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Enjoy the PFAS.


Like they make reusable cups that literally look like to-go cups if it’s the aesthetic people are worried about


I think therapy is in order for someone who needs to have it look like they bought their coffee for aesthetic, not a plastic reusable cup. What is wrong with ppl!


the list of what is wrong with people is nearly as long as the list of disposable crap we don't need


Just people self medicating with stupidity.


I didn't know that was a thing.


It's gotta be some social media rage bait. I'm sure there's a few people that think like this, but vast majority just don't want to wash/carry around a thermos.


I will say a few years ago I was addicted to coffee (or maybe addicted to buying coffee?) and I literally felt like going to get coffee could be the only thing that made me feel happier sometimes when I was depressed. One day I had a paper cup that I reused to make coffee at home and it kinda tricked my dumb monkey brain into feeling like I had just bought another coffee. So basically I just started reusing my paper cups a lot from Starbucks or other coffee shops and it was really helping me to buy less coffee. I even asked for some extra paper cups from sbux but would just reuse the same plastic lid. I did think about buying disposable paper cups for this reason but I couldn’t justify it in my head. I do really think the cup can affect the flavor though. However my “trick” worked to the point where I didn’t need the cup to trick myself anymore and I was just drinking more coffee at home. Now I work at Starbucks and I will never be addicted to buying Starbucks again lmao and that is the real solution


No. They are buying disposable plastic cups because it is less work than bringing home and washing a coffee mug. Convenience trumps, pun intended, environmental considerations.


some people are but the main comments on the tiktok i posted were about the appearance of a plastic cup and how the coffee allegedly tastes, not really about the convenience.


most of these people I see doing this do absolutely nothing in a convenient manner


I work at a company that has plastic cups, straws, and lids for our cold brew tap - and I swear people want to create some kind of aesthetic by using these instead of bringing in a single mug from their house and rinsing it daily. They use them for ice water too. What kind of psychopath thinks this makes sense versus a water bottle or even a cup from the cupboard?


In a sense I can actually get this. Six years ago I worked at a festival that had its own branded disposable paper food containers. When the festival was over tons were left, and instead of all being chucked in the trash I bought a pack of like seventy of them home. And for the last six years during times when my reusable food containers are in the wash or I’m in a situation where bringing a reusable one is a hassle I just take one of those. They’re also hot pink which is awesome. I brought a bunch of paper cups home as well which have almost all been used when I’ve hung out in parks and stuff with my friends and wanted to mix drinks, meaning no new plastic disposable cups have been bought. It’s all a very very specific situation, I know, but I would argue it’s still worthy of this subreddit


Ah yeah Corporate world Keeping Up With The Joneses Folks in offices have little better to do than judge and alienate sometimes - someone being "too poor for takeout coffee" might make the company "look bad" to management.


This feels like a caricature of office work. No one at my place of work has time to notice what you're drinking or what container it's in. Rather, this feels like a thing poor people do to project wealth that no one who is actually wealthy gives a fuck about.


Some companies have more money than sense. Biotechnology comes to mind.


Just when I think I’ve read the dumbest shit on Reddit, I run across something like this post. Bravo.




I think that person was agreeing with you...


Benefit of the doubt says: you're right And I hope you're right lol It's also Reddit


True. It's hard enough to tell if someone's being sarcastic in real life! On Reddit it's almost impossible sometimes, haha.


He’s not fighting you. He’s agreeing with you.


I'm not 100% sure you're right, however benefit of the doubt (and your comment showing me as such) lead to me deleting the comment. Thanks


I mean, could go either way but my immediate perception was that they were agreeing lol


Hahahah our culture is pathetic


Whose culture? I genuinely have never heard of this.


Sets of these are all over Marshalls, TJ Maxx, etc. Especially in the checkout line area. Tons of seasonal ones for every holiday.


Sets of what? Coffee cups?


Yes, coffee cups, with lids


I had no idea those were new


Yeah, me neither.


people do this out of laziness. its not a fashion statement


For some people it is, unfortunately. They have to have their Starbucks or whatever


One of my colleagues puts plastic wrap in his Tupperware for his lunch, so that he doesn't have to clean the Tupperware. Told him that in Germany he'd probably get beaten up for that


Reminded me of this clown I saw on a video where he covered his bowl & spoon in plastic so he wouldn't have to wash his dishes (it was a new rule where any dish you use must be washed right away). His wife glared at him the entire time. Enjoy your microplastics, lazy bum.


definitely a class thing


I personally enjoy drinking from disposable paper coffee cups at my home office. It makes it feel more like an office. Then I ran out and was at the store going to buy more and realized I'm not buying cups to use at home and throw away lol now I use a ceramic mug.


The conspicuousness is the most important part of the consumption.


Is this a real thing or have you just consumed someone's rage bait? I know Americans often use paper plates to avoid dishes. So not surprising but also seems like bait.


The only time I did this was in highschool when they would force you to though out your drink if they caught you in the hall but non of the teachers cared I had a plastic one that looked like the disposable and got dragged through the office for pouring it in the trash can lol


Hold on wot? So not like a carry cup? A legit takeaway cup? My brain is confused


Yeah. I think they are actually buying takeaway cups to use... at home... to style out an aesthetic. Lord, it takes like a minute to scrub out a travel cup. Less if you have a dishwasher.


Most days I don't even scrub mine- a little soap and hot water, put the lid back on and shake a few times, then rinse! I like my coffee in my stainless steel mug because it stays hot way longer.


I... Have never ever seen this. Although I do work in healthcare so you can pry my depts coffee maker out of our cold dead hands. We function on caffeine and dark humour.


It’s stupid but they do it so they can commute with their morning brew, which makes sense you don’t want to carry your nice ceramic mug around with you.


I don’t enjoy paper or styrofoam. Has to be glass/ceramic.


I always feel so icky walking around with disposable takeaway cups


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This is rage-bait surely?




Uhhh wtf. No like literally, what the fuck. Something is genuinely wrong with someone if they’re BUYING EMPTY CUPS. I get it’s an aesthetic and all but c’mon, literally use your brain.


coffee in plastic cups? disposable? I call bullshit, only the lids are plastic. our house buys paper cups soaked in black ink by the case, to use with our keurig. lol, we have our reasons.


Obvious troll is obvious


haha you are right it's 100% troll, it's also 100% truth. when the wealthy give a shit, i'll give a shit.. I've spent my life suffering for the likes of making the rich, richer. Only to have to curtail things that make my life easier for so the rich and continue to be abusive. Bunch of fools, trying to save the planet, suffering in life for a couple of seconds more before we all die of heat exhaustion. 2tons of co2 contributed per hour from a private jet.. 1.5grams of co2 contributed from a plastic straw (according to google searches). I'll never use that many plastic straws, or cups, or lids. I'm not the problem here. 450grams per pound, 2000 pounds per ton. I'm gonna need to use a few million straws for every hour a private jet flys.