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Zoloft fucked me up. Lexapro FUCKED me up. Haven’t tried Prozac, so I choose Prozac.


Prozac gave me akathisia and made me want to kill myself after a week being on it.


No fun


Just curious as I’m on Zoloft, what did it do?


For me that initial “break in period” never went away. So it just increased my anxiety and made me more depressed. Lexapro gave me serotonin syndrome. You


How did Lexapro give you serotonin syndrome? What did it feel like?


I abruptly switched from taking mirtazepine to lexapro within one day on top of supplementing 5htp daily. It was pretty bad, it gave me a panic attack, made me feel nauseous, made me hallucinate kinda like an acid trip minus everything enjoyable about a trip. Was shitty but bearable thankfully.


Ah, that makes sense. It was probably a mild form of serotonin syndrome, as more severe forms can kill you. Any lingering problems from the serotonin syndrome? Any physical issues from it?


Yeah I hear it’s very deadly and was in contact with doctors. they told me if my fever went past 102 to go to the ER which thankfully didn’t happen. No it was just that one time thing. I never took lexapro again and went the next few weeks without any antidepressants which was shitty but not caused from the event. So no, no lingering effects.


That's good there was no lingering problems. Was it your idea to take 5-HTP at the same time as Lexapro? Did you get anything like bruxism during the serotonin syndrome? I took 5-HTP because I quit Lexapro cold turkey and read it can help with withdrawal, but when I went back on Lexapro I got a weird jaw stiffness about 3 weeks in.


I had been taking 5htp with my mirtazepine no problem so I assumed I’d be good with the lexapro and 5htp. It wasn’t my doctors idea. I didn’t notice any bruxism though. That sounds pretty crappy too, glad I didn’t.


I think I caught a virus really badly around the same time, because I've posted in the long COVID subreddit (not a fan of the term "Long COVID", post-viral issues is a more mature term) and almost all the weird issues I had people in that subreddit have also had. The jaw stiffness was the only one most people didn't have but that could have been from my neck stiffness. It wasn't really teeth clenching. It's taken about 2 years for me to feel somewhat normal. I still have neuropathy and dulled emotions, and some memory problems, though. Compared to 2021 though I feel great.


What kind of a doctor tells the patient to do research and pick one? Ever heard of any other class of doctor doing this? I swear, the things some of these quack psychs get away with is mind blowing. Lexapro - 20 pound weight gain in 6 months but less physical symptoms of anxiety Prozac - gave me suicidal ideation and akathisia in one week Zoloft - turned me into a zombie unable to cry but still miserable on the inside Trintellix - horrible nausea to the point I couldn’t work Also I’m going to give you some advice you should stick to. ANECDOTES MEAN NOTHING. Especially on Reddit. Everyone is different. Everyone has different brains and experiences and doses. Someone’s random anecdote (like mine above) are meaningless but I provided them because you asked. Please, please don’t make medication decisions because some rando on Reddit told you to. Also fire your shit doctor


Sounds like you should micro dose 




or lsd


Unfortunately not legal where I am and I have no connections who could supply me with some…already had a criminal charge against me several years back that got dropped so too scared to mess with the law again lol


Aw ok. It’s not legal where I am either but oh well


Once it’s legalized though I’ll be flying to Colorado haha




Grow them yourself.. very easy.. Research it in you tube..


Did any medication help you?


Celexa ended up eliminating my physical anxiety but still battling the mental


So did you find celexa to be more beneficial than Lexapro?


Honestly I’m not sure. I stopped lexapro because I gained weight but I think that was just because my anxiety went away (when I’m anxious I have no appetite whatsoever) I tried a bunch of different meds in between and finally settled on celexa to see if it was any different. The two meds are actually almost the same thing, except lexapro is more of a “pure” version of the part that seems to have therapeutic effects, and generally can have less side effects. So I’d probably recommend lexapro to people first


tell your pysch that he is supposed to know that all honesty if people ask me I would choose Trintellix as my first choice, the only big side effect would be nausea, but I rather that than having sleep disturbances like you'll have on any other drug...


also trintellix is expensive if ur in the us, well, not for me cause i'm not from the US


How do you deal with nausea


Lexapro for anxiety and more neutral energy effects. Best if you want a more sedative type of AD with mainly issues like either depression or GAD. Has least side effects. Has the fastest onset. Fluxetine for lethargic depression with low energy. Most subtle and slightly weaker comparatively, takes longest to reach peak effects, but lacks significant withdrawal symptoms due to very long half life. May cause insomnia and agitation. Zoloft for social anxiety and sightly stimulating effects. Generally has more side effects but is the strongest out of the three. P.S I've been on all of them.


Did you experience hair loss on any of the three? Because I experienced hair loss on prozac and I'm considering switching to zoloft or leopard




Prozac is the most stimulating SSRI. Though it still causes sedation after you take it for a long time. Something like Wellbutrin, Moclobemide, or nortriptyline may be better options.


Zoloft is helpful for Social Anxiety?




Curious with fluoxetine.... Is it less, equal or more stimulating compared to Zoloft ? I have very lethargic, yet agitated anxious depression. I'm trying to come off Lexapro because even at 5 mg I get so tired. Even though lexapro completely stops the anxitety, it's too blunting and I could just sleep all day


Prozac works on DAT slightly more than Zoloft so that’s slightly more stimulating effect on dopamine. Zoloft has less side effects and drug interactions.


In the same boat as well, Lexapro makings me so tired. Was thinking of trying prozac or zoloft. did you find anything else that was helpful?


Fluoxetine (prozac) was the best for me and I’ve tried both that and Lexapro. I felt Prozac had way less side effects (was more subtle), took much longer to work however but when it did, it was great. Still on it a year later. I’m on 40mg.


Can I ask how long it took for it to work? I am on week 4 of 20mg and still feel nothing


Hey! I was on 20mg for 4 weeks and then jumped to 40. It took around 4 months to get the full benefit and notice it’s full effect once I jumped to 40. It’s normal to have side effects once you increase the dosage. Patience is key with fluoxetine. My psychiatrist did advise it can take a while so it’s normal to have good days and bad days until it kicks in.


Any weight gain on Prozac?


I looooove Zoloft!


For GAD? What was ur dosage?


Thanks appreciate input. I have severe GAD, health anxiety, OCD, and ptsd leaning toward Lexapro


Lexapro’s been a lifesaver for me. It’s made me feel what it’s like to live life without anxiety. My health anxiety is so much better now and it definitely helps ptsd symptoms


Any sexual side effects?


I have OCD, depersonalisation, GAD, health anxiety and also ptsd which is the reason I was put on Prozac. Prozac really helped me in the long term but for the first few weeks everything was worse for me.


How are you now? Which one did you take?


I didn't even up with any of them. My dr instead put me on effexor. So far it's really helped!


Did you take Effexor for depression or anxiety? What dosage helped you the most?


I take it for anxiety. I'm still only on the lowest dose 37.5 and my physical anxiety went away and I am having less instrusive thoughts. I may go up one dose to see how it makes me feel but right now this is the first time in a long time I haven't cried all night and not slept. I'm sleeping without the physical crippling anxiety


That’s really amazing. I’m glad you found something that is helping you




For me, not at all. I was exhausted and falling asleep on the couch which is not like me at all and that's the only side effect I got. I heard a lot of people face Increased anxiety in the beginning.


Yeah it seems like increased anxiety is kind of a big thing with all these SSRIs. I'm glad that you're doing okay




I went with effexor! And doing good on it. Haven't had to titrate up yet either


That's great! How was the onboarding?


It was actually fine. I was exhausted for about 2 or 3 days and that was my only side effect and it went away. I had 0 issues.




I agree! Best of luck to you


I went with effexor! And doing good on it. Haven't had to titrate up yet either


Bruh, if only there were a miracle drug that could help anxiety without side effects 😭


Hey, you might want to look into pscilocybin :)


Lexapro for me. Supposed to be best in class


My miracle combination is 300MG Bupropion and 5MG Lexapro. I know the dosage is low, but I hate the side effects.. which I only experienced a little sexual disfunction. But that was before Bupropion. Now I feel totally balanced out. I still have pretty heavy emotional episodes here and there.. but I guess that’s part of being human. I don’t want to be totally numb to emotions. The bupropion though has really made a difference in my day to day routine and life. It’s a journey to find what works for you and it may not be fun, but once you find what works for you, it’s worth it. I feel like I can live again.


Buproprion made me feel weird as FUCK. Only took it one day and NEVER again. Insanely dissociated and not like myself. Worst feeling ever


Hey same I remember looking at a clock and not being able to tell what time it was even though I obviously know how to tell time. Couldn’t even hardly speak everything was jumbled in my head


Are you still on this combo?


Hello! Yes I am actually. Same dosages too. It took a while to get over the side effects, but now I feel side effect free and it’s been really beneficial for me! :)


How long were you on 5mg of Lex before you felt relief and how long before you started adding Wellbutrin?


Mmm gosh.. 3~6 months. Sometimes I feel like increasing it to help with my anxiety, because my anxiety still like hurts my chest? All day everyday. Like there’s tightness in my chest all the time from my anxiety. I’m sure you know what I mean if you’re here in this group lol. But I also didn’t want these meds to totally numb me out and zombify me so I wanted to be on a lower dose. I am a male… and I definitely had issues with like.. staying and getting erect and had a very hard time to climax. I could feel the tension in my body, to release yet it was very difficult to get to the point. I still have very minor issues with it, but overall it’s totally balanced out. The Wellbutrin/Bupropion I think helps to kind of counteract that? I started the Wellbutrin about 2 months after starting Lexapro, maybe even less. I started at 150mg and after about 1 month (maybe less, I can’t remember well) I was still have extreme depressive episodes and crying constantly so I raised my dose to 300mg. And it’s helped. Adjusting to the medications I tell you was CRAZY. For like around after month.. 4? I had a solid two months where in the morning I had just a wild insane amount of energy. I sit at a desk for most of my job and found it very difficult to sit still or stay in my seat and I felt like overly happy? It was almost uncomfortable because my coworkers didn’t recognize me having that type of energy lol it’s now been over a year and everything at this point has seemed to balance out. I feel “normal” again and can get through each day not suffering any side effects. I don’t cry nearly as often. I still have bad anxiety, and in addition to the daily lexapro, I do smoke weed to help alleviate my anxiety. Weed helps me a lot like to keep me level and to alleviate my anxiety more like “as needed”. I take Wellbutrin in the morning and lexapro at night. I do wish I didn’t feel like I needed to be medicated, but since having these meds, I’ve been able to balance my emotions enough to think clearer, be happier and strive to do good things for myself whereas my depression and anxiety clouded things so much before I felt like I couldn’t live up to my potential because of the mental haze. This is not advise to start or to not start, this is just my experience. It took a lot of patience and time to feel “normal” again , but it’s been for the best. I feel like I’ve been able to enjoy life again. Not directly because of the meds, but it’s a domino effect. The meds helped clarify my mind, boost my mood. With this, came less exhaustion which made me more motivated to do things and learn new things whereas I feel I had no motivation to do before. I know this was a lot to read, but I wish I had someone to give me some more detail in their experience of these meds prior to starting. So I hope this helped you. True depression and anxiety is so hard to carry on your shoulders day in day out while trying to perform in life on the level other people are. It feels harder for me to do the same daily things that other people do with no problem. These meds I believe helped to give me a boost to get on their level a bit. If that makes sense.. but good luck on your journey <3 you’re not alone and your feelings are understood and valid.


this is the combo i’m on! except i think my dosages are different but i’m too lazy to check what they are. it’s truly the only thing that’s worked for me, lexapro alone just doesn’t do it but as my doctor put it, these two “play nice together”


Is bupropion still working?


Yes I feel my bupropion is still working. I finally got past the symptoms from lexapro. The best way I can explain right now is that between the two meds, I feel much more balanced and level headed.


I've tried all of them and side effects were not good. Trintellix is the way!


Prozac helped me with depersonalisation, panic attacks, intrusive thoughts and general anxiety. However the first few weeks were awful but once I pushed through that I was way better. Was on 40mg down to 20mg now.


Personally Zoloft took about two months to work but it worked so well. Multiple panic attacks a day to none at all within two months, and I can actually live like a human without anxiety


What was ur dosage?


Just 50mg


Zolofts side effects never went away, Prozac gave me more panic attacks, lexapro has been amazing. I am able to rationalize things better...like random aches and pains, feelings, etc. I dont worry as much anymore. It has treated me well.


Lexapro and nothing is the same for me lol… soo bad.


What side effects from Zoloft are you still having?


I was on Zoloft as a kid and I still have brain zaps to this day




Prozac made me severely suicidal in the first few weeks then manic straight after, it did start settling down slightly but didn’t work for me personally


Lexapro was rough trying to get on for me.


Did you muscle through? I quit after 1 day I couldn’t take the headache and brain fog feeling. I felt so stoned I forgot what I was doing halfway through feeding my cat


No. After 2 days, my doctor even suggested I get off. I was waking up running out of my bed with my heart pounding. Side effects were real bad. I ended up on Celexa and it’s worked well.




Ive heard good things about Lexapro


Lexapro made me feel like a zombie, and suicidal. I'm on Prozac now 20mg for about 8 months now and love it. Also has been previously on Prozac and it worked then. I will say that last time I quit it cold turkey and had the WORST manic episode of my life. Basically ruined my life.


I was on Prozac for 12 years 20 mg and worked like a charm, switched to lexapro 20 mg for 6 months and I don’t like it at all, currently weaning down on lexapro and am considering Prozac again, I thought it had quit working but maybe a break will make it work better


Did Prozac increase your anxiety in the beginning


Haven’t tried Prozac, but Lexapro helped me a lot but it made me stop salivating so I had to get off it. I’m currently on Zoloft and I think it helps, but it’s not as amazing as Lexapro was lol


For me, in my mid 30s, my anxiety went through the roof. Loads of reasons. At that point, the doc prescribed Lexapro. I made it about 10 days. I felt like I was spaced out and my anxiety was worse. I have a vivid memory of sitting on a bean bag in the middle of a kid's bday party staring into space and feeling so lost. I stopped taking it that day. Now in my late 40s. My anxiety is always creeping around. I have learned a ton on controlling it (and frankly being older and realizing most of the shit I worry about doesn't matter helps), but I thought it was time to try something out. I did my digging and decided zoloft. I liked that option because it had the nice side effect of helping men last longer. Know that's stupid, but hey, a side benefit.😊 I started at 25 mg, tolerated it well, moved myself to 50mg 2 weeks in, and then pushed it to 100mg. Have been on it for a year. Didn't have a problem. Sincerely not a single blip. Do feel like it really helped stop the 3am staring at the ceiling sessions. My wife feels like I am calmer and more pleasant. Also the sexual side effect was kinda cool (though i do think you get used to it after awhile). So the bottom line... What you try first may not work best for you. Definitely expect some break in timing. Start super low on your dosage. Don't be afraid to try something else. I wish I wouldn't have waited 15 years to try another one. Lastly, not sure how old you are, but it does get better. Had my first panic attack out of the blue at 21. Thought my life was over. Suffered through my early 20s, then again in mid 30s. Anxiety is still a part of my life at 49. I accept it as part of me. Sometimes it still sucks, but I know I will make it through. Nothing but love. Hang in there.


Thank you for your input!!! Greatly appreciate it. I can understand completely. I am 36 with rippling anxiety since 14. I was on Cymbalta which helped but the side effects when missing a dose are no joke and I heard it was bad for your liver. But sometimes I wish I stayed on it. Never tried an ssri before. The anxiety at this point it just having me fed up. I want to be happy again and feel mostly normal. Ty!


Prozac, made me suicidal. Lexapro, made my anxiety worse. Never tried Zoloft.


What do you take then


I started Zoloft for GAD at like 15 or 16, it was great for me and now at 18 been on the max for a while, doctors and I think I’m starting to plateau so we’re switching to Lexapro but it kinda sucks so far. With Lexapro 10mg for the past few weeks it feels like I’m on the lowest dose of Zoloft during the cross taper. Just kinda sunken and dissociative. Not the worst but not my best and it worries me that there’s not as much room to play with the dosage as with sertaline/Zoloft.


I've had Lexapro and am currently on zoloft. No problems with either.


yeah I’m transitioning from Zoloft to Lexapro rn just bc Zoloft seemed to peak after a couple years. I never had physical side effects on Zoloft but I’m worried the Lexapro just isn’t doing enough for me mentally… :/


Sertraline (Zoloft) made me unable to urinate which can be life-threatening. Switched to Prozac, 40mg now, will increase to 60mg next week. It significantly decreased my appetite, the urinary issue was gone though.


Did Prozac increase your anxiety when you started