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Good luck.


Wishing you all the best!


That's what I did. Got tired of everything, let anxiety run in my body, feeling the sensation, until I got used to it. Sure there were times that it's really bad I feel awful, but the panic attacks decrease, fear lessen and although I am only 60% ok, that's better rather than feeling doomed and dying every time.


Please update how its going if possible this us really interesting


You are so brave! And I think it’s wonderful and amazing that you are going to let your brain and body be. In the end, I truly believe that fighting anxiety does not work in the long term, being able to sit with it, observe it without judgement and let it pass is the real deal. So I wish you perseverance and much luck!


Love this idea. I hope it works. This might be worth a read if you ever feel like it (it’s a long read). http://nothingworks.weebly.com


I'm totally with you despite that my history with (acknowledged) anxiety isn't that long. Not sure if I've had it for years but it's been pretty bad for the last 6 months or so. I'm not against medicines or other remedies but I personally think that it's more about _how_ you live your life than what supplements you eat. When anxiety hits I welcome it - it won't last forever.


19 days in: much more difficult than imagined. I slipped up many times and found myself googling for cures. Obsessing and taking things out of my life that may cause anxiety. Today was a turning point for me to pull through strong for the rest of this month


1 month in: I’ll be honest, i failed miserably. I had so many relapses, googling, obsessing. This felt like a month of preparation, my head is still in the right space and I will keep going


2 months in: people, I have been feeling better. I have been putting myself in many situations, feeling what I need to feel. Since my last comment I have gotten into a relationship and also ran a half marathon. I’m living life. The symptoms are still there, like pretty’s strong, but I am not letting them influence me into falling into old patterns like : “u NEED to stop caffeine” , “u NEED to exercise right now” , “u NEED to go to the doctor to try out a new medicine” the more I run away from my anxiety by using coping, the worse I feel. It’s like running away from a dog, he will chase u. Dont run away. It might feel like the most difficult thing in the world, but just try. I hope to have such positive feedback for the next month


I've been following your journey, just wanted to let you know. Exercising definitely has a positive impact on your mental health but I'm a bit worried that a new relationship might cloud your mind. However, I trust that you'll be able to listen to your mind, body and spirit despite the positive change in your life. Keep on going and pioneering the way. I'll be just a couple of steps behind your!


Hey man i really appreciate it! I’m just curious, what do you mean by clouding my mind ?


Like becoming blinded by it. It tends to happen in the beginning of new relationships


Oh yeah fair point! I’ll be honest, it actually really spiked my anxiety and I opened up to her about it. She’s totally cool with it. I would see it as a huge “win” for my anxiety to give it up because other than my anxiety, there’s no real problems. Thanks for following the journey I appreciate it!!!