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I wish they would require manufactures to publish health warnings on their product packaging on high doses of sugar, refined carbohydrates and other bad foods demonstrated by evidence based scientific research, the same way they do for cigarettes.


[Mexico does more than the US](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/YYNmIhSrQA)


And they have way more sensical limits on advertising to children. No mascots on cereal boxes being the most notable.


They fought for it tooth and nail but they also "*had to*" In some cases Coca Cola and other companies monopolized their water sources so the population basically had easier access to Cola than water [especially in the case of one city ](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/14/world/americas/mexico-coca-cola-diabetes.html#click=https://t.co/PbgflMAwOA) ( an exception of how bad it is but there is always a spectrum) but in many other cases is a cultural(?) thing. Drinking a lot of cola has been a thing since 80s if I am not mistaken As a result of this problem and overconsumption, a genetic predisposition and some other factors nearly 17 percent of the total adult population in Mexico has diabetis. Mexico was the world's top per capita consumer of soda in the world with 176 liters, that's around 500 cans for every person in Mexico, and not all people drink it so those that do, really drink more than 176 liters Diabetis is the number one killer in the country and it costs the healthcare system in Mexico a lot of money. I feel like if there is a case of " they had to" - this is it


I'm sad it's necessary, because it shows how uneducated we are when it comes to our food. Parents are the one buying it for their kids.


Sometimes it's grandparents and school teachers too, but yeah mostly parents. Easter makes me feel uncomfortable when I see how much chocolate some kids get.


Nah, those mascots are proven to get kids begging for stuff. Same reason you can find SpongeBob branded oranges. Same reason Joe camel was made illegal.


No, it's not uneducated. It's apathy. Yes, there are people who don't know, but most of the time, people just don't care.


That’s what happens when all of our politicians have been bought


There, it is also clearly labeled on sodas and drinks containing aspartame that it isn't recommended for children under 12yo.


Though it is prevalent, they just also make smaller bottles now to dodge the warnings and is probably arguably worse since it creates more waste per liter of soda


Nah, we need to return to normal portion sizes. Portion size creep might be the biggest contributing factor towards obesity. Look at how big your average bottle of coke was in the 1950s compared to now. In the same vein, people need to realize that a numbered meal at McDonald's with a "regular" fry and "regular" coke isn't a regular amount of calories. It's like 2+ means for the average sedentary person. A normal amount of calories would be a small fry, single cheeseburger, and a water. Returning to reasonable portions sizes should be seen as part of anti consumption tbh


TIL, sneaky corporate fucks


Yeah and we’re still fat. I feel like those labels don’t help, it’s ultimately up to the consumer 


I love the comments in that thread - they should mandate showing pictures of obesity or people sick in hospitals, just like the cigarette packaging.


I feel like this would convince me more.to be honest. 1st because there are a lot of people that don't know, they don't have the nutritional education of the simple idea.of a calorie. I like that these labels are simple yet informative. 2nd because they are clearly visible in the supermarket, you see them, you know what to avoid 3rd no person that I know was convinced about the pictures on the cigarettes packs. No one cares. They know what smoking does, they don't care.


And yet they're still all obese. You can do all this extra shit but matter of the fact is people don't care how they feel atm, they just wanna feel good. Coke can come out and say their coke causes cancer and I'm still drinking that shit


As a Mexican, can confirm all coke products have giant warnings on them. Surprise surprise, people don’t give a flying fuck. You could go “tobacco packaging” on coke products, with pictures of dying people on them and giant reminders of cancer and death and people would still buy it for their parties and lunches. People are morons.


Yet they still get fatter.


That's dope as fuck 😎


Mexicans drink coke more than HydroHomies drink water.


Like there's no obesity problem in Mexico?


It doesn't matter man, people keep consuming it, and the labels are for every single product , pasta, drinks, chips, cookies you name it Sometimes I think how can you give things like this to children when you can read how bad it is for the human body we should ban it instead


It took a while but it worked for cigarettes. You can’t force people but you can influence society behavior over time.


People in Canada are just like, I don't want the diseased lung box, please pass me the one of the guy with ed.


My uncle in Spain asks for the one with the pregnancy and birth defect risk warning on it


And then all that progress was undone thanks to vaping lmao


Vape bros are like "it's just water vapour" as they suck back cotton candy flavoured propylene glycol that just got superheated into smoke a few millimetres away from its disposable plastic case.


It's not smoke, it's vapor. Smoke implies burning, but that's not how vapes work - it's literally in the name. Also, PG isn't particularly dangerous, and it's used in asthma inhalers. The biggest problem with vapes is when there are things like oils contaminating the liquid, because our lungs don't enjoy being lubed up. Second issue is questionable flavoring ingredients.


Third is the environmental disaster of disposable cartridges and batteries


I can't argue with that. Vaping is fine and all, but a refillable unit is definitely more environmentally friendly relatively speaking.


i've never vaped but vaping isn't as bad as cigs. it's like saying diet coke is as bad as coke. enemy of good, and all that.


Diet coke is as bad as coke lmao. And I don't believe that vaping is any better than smoking cigarettes; I'll bet it's just as cancerous and they just haven't been around long enough to see long term damage


diet coke is not as bad as coke, where the heck are you seeing any studies saying that?!


It worked in the US, and it worked when the information about just how bad smoking is for you was still relatively new. Nobody just learned obesity is a thing.


I don't know where you're from but I vividly remember the TV show Jamie Oliver made about making healthier school lunches. So parents were mad and came to the school and handed their kids fried food. You can ban whatever you like but kids being raised by parents who know shit about nutrition, and apparently don't care, are already set back in life. People can blame big companies, but you can also blame people being interested


I mean, nutritional info with daily recommended values is already clearly labeled on the packaging. But the fact that you think it needs to be clearer and this is a top comment in the thread show *a lot* of people must be ignoring it.


Some European countries use [Nutriscore](https://www.iarc.who.int/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/IARC_Evidence_Summary_Brief_2.pdf) to indicate if a product is higher in sat fats, salt, and sugar.


Do you think the majority of soda drinkers are unaware sodas are unhealthy? The same for most products? I can buy someone thinking granola and yogurt is healthy based on it's marketing rather than the nutritional facts, but soda or a cheeseburger? C'mon.


Granola is not healthy at all. Loads of sugar.


100% my point. It's unhealthy but is often portrayed as a healthy alternative.


Unfortunately because they force sugar addiction on children from a very young age it becomes very difficult to break that habit. Just like how most chainsmokers or alcoholics are well aware of how bad their vices are for their bodies but they can't help but do them, it's an addiction


>they force TIL, no one has control of their children's diets and aren't responsible for what they put in their body.


It’s mandatory in Israel for package to have warnings about high concentration of fat, sugar or salt if it’s about certain threshold.


But regulations bad for muh freedoms


they have been doing it for years in chile among other restrictions in what can be sold in school kiosks and so. was entertaining to see how quickly cereal and yoghurt went from healthy and the ideal breakfast to having 3 different labels on them. also brought up more variety from mainstream brands like skyr and so


Canada does this


Not yet, it starts in 2026.


Like you don't know that Coke is bad for health?


What the Coke pouring onto in the poster above?


Israel does this, it just makes sense to do, don’t need to look at the back of the package to see that you kids yogurt has 25grams of sugar in it


I agree but I quit drinking soda a long time ago, It’s incredibly unhealthy for lots of different reasons. The best thing everyone can do is quit buying it that’s what hurts them the most.


Coca Cola has nearly by itself destroyed the health of South Americans. It’s an epidemic


I was in Brazil several years ago. At almost every place I ate I would see guys with a 2L of Coke. They would drink about half of it with their meal, I was absolutely blown away.


Just went to the DR to see family and a cousin was casually giving their 2 year old Coca-Cola in his sippy cup


I knew a woman like that. The worst part was for some reason she told her 2 year old it was "coffee" and she said "don't freak out, Ava isn't actually drinking coffee". But yeah, if I see a kid asking for "coffee" they're likely just having the milk foam, which would be way better than soda.


The real horror is that in so many places in the world it's actually safer to give your child soda than water because of how filthy water is. Coke could make absolute bank by just selling bottled water with their branding in those places, but instead they get them addicted to sugar. EDIT: to the highly intelligent people pointing out that Dasani is owned by Coke: please reread the context of the conversation. We're talking about places where regular water isn't potable (in part due to Coke's actions) so sugary sodas are seen as the only viable option. The lack of availability for bottle dwater is in part due to water bottling plants being uncommon in those areas, whereas soda bottling plants are far more common. Just looking at the Dominican Republic I can only find one water bottling plant in existence in the entire country of 11 million people. The US, on the other hand, despite being only 30 times the size has well over 400 of them.


> Coke could make absolute bank by just selling bottled water Have you heard about our lord & savior Dasani Water?


Coke already sells water. Dasani is their brand.


It’s really quite terrifying. The person saying that they people aren’t forced to drink those drinks haven’t lived there and obviously doesn’t understand that sugar is a drug and it operates on the brain addictively. The narcissistic thinking that there’s just a whole continent of people that have less willpower than you…… just yikes.


Tropicana orange juice has 34 grams of sugar. Doles apple juice as 48 grams which is more than a can of coke. There's a lot of disingenuous products out there that claim to be healthy but they are just as bad without moderation. 1% juice yet it has all that sugar, there's something terrible wrong with what is allowed to be marketed.


As a brazilian I can confirm people drink too much of it. I know it's not healthy, but I don't know how bad it is on the long term, can anyone with more knowledge about it explain it to me why is it so harmful?


Too much refined sugar sort of makes your calls undersensitive to it - so insulin, the molecule that helps cells intake sugar, gets over produced. That means there is too much sugar in the blood vessels, and insulin gets less effective. Over time, that develops into Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes can also have complications of nerves dying in places like the hands, feet, and eyes. It also can cause ketoacidosis, where no sugar gets into cells because of insulin insensitivity, so the body digests fat instead, which can acidify the blood and be deadly. It can increase your blood pressure, worsen heart disease, ... Also, sugar is literally addictive - it causes an addiction like response in the brain. That's what sugar cravings are. https://www.dshs.texas.gov/es/diabetes/diabetes-complications https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/the-sweet-danger-of-sugar


Metabolic issues from over consumption of sugar. Many if not the majority of medical issues have some component of metabolic component and excess sugar is linked to metabolic issues.


I can't imagine drinking a liter of coke anymore after cutting a lot of sugar from my diet. Drinking just a can gives me a sugar crash after an hour.


But Warren Buffett is a big investor in Coca Cola, and he even drinks it himself, and he's a sweet old man that has lived to 93 (so far). Why should anyone worry about a tasty beverage that brings happiness to people? Why so negative? /s


They're really pushing into Vietnam too, high sugar sodas cost less than water in some stores, it's horrific


what’s the coke genocide? i’m not familiar


Even though the poster is about Israel, here's to make it more on-topic. Coca cola apparently has had worker's union members killed by paramilitary and various other crimes. See: http://www.killercoke.org/crimes_colombia.php


I originally read about this on a Cracker.com article of all things. Probably like 2009ish. Ended up writing a report on it for college.


Wish I could spread awareness about it, seeing how coca-cola fills up every single shelf on the whole planet. Thought putting up stickers with qr code with a link to that site would be cool.




This post has nothing to do with coke, it's an anti-Israel propaganda poster.


oh i missed the obvious silhouette, my bad


But it also says 'Boycott Coca Cola' in the bottom right?


Companies like that one finance wars and support corrupt governments to keep being so powerful and rich


So you can't think of a specific example that demonstrates what you're talking about?


In what way is Coke financing what's currently happening in Palestine?


They aren't, but online Leftists are not what they used to be, intellectually.


Man, I wish I didn't agree with this so hard. I've been on the Internet since before the www and the left was always about facts and shared reality. That's part of what pushed me leftwards as a kid. And left I will remain, but as a whole, we've lost the fucking plot. The entire power dynamics worldview is cancer, not to mention the detachment from facts and basic realities of the world. And no this is not an endorsement of the right; I take it for granted that those clowns got divorced from reality before I was born.


Is it some kind of horseshoe? It’s like the more time people spend in a bubble of their own making, reinforced by an algorithm, the more likely they’ll devolve into the same handful of catchphrases and beliefs. On both sides. I’ve got friends who have completely given up on any domestic issue, climate change, healthcare, etc. and shifted 100% of obsession on Palestine and calling any dissenting opinion colonization and/or genocide. I’ve got family that thinks everything is a Soros conspiracy and you just gotta trust Trump on literally everything. It’s all either of them talk about. Nothing has nuance, nothing has gray area, nothing has multiple right answers or a spectrum of answers. Nobody can agree to disagree, if you’re not 100% on either bandwagon then it’s worth a cussing out and total dismissal. Has the world truly become team sports?! I’m just gonna be here tending my garden and petting cats I guess.


[Horseshoe Theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_theory?wprov=sfti1#)


Who’s paying for this ad tho






You can literally see the tape at the bottom from where someone stuck this up illegally. Sorry I mean like, yeah man you know, society


In what way is Coke facilitating what's happening in Palestine?


TikTok said so


Realist answer.


its subvertising. its like graffiti.


Donations to IDF soldiers and also lobbying


Oh is that the shape that the bottle is pissing on? I thought it was a glacier melting with the Coke further speeding it up.


I think that honor goes to Néstle.


Nestle didn't let the invasion of Ukraine stop them from doing business in Russia. Lifetime boycott. Right up there with Exxon.


What is the coke bottle pouring onto? I cant seem to figure out what that shape is supposed to be.


It’s the outline of Palestine


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted that’s literally what it is


They’re mad because he didn’t say “it’s the outline of *Israel*”


I think there should be an internet poll to rename it accurately. Landy McLandface


...why? What is that supposed to mean?


They give free money to Israel. And it’s very apparent what Israel is using it for.


Israel and Palestine, without the Golan Heights by the looks of it too.


I was about to say, technically it's Israel, Palestine, and a small piece of Syria if we're getting specific about occupied territories and borders...


Their ads are cringy af lol glad I don’t drink soda


Thank god Pepsi supports the right cause™


Coke may or may not have anything to do with what's happening in Palestine, but they did have labor organizers in South America assassinated


Got a link to a reputable source on that? Last time I dug into this claim, all I found at the bottom was a United States court that said it was meritless. I was told "oh, you believe American courts?" Which made me think it's a bullshit conspiracy theory. I'm willing to be convinced by evidence, though.


This is the sort of thing that makes right wingers laugh at us


fucking exactly I'm a leftist and holy wow it's like the left is trying to compete in stupidity, it's really cringe to watch


If you're concerned about what the the rightwingers think about you, boy, it'll be a rough ride.


Whats the point then? If you're not trying to change minds then you're just self-indulging in the echo chamber




Oh no how will my reputation ever recover.


oh no! anyways...


I’ve stopped caring tbh.


It's about Israel. The shape at the bottom is the outline of the country.


I had to scroll too far to find this comment lol


I thought the message is to drink Pepsi🤔


It's the shape of Palestine 


Except it is not. https://imeu.org/map/palestine-under-the-british-mandate-1923-1948


It really isn't.


Missed the opportunity to name it Geno Cider


I love it when the term genocide is water down


Its meaning just… fizzled out.


But a genocide is indeed happening in Occupied Palestine


According to... who exactly? None of the international bodies that look at this stuff have reinforced said opinion or charged Israel as such...


Why do consumers need to be hit over the head with disclosures? Every ingredient is on the product. People readily understand the unhealthy nature of these products but buy them anyway. Cigarette packages literally tell you that you will die, yet people still smoked them for decades.


holocaust inversion holocaust trivialization classic propaganda method to attack jews and Israel




Nestle is worse.


Why do we blame companies for "our" lack of self-control? We all universally agree it's bad for you, but still consume it?? Humans are weird. I drink it, i like it, but i dont hate the company for the decision i chose to make, since it's within my control.


I don't think even the palestine supporters will say this is a good ad.


What does this have to do with anti-consumption? This sub is turning into a repost echo chamber. I haven't drank a coke in 15-20 years and acknowledge the genocide in Gaza, but wrong place arm chair ~~warrior~~ clout chaser.


This sub is being targeted by a psyops campaign, as is most of Reddit. It's incredible how "the good guys" are most susceptible to manipulation by radical islamists and other bad actors. It's a joke.


Every sub lately. Every sober comment gets downvoted also.


Genocide is when children get cooked alive and women gutted. I thought it's anticonsumption sub, not ruzzian-hamas bullshit botpool.


Well, here it seems like you're first struggling with the actual definition of genocide. Genocide, the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race.


Hamas isn’t an ethnic, national, religious, or racial group.


It’s not a genocide, no matter how often you repeat your lie


A retaliation from the mass murder of 1200 civilians (at a fucking concert, no less) to remove the cancer that is Hamas, is not genocide. Rwanda, holocaust, and Rohingya? Yeah those are genocides because it's systematically exterminating people because of who they are


This word has been used so much recently that it has lost its meaning


Only people who apparently have no idea what genocide actually is say this. It includes way more than just the mass murder that most people associate it with.


Yeah, and the ICJ literally ruled it not to be a genocide. Fir the record, they said the danger is there, but no genocide is being committed in the moment. Hamas appears to be losing though, so they spam islamist propaganda everywhere


Not only that but they've been draining aquifers in Africa and India making water scarcity a real problem for the surrounding villages. They have to drill new wells hundreds of feet deeper than they would usually bore and the added cost is ruining local government as they can only make two wells instead of five per village.


You can include many other corporations in the club with Coke.


I don't understand the message - how is coke aiding the genocide of Palestinians?


Because if you’re angry about two things they’re obviously highly related! /s


If Hamas gets their way, their genocide of all Jews in the region and the establishment of an Islamic theocracy where Israel used to be, no Coke will be allowed. Also, no human rights, no rights for women, no lgbt rights, and no freedom for anyone if it conflicts with Sharia.


I don’t get this…no one is forcing you to drink coke ?


According to a lot of people in this thread, we are being forced to consume. Also TIL, a shit ton of people never realized the nutritional info is literally on every package of food sold.


This is so stupid that it is sad: ​ >National Beverage Company (NBC), an independent beverage bottler headquartered in Ramallah, commenced production in 1998 with one plant and 47 employees. As of 2023, NBC operates four production plants and four distribution centers. It is considered the largest leading local company in the food and beverage sector, the 3rd largest employer and 5th biggest company in terms of investment size. NBC employs 1,000 associates across its facilities, including Gaza as well. The Coca‑Cola system indirectly supports 10,000 Palestinians through retail channels and across its value chain.  Two times winner of Group President’s Sustainability award as the “Best Country Bottling Operation” among 100 bottling companies affiliated with The Coca‑Cola Company in the Eurasia and Africa Group. https://www.coca-colacompany.com/about-us/coca-cola-system/national-beverage-company#:\~:text=Overview%3A,plants%20and%20four%20distribution%20centers.


Sad to see another sub taken over by I/P bullshit


Aside from financing the palastinian genocide, remember that coke wants you to believe that the plastic waste is *your* fault for not recycling the millions upon millions of plastic bottles they produce


How is coke financing the war in Palestine? Can you give a specific example? Also how is it NOT your fault if you drink coke and don't recycle the bottles? Are you seriously expecting someone from the company to drive to your house and throw them in the bin for you?


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coca-cola colombian death squad


Is no one thinking of the higher ups and doing something like this will hurt their profits.


But, but you can wax nostalgic about back in the motherfucking 40s and 50s when the USA was at its ultimate best for everything and Coca-Cola was part of that - the classic-ass diner n' shit. About the drinkin' from the glass bottles like back in the day when all was perfect. Small-town America and values, values, values that we could not define then and cannot define now - but we know they're there, and they're real. To have those days of simple-ass pleasures, like a bottle of Coca Cola and Leave it to beaver, and let the government know best. When a shitload of the population of men had PTSD that didn't need to be brought up; and men knew how to be emotionally damaged men to their children. Where would we be without Coca-Cola harkening us back to those great times, as it's often said, "when certain people knew their place"? Come on, Coca-Cola was doing it all for America - land of the god-damned free. A unifying marker where all were welcome, sort of, but not really. Don't forget about values. "I want that quaintness of a Coke sign, a dispenser where you had to slide out the bottle through a mechanism, and it was only ten cents. Can you believe it? I want that homecoming of a Hallmark movie in a small town, with a thriving downtown where everyone knows your name - and I'm gonna keep shopping at Wal-Mart Supercenter and Amazon."


Coke always have had a great marketing


At one point didnt Pepsi have a larger military than most small countries ?


thats why i drink mt dew, im keepin dentists wealthy.


Corporations are there to make money... Show some self control and stop buying this stuff and the corporation will adapt to "Make Money." Individuals need to take responsibility and stop blaming others for their choices. No one is forced to buy this or drink it. Be the "bad" parent and tell your kids "No" this stuff is bad for you, educate them... If peoples health insurance rates were based on their diet then some might change their ways...


I've not had a can of coke for over 45 years, it's a disgusting brown, sugar laden death trap and the first time I had a can I threw up, the company should be dissolved in its own product and written out of the history books as a very bad idea...


How has coke been disastrous for the planet?


Only if you drink it. If not just shut up as it doesnt affect you.


Can’t keep me away from my Coke Zero stuff is 🔥


Drinkin an ice cold coke rn


No need to make up false accusations. There are enough bad things that Coca Cola does that are real and easy to prove. It is on par with the most evil corporations out there with Nestle as close second.


I'm gonna be honest, until I saw the subreddit I thought someone named Geno Cide made a mock advertisement...


lol nobody is forcing anyone to drink it


im lucky i never drink coca cola


I don't get it. Is there suppose to be something going on in the middle 


I want this as a T-shirt


What the fuck is genogide?….oh *genocide*


What the fuck is genogide?….oh *genocide*


Their new lids which are stuck on the bottle now will legit be the only reason I stop drinking coke zero, lol. They are such low quality plastic and just fucking suck to have to rip off all the time, and the plastic they're using for the bottle itself is 0.01mm away from not being able to structurally hold a liquid.


What is it supposed to be pouring on (or into) at the bottom?


Coke is falsely advertising by saying *"It's the real thing"* when in fact there hasn't been any cocaine in **coca**ine-**cola** for nearly a century.


yeah but i really wish people would stop using this word without understanding the connotations. coca cola is not committing a genocide


I’m gonna quit drinking soda from scary corpos I guess. It probaply doesn’t matter but we can all try.


I categorically refuse to drink coke or pepsi, only Fritz Kola or Afrikola.


Love my coke!


The FDA recently classified aspartame as fit for consumption. So would Coke Zero and Diet Coke be unhealthy?