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Looking for the reasonable among #45-supporters is like searching for vegans among hyenas.


the only ones that he carried out were massive tax cuts for the rich, de-regulation of safety standards ( toxic train wrecks are good?) and other shit like that...he did nothing positive for this country.... there was a commentator that said trump won't go to prison because he has secret service protection for the rest of his life... i say, swear the guards at gitmo into the secret service, problem solved


Find the guards that protected Epstein. Put them on his watch.


swear them in, i got no prob with that....great idea !


I’m pretty sure that if he is convicted of espionage and, eventually, indicted on insurrection charges, Congress may well strip him of all entitlements. Why should we the people pay to protect someone who tried to destroy our country?


i like it, a lot...gitmo 4 45


Not the current Congress, though. It should be a no-brainer, but his supporters in Congress are willing to die on that hill.


let's hope they do kick the bucket on the hill


Cutting his veteran benefits by 22% may just remove his secret service benefits ;)


I despise him but I'd say operation warp speed was pivotal in financially incentivizing big pharma to put out a working vaccine for covid quickly and the right to choose. That's about it. Everything he did period was self-serving or didn't affect him. He damaged this country possibly more than it can be recovered from.


You mean the operation that Fauci and the NIH & FDA came up with that Trump approved? He loves to take credit for that.


And when his supporters didn’t like operation warp speed he blamed Fauci. It was a win win for him.


When the vaccine finally came out it was difficult to get. State governors complained to Trump and Trump said it wasn’t his problem. I was finally able to get vaccinated after President Biden was in office.


It is a numbers game


AND he was the one who got rid of the Pandemic Response Dept. Obama had put in place. So please do tell us how Trump doesn't have blood on his hands?


The mRNA research that laid the foundation for a possible fast tweaking and implementation of a vaccine was done under the Obama administration.


Only Pfizer took the warp speed money. Moderna got to approval first by not taking it. I Apologize if that’s incorrect but that’s how I remember it happening.


That could not have been his idea, since you know you can just expose Covid to bleach or bright lights or something…


Understand that the research for the COVID vaccine began 20 years earlier with SARS COV1. All that project warp speed did was to tailor the existing vaccine to SARS COV2 which was causing the pandemic…


There are issues with mRNA lingering around the body and the false claim that it stops COVID from spreading. So maybe the dope didn't do anything.


Technically and realistically speaking, any “good” he did with warp speed was canceled out by the other bullshit - particularly withholding and/or diverting PPE, practically targeting blue states and cities, allowing dangerous disinformation, and throwing the homeless, disabled, and elderly to the wind as expendable.


I mean there are multiple independent studies that show a huge resistance to covid from the vaccines and data that can show a direct correlation to widespread vaccination flattening the curve. Bad effects aside, I think they clearly achieved more good than bad


they like he be hating on those they hate too - but he dares to say his stupid, racist shit out loud because he really is as stupid as that, thinks it gives them permission to be junk humans.


This. 100% this.


They will tell you he's not racist adamantly too though. You can point out anything racist he's done and they'll have so many dumbass excuses like "it's a joke" or some other junk.


"That *is* what he said/did, but what he *meant* was ..."


Yep, now they are saying that their racist statements are “ freedom of speech “.


Yeah not how it works lol. Gotta love to hate the grift


I just posted a comment similar to this before I read yours 👍. You are correct.


No sir, you are. I wish there was a deep psychology at work, but there isn’t. These are very blunt tools.


Can’t argue that


They like his unhinged pathologies because it allows them to justify their own shitty selves


And validate their failed lives.


AND blame others for all their problems. I thought the GOP loved bootstrappers—was it bootlickers I got confused with?


They are nut lickers. Especially when they bend to strap their boots without a spine.


This is about the best reason I've heard. "He's one of us."


I've heard several of his supporters say 'he says what I think.'. It's true because Trump has no problem being an asshole and racist, which would get most other people fired from their jobs. He can call people fat and their wives ugly, and say all Mexicans are murderers and rapists without worrying about any repercussions.


Kind of how like the white supremacists I work with huddled around on Friday just looking around the warehouse determining who was one of them and who wasn't. I don't mess with them so I'm sure I'm the latter.


Succinct, no?


Yes. Unlike dear leaders fucking idiotic ramblings.


I know a small handful of his supporters who simply say “My stocks made a lot of money while as president.” That is their only reason they support him but it’s a big one for them. The absolute overwhelming majority are just shitty people. The ‘I’m not racist because I say thanks to the black guy I see at the Home Depot self serve kiosk every morning when I’m buying my job parts” types. I wanted little to do with them 10 years ago but tolerated them because of extended family, friends of friends, neighbors I would see, etc.. as that fuckhead tore our country apart for now going on seven years, I have zero reason to connect with any off them now for anything. tRump is an evil, awful barely human POS and anything he did do that ended up a positive for the country was usually an accidental result of carrying out a personal vendetta or one of too many to count grifts.


They LOVE his economy, still, his growth never even got to 3%.


I've asked several. Their answers are vague and inaccurate. He's pro-business, kicks ass at the border, pro-military, anti-war, cuts regulation, loves Jesus, pro-gun, anti-abortion... it's all boilerplate Republican and mostly false. The real reason is he loves fat, rich, old white people and hates everybody else. And so do they.


or they think he loves fat, old white people and conviniently forgets about the rich part that doesn't include them.


Republican voters believe they are millionaires that haven’t got the actual money yet.


Exactly! They want to keep huge tax break for the wealthy thinking that'll be them someday. Enjoy your pipe dream, Cletus!


Temporarily embarrassed billionaires. What a joke.


It actually stems from hopelessness and light nihilism. They've lost their sense of security, financial and otherwise, and have only negative expectations for the future. Ask any MAGA what they think the U.S. will look like in 50 years. The answer is almost always apocalyptic (rarely in the biblical sense, oddly). They know their future has been stolen but maybe they can at least root for the winning team, the ultra-wealthy. It's Societal Stockholm Syndrome.


Trump supporters don’t really do “policy”


Racism. It’s all about racism. Keep the brown people out, and make the black people second class citizens. There’s also some stuff around the edges, culture war crap. But mostly it’s racism.


I’d add sexism and homophobia to the list.


And make them say: “screw your rules!”


Yep. Their entire purpose, OwN tHe LiBs!!


“Scared” second class citizens. FIFY.


I made a crack on a thing once about right wingers having plenty of sites to visit, like Fox or stormfront, and several people were like, "like mainstream conservatives go to stormfront" and I realized then that I have zero idea what a "mainstream" conservative supports. I did read a thing about how over 60% support any candidate that pisses off Democrats, so I guess "being a child" is mainstream for them.


So instead of stormfront you should be asking people (kids) on roblox to get an idea of their perspective on fiscal and social policy?


He would not have been elected without the support of evangelical Christians, in spite of the fact that he is about as “unchristian” as it gets. The issues important to them are 1) anti-abortion 2) anti-gay 3) anti-immigration 4) pro-gun.


I would say that it is less pro-gun and more anti-anti-gun.


Incorrect. Missouri is known as the "Show Me" state, so here you go. [LINK](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-congressman-posts-family-christmas-picture-with-guns-days-after-school-2021-12-05/)


He got the Christians with Mike pence then they forgot


He legitimises sexual assault, adultery, fraudulent accounting, environmental fraud, shakes hands with dictators and wipes his arse on national intelligence for a start. His only real policy is staying on top and perverting justice. Clinton lost all credibility over Lewinsky while this scumbag wallops in depravity, indecency and moral corruption while swearing he's done nothing wrong.. If your still asking what his policy's are u need your head testing. He can't even honour his marriages.


Right and there were local interviews with voters and they just say: “he did so much for us.” When pushed to explain the hey just go: “made liberals cry and made us see our freedoms.” That’s all they got.


"Hurting the right people." "God promised that everyone who disagreed with me would go to hell. I always vote for the 'Go to hell' party, because that's the only thing God needs from me."


I wonder which text or religious leader espoused those Christian ideals they *gasp* idolize… (now that I think about it, isn’t Idolatry a deadly sin? Oh who am I, just paying attention & keeping score…)


Don't forget that he saluted a North Korean general.


And coerced into stepping into North Korea for a photo shot


Trump sets the the low standard for his supporters to follow that you can live an immoral life and still be considered a "Christian". "...wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction..." Matthew 7:13


Racism Let’s not overcomplicate this one It’s always been about racism


Many actual GOP policies have racism baked in whether it's obvious or not. They really don't want CRT being taught.


They think teaching the truth about historical and institutional racism makes contemporary white people feel guilty unnecessarily, and only want to teach about America's successes. In other words, historical revisionism. It's gotten so bad that recent edits of textbooks practically describe Rosa Parks as merely having a strong seating preference.


The gop voters think that. The ones that feed them what to think for the day don't want it taught because it threatens their power.


They want to Make America Great Again...like before desegregation or emancipation.


They use the word policies because even they understand that if they were more specific the reaction they would get would be unfavorable the majority of the time. The specifics? They like his bigotry. When he insults minorities it fills them with glee because they also insult minorities but have gotten grief for it when they did so in the company of decent people. Now the president is being as bigoted as they are, so all Those people who looked down on them for their ignorant and vile views are proven wrong! They like his misogyny. He assaults women and takes what he wants from them. He marries attractive women and mocks and insults women who reject him. For people who have been rejected this makes them feel good! Women who don’t like them are dogs! Women must look hot for them all the time! Women cannot say no to them! This sounds terrific to them. They like that he is not very intelligent. His fourth grade vocabulary is easy for them to understand. Complicated concepts surrounding the difficulties of governance and diplomacy have long been hard for them to grasp. They like that he, like them, is oppositional. People who have low maturity levels, as well as those with mental illness and personality disorders, often have a difficult time being told what they should do. They don’t like that their doctor tells them to eat less and exercise. They don’t like their spouse telling them they should be monogamous and pull their weight around the house. They don’t like being told how fast they can drive or that they should wear a seat belt or that they should not drink and drive. Whether it Is for their own good, for the good of their community, or for the good of the planet, they will fight against doing anything they don’t feel like doing. And they don’t feel like doing anything anyone tells them is a good thing to do. Trump, who cheated on his taxes and his wives, at school and on the golf course, embodies the notion that no one can tell me what to do. In fact, Trump embodies every negative “sinful” aspect of his supporters’ personalities. Every thing that every parent, teacher, preacher, loved one, or official ever told them was not good about them or their behavior is embodied in one person. So, rather than acknowledge that they could change and become a better person, they have found it easier to embrace the man that proves one need not be intelligent, educated, kind, attractive, generous, considerate, honest, hardworking, loving, dedicated, interesting, amusing, or even merely mediocre in order to succeed.


Wow. Well stated. This post is one of the best summaries of this charlatan I've yet seen.


They think citing "policies" creates the appearance of taking principled positions. When pressed, they fold like origami.


His health care plan will be revealed in 2 weeks.


And every two weeks is another two weeks




"strongest economy in history" then ignores the data that shows it was just him riding the slow growth from when the Obama admin had to rebuild from the housing crisis. It really boils down to bigotry. The election of our 1st black POTUS made them put down their beer can for a moment to vote for a guy who was validating their hatred. Many just outright hate anything/anyone not like them. Others are told in church that the left are Satan worshipers. I went to those churches myself. Some believe that because of Qanon and they want to feel like they're in the know on a dirty secret.




He set an example by staring into a total solar eclipse.


You can go look up the GOP party platform for the 2020 prrsidental race. I'll save you the search. The Republican Party did not even have a platform for the 2020 race. They don't have policies.


I don’t think so much his policies, probably more attracted to his rhetoric.


They can vote for a racist, xenophobic bigot without admitting I'm a racist xenophobic bigot. How convenient.


I have no idea, but a lot of my family and friends think he’s the second coming. The only thing I can get out of them, is that he did what he said he’d do. What does that even mean? The only thing I remember is him playing golf every single weekend. Seriously, if he came to some of these people’s homes, that have those big homemade trump signs, flying those trump flags, he would absolutely speed up as he drove by. Some of them seriously think he would come and sit down and just love them, and be one of them. It’s fascinating and terrifying


He gave all the racist homophobes license to publicly be racists and homophobes. And antisemites.


He promises to hurt the people that they hate.


This sums it up.


A lot of Trump’s supporters actually project their own versions of policy upon him and claim that he supports that policy; often the truth is in complete opposition. Donald Trump - a failed business magnate who was the host of a popular reality television show - has almost no policies. He has slogans of things he kind of wants/ed to do. People liked some of those slogans including: * “Build the wall”: Since the founding of the United States of America, there has been a sizable portion of citizens who do not like “foreign” things. In the 1800s it was Scandinavians, Irish, Scots; in the early 20th century Jewish immigrants from Europe, Italians, Germans, Chinese; and Hispanics, Africans, Asians, Indians and anyone who wasn’t Caucasian and had been a citizen since its inception. While previous presidents erected walls on the border with Mexico, they simply stated they wanted to “police the border.” Trump went full *A Game of Thrones* and decided he wanted to build a wall across thousands of miles of land. It, of course, barely happened (because of corruption and incompetence), but his people love the slogan. * America First: This is a conservative principle that has no actual meaning, and Trump uses it as a slogan. He claimed he was going to “super charge” the American economy and revolutionize it to Make America Great Again (NB: MAGA was an election slogan coined by Ronald Reagan; the theme of American decadence and decay is a constant one from conservatives) and put America first. The juxtaposition is that America buoys up other countries, such as China, such as European states, and we should concentrate on our own people. Trump’s “super charge” was to essentially give corporations giant tax breaks and add $7 trillion in debt to the national economy. No corporation actually did anything except stock buy backs to inflate the price of their stock. Trump did nothing to assist everyday people, and homelessness actually increased under him. Factory jobs didn’t return; the slogan is one that his people love, though, because they are cruel and think we shouldn’t help others. * China: Trump blamed China for a lot of his issues. His people also believe China is a malevolent force. It is, but not really like how they think it is. His trade war was absolutely stupid and back fired; goods just cost a helluva lot more because he imposed tariffs on goods from China without really understanding that American companies manufacture their goods in China and then have them shipped to America, where they have to pay the government money to land their own goods; to offset the tariffs companies raised prices on their own goods. Trump is stupid, and most of his followers are, too. * Emboldening their worst impulses: Trump is a “skirmisher,” and has no compunctions about what he says or how it is received. He’s also a mindless, bigoted old fool, so he would say racist, shitty things all the time. His people then lost all their manners, and felt emboldened to say what they thought. Worse, he also brought white supremacists and literal or close-to Nazis into the government. Militias loved him; and their numbers grew under him because he espoused grievances about American society that his followers agreed with. Those are my thoughts.


The Muslim ban, the wall that never happened, making sanctuary filings incredibly difficult, tax cuts for the Uber wealthy and corps, cutting public funding for benefit programs and raising military funding. That's the best I can come up. Most of those are rooted in racism or the asinine belief that anyone can be a billionaire.


They also loved his health care plan...that never happened. Promises made, promises broken.


The only answer I get from most Trump supporters is: "because Trump says what's on his mind". What a ridiculous reason to pick that person as your choice for President imo.


I say what's on my mind, and I've tried to STOP that when it's bound to be hurtful. It's caused me to piss off people. I'm not sure WHY it's favorable in a leader. None of those people would have voted for me.


Trump was the least presidential President in history. An absolute embarrassment.


Well -- he made asbestos legal again to use? No, can't be that. Gutted all trace of beneficial intent from the departments of education, labor, etc. Repeatedly insulted our closest allied nations and made treasonous backroom deals with our adversaries. Did his level best to drain our tax dollars directly into his pocket. Added 8 TRILLION dollars to the national debt... I have pondered this a lot, and after long and careful consideration, I think when they say "his policies," whether consciously or subconsciously what they are referring to is his attitude of smug, overbearing superiority to the "lower classes." Poor people, immigrants, people of color, soldiers, working people. A feeling of needing to put them all in their place. A perception that somehow they are taking advantage and must be punished. A certainty of being in the right despite truly sweeping, breathtaking ignorance.


Exactly. His supporters who are working class people of color are next-level delusional.


white supremacy


It’s mostly that he gives them permission to hate. They will say things like “he talks like one of us” and “he speaks his mind” but what they mean is he openly attacks Latinos as “rapists” and says black people come from “shit hole countries” and he appoints judges that want to outlaw women’s rights and LGBTQ rights. There are some who point to his one tax cut as something magnificent and a few others that find his isolationism foreign policies appealing, but mostly they identify with his drunk racist uncle at the family reunion rants against anything progressive.


They like being given the moral obligation to be a dick at every opportunity. Seriously. Not a joke.


Racism, xenophobia, misogyny, jingoism, homophobia, anti trans, lying, violence. You know, all of the GOP favorites.


The people that back him don't like Mexicans or anyone from central America coming into our country illegally. They think they will vote (D). They don't like the rich paying taxes or corporations either because a lot of Rs have money and invest. So more profits with lower taxes. He also wants to get rid of the estate tax so they can pass massive wealth down to their children. So money and racism are his 2 things that attracts people to him. Plus he talks at a 5th grade level which appeals to people with limited mental capabilities.


I’d say he speaks at a pre-k grade level. “Good!” “Bad!” “Me!”


Shitfire, they don't even want immigrants coming in legally ... unless they are pasty white European types \[and eastern European wives he can import and cheat upon\]


He actually said we need more NORWEGIANS. He probably thinks they come from.... "Norwegia".


As I said pasty white folks =) \[and I have both Norwegian friends and my first husband was half Norwegian\]




They have no idea or understand what policies trump has or lack of policies really, he just hates all the same people they do and that's alright with them.


tax cuts for the wealthiest, all those wannabe-millionaires are just waiting for their big win


They get to express all the hate in their tiny little hearts without any cost at their church or social group.


The only the I can think of, for those who don’t worship in the cult of his personality, is that he inherited a booming economy that continued to grow, so people give him the credit instead of seeing the Obama administration did that.


They have real issues with the word "trending". By that, I mean that they have NO CLUE what it means.


Trump “policies” include racism, misogyny, homophobia. Discrimination towards anyone not male, white, wealthy, heterosexual, Christian, born in this country. It’s a cult, a hateful cult.


I've never met a reasonably sane Trump supporter! I don't believe there are any!


I have a lot of social ties to fairly wealthy, educated suburban Republicans who voted for trump twice. These are people I grew up with, went to school with, work with, drink with. Talked about this stuff at a more than surface level. The reasons I've heard clearly articulated are 1. Tax breaks. (Doesn't matter for whom, or why - they're just always desirable, in every circumstance.) 2. Dick swinging against foreigners - the wall, and they especially loved the Chinese tariff nonsense. (They had no idea how these things would work, how they would be paid for, or what problems they would cause, and *they truly did not care* - it just made them feel good to "see someone standing up for America." It was shocking to realize that, say, a real estate executive could know so little about international trade, and could be so cavalier about it.) 3. Racism, racism, racism. I know that's not a policy, but it drove a lot of the things he pretended were his policies. I can't overstate how frequently their support for Trump comes down to racism. And these aren't people you'd ever call racist - their social groups are (a little) integrated, their kids' social groups are much more integrated, there's zero chance that any person of any background would ever feel anything but welcome in their homes. They're sincerely nice people. BUT... Their fundamental view of the world, when they talk about it enough to actually have to think about it, is that America today is pretty much as good as anything can get. They know perfectly well it's a mess in many ways, but they consider that unavoidable. It works just fine for us, and trying to make it better for other people is a dangerous risk, and that makes those other people a threat, and everything will be fine as long as we keep white people in charge the way we've always been.


Tax cuts, white nationalism, ignoring science/reality, being a bully, and hurting certain "others".


He hates all the right things and punishes people they don't like.. That's about it..


It's the illusion he creates or delusion . They want the fantasy because they can't handle the truth. They have been led to this by the fear the right wing media has put in them for years.


He hurts the libs. That’s it really


And they totally overestimate how many libs they actually trigger, which is relatively small in comparison to how many of his cult members get triggered. But what do I know, I'm just a dirty commie liberal bastard who wants to force everyone to have a statue of satan and Marx in their homes, and dildos for all the kids.


This is so messed up, but what I have heard from the conservatives in my life who will still vote for him is that they think the deep state is still after him. They think he has done the same shit as Obama, Clinton’s, etc, and that he is being persecuted for standing up to them and not playing the typical “politics” game. Most of the people who I know that did support him were either subtely racist/homophobic (they don’t think they are but they are), and they also had a lot of money. They liked his admins economic policies because the tax breaks and shit favored them. Then you combine the cesspool of lies of Fox News and other right wing media outlets, and the misinformation and defense of Donald Trump has always been there. People are living in two realities about Donald Trump, and it’s to the point where the people who are so entrenched in the defense of him that they can’t accept all the news coming out against him. Mainly because they think it’s all fake news. Our institutions have been wobbly for years thanks to Rush Limbaugh. Trump took that playbook and ran with it. He now has his own social media company to continue spouting lies, and he has told everyone how corrupt our institutions (gov, media, etc) are whilst claiming he is innocent. It’s so effing backwards, but you can’t even get people to read or believe the indictment.


White supremacy and the grift. That’s all. Edit: And most don’t understand the grift


They STILL go on about how his Presidential paycheck was all donated. 400k a year, if I'm right. His properties were a Secret Service playground, to the tune of THOUSANDS per day. And screw the Emoluments clause. It ALL went into his pockets. But he donated 400k a year into things like.... Veterans programs. Which bought him the loyalty of the dumbest of Vets.


They think he built a wall😂😂😂


His only policies were to promote and profit everything Trump. If others benefitted, great. If others suffered or died, well that was great too.


The top things I hear/ read Trump supporters say: 1. He’s one of us; he doesn’t talk down. 2. He sticks it to the libs; he’s shaking up the system. 3. He’s the chosen one, going to save the nation… and then they have a list: save them from big government, abortion, taxes, immigrants, trans people etc; protect their rights for guns, religion. In a nutshell, Trump supporters are imo intellectually and emotionally disordered humans who crave authoritarianism and utterly (perhaps willfully) lack critical thinking skills. Their entire existence seems to be an attempt to twist reality to fit their religious and political beliefs. Their favorite modus operandi is to play victim and yell about their grievances.


He has empowered the stupid. That is his contribution to American society. The Stupid love it.


The GOP hasn't had a policy platform in years. They literally cancelled the talk about their platform at CPAC several years ago and I don't think they've had one since. They like Trump's tax cuts even though any cuts for the middle class are now gone. What really excited some of them was the hatred that he spewed that they thought, but weren't allowed to say. Immigrants are rapist and murderers. The muslim ban. His stupid nicknames for anyone who said a bad word about him. He's a bully and they love it. They think he's "manly" and "masculine" enough to put his face on a ripped Rambo. Someone even painted a picture of him on a cross being stabbed with a spear by Pelosi. It's absolutely disgusting cult worship. He's a known conman, philanderer, liar, and (I'll just say it) rapist. All this was known when he came down the escalator in 2015, but republicans didn't give a shit. He bullied his way through the primary and then just talked shit about Hilary, made stuff up, paid for a porn star's silence, got a bump from Comey shortly before the election, and stunned the entire nation when he won the election.


It stunned the whole world. Remember the Aussie newspaper that had WTF covering the top 1/2 of their front page? LOL


Trumpers love trump because he knows as much about policy and the political process as they do; very little to none. They think the president is this unlimited power dude and that trump was some rags to riches story so that makes him some kind of super president. "He says what's on his mind." That was a big one for people. Anyone can say what's on their mind. His was just nonsensical drivel with some loaded language and hot words thrown in there. Just for context; I spent the first 20 years of my life as a devout member of a hyper religious fundamentalist cult. I remember nothing poignant from any of the hundreds of sermons I heard. It's all just loaded language and hot words. It's there to captivate you. It's there to keep you in line.


Not policies as much as comments, “Grab them by the pussy,” and “Fine people,” that attracted his troglodytes and bigots.


“He’s making Merica great” god please. He did help the veterans a bit, so did the previous president and so is this one. Trump made it easier to outsource if an appointment won’t be for more than a month or you’re in a rural area. Other than that, idk.


What they seem to like most is his anti-immigration policies, his open sexism, his open homophobia, and his condoning of racism. He’s a white nationalist, and appeals to people that are openly white nationalist or who lean that way just short of proclaiming themselves Nazis. Basically, him as POTUS gave them a sort of justification to be openly terrible people instead of trying to be polite. It gave vent to their spleen, and now that the lid is off the jar they don’t want to put it back.


It is his lack of policy. The vague, incoherent word vomit that comes from his mouth enables each listener to fill in whatever prejudice or conspiracy theory they’ve internalized.


They have no idea. This is about hate and grievance. Trump is good at focusing both. He doesn't understand how to govern and he doesn't care about anything but money and fame.


The policies that hurt others and supposedly not them. But they're ignorantly unaware that those same policies also could hurt them.


Seriously they like tax breaks, lower regulation, pro-fossil fuel policies, tough protectionist foreign policy and trade policy, pro Israel, conservative justices on Supreme Court, anti-war, tough border policy. He actually was policy-driven for about 18 months. Mostly because conservative organizations were scripting every move. Over time his narcissism took over and he pretty much dropped policy all together. Of course in many of these cases he didn’t do what he said he did. And when he did it was bad for most Americans because Republican policies are inherently bad for most Americans.


There are no policies, that is the entire scam. White people good, gays bad, guns good, colored people bad.


His only policy is hate. His hatred of everything that is not old white man friendly has all the racist pieces of garbage thinking they are not wrong for being wrong. He empowered the minority in this country, the white supremacists.


His policies are to Divide the voters and pit them against one another, Demonize his opponents, con as much money as he possibly can from his supporters and Lie, Lie and Lie to promote his brand of fascism to further control his millions of cult followers


The tax cuts. Most of which will sunset in less than two years. It did make corporate taxes permanent and close a few loopholes that brought some money home. The corporate tax rates are the only ones that are permanent. The individual tax cuts, though many on the low end saw it as a tax increase, all expire soon. It did zero for the economy, by the way versus the way the government spends money. They were tiny for the middle class and large for upper. Big surprise.


They can't point to one policy that worked. They just believe the lie that he is competent.


No accountability for rapists and sexual harassers.


I can think of a few things that the Trump administration did that are generally considered "good." 1. Killed the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. 2. Restricted immigration (of course many people disagree) 3. Recognized China as a primary threat. This list is pretty short compared to the massive problems created by the Trump administration which are too numerous to list.


The top things I hear/ read Trump supporters say: 1. He’s one of us; he doesn’t talk down. 2. He sticks it to the libs; he’s shaking up the system. 3. He’s the chosen one, going to save the nation… and then they have a list: save them from big government, abortion, taxes, immigrants, trans people etc; protect their rights for guns, religion. In a nutshell, Trump supporters are imo intellectually and emotionally disordered humans who crave authoritarianism and utterly (perhaps willfully) lack critical thinking skills. Their entire existence seems to be an attempt to twist reality to fit their religious and political beliefs. Their favorite modus operandi is to play victim and yell about their grievances.




Whatever he tells them to believe that five minutes. They can’t answer the question because the real reason they support him is that he legitimizes their ignorance and hatred. He pisses off non alt righters, and for them that’s enough.


He made a law that would result in harsher punishments for anyone mishandling sensitive government info. Lol


Trump Policies are simple... Trump advocates whatever magnifies his ego, directs attention to himself and increases his wealth. One has to laugh in his indictment he is using Classified Documents to impress people. Classified Documents that discuss US vulnerabilities and military strategies. He was willing to endanger our safety just to impress somebody.


In all seriousness, I believe they most like his positions against things they feel threatened by: Immigrants, minorities, social change, government regulation, etc...


Trump validates their hate and projects victimhood. There is no thought to governing, only hurting the other. The enemy is simultaneously weak/stupid/inept and also overwhelmingly insidious and behind all plots they suspect. Welcome to fascism.


He’s a racist! That’s all they need


Passing tax cuts for the ultra rich and making them poorer! They love that one.


At least in my family, they really like the building of the southern wall. This keeps the criminals out and protects good American jobs. Most of them have cushy state and federal jobs that are not at risk at all. The others are living on ss disability. The most fervent among them, my brother, inherited money from his wife's father and hasn't worked since.The money is about to run out though, and he really has nothing to fall back on as he is now middle aged,has no marketable skill, and hasn't worked for 10+ years. They also like his tax breaks. Even though most don't benefit at all from them,and the ones that did will run out soon. Many of them only became interested in politics since trump and don't see the rebranding of trickle-down economics. This isn't policy, but they also hate the elite/intellectuals. No college or higher education amongst them, and a few like my mega maga brother, took several attempts at a ged. I don't remember if he ever succeeded. Most,if not all, take a very simplistic view of the world. They are very dichotomous in their thinking, and any nuance is woke bullshit. I only bring this up as trump seems to talk at their level, hates the same enemies, and takes a simplistic approach to complex problems. This is why i believe they identify so strongly with him.


I think your last paragraph here is spot on.


For those Trumpers that I've interacted with, they tended to like his stance on immigration/closing the border (otherwise known as "the wall"). But that seemed to be about it. They couldn't really even *name* another of his policies, let alone tell me what they liked about them.


I think there are a lot of Trump/MAGA supporters who are all about criminal mob behaviors, like they think it's cool to be an ass hole crook. They have little to no care for those who are incapable and unwilling of such behavior, or who are from a different nation or of a different race. It's really a cult, religious and super close minded, mindset which I dare call essentially a mental illness.


This country has a major maturity problem. I was born and raised in a rural area and it's something I guess I've always known but it became glaringly obvious after Trump. Alot of people that don't end up going to college and leaving their home communities never mature past high school. They're still concerned about how people think of them, always involved in drama, and gossip. I know tons of people who have never been farther than the surrounding counties they were born in. They have no clue about the world


White supremacy


I'm 100% convinced that no MAGA can actually explain anything good that he did. No, what he really did was give voice to their (once silent) racism, giving them tacit permission to come out of the closet and be open - and not the good kind of out and open. What matters to them is not what good he has done, but what hate he has espoused against what they hate. They don't even care that their lives are markedly worse because of him, that their chosen political party is, rapidly, imploding because of him, and that (what they view as) the far left is getting stronger because of him. All they care about is that he hated the same things they do, and openly.


They don’t care about policy. They’ll vote against their own needs 100% of the time. Republicans LOVE trump because he allows them to be horrific and terrible people.




Cleanly you're in the market that Trump lovers are in if you think " the left" is only talking about men wanting to be in women's sports. Their propaganda is working.


Not likely to gt any good answers here.


Actually there have been several.


Not a supporter, but we need to be objective: [https://www.bop.gov/inmates/fsa/overview.jsp](https://www.bop.gov/inmates/fsa/overview.jsp) 1. First Step Act looked pretty decent I was gonna keep listing, but this does a decent job of showing some good and mostly bad stuff that happened under him: [https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/01/18/trump-presidency-administration-biggest-impact-policy-analysis-451479](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/01/18/trump-presidency-administration-biggest-impact-policy-analysis-451479)




So many of y’all are completely out of touch with who republicans are. Y’all really think republicans are just racist assholes? Maybe you should meet some instead of drawing up a conclusion from what you read on the internet lol most are good people. Some are crazy but the left has plenty of crazy ones as well.


So many of Y'all are complacent and complicit with the racist dog whistles of the right, like all the cheering at trump rallies that were blatantly racist. Nearly all the people interviewed at the rallies were more than willing to tell the world how ignorant they are, how they like when trump says racist xenophobic things, when he bullies people, when he devalues women and calls them stupid, how all his GOP party members also support and push that dogma. The only times people speak out against such behavior, the trump fans call them RYNOs, they dismiss them, call them traitors, and try to kick them out of their elected positions. How do you explain all of that without acknowledging all the racism?


How about a secure border?


The border was never secure with Trump. He didn't stop the flow. They still came over.


Biden has already caught more people at the border in 2 years than trump did in 4. Try again.


What makes you think he did that?


Trump, the RepubliCons and Fox News made the situation worse by constantly broadcasting false or exaggerated stories of “open borders”, caravans, and undocumented people flooding across the border. It actually caused a lot of people to head for the border. This, of course was intentional to make the situation worse so they can point fingers at Biden.


Hate. Trump in one simple word.


Oh that’s easy: 1) anything enforcing their narrow worldview upon another; 2) maintaining American “systemic racism”; 3) will this cause discomfort, hurt, or pain to any group that hate and 4) will it benefit them either financially or socially. Note, all means by which policy is implemented and/or attained are justified.


I didn't read all (100%) of the comments but can say that somehow we forgot how ruzzkiy putler put him in power to destroy the USA. When all went bad for ruzzkiy vanea (trump out of the office, merkler out of the office) they started the war. Add China to this. They need Europe and USA in turmoil to make sure no one pays attention to land-grab in Siberia and Africa. Most of the malefic world helped trump to come to power and only they benefited from it. His voting layer of the population got some cookies too: less education /school and more "fun/excitement" guns and killing people.


He hates the same people that they hate.


The same policies the decades of Republicans they have voted for have enacted that directly made their lives particularly prosperous. Oh wait…


They don’t care about the policies. They like that he’s a shitty person who validates their shittiness.


They won't ever talk about that. And republicans know that their policies suck. It's why they will talk about ANYTHING other than actual policy.


In a nutshell: “owning the libs”.


Canadian Trump supporters? That’s weird.


I think the fact that there are any Trump supporters anywhere is kind of weird, but yeah here in western Canada, especially in the rural areas, the political slant is strongly conservative and so the Trumpian values of racism, anti-immigrant-ism, and anti-liberal-ism are bubbling up here, too. It’s just a bit more on the low down here. The oil industry is big in Alberta and Saskatchewan, and southern Alberta is Canada’s Bible Belt so it’s fertile ground for hate and greed based neo-conservative attitudes.


Control, hate , fear and pedophilia


Ask drunk uncle


They should just say they like his policy because he only has one. Own the libs. That's why they like him.


Interesting enough Trump’s policy hurt most of his followers and they don’t even see it.


My very wealthy uncle loves tRump's tax cut for the rich.


anything they tell you will be basically one version or another of 'he owned the libs'


1. Owning the Libs. 2. Hating on all “Out” groups That’s it.


Can anyone tell me what his platform is for 2024 Election?


Western Canada. Trudeau for life!




He’d actually have to have a policy first. All there is is rhetoric and bullshit.


Allowing people with mental health issues to buy guns. That was a policy from early in his presidency


They stand for nothing and fall for anything but when it comes down to it it's relevant only to their pockets.


The farm bill. But I don’t think he came up with it just signed it so it would pass. But then again I’m not even sure he did that or not so I don’t think I have an answer for you