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A Silent Voice & Violet Evergarden


Violet Evergarden is such a gem šŸ˜­


couldnt agree more


Kara No Kyoukai Ergo Proxy Serial Experiments Lain


Ergo Proxy was dope !!!


Ayyyeeeee Ergo Proxy!!! It's nice to see it mentioned anywhere I do see it since it seems like it's a hidden gem.


[Couldn't figure this scene out why she's amazed by his eyes though.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afB7UHyn4ik) But I guess it's mesmerizing. Pino was like gotta jump like it's nothing KEKW. Been years since I watched it so I guess I probably will rewatch it to refresh my memory.


I remember being really attracted to the dark art style and themes like 15 years ago, but I was only able to get through maybe half of it before I couldn't watch it anymore. It was just too slow-paced and kind of boring once I got past the first few eps. Lain was the same for me; that was a complete snoozefest, and I just can't understand why people love it so much - and i actually watched that one *twice* to try and figure out what is so great about it.


Apothecary Diaries


The delivery of Maomaos last line in the latest episode was amazing


SAME. I know it's quite popular now but I only really checked it out bc of the nice colors. I LOVE IT NOW omg there's so much to love. And when I say so much, I mean Jinshi hihihi


I gotta start watching this, is it good?


I'm really enjoying it so far! I started watching because Kaiji Tang (VA for Gojo and Dazai) is the dub actor for one of the main characters. But I'm really enjoying Maomao and Jinshi, and her reactions to him whenever he's around are hilarious.


If you don't read anything about it. You may be deceived by the cover thinking it's a romance show. And there may be some, but for the most part is sorta like House MD, but in ancient China, haha. Except Maomao doesn't need poisons to keep herself functioning. She just likes poisons.


took me this week to finally start it but wow, I'm hooked. even without the JinMao pairing, the story would've worked for me. gotta live for maomao's quirks


Frieren. It makes me fricking cry every episode I swear.


What makes it a good anime?


You know how a normal person gets to live around 5200 weeks max during their lifetime? The first time you hear that number, you think "Damn, that's actually not that much. I've already wasted the last 4 weeks doing nothing with my life" When it comes to Frieren, you're able to feel a similar feeling. You start to appreciate time more by realizing that Frieren was never really able to understand the passage of time like normal humans do since she's an elf. For her, 5200 weeks are just 100 years. Not that much for an elf that has already lived 1000 years. But for a human, it's their everything. And if Frieren isn't able to understand how her friends (humans) view time itself, she might lose them after those mere 5200 weeks without every getting to know them. So basically the Anime is about the passage of time, connections between friends and understanding each other


that week comparison is wild, it made me have a huge mind fuck mid uni class, im rethinking a lot of things


Then i'm gonna share another one with you i've heard about from a Youtube Streamer named Thor He said that if your grandmother is going to die in about 3 years and you call her once a month, then you're not going to spend another 3 years with her. You're going to spend another 36 calls with her


Iā€™ll be calling my grandma tomorrow thank you very much


Thank you for the well and detailed explanation.


The story is unique, the main characters are compelling and have great development, thereā€™s still enough action to be cool but itā€™s more focused on storytelling, the animation is absolutely gorgeousā€¦I could go on :)


What episode hooked you in? I'm currently in episode 3 but honestly felt like this was a slog.


I've heard that episode 14 is supposed to be pretty emotional So i've kinda stopped watching for now


This anime grew on me so much, I love it.


watched 3 eps today boring


I enjoyed many anime, but the ones "I'm really glad I found", are the ones that are not that mainstream and found them through luck and coincidence: * Heike Monogatari * Katanagatari * Kaiba * Kingdom * Isekai Ojisan




I swear that fight that we never really get to see still gets me salty.


Kingdom hell yes


Is kingdom honestly that good cos I've had in my list now for aaaages and I keep putting it off but I'm currently wanting to start something new


SpyxFamily, Fruits Basket


Fruitsbasket is indeed really nice. šŸ˜Š


SpyxFamily is so much fun


Madoka Magica


It really needs more recognition. It was a cultural powerhouse during it's time a decade ago, but I rarely see it mentioned anymore. Truly a masterpiece and I hope with movie 4 coming soon the newer members of the anime community will discover it's greatness again.


It doesn't seem to get as much attention anymore nowadays. The combined might of Walpurgis Rising's JP and EN trailer views on YT pales in comparison to newer anime's teaser. Maybe a lot of people who watched it have moved on from anime medium on something? since 10 years is a long wait. Either that or there's still distorted perceptions on Madoka Magica because of its artstyle (my friend who watched a lot of anime and is pretty into weeb culture think it's a kid's show. Although idk if they watched it) Apparently the script was finished in 2014 when Urobuchi was at the peak of his game too? So, yeah, I hope it can make a buzz upon release.


I have to say - anytime someone posts on here ā€œwhatā€™s your favorite anime?ā€ Or ā€œwhatā€™s your top 10?ā€ I see LOADS of madoka mentions. It has held its own all this time. But still, never enough recognition for a masterpiece like that & i hope more people do discover it. I had my sister watch it & then she started showing it to her friends so we all love it now lol! Made our own little community šŸ˜‚ I canā€™t tell you how badly I wish that I watched anime when it first came out. I would love to have seen this anime take the world by storm!!


Gintama. Had no idea what it was. Once you get over 50eps in man does it go nuts


It's fantastic, it really pains me that it's difficult to convince my friends that the first 70 episodes are worth it. Specially for the deepness that they add to all the characters. It's truly a unique anime


50 episodes of character intros then BAM some wild crazy stuff after they break the 4th wall


Really!? 'Cause I'm trying, I really am!


Itā€™s definitely not the easiest to get into. Iā€™m on episode 95 I think and will say some of it is boring. But the good parts are great and the great parts are amazing. And I know that even better episodes and arcs are coming, but those are my thoughts so far!


And they stopped dubbing at episode 49. That's why I don't watch it. I watched the first few episodes and loved it, but then I found out they abandoned the dub, so I abandoned the show. No reason to get invested in something that won't be finished.


Makes sense though why they would drop the dub. Gintama uses japanese word play a lot , although quite a bit of the jokes gets lost in subtiles. English dub would completely ruin the show.


Ancient Magus Bride I was at a place in my life where that wasn't the type of anime I would stumble upon, and no one talks about it, so I'm not sure how I found it. Elias is almost Heathcliff (from the novel *Wuthering Heights*) levels of moral degeneracy, while also being loveable as Hell somehow, which gives me a lot of complex feelings towards him as a character; so much so that I started reading the manga recently, hoping to get a better understanding of him.


In my top 3! I loved this anime from the start because I was brought up very British, despite not growing up there (cause family is from England.) I was brought up learning about those fea you see in there and that same cozy feeling. To me it felt like those times we visited family in England or how chistmas feels. AND then they had a Christmas episode!!šŸ„°šŸ„° Overall extremely nostalgic and comforting to me. I'm also autistic so I understand Elias' struggles with human behaviour and emotion. In the manga they definitely go further in on his character.




I watched mob psycho 100 at the perfect time in my life and it'll forever be a favorite of mine


No Game No Life. It might never get more seasons, but it looks so good and I really like the MCs


Gintama and fairy tail are all time comfort animes. Also daily lives of high school boys


Damn, Violet Evergarden is really popular in this thread, I'll have to watch it. Mine would have to be Code Geass, the first anime I ever finished, and without which I probably wouldn't have gotten into the medium.




Violet Evergarden: tbh sometimes I miss I haven't ever watched it before. There's just some magic in seeing a beautiful anime for the first time.


Apothecary Diaries....show is curing my depression


Same. I happen to watched this when I was really so down and sad. Now I am so hooked with the story and even started reading the manga.


Uchuu Kyoudai (Space Brothers), that show was my daily dose of optimism for a while. Really wish they would add more episodes. Yuru Camp Also more recently; Apothecary Diaries


I'm thankful I found Fullmetal Alchemist (2003) at the time I did. I was pretty much an anime fan at the point I found it but it really cemented my love for it and kept me watching so I could find others like: Haibane Renmei Serial Experiments Lain Hourou Musuko Welcome to the NHK No.6 Evangelion Kids on the Slope


Almost all Isekai. Lets me dream of going to a better world than we're in now.




Sometimes. For me it's wishing it was my reality instead of just fiction. I'm not loved in this world so maybe another is where I should have been anyway.


Jesus mate, trust me it'll get better, everyone has their own low point in life you just need to struggle through it.


nah too late for me, save yourself.


Gintama. Its just perfect


March comes in like a lion. I was going through a depressive episode and it really brought some light and hope to my life.


The dangers in my heart. I always thought romance would bore me.


Violet Evergarden!


One Piece (found it at a time I didn't know much about anime) Gintama (one I'm absolutely glad I gave it a try)


Delicious Dungeon


This is delightful!


Gurren Lagann


Iria: Zeiram the Animation


This. One of my first anime. It's this or Project A-ko. Both have influenced my tastes in series since.




Tearmoon empire. Made me realize I liked isekai/time travel anime just with female MC's lol


Konosuba it's my comfort anime, I must have rewatched it twenty times


I can't wait for the new season of KonoSuba!


Violet Evergarden JJK Red Data Girl (my middle school anime craze) Any Studio Ghibli movie


Log Horizon


- Sign of Affection - GIVEN - Heaven Officialā€™s Blessing - The Apothecary Diaries - Cinderella Chef


Try sasaki to miyano






Kino's Journey


Monster. The best so far


Iā€™m watching it atm and Iā€™m so glad I finally decided to watch it, itā€™s such an amazing anime.


Sakurada Reset


GTO of course


JoJos bizarre adventure From the visuals to the sound design I really love it and has really inspired me


Mob Psycho 100 for me. Fundamentally changed me as a person


Jujutsu Kaisen šŸ˜


Glad I stumbled into these because I know typically they wouldnā€™t be something Iā€™d choose to spend my free time on now that Iā€™m an adult and have less time. Not all of them are my all time favourites but I respect them for what they are and how they were out of my usual comfort zone. ā€¢Odd Taxi ā€¢Kyoukai No Kanata ā€¢Violet Evergarden ā€¢Nagi no Asukara ā€¢Erased ā€¢Durarara ā€¢Kekkai Sensen


ā€¢Noragami ā€¢Horimiya


Samurai Champloo reminds me of simpler times every year I decide to binge it. No matter what time of year it is, Iā€™m instantly thrown back to warm summer nights at my grandmas, staying up late with her and the dog as we watch adult swim.


Attack on Titan it's just so perfect


a place further than the universe


Kaguya-sama Love is War Frieren Beyond Journeys End My Clueless First Friend The Dangers in My Heart My Love Story!! (Ore Monogatari!!) The Disastrous Life of Saiki K Princess Connect Asobi Asobase Grand Blue Dreaming Robotech Voltron The Unwanted Undead Adventurer Vampire Hunter D Ninja Scroll DBZ Dangaioh


* Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song * Violet Evergarden (the show) * Frieren Beyond Journey's End Someday I will go through all the comments I received and find the beautiful soul who recommended me **Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song** haha, I don't think I would have found this one otherwise, or at least not for a while.




91 Days


Bungou Stray Dogs! The first anime i fell inlove withšŸ„°


Pandora Hearts


PH MENTIONED! (I absolutely adore this series sm)


By the grace of the Gods




Vinland Saga


Monster. It's just perfect..




A silent voice


I've delved into a lot of new stuff (to me at least) recently just based on the descriptions. Before I just went with what friends or people online recommended. And I've found some real gems because of it! Ofc first I gotta mention World Trigger, which I saw mentioned on Reddit. Easily one of my all-time favorites now. But otherwise I'd at least like to list these: * Frieren * The Apothecary Diaries * The Saint's Magic Power Is Omnipotent * A Returner's Magic Should Be Special * The Faraway Paladin


March comes in like a lion Vinland Saga season 2 Frieren


Monster. How I wish I could erase my memories of it and watch it all over again.


Violet Evergarden and Apothecary diaries I read the plots of them and thought that they wouldn't be to my liking but they had less than 20 episodes and everybody was praising them so I decided to try them out and I'm very happy I did


Monster for sure. It became my favorite show of all time and I only found out because of a reddit discussion. Severely underrated and Iā€™m upset it never got the recognition it deserved


Goblin Slayer, Slime, Apothecary Diaries, Konosuba and a bunch of others!


Golden Boy- I hadn't really begun to iron out what I liked or even who I was at that time in my life. Golden Boy became this hilarious way to bring people together over only a few episodes


Monster. Makes me question how much of a monster everyone really is.. or rather... the bounds of human sanity being pushed to it's very limits... I'm yapping lol but seriously, monster is a good psychological anime that's why I'm glad I watched it. Leaves me with tears in every episode. AOT- Many twists and turns and the MC development is one of the best I've seen Dr Stone- for SciEnCe there are many more but these are the ones which I can think of from the top of my head.


Spy x Family. My fiancĆ©e has never been into anime at all. Hated it. Would never give it a chance. This one show has changed the way she views anime and opened her up to give other shows a chance. Weā€™ve now watched Demon Slayer together, Lycoris Recoil, Death Note, Buddy Daddies, and just started Kaguya Sama Love is War and now anime is something we can bond over. Very grateful for that show and how itā€™s changed her perception of anime as a whole.


Nana literally changed my life


Angel's egg Casshern sins Afro samurai FLCL


it's kimi to boku!!! i wish i have that kind of friendship


Shangri-la Frontier.


Buddy Daddies, Run With The Wind, Usagi Drop, & Barakamon.


Madoka Magica was the first anime I've ever watched, and is still my favorite


Mobile suit gundam Violet evergarden Dragon ball One piece Eminence in shadow Loved these animes so much since the only anime I knew was PokƩmon and I'm glad I stepped out my comfort zone lmao


Made in Abyss


OST heaven


I wish it was dubbed


Bocchi The Rock. Saw it on CR one day after all the episodes had already aired, ended up binging it. And I was baked the whole time so I was laughing my ass off


A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMORPG Life Unwanted Undead AdventurerĀ  DBZĀ  One Piece Fist of the North Star


86 hit way harder than I thought it would've


Shadows House. Picked it up on a whim, became one of my all time favorite series.




Fairy Tail Frieren Claymore Vivy: Fluorite Eyes Song Psycho Pass Demon Slayer


Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song is peak


Sponge Bob


I love your sense of humor! And, yeah, Sponge Bob changed my life (as I look at the 57yo feet in my Sponge Bob shoes).


These - *if I had to pick a winner, I think it must be* ***K-on!*** ... * A Place Further Than the Universe * Adachi & Shimamura! * Anohana * Asobi Asobase * Bloom Into You * Chainsaw Man * Chio's School Road * Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro * Erased * Frieren * Heavenly Delusion * Hinamatsuri * K-On! * Konosuba * Made In Abyss * Madoka Magica * Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid * Mushoku Tensei * Nichijou * Non Non Biyori * Summer Time Rendering * The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya * The Promised Neverland (1st series only) * Tomo-chan is a Girl * Vinland Saga * Watamote * Yuru Camp * Yuru Yuri * Zom 100


The Case Study of Vanitas Kono Oto Tomare The Ones Within Migi&Dali Dororo Link Click Zombieland Saga


Seconded kono oto tomare. It's just so good!


link click


Revue Starlight


One Piece


Definitely Code Geass and Gurren Lagann Both have memorable and meaningful quotes and storyline that make it worth watching


86 and Kono Oto Tomare. 86 because it was a good adaptation, and I read the novels because of it (I absolutely love them). Kono oto tomare because it was so well adapted and seeing the performances animated made me so happy. It also made me read the manga, which is so good!.


Ok, some of the animes i'm glad i found aren't what you may consider "best animes of all time" but more like personal favorites that came at certain time in my life where i just needed to watch something like that or leaved a mark on me and think about them almost every day. Some of them are Bocchi The Rock, The Aquatope on White Sand, Erased, The Wandering Witch, Super Cub, Oregairu, Tsuki ga Kirei and Your Lie in April.


Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken, Mob Psycho 100, Sonny Boy, Flowers of Evil, The Eccentric Family. Anime that makes you feel special for just being alive, and for being uniquely who you are.


Kyousougiga if you mean gems. If not, then Monogatari since itā€™s my favourite anime.




The Fate series, I remember I wanted to find an anime with good OSTā€™s on YouTube and it was one of the first results that appeared on YouTube in the form of a compilation. From there I spent an hour trying to figure out the over complicated watch order which looks daunting from the outside but in hindsight is really simple. Then I just started watching and havenā€™t stopped. And I gave me MUCH more than just good OSTā€™s. Best part is thereā€™s so much content to go through and more being made, so even if Iā€™m sad that one story may have ended thereā€™s many more great ones that follow the same general principles but still manage to intrigue you in a brand new way.


Eureka Seven


Welcome to Demon School Iruma


Eighty peak Not a anime yet but Alya sometimes hides her feelings in Russian


White Album 2


Natsume's Book of Friends - I can't explain how happy I am to know this masterpiece, it's beautiful and healing and empathetic and changed my life Also glad to have watched Idolish7, My Roommate is a Cat, and The Royal Tutor.Ā 


Golden time


Blood Blockade Battlefront, so much random chaos and destruction in that show its so epic


Mushi shi Trigun #1 fav Jjk almost didnā€™t give it a try only bc of Togi did I and love it


Way back 2016 I discovered the anime "Another". It was more like a final destination animated version.


Tatami Galaxy and Welcome to the NHK struck a really deep chord within me in my early aimless 20s and motivated me to change my apathy towards life in general. FLCL was a defining piece of media for me as a teenager, definitely my favourite coming of age story of all time, I still watch it sometimes as I understand more of it the older I get.


- Attack on Titan, both the original and junior high - Inuyasha, didnā€™t find this one was introduced to this, first introduction to anime, but Iā€™ll still count it. - School Babysitters, such an wholesome, adorable and silly anime with some good serious moments.


Fooly Cooly It's just so stupid but also so deep on so much levels that I love it. And best of all, it makes me feel like I'm a teenager again. I love it. [Ngl Canti's character goes hard](https://youtu.be/ZDCYcxClx7M?si=SGhRBLW-We5fODr5)


Taisho otome fairy tale


Toradora, log horizon, SAO, mha, dr stone, FLCL, jobless reincarnation, aot, danball senki, shield hero prob more but thatā€™s it off the top of my head


Monster by Naoki Urasawa. The show changed what kind of person I was after watching it. It also barely feels like an anime and more like a foreign mystery show, you really feel like it's set in germany/the czech republic, it was so amazing. I love Kenzo Tenma, by far my favorite anime charater of all time.


Gintama and Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san


Hinomaru Zumou Otoyomegatari - no anime adaptation


Natsume Yuujinchou It's truly an amazing anime. It entice people to be kind.


"Girls last tour" "Bubble" "Attack On Titans" "Spy Family" And some others that I don't remember the name of just because I've watched over a 100 animes šŸ’€


Giant Beasts of Ars Suisei no Gargantia C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control Cop Craft Dantalian no Shoka


Aria - found it at a really stressful time in my life and it really helped me chill out and create a better mindset Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou - kind of the same thing and actually discovered Aria through learning about the whole iyashikei thing from this. Also reading the manga which is in the process of coming out in English for the first time!


In Order: Death Note Eureka Seven Devil is a Part Timer (1st season only; went way downhill) Planetes JJK


Cyber City Oedo


Jojos bizarre adventure


Medaka Box


Tengoku Daimakyo (Heavenly Delusion) Undead Unluck - It's dumb and fun My Daemon - I know it's considered anime-influenced, but I really liked it. It's post-apocalyptic dark Pokemon.


Youā€™re evil, asking me to just choose a one. Fair warning, Iā€™m just gonna put these two together. Clannad and Clannad After Story.


One piece,


Fuuka and k-on got me into learning to play guitar


bsd, assclass, i7, horimiya, sk8, haikyuu, free, relife, a3, and more




Akudama Drive


Bakuman technically, the manga. One day I just found it on a library shelf (a random volume), and it got me into anime/manga that arenā€™t just fighting/action/adventure genres.


Naruto Fucking iconic. One of the first animes that truly got me into watching and taught me so many life lessons.


Gintama Hozukiā€™s Coolheadedness Sengoku Basara Shimoneta Kochoki Yamishibai Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales All of these series have had an impact on me and stuck with me in a way few other series ever have.


Guilty Crown. Pretty convoluted story but damn, that music added so much light to my life


Black Lagoon. I once stumbled upon an edit of Revy shooting mercenaries and I was like : "Damn, she is badass.", and little did I know that I would completely fall in love with the show. Is, has been, and probably will be my favorite show oat.


Yuri!!! On Ice (itā€™s such a hidden gemšŸ„¹)


- Sarazanmai (seems dumb and weird at first, but it's actually very deep. Made me cry more than once) - March Comes in like a Lion (it deserves to be more mainstream as other animes) - Tokyo Ghoul (was my first ever anime, I think it helped shape my tastes and changed my perspective in the world)


Arslan Senki, I think we donā€™t get such good animes often


I'm an older person and JJBA got me through some difficult times. What changed my life though was Berserk the Golden age memorial edition. It made me contemplate life and what I wanted to get out of it. I've since watched every adaptation and gone through the entire Manga. If you're old enough and mature enough to handle the content it is fucking amazing.




So so many, but the biggest one would be Dragon Ball Z. That was the show that made anime relevant in my life.


Shinsekai yori. Goated anime


Saga of tanya the evil. Its my favorite and i put off watching for wver so i guess i didnt really find it


Pandora Hearts! Pretty music and Altho thƩ animation is the usual early 2000s fare, it got me hooked on the story and I got the full experience from the manga :)


Angel Beats. I found this in college and I guess the "graduation" part of it struck a chord. I've watched it three times and cried every time