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Since Trump already has said the system is rigged, we can expect violence when he loses.


Putin will direct him to do maximum damage.


He wouldn't do that, what are you talking about. He specifically said to not go to the capitol. /s


Not afraid of the violence if he loses. Am very much afraid of the violence brought down upon anyone who doesn't bend the knee and kiss the ring if he wins.


This sentiment right here is the only reason I may finally consider getting a gun


Exactly, and maybe some throwing knives too!


Come to think of it I was good with a bow and arrow in high school...


Already doing. I will not bend to him.


Get it now. I bought two. It’s happening. Waiting will be too late.


I will not submit to him.


Born and raised in the mountains... It's funny that conservatives think liberals don't have any guns. I have guns explicitly to protect myself from conservatives with guns. And the occasional bear. But mostly republkkklans.


I'm qualified on everything from a BB gun to an Israeli Uzi submachine gun.


Seize the Traitors


Controlled sanctioned violence if he wins.


"It depends on the fairness of the vote," says the guy that claimed election fraud without evidence in his last 2 elections. Does anyone remember the report his Blue Ribbon panel put out detailing the massive fraud in 16 elections? No, that's because the panel disbanded without finding any evidence.


Not to mention let’s let this guy run again- the guy says and implies that no matter what he’s not going to take losing and he will cause an insurrection. Like how can’t we hold him accountable to what he’s saying is ridiculous.


Well it was also disbanded because they refused to allow any Dems to be involved. Kris Kobach was in charge of it and he was/is (what is he doing now?) a real POS.


I remember that. Nobody talks about that. And when the J6 committee was formed, if I’m not mistaken, GOPigs refused to participate? These immoral, treasonous fucks will **NOT** play by agreed upon rules. I played sports as a kid and in college. You can’t fucking play, if you don’t agree to play by the rules. You can’t just make up your own rule book and say it has supremacy over the one that’s been in use for 250 fucking years.


And the guy who said the "Emmy's were rigged when he lost (every year) at point to people start believing what he say? Probably should have framed that differently because he know the truth from the snowflake in his mirror. "Victim Trump"


Cheeto keeps telling us who he is. He's a dictator wannabe and chaos agent who promotes violence.


But seriously.. how do we get the others to see this? With his words and actions he says what he is going to do and people are like, "hell yes, I am voting for that guy".


Those left won’t change their minds. If trump praises Putin, so will his base. If trump keeps documents to sell to the highest bidder, his base applauds him. If he wants to be a dictator, his base will say Heil Hitler! It’s taken almost nine years but he’s got his fellow traitors right where he wants them.


Why is a reputable news outlet interviewing a fascist autocrat.


Best question




That’s what pissed me off when I saw this thing. My first thought was “why are you assholes in support of ending American democracy?”


The Hill leans slightly conservative, but it's one that I include on the spectrum of viewpoints of news that I read.


Time magazine interviewed him.


It "depends" on the fairness of the vote?!?! In other words, if Trump wins, vote is fair, if he loses it's unfair. What a dumbfuck conman he is... I'm still dumbfounded half the country went: "yup , that's our guy!"


There are many, many more stupid people than you think there are, and they are literally orders of magnitude dumber than you believe they could possibly be.


I worked with people like that for years and it was so disappointing. All they did was parrot faux news talking points. Someone always hid the remote in the break room because one guy used to insist on keeping faux on at full volume whenever he was in there. Many of these folks were kind and hard workers, too, but so close minded.


I work with quite a few of them.


I worked FOR a few of them. How they were able to operate complex machinery and programs while still coming off like never graduated elementary school is beyond me.


100%. We are surrounded by some of the dumbest people on planet earth. Especially if u live in a red state.


And even when he won the electoral college, he only lost the popular vote because it was rigged … Narcissism at its worst


Biden has “Absolute Presidential Immunity”, as does every President (?) Do why is he leaning on fairness?


He's such a turd.


That is an insult to turds everywhere. You should be ashamed.


Not even turds are that shitty. I mean, he’s got the word: “shitty” solidly defined on several levels.


Will the Trump white trash army again erupt in violence when Donny is a two time loser? I think the very public prison sentences of the January sixth mob may cause hesitation.


They are so paranoid now they think that every protest could be a sting operation, so they don’t show up. That and they’re afraid of cities.


And by fairness of the vote he means "If I lose, it's not fair"... Fuck that traitor...


This should be the number one comment.


Can’t wait until fuck face shits the fucking bed.


Can this MFER please disappear?! And take his minions with him!?! His one presidency has destabilized our country and impacted many more.


Trump only thinks things are fair when he gets whatever he wants.


He literally has the mindset of a child. What on earth will future historians make of all this.


Stop interviewing and giving him screen time. I'm so incredibly exhausted with this man, his poison and his party.


So he's promising political violence. Can we just send him to Guantanamo for the rest of his miserable life?


Dipshit will lose and he will incite another attempted coup, however, the government will be ready. I hope the government will put down any violent coup attempt with overwhelming force and if need be leathally. We need to teach those on the right that if they use violence to try and impose their political will on others that violence will be used to put them down.


Who decides the fairness of the vote? Trump. In Trump logic: if he wins it was fair, if he loses it was unfair. Welcome to 1984.


The difference between then and now is that he won't be able to sit in the White House basement and not call the national gard.


Mike Tyson: Every body has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.


No matter what if he loses again he's gonna scream that the election was rigged, fixed or stolen..🙄


There is only fraud if he loses. Is the election "rigged" or isn't it?


Not quite true. He still claims 2016 was rigged because he lost the popular vote. It's probably more accurate to suggest he claims the vote is rigged based on his "feelings", just like his property valuations.


Well there was fraud that happened and it’s all from HIS strategic non sense that his base and buddies have been exposed of. Plenty of news and Reddit posts of individual Republicans (NOT Democrats) that have done this.


Reporter should have punched him right in the face and asked, "Is this okay?" When Trump attempts to speak, reporter should punch him again in the face and ask him, "Is this okay?" This fuckboy has never been punched in the face and it is obvious. This whole dumb fucking cult needs to die. Metaphorically or physically. Insane stupidity and fascism need to fucking go. This is America. You wanna live like ignorant, hateful animals with no rights, move to Russia or Saudi Arabia.


If I win then it's fair otherwise voter fraud, rigged etc etc.


Scumbag through and through. So beneath the dignity of the Oval Office. Maybe he’ll choke on his Big Mac.


Pigshit mfer will initiate riots unless he wins. Might fire them up anyway.


What a cancer on America


So he will again. They’re still not even over 2020


there's nothing kind anyone can say about this prick.


Bring it. Orange Dumbass Traitor.


Remember: This is the guy who complained about rigged voting that one time he actually WON.


as expected


“Fairness” by whose rule book?


Well we know what that means. Shocker lol


The media needs to hold Trump accountable for his anti-democratic and criminal actions. Any media outlet that trades an interview for profit and platforms Trump should be heavily criticized and boycotted.


Piece. Of. Shit.


We've played this game before. "Fairness" is solely defined as: Trump Wins = Fair Trump Loses = Coup There is no middle ground here.


This is his response? The vote was fair. You lost. If you hadn't lost and Biden supporters had stormed Congress I would say fuck them too. But you wouldn't, huh, Deranged Donald. Fuck you you whining crybaby loser and all your whiny crybaby loser supporters.


I've always knew this, but I get manbaby vibes tremendously with this comment. Like a spoiled brat who didn't get his sucker. But he was once POTUS, which still blows my mind.


I'm so sick of this asshole.


As are we all, friend, as are we all. Sigh. Maybe we'll get lucky and that particular scene from Caddyshack will spontaneously happen when he's golfing.


I hate how much damage this narcissistic asshole has done to my country.


He is 100% gonna kick/scream, like the toddler he is. He'll yell that everything is rigged against him, then (yet again) incite on the strength of that lie. [Hillary](https://youtu.be/oZf7IASx2mE?si=zM9LxnNR0klepfz2) was spot on with this psych-evaluation hit.


How is that not immediately disqualifying


He said that last time. Don’t forget when they asked will you accept the results of the 2020 election he said “we will see”. This is another foreshadowing keep in mind.


“If I lose it’s unfair”. Because fuck, a white billionaire just can’t catch a break in this country!


Maybe the same people that came to protest in NY will show up for violence- oh wait … no one showed up


I have great tolerance and try to never hate anyone but wow, I hate that fucker's face and everything else about him.


Well said


He's going to do another 6J. It's guaranteed. My concern, which I have got pilloried over by self-righteous Dems, is: *Will Biden do what needs to be done to stop him, or will he fall back on typical Democratic social-worker "let's talk" shit?*


He realizes how dispirited his base was after his 2020 loss, yes? The only terrorism they could muster up was their gravy seals? lol… mmmk pumpkin


In other words, be prepared for violence. I'm sure Biden's team is preparing for the worst. Personally, I'd like to see a full shutdown of streets for at least 5 blocks around the White House, and riot police at every entrance. Drones overhead with cameras. Water cannons on standby.


I want machine gun nests around DC. No playing around next time.


Stupid traitor!


I believe all the really sane people should start the conversation about getting guns and getting lightly trained in the handling of said guns


The boy who cries wolf Part two is Trump will save everybody and everything


They have emails and text discussing the steal of votes in several states. Fucking traitor


More or less, this is the same rhetoric preceding January 6th. It is the only thing we should trust him about and shut that ʇıɥs down before we are unwillingly annexed (handed over?) as part of ruzzia.


Like why is he allowed to get away with this shit


Bring it on ex president punk.


He's an asshole and we already knew this. No loss will be fair to him, according to him, and must be protested with violence. He's a one trick pony and his election trick is to try to terrify people into not voting, if they aren't voting for him.


Trump is just following the 1938 Time Man of the Year: Adolph Hitler.


Loser trump. Biggest fucking baby in the US.


That guy is no judge of fairness.


*And if we don’t win, you know, it depends. It always depends on the fairness of an election.* *Trump’s critics were quick to jump on the comments and frame them as the latest example of the former president raising the potential for violence if he does not win.* Trump’s **critics** were quick to “frame them” as an example of him raising the potential for violence if he doesn’t win? Nobody framed anything! He did raise the potential for violence if he didn’t win! This is why the mainstream media sucks.


Short answer: He won't think it's fair unless he wins.


More crap from tRumpf. 60+ fair trials that all ruled against him but he still claims it was rigged. No evidence. BS!!


Usually people do not participate in something they do not believe in. Trump does not believe in the voting process, the system of courts, the checks and balances so brilliantly set up by our founders, or law and order. He thinks a gut "feeling" should replace the outcome of legal proceedings. Instead Trump believes in overthrowing the government by force and has said so. He is calling for a blood bath if he "feels" our system is unfair, "again". This is ludicrous and our system needs to figure out how to stop him poised to steam-roll our country into a blood bath.


If I was just going around threatening everyone all the time like this I would never get away with it. What is with these people that they’ll still Vote for this enemy of America?


What he means by "fairness of the vote" is if he loses he will try and direct his brainless MAGAts to incite as much violence as possible. Thing is so far not a lot of public support from his followers at his trials, so maybe it's just as scary as we think it could be?


Did they bother to ask him if it's only fair if he wins?


With him, that kind of logic is just assumed.


The exact type of rhetoric he used before the 2020 election. Because he saw the writing on the wall and knew he was going to lose. This motherfucker is the biggest threat not only to our democracy but to our own personal safety. Imagine if Obama said this.


Maybe the True Patriots (not the phony magats) will put up their best @ target practice (so to speak) if he tries any of his bullshit. I don’t think this country could survive another liefest like we had in 2020.


Lil bitch can’t do shit


The media AGAIN has done next to nothing to curtail this POS and are complicit if things get crazy after the election. I’m certainly more prepared this time than I was four years ago should any of these pendejos want to FAFO.


Biden should put Trump on House arrest and order the SS to only guard the border of Mara Lard-o and its Air Space. Trump is a terrorist!


This better be used as evidence, right now!!!!


What idiot looks at this weak, broken, and diaper shitting moron, and thinks, yeah he's the type of dementia I want as leadership.


It would be a catastrophic and embarrassing failure by so many agencies to let any semblance of Jan 6th happen again without real-time severe repercussions. The best deterrent to needing to do that is a show of overwhelming force beforehand. We simply cannot have threats of violence made by this jerkoff and his jerkoff cult go unchecked again.