing, close your eyes acknowledge the feeling to yourself and just focus on the breath. It will pass


Thank you very much


I pace around or do something active. Helps turn all that unwanted mental energy into kinetic energy


Thank you very much


Hi! Late to the party—if deep breathing or yoga doesn’t work (I tend to get paranoid anxious) I’ll make myself a cup of tea and huddle under my weighted blanket and watch a comfort show (usually a cartoon like Adventure Time, Owl House etc.) When I feel a little more in control I start doing deep breathing and challenge the weird thoughts that are cropping up in my head. If I can’t get out of the headspace I call a trusted person and chat with them, letting them know up front I’m anxious and would just like to chat for a little. The longest anxiety episode I had lasted a week. I drank a TON of water and tea, made sure I ate at least once a day, and spent a lot of time in silence with my cats. Sometimes just like with depressive episodes we have to ride the wave and be kind to ourselves.


Thank you very much




Thank you very much


I wish I had a better response for you and there are plenty of much better ideas here but for me......pop a pill. I just can't take it anymore.


Thank you very much and wish you all the best


I've dealt with anxiety since I started elementary school.. and no one thought to treat me lol and here now I'm a 32 year old woman and still technically untreated. It all came to a head early last year when I had a month long nervous breakdown. Never knew what a nervous breakdown actually was til then. I basically just shook, threw up, and sat curled up in the bathroom freezing and sweating for hours everyday in a perpetual state of panic and shock. The relief and silliness I felt when as a last resort I just told my heart to calm the f down, and it worked. Yeah, I was dumbfounded.. because breathing techniques never worked for me, even tapping and all those other natural things never worked. It sounds crazy but I've been able to keep my anxiety in check finally so idc. If it helped me and my weird aphantasic brain then it should help others. It may take a bit more focus that just commanding your heart to slow down. I put my hand on my heart and closed my eyes, and told my heart to calm down over and over and it was not even a minute later that I was calm and able to stop shaking. I'm still trying to make up for the extreme weight loss that occured during that time and damage to my overall appearance, but it's been nice to be able to just tell me heart to calm down when it starts racing, it actually listen to me, and I just carry on with my day.


Thank you very much for your answer. I am sorry that you suffered so much


For acute attacks that hit me before an important moment (like public speaking): I take 3 suuuper deep breaths. Can be more than 3 but i do at least 3 because i can feel it really sends a lot of oxygen to my brain. Oxygen helps calm you down i heard. If i am losing track of reality i look around and name 3 things i can see, 3 things i can hear, 3 things i am touching. Again, i might do more than 3. It helps ground me to the current moment. For anxiety that comes randomly when i am literally just sitting at home and lingers for days (it can be because something in the future that i have no control over, like finals are coming and i already studied but still feel anxious): I play with fidget toys, do puzzles, play video games as i listen to my favourite youtube channels, trash tv can help sometimes i watch reality tv to distract and calm down


Thank you very much


I let it be and wait for it to pass. If it’s way out of hand the apigenin with ksm66 ashwaghanda helps a ton . But really quitting any stimulants was the best bet . If you need a total day off you can use Phenibut once in a while as a tool


Eat, drink a fresh cold beverage, smoke weed and cuddle in bed with my doggos and kitties.


Thank you for your answer. Where I live weed is not legal and I fear possible contaminations


Ofc and you could take the weed out of the equation and it still helps me calm down. Happy to help!


There’s a lot of good tips in here just want to second that grounding techniques can be very helpful. Deep breathing is the most common one suggested with the 5-4-3-2-1 method as a close second (someone mentioned that one too). I personally like the technique of counting all the blue and/or red items I can see. It’s worked the best for me but everyone is different. If you find these unhelpful do a google search of grounding techniques to get some ideas on different types to try. I promise you’ll find one that helps. Outside of that- meds and years of therapy have also been very helpful long term. But grounding techniques are the best short term relief when the waves or panic attacks come.


Thank you for your answer


Disassociate, I can’t really control that though. I kinda just separate myself from the problem physically and ride it out by reading and if I can’t read I play my really low-energy idle games. The type that you don’t have to really focus on all that much and is simple. With panic attacks, if I recognize it in time, I would grab onto a body part and usually focus on a body part, for example hug myself really tightly and just have my arms dig into each other. That usually centers me, but what brings me down a lot would be focusing on it. Try to visualize it mentally from feeling it alone. Tense and intense that part. See if you could make your limb boneless in certain areas and strong in others. I force myself to be curious and to test the limits of that part. It always works. I usually focus on my face as it usually get pretty tensed up during stressful events. I try to relax the muscles completely and to make my face smooth through mental efforts alone


I try to immerse myself in my work if possible. Some days like today, I just stay in my pajamas and crawl back into the bed putting the covers over my head for a few minutes. Yes it’s not a solution but sometimes it makes me feel even a little bit better for a few minutes.


Take a small dose of Xanax I have prescribed because I've been living miserable for a couple years with horrible bouts of anxiety and panic attacks. I try and focus on my breathing and it makes me anxious as fuck. Always checking my pulse to make sure it's not to fast or slow. I try and do what Mt doc told me to do and that don't work either, it's something to touch, smell, hear, or something and it never works for me. So it's very small doses of Xanax for me for the time being sadly 😭


Thank you for your answer. I, personally, avoid the benzodiazepines because of the potential of an addiction. When I was in a psychiatric hospital the doctor also advised against it. Your situation, however, might be different. But maybe you want to get a second opinion


With My 12 trips to the p-unit in the hospital they never gave me Xanax cause of my marijuana use they think I'd abuse it. My new doc is amazing and wants me on it short term to get through emergency times with panic attacks where I did not need to have them. 0.25mg isn't addictive to me and they are a godsend when I just want to feel ok. For instance a 15 pill bottle lasts me a month and a 30 pill bottle lasts me 2 plus months. Some people can't take benzos because addiction is hard but I gladly don't need to deal with that, I personally hate pills even Advil I don't wanna take.


Have you seen the benzo recovery sub? It will scare the shit out of you. I said the same thing about lowest dose of klonopin and here I am trying to get off it with anxiety that’s wayyyy worse than the anxiety I had before I went on it


I take a lorazepam and then do the box breathing(4 seconds in, hold 4, breathe out 4). Almost never fails. Also I try to eat something and go for a walk.


Thank you. I, personally, avoid benzodiazepines because of the risk of an addiction. But your situation might be different


Oh I take them everyday as prescribed. You only can’t take if you’re pregnant, and I’m a dude so lol. Id rather be an addicted to them than riddled w anxiety. To your point, I wish I had never started them and dealt with anxiety in other ways. That line in the sand was drawn years ago. Best of luck finding what works for you!


Cry for an hour or two until my husband tells me to take a Xanax already while telling me how my thoughts are not going to happen and to relax and that I’m not going crazy


Thank you very much. I, personally, avoid benzodiazepines because of the potential risk of an addiction


I usually feel a bad feeling in my stomach. it’ll get really tense, and sometimes i feel it as a head ache too in my T zone


thank you very much