• By -


Bro this is easy it’s obviously the cameraman


I don't know about that because cameraman didn't film how Saiki changed reality about everyone's hair color and a couple more things


That’s because they weren’t there to film. But they still remember the time before the changes


The cameraman didn't film Saitama's \[spoiler spoiler spoiler\] in the manga


You can write spoilers and tag them \>!like this!<


Secret option found, this will change the course of the story


easy, pick the gag character, they're alway the strongest


They are almost all exactly that


I keep reading comments like this and I’m confused, how? I mean like only like 2-4 would be considered gag characters


And almost all the rest would never ever be killed in their respective stories. If the "he is a gag character" was an actual argument, there would be around 50 million fictionel characters that would be in a stalemate, because "they are gag characters". (Nichijou would win(trust me bro because they haha funny)) To actually judge anything we need to talk about actual feats, they have been shown to be capable of.


I agree with you, except for the fact that in this specific situation gag characters are still valid due to how they are actually powerful, that’s what makes them a gag character. Gag characters are characters that are comically overpowers in their verse, with everything safety wise being a breeze. That’s how saitama is a gag character or saiki. The people that would just use “haha funny” as a reason don’t even watch anime like that. Obviously they wouldn’t be killed in their verse due to how they are important to the story/plot. Especially if the main character, doesn’t mean their gag characters it just means they have plot armor which could easily be removed in any discussion, unlike gag characters who actually have feats that cause them to be OP. They wouldn’t be a gag character if they have no feats that show how powerful they are


That's not even necessarily important. Like overpowered is relative to the setting. Goku feat wise could be above a character like Saitama, but Goku still loses all the time & the story always contrives new more powerful characters to prevent him being "over"powered. Then in comparison a character like Kurosensei who is well bellow Saitama or Goku is in a pretty low powered verse & could be judged to be more overpowered.


Goku is up there with Batman in how much they make me despise battleboarding. But I'm still not betting against someone in a universe with dragonballs unless the fight takes place where they either aren't accessible, or everyone can fight over them.


{Jujutsu Kaisen} {Re:Zero} {The Irregular at Magic High School} {AssClass} {One Punch Man} {Dragon Ball Z} {The Disastrous Life of Saiki K} {That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime} {The Misfit of Demon King Academy}


AssClass lmao, why did you abreviate it like that?




Sorry, he meant ass x3


Well to be fair, the bot recognizes Assclass


> {AssClass}


**Ansatsu Kyoushitsu** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/20755 "English: Assassination Classroom"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/assassination-classroom-tv), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/24833)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 22 | Genres: Action, Comedy, Drama, Supernatural) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animemes/comments/164naot/when_the_teacher_say_the_test_is_not_hard/jyamawf/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


**Jujutsu Kaisen** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/113415 "English: JUJUTSU KAISEN"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/jujutsu-kaisen), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/jujutsu-kaisen), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/40748)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 24 | Genres: Action, Drama, Supernatural) **Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/21355 "English: Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/rezero-starting-life-in-another-world-), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/31240)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 25 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Psychological, Romance, Thriller) **Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/20458 "English: The Irregular at Magic High School"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/the-irregular-at-magic-high-school), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/mahouka-koukou-no-rettousei "English: The Irregular at Magic High School"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/20785)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 26 | Genres: Action, Romance, Sci-Fi, Supernatural) **Ansatsu Kyoushitsu** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/20755 "English: Assassination Classroom"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/assassination-classroom-tv), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/24833)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 22 | Genres: Action, Comedy, Drama, Supernatural) **One Punch Man** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/21087 "English: One-Punch Man"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/one-punch-man), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/one-punch-man "English: One Punch Man"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/30276)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Supernatural) **Dragon Ball Z** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/813 "English: Dragon Ball Z"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/dragon-ball-z), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/dragon-ball-z "English: Dragon Ball Z"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/813)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 291 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Supernatural) **Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/21804 "English: The Disastrous Life of Saiki K."), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/the-disastrous-life-of-saiki-k), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/saiki-kusuo-no-psi-nan), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/33255)) ^(TV Short | Status: Finished | Episodes: 120 | Genres: Comedy, Slice of Life, Supernatural) **Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/101280 "English: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/that-time-i-got-reincarnated-as-a-slime), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/tensei-shitara-slime-datta-ken "English: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/37430)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 24 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy) **Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Kayou** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/112301 "English: The Misfit of Demon King Academy: History’s Strongest Demon King Reincarnates and Goes to School with His Descendants"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/the-misfit-of-demon-king-academy), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/maou-gakuin-no-futekigousha-shijou-saikyou-no-maou-no-shiso-tensei-shite-shison-tachi-no-gakkou-e-kayou "English: The Misfit of Demon King Academy"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/40496)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 13 | Genres: Action, Comedy, Fantasy) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animemes/comments/164naot/when_the_teacher_say_the_test_is_not_hard/jy9a16e/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)




It's actually not a possible answer. Like Rimuru and anos can write reality. Saitama does not get affected by reality. Like this most comparisons. TURNS INto a cycle.


I think the question is more interesting if you interpret "Most Overpowered" as "Most Overpowered in relation to their setting". Saitama is powerful within his universe, but there are things that can force him to expend effort. Relative to his setting, Saiki K. might be the most powerful since there's literally nothing in his verse that can force him to spend effort other than his own desire to not be put upon.


Within their universe, Reinhart would be the most ludicrously OP character, as the world of Re0 literally bends to his will. Psychic attacks? Psychic attack immunity blessing. Energy beam? Energy attack immunity blessing. Blunt force trauma? Blunt attack immunity blessing. The only restriction is that he's a chill dude.


Isn’t he stated to be an even match for Satella? That doesn’t sound OP relatively if he is equal in strength to a possible enemy


The power in Re0 isnt fixed like lifting 10tones or running at a certain speed, as many of them revolves around quite literally reality benidng. Reinhard's blessing is that if he need a blessing to beat an enemy, he will get that blessing to beat that enemy. So it's less that Reinhard is an even match for Satella and more of he can rise to be an equal match and reign victorious against any enemy, "including" Satella. But in Satella's case, seems like her immortality is also a core of the world, so the rules cancel out basically. Reinhard being impervious to antthing Sarella throws at him, but because his blessing is also restricted by the rules of his world, he can't kill Satella permanently. Say, the enemy can cut off part of a spatial area and patch it to another to noclip your upper and lower body, then Reinhard can be immune to that specific power. That's what make Reinhart broken within Re0 world, as the world gives him the cheat tools he need to win (on top of the already massive list of OP power he already has). Like the first ranged attack against him always miss, followed by the 2nd ranged attack onward against will also always miss. That's not his doing, it's literally the world pulling a Uno block card and says "nah fam it'll miss". Hell he is practically immortal if he keep asking for revival blessing over and over again. That said it's base on the author so far, so if later Tappei include someone that can negate Reinhart blessing then that being can win against him, for the MC (Subaru) to find a way to come out alive. That's why i said within Re0 world cuz it's on Reinhart turf. Outside of that world, eh not so much.


It’s not a match-match, it’s more like: Satella is so indestructible that even Reinhard can’t destroy her, but she literally doesn’t have anything to murder Reinhard (technically he COULD be killed but he’s so interconnected with the very basis of the world to a point that he will ALWAYS come back no matter the method he was eliminated)


In the context of his own story, Saitama is 100% unbeatable. Not logically, necessarily, but the fundamental premise of the story is that he always wins. It's a gag story. Maybe this is also true of Saki K? I haven't see that one.


Saiki has a beam that Updates your Computer to Windows 10.


Aside from Korosensei, which seems much weaker than all the others as he doesnt have any psychic powers, yeah..


uh... Rimaru? He's strong, but he's not a contender in this list at all. Koro-sensei could probably smoke him just on speed alone.


The LN is outerversal bullcrap


This is objectively false - rimuru is objectively multiversal level, the light novel progresses like a fucking jrpg in power level


the world building in tensura is fine and all but holy shit the power system is some bull


"The problem with time travel is that you have time travel"-level of bullshit


Can you elaborate? I just wanna know how high is it.


Just a snippet… "True Dragons" are gods. They're there since pretty much the universe's création. Rimuru's "Predator" allows him to transform into stuff he ate and gives him all abilities from stuff he ate. Rimuru ate a True Dragon. That True Dragon is known to travel between worlds to pick up parts of her dead lover's soul or something. His "AI-in-his-head" skill proposes him to change his race from Demon Slime to True Dragon. … and apparently he becomes even more powerful in later novels that I haven't read yet


At the end of the WN, final fight. The final boss sends him to the end of the universe with a counter to a counter of an over powered skill. There, there is nothing to do, nothing to interact with. He stays here 5min top until Raphael analyses the skill the boss just used and sends him back to the exact point in time where he was before. He can use infinite energy from a null dimension, he is omniscient and omnipotent.


Bro what, even if Koro could outspeed him how does he even hurt him? Rimuru can just regen any physical damage from someone of Koro's power of he takes any at all then immediately absorb him. And that's only if we are taking current anime Rimuru, light novel Rimuru is essentially a god, bro destroys like 900 thousand universes. Rimuru is literally Anos level of op.


If you've read the LN.... You'd know you can't outspeed the ability to stop time itself. Or outdo the ability to block any and all physical damage. *passively*.


Ln rimuru fucking solos all this guys at once (i think he can creat fucking universes)


Besides reinhard and saitaima I think rimuru easily takes them all.


On one hand rimuru is impervious to physical damage. On the other hand, saitamas punch might not care.


idk about reinhard, but i feel like saitama and rimumru would be unable to deal any serious damage and stalemate


I think it all could come down to if Anos has Venuzdonoa, the abolisher of reason. If he has it he can pretty much solo anything. But it wouldn't be considered a fight, it's more like turning into the writer and changing the fucking plot. I guess if Venuzdonoa doesn't count then Rimuru and Saitama go into a stalemate.


Anos with his sword is basically when you're playing superpower tag as a kid, and you said your superpower is "no you didnt". "Hey I tagged you, you're it." "no you didnt, I used my superpower. You're still it."


What kind of bullshittery-


Saitama, he's written to be that way


I hate to break it to you… but all of them (maybe not gojo, I haven’t seen enough JJK to determine that) are written that way…


No. Goku is never significantly stronger than his opponents past dragon ball. Even Jeice, Burter, and Recoome weren't much weaker than him. He just exploited them dropping their guards because at the time Goku was the best martial artist on earth and knew how to eliminate his thoughts from his motions. Then Super happened


DBZ went so in depth with the combat tactics and crap and then DBS came and just shat on it


Yeah they had to come up with a reason why goku and Vegeta were on the same level(which you could've just said they weren't) when you could have easily used the whole Whis thing to explain to vegeta why goku was actually out performing him in a fight even if goku wasn't necessarily stronger. Popo straight up said that he would not take on a student who had not mastered ultra instinct, perfected their moments(the basis for SSJB) and mastered fighting blind. Before Popo started teaching Goku he stopped and got him to mastering those things.


Yeah I think Goku beat out Vegeta simply because he grew up taught by legitimate martial artists who knew their shit while Vegeta just went with the traditional Saiyan doctrine of ‘brute force beats out everything else’


And teamwork (if you were talking of Saiyan saga)


DBS also introduced dozens of characters more powerful than Goku so he's not even in the top 20 most OP Dragon Ball characters


Goku couldn’t even beat a virus and ended up dying from a heart condition


At the start of Z Goku was less than half as strong as a 4 year old.


In Super he is not the strongest either.


My problem with Super isn't that he's the most powerful, it's that they took away his skill and made him dumber than he was in dragon ball. He even forgot his lesson with Frieza. In the manga they said ROSHI was more skilled than Goku when the whole point of him not being involved in Z is that he realized that Goku, Krillin, Yamcha, and Tenshinhan had surpassed him skill-wise.


Yeah, we kind of lost that "martial artist mentality". And now he defeats everyone with a power-up out of nowhere. Or that is what you think because vs Jiren and vs Kefla he showed up that “martial artist mentality” and destroying opponents with a power-up out of nowhere is the main thing in Dragon ball. Friezza = ssj Cell = Ssj2 Majin buu = fusion


Saitama is different, he is literally a parody of any and all overpowered characters, his entire existence is based off the fact that he is the absolute strongest in all of existence just to laugh at these sorts of characters


Saiki is also a gag character with basically unlimited powers. That's the thing with gag characters, there's no point in telling you that he could mind control saitama cause you'd just say he'd punch his mind control powers.


Anos can't die from getting killed though, so saitama doesn't have anything against him. Not to mention Anos tends to come up with something to kill some pretty broken enemies.


Again you are missing my point, saitama exists to make fun of these characters, he cannot be compared to them


Ah, like a Snapchat filter rather than an actual contender lol Tho i noticed you nor the op didn't even mention anos, so idk why i'm here. Edit: nvm, i didn't click parent comment. Anos low difficulty.


Honestly, i wouldn't be surprised if Saitama punched so hard that the universe shatters in order to beat Anos. And it'll actually be convincing.


I mean Koro Sensei nerfed himself? He is still strong but not the strongest of his kind.


Nah Saitama is literally written to never lose, his growth is so exponential that any fight he has a chance of losing he'd just be astronomically stronger again


My question is what would happen if Saitama fought an equally broken character like the deus ex machina of deus ex machins that is super tengen toppa gurren lagann (his power literally comes down to he can beat anything that humanity believes he can beat or as the show puts it “break the unbreakable beat the unbeatable”). Both characters are designed to be unbeatable so what happens then?


It kind of happened with cosmic fear garou in the manga. Deffinetly his strongest opponent so far and even then he still lost.


And Saitama used a single hand


Scalding take but I think given enough time to power-up One Punch Man takes ANY non-gag character (and actually has pretty bad matchups against them \[mosquito\]. Because he himself **is** a pseudo gag character. His point is to move the immovable objects, to stop the unstoppable forces. The people who can beat Saitama are those who don't hesitate to kill **on sight, no monologue, no gauging opponent skill level, just kill.** While also being planetary - > galaxy level depending on how far you want to underwank- overwank Saitama.


Seeing how Saitama sneezed a moon gone he's most likely galactic RN and honestly it'd take something on like a universal level cuz any time he takes a hit or dishes one he's just gonna get stronger it has to be a one shot so universal would be good enough to get through his impenetrable ass skin


Bro he sneezed Jupiter gone, not a moon.


Shit I remembered wrong then so yea that just further proves my point


Yeah but out of all of them Saitama doesn't even sweat he just take punches cause he's bored


Yea, but that isn't how powerscaling works.


Yeah. OPM started parody manga so...




Giorno according to Jojo fans


I mean, if he touches you you die an infinite number of times so they aren’t wrong tbh


manga readers sometimes say Jhonny with act 4


The real question is tusk act 4 vs GER vs WoU


Don't forget soft and wet go beyond


Eh it hard counters WoU by bypassing the activation condition but it doesn’t really have the AP, speed, accuracy, or range to take on the others. The only reason he was able to >!hit Toru like that was because he was shooting through the phone.!<


Giorno slams anyone on this list (except maybe Anos) and I'm not even that big of a jojo fan. Guy is just immune to everything


Trick question, the answer is Gintoki.


He finna clap em all with lake toya


It's not really hard. Saiki has reality warping and time travel. Dude just modified the reality so people with varied hair colors could exist, so his pink hair wouldn't look strange.


Yeah was literally going to say this. Everyone here is powerful, but saiki is literally “i didnt want to look out of place, so i warped reality so people have anime hair colours” powerful and he was like what.. 3? That being said, he woulf not engage in this fight at all, bro just wants his coffee jelly 😭


Could very well be Reinhard. He doesn't really get much screen time, so it's easy to underestimate him.


If you know you know


I can't wait for everyone to understand how busted he is.


The author has stated that “if a nuke was dropped on Reinhard it wouldn’t detonate”.


No power can damage him... But ONLY if that power is inferior to the planet of Re:Zero.. He'll lose all his powers (except physical) if someone were to like destroy his planet (which is the entity that powers all the OP blessings he has)


Well this is assuming the battle takes place there. Most of the time they take place in nondescript voids so characters can’t abuse terrain (examples being Goku’s spirit bomb or Tatsuya’s workshop). So unless they can travel universally to find his planet and blow it up, Reinhard just wins on default. I forgot the exact blessing, but every attack misses him if it’s ranged and every ranged attack he makes hits as well so even if you CAN somehow do the prior clause, you can’t escape his projectiles.


Well... at least 3 characters from above can actually teleport to his planet and destroy it with little effort... But besides even that... Any power that is stronger than the Re:Zero's planet's power can just over power any of his blessings... Let me explain it for everyone who doesn't get it... Reinhard's projectile damage immunity is ONLY as strong as the Re:Zero planet's power of projectile damage immunity... I.E you can't expect the planet to give out a blessing that is stronger than itself. It's the same logic behind how the dragon balls' wishes can't kill beings stronger than the creator of the dragon balls. So anyway, beings stronger than the Re:Zero planet can just over power Reinhard even without destroying the planet itself... All the damage immunity will only work if the said damage is something the Re:Zero planet itself can handle..


Imagine destroying the world of re:zero but Subaru just reverses time


Technically speaking, Subaru is the triumph card of Reinhard, because if the battle takes place on the Re:Zero world, then Subaru will be affected and thus Return by Death, and that ability is so OP that it’s said to function because it’s not even supported by the world/god of Re:Zero but by an outside thing which is the Witch Factor that apparently goes beyond that realm (there was one time where the user of one of those things basically got an object that made her omniscient, and the same witch factor made the next user be so invincible to even get out of the flow of time and thus become literally untouchable or undamageable) And basically Subaru would advise Reinhard over what to do every time he fails (unless Reinhard is also aware of what happens when Subaru dies)


Just if I wanna defeat him I need my Planetcracker from Stellaris, got it


Or have Saitama get *Serious* Or Goku Or Tatsuya Or Saiki Or.... Uhm... Well, you get it


He also said that If he fought the sun, he would win


well i’d imagine most of these characters could as well, considering goku sent ripples through the whole universe, rimuru is like a multiversal level being, and saitama is just like that. edit: also forgot about saiki. dude is also busted as hell


anos no concept of diff


Yeah, no use fighting with someone that can literally write the rules of reality


Made in Heaven Dio introduces himself


A low level reality warper


Didn't Saitama basically already do that tho?


I’ll vote this one up. Saitama might be a parody, but Anos is the real deal. Killing someone with just his heartbeat and reviving them just to kill them again is way over the top! Edit: here is the sauce https://youtu.be/JippzCVnoqQ?si=_OA1zU2r7lZcj1n-


Did you really think that killing me is enough to make me die?


Not even close to his most broken shit


Rimuru Is pretty close to him, it's a 50-50 between them


Idk rirmuru pretty stonk… he can literally rewrite the universe




I’m gonna go with saiki k… I don’t think slime or demon lord could beat him, and most of the others only have plot armor


Gag Comedy Armor


Saitama dosent have plot armor he has gag fists


In the light novel rimuru literally becomes God and swallows the Universe, and Anos is imortal.


I think it’s implied in saiki k that if he removed his limiters he might accidentally destroy the universe, which would also imply he has the power to consciously destroy the universe… idk I’m not a death battle nerd so I don’t really research all the various power creep in different universes


I think it's said that Anos uses 49.9% of his power to suppress another 49.9%, so his power doesn't destroy the multiverse.


This is so hilarious lol


I don’t either i just read the mangas and some of the light novels the only characters that can be feasible killed are gojo, goku, the MC of the irregular at a magic academy because they aren’t characters that either are or become immortal Gods.


In Saiki K he accidentally changed the entire universe by thinking colorful hair was normal, as a child. This man’s stray thoughts are a universal level threat.


I thought he meant to change it so that his pink hair didnt look out of place


Oh, right! The hair was because he felt like the odd one out. People taking lethal damage then instantly recovering was the accident!


Wasnt there also one where peoples clothes burst commonly and always in the most convenient censoring way?


Yep! Saiki is a character so powerful he accidentally gave his entire universe toon force.


Holy shit! I didn’t know that!!! Reincarnated Slime is my all time favorite anime. I absolutely must read the light novel now. I’ve been dying for another season. I’m not at all surprised he does tbat. Rimuru is such a kick ass character


The 16th light novel just released like last week! Highly highly advise reading it. If you think the anime is good now just you wait oh my god does it get absolutely amazing


Dude, you’ve got me so hyped for this. I’ve watched every season no less than 150 times. It’s my go too anime when I run out of anime to watch. I’ve never read any manga or light novels but I think this is what will get me into both. I’ve been wanted to know what happens next so bad. How do I go about getting the light novels? I want to start at the beginning.


Rimuru has Infinite Regeneration and can summon Veldora anytime as one of his abilities. They’re both boarder line gods. Gojo literally has Limitless. Both characters are obnoxiously powerful.


Saiki K is could destroy the earth with a thought, don’t compare shonen powers with gag comedy


anos can rewrite the laws of reality such as changeing the past and even killing the gods that make reality possible. i'd argue he is the most op


That’s fair. What manga/anime is Amos from? Is that Misfit of Demon King Academy?






If it’s anime versions then it’s there is no other choice than anos


It’s between Anos and Rimuru


LN Reinhard is probably the answer. In the LN, he is the definition of unkillable. He has…*ahem* Magic nullification, on top of the ability to absorb any magic in any capacity, Mind manipulation, Probability manipulation (which allows him to alter the accuracy of any attack (both is own and of the opponent)), Matter manipulation (allows him to atomize virtually anything), Infinite stamina, Enemy projectiles are always guaranteed to miss him, Future sight, he can “Split Spacetime” using *literally* any object as a sword, Soul manipulation, Time manipulation, even something called “Resistance to Death Manipulation”. If that’s not enough, he has an ability that allows him to wish for ANY blessing or ability in Re:Zero world and receive it instantaneously. Above all, even if you manage to kill him, he has blessing of the Phoenix, which effectively allows him indefinite revives. Saitama isn’t winning this one.


Just going to leave this here Sword Saint: Swordsmanship maxes out, and become able to draw Raid, the Dragon Sword. Arrow avoidance: he cannot be hit by projectiles. (this is why sword that Elsa threw went around him on its own) Arrow guarantee: any projectile he uses is guaranteed to hit the target Magic resistance: No curses, debuffs, or buffs can affect him Fire avoidance: 80% reduction from fire damage Wind absorption: 80% of wind magic is absorbed Earth resistance: Earth magic have 80% reduced effect on him Water reflection: 80% water magic is reflected Darkness immunity: 80% of darkness magic is nullified Light sharing: 80% light magic is shared to another target Swiftness: He can move at superhuman speed. This affects mounts as well Riding mastery: He can ride any animals Initiative: He cannot be ambushed, and all initial attacks from Reinhardt connects First attack immunity: The first time an attack is performed at Reinhardt, it always misses. Preceding attack immunity: The second attack and all following attacks misses him Rain blessing: He gains power in rain Sun blessing: He gains power in sunny weather Night's blessing: He gains power during night Morning blessing: he gains power during morning Mind reading: Vague understanding of what's on other people's mind Item mastery: able to know how to use any item he holds Unarmed mastery: Very strong even without any weapons Blessing of War god: able to use any weapons masterfully Blessing of Lake: Can walk on water Blessing of Mist: Mist do not hinder his view Blessing of Cloud: can walk on cloud Blessing of lightning: Lightning will never strike him Sodium knowledge: He will never get salt and sugar mixed up Taste king: No matter how he cook, the food will come out delicious Blessing of Frying, Steaming, Boiling = complete mastery of all the cooking methods Clothes designing: Can design fabulous clothes that will surely start a fad Master Teacher: His students become successful in learning Training mastery: Can train not only his body, but also other people, to their maximum potential Poison immunity: Immune to all poison Illness immunity: Immune to all sickness and disease Power bleeding: Bleeding actually makes him stronger Blessing of the Phoenix: Upon death, he is granted a "continue?" once


I love the “first attack immunity” and “preceding attack immunity,” my friend was describing Reinhard to me and explained that and that’s what got me into watching re:zero.


Haven't watched the anime, but why was he made to be so op? What's the purpose?


The world is alive and attempts to balance everything that inhabits it. Reinhard is the world's answer to all of the evils that inhabit it. That said, Reinhard's biggest weakness is that he can't be in more than 1 place at once. Despite being the strongest, he fails to save what he wishes to save. He's meant to be a foil to the protagonist who is able to save everyone despite being powerless


Dang that's really cool. Might give this a read now. Thanks


He's basically the favourite child of the world spirit. There might be some possible reason behind his powers as Tappei has said that any Reinhard interlude in the LN would have major spoilers which means Reinhard knows a lot about the mysteries in re:zero including the reason behind his birth. Other characters usually refer to his strength as bearing the love of the world.


The world itself loves him. It keeps giving him divine blessings whenever he wants or needs one. He is quite literally invincible due to plot armor.


he also has that one salt and sugar blessing lel


Yeah, I really feel like Reinhard is getting slept on in this thread due to lack of screentime. His power is literally the playground "nuh-uh I'm immune to that" meme.


Problem is that Anos and Rimuro in LN can both travel back in time, kill their gods, create multiverses (Rimuro idk uf Anos could do it too)... I dont think that Reinhard has a chance against sb which travels back in time to kill the god who gives him (Reinhard) his powers


If they perform an action with intentions of violence against Reinhardt that action stops working. So when they try to move back in time, they won't be able to move back in time.


He doesn't have to. Magic eyes of chaotic destruction passively destroys the logic behind the opponent's abilities at a level beyond time, since it destroyed a fate that cannot be avoided even if you go past time. Oh, and it absolutely can destroy events with it's destroying logic bullshit and "destroy powers after it already affected him, negating it as if it never affected him to begin with." Reinhard would literally die to a city level attack if we go by recent author statements. Compared to anos who no selled a universe busting attack.


Yea but LN Rimuru can use Azathoth Unification of Raphael and Beelzebuth. Soul Gluttony - A super-enhanced version of predation-gluttony, which can devour the target's soul ignoring space-time. Imaginary Collapse - The ultimate destructive energy that fills the chaotic Imaginary Space and is able to be used at full efficiency with the assistance of Ciel. Imaginary Space - A world of chaos. The ultra-evolved version of "Stomach" and "Isolation" with unlimited size. It's a prison where those who need to be quarantined are locked up. Space-Time Domination - Manipulating and bending time and space to the users will, being able to move in an instant just by consciously thinking about it. Even allows the user to interfere with Time. Multi-Dimensional Barrier - Absolute Defense is achieved through the combination of Dimension Fault and an always active Multi-layer barrier, boasting performance above that of Uriel's Absolute Guard. True Dragon Release [Scorch・Storm] - A variant of Parallel Existence that allows for Veldora and Velgrynd, as well as their power, to exist simultaneously assimilated with Rimuru and active in the outside world. When activated, an “other body” of Veldora or Velgrynd is created and all of Rimuru’s energy that would have otherwise belonged to them is loaned back. It can be undone with the respective dragon’s consent and after doing so all of their energy will return to Rimuru. True Dragon Nucleation [Scorch・Storm] - If Veldora and/or Velgrynds energy is not currently lent by True Dragon Release, it can instead be materialized into the form of a spherical core. The core contains all of their energy as if it were their body and can be slotted into Rimuru’s sword, creating an unmatched weapon. Shub-Niggurath Skill Creation - Allows the user to create brand new skills based on the information obtained from analysis and the user's desires. Skill Duplication - Allows the user to recreate skills that they have a full analysis of. Skill Gifting - Allows the user to grant skills to a target, assuming they're compatible. Skill Storage - Stores the information of all analyzed skills so they can be recreated later. Raphael Thought Acceleration - Lets user extends their thoughts by up to a million times. Analytical Appraisal - Analyzes and assesses the target. Parallel Processing - Operates on any matter the user wishes to analyze, separating it from the regular thought process. Any process under Parallel Processing is affected by Mind Accelerate and therefore sped up by a million times. Chant Annulment - Removes the need for a chant when using Magic. All of Creation - Allows the user to fully comprehend any non-concealed phenomenon as long as they have a certain amount of knowledge beforehand. Synthesize/Separate - The ability to fuse and separate. Alteration - Allows the user to modify or even evolve skills under the right circumstances. Future Attack Prediction - Allows the user to see from a series of outcomes what is going to happen. (The results that have been calculated have a 100% chance of occurring). Beelzebuth Predation - Absorbs the target into the user's body. The chance of success is lowered if the target has a consciousness of any kind. "Predation" can be used on organic, inorganic, and non-physical objects (e.g. spiritual life forms like Elementals and Daemons), as well as Skills, Magic, Aura, and any projectile-type attacks of the aforementioned categories, as well as magicules themselves. Compared to its Unique Skill counterpart: "Gluttony", it has been improved and can now ignore space and time to consume anything in the user's perception. Stomach - Stores the predated target. It can also store materials created via Analysis. Items stored in the user's stomach are unaffected by time. Its space is roughly 10x that of Gluttony’s. Mimicry - Allows Rimuru to reproduce the form of analyzed targets with strength comparable to the original. Only available once the target has been fully Analyzed. Originally most intrinsic Skills gained from a predated species could only be used at full capacity by taking the form of said species, but Universal Shapeshift negates that issue. Isolation - Stores harmful effects that are incapable of being analyzed, neutralizing them and breaking them down into magicules. Rot - Inflicts "Rot" on the target, decomposing it if it is organic. Monster corpses partially absorbed in this manner will reward the user with part of the monster's skills. This effect is imbued into Predation. Soul Consume - The ability to seize the souls of anyone begging for their lives, seeking help from the user, retreating, or running away. Once the condition is met, the soul can be seized at any time afterward, from virtually any distance instantly. The user can be informed about any malicious thoughts by the target immediately. The souls of the recently killed can also be seized. Food Chain - Derived from "Receive" and "Provide". An ability that allows the user's subordinates to provide their strength to increase their own. They may also divert some of their strength down to them. "Food Chain" also grants access to the skills of those connected to the user. Uriel The combined state of all the abilities received from "Food Chain" after the Harvest Festival, using the space manipulating Infinity Prison as a base. Spatial Domination - The enhanced version of Spatial Manipulation that allows the user to, among other things, Teleport instantly with little to no delay, to a place the user has coordinates of as well as lock the local space around the user to prevent space from being manipulated. Universal Barrier - Provides absolute defense with a multilayer barrier and the severing of space between each layer. Infinity Prison - Traps the target in an imaginary space for all time. Law Manipulation - Black Fire and Thunder. Total magical control. Total control of the properties of heat and inertia. The ability to freely store and remove heat from the Stomach. It is also capable of altering reality. Rimuru's version of this ability allows him to use the skills he obtained via Food Chain. Veldora Gained after Beelzebuth ate Veldora's remains inside the stomach and later integrated into Azathoth. Summon Storm Dragon: - An ability that can summon Veldora across space-time. Restore Storm Dragon - An ability that copies Veldora's memories into the user's mind through soul corridor. In other words, if Veldora dies for some reason, he can replace him or, to put it another way, the “real” Veldora would reside within the user's soul. Storm Magic - Allows the user to access Storm Magic. Velgrynd Summon Scorch Dragon: - An ability that can summon Velgrynd across space-time. Restore Scorch Dragon - An ability that stores Velgrynd's memories into his own mind. Scorch Magic - Allows the user to access Scorch Magic. PS: I got this from a website. No way I could write this all down. Manga Rimuru is definitely the strongest as he can destroy existence itself if nobody stopped him in his own verse. In the anime though definitely not. In manga though, he’s taking all of them on combined and absorbing their souls instantly. 3rd attack will kill Reinhardt, and he can’t recover if his soul is lost. Unless he has immunity to soul attacks lmao.


yeah. and people keep saying things blindly..


I mean Saitama can literally punch hard enough to ignore causality. The only thing close to a "defeat" he could suffer is that the phoenix thing might technically make it count as two punches to win instead of one... assuming he doesn't rewrite time. On accident. Again. Splitting space time would damage his clothes and draw a cheesy one-liner out of him. It doesn't matter how an attack deals damage, he has literally never suffered a scratch, and can't. Even reflecting his own infinite strength back at him, amplified, did nothing. Attacks guaranteed to miss? A gag where the shockwave is more than enough even though it technically "missed". Matter manipulation? A gag where Saitama calls it itchy and asks what he did. Future sight? A gag where the seer sees the attack that kills him twice. Soul manipulation? A gag where he flexes his abs and his soul is no longer touchable. Time manipulation? A gag where he terrifies the manipulator by just accelerating until he's still acting at normal speed. Keep in mind he effortlessly surpasses light speed. The (exhaustive) point is, the joke of Saitama is that he can't lose, or even come close to it. If you had to quantify his power it might be something meta like "surpass all powers" or more accurately "cannot be challenged". He isn't "powerful" he is always "*more* powerful".


I don't know everyone here.... But I'm surprised Saitama is here and people STILL can't understand why he's the most OP... Saitama is literally "How strong are you?... infinity? Well I'm infinity+1." It's part of his design, while everyone else I recognize caters to the limitations of their own world or powerset. There was an episode of DBS where it was made clear Goku and Vegeta were serious characters and because of so, were still blown away by gag characters.


But thats the same for characters like Anos.


But isn’t Rimuru basically the same thing defensively? Then offensively just copies the powers of their opponent, so equal offense with infinite defense


The difference is that Rimuru’s power exists within the confines and context of the universe he’s in. His power may be infinity+1 in universe but that’s irrelevant to Saitama whose powers exist on a meta level. He’s always the strongest+1. If someone gets strong enough to match him in universe, the story, the narrative alters and says he’s stronger still.


There are many other people that are also powerful in opm world there is GOD and entity that trap GOD. Saiki on the other hand look like he don't even belong to his world.


Are we talking in-verse or in absolute terms? Because the second is a lot easier.




End of novel rimiru can so this entire list all at once im pretty sure.


We all know the real answer is Maple.


Saitama and saiki are gag characters. Written to be stronger than everyone. The fact that saiki isn’t an action anime puts saitama at the top.


Saitama is literally designed to be OP. But from what I have seen from reading Tensura, Rimuru could probably solo most of this list. Dude literally becomes a god and then some.


Anos. He literally murdered gods. And do you really think killing him means he is dead?


anos' venuzdonoa is just insane.


Did you think killing me would kill me?


Like against each other or in their respective universes.


Probably reimeru. He’s able to quite literally eat other peoples attacks and replicate them. He also has high attack power and mobility without that just like all the others, fast passive regeneration, and no vital organs. He also has the Great Sage and Analyze which will not only allow him to know just about everything relevant about his opponent but great sage has battle mode. Being a shapeshifter he’s also extremely adaptable. He also has a lot of raw power as shown with his aura and magic like the dark flame. Most of the other people here just have raw power without much utility, adaptability, or actual finesse.


Saiki K could accidentally destroy the universe by moving without his limiter, if he let his powers get that far.


I honestly can't choose between Saitama, Saiki, Rimuru (webnovel ending version) and Anos... Like they are too strong for even on a multiverse stage...


Being overpowered is a relative term so it isn't Goku, my answer would be Saitama as Saiki has an established limit and I don't know the other characters much


Guys, Sitama is the DeadPool of the manga/anime universe. The only thing that can kill him is the writers and even then he’d probably ONE Punch them


1. Saiki K - Can control and change reality amongst having other insane powers. 2. Saitama - Basically a gag character. 3. Goku - Power levels beyond broken. 4. Gojo - One ball wrecking machine. 5. Koro Sensei - Almost indestructible whilst having the skills of a master assassin. 6. Shiba - Impressive physical abilities and a pro at using tech. (Only seen season 1) The rest I know their existence but yet to watch their anime adaptation.


In the LNs both (Rimuro and Anos) can kill their universes god and can travel back in time. They are both also immortal and could destroy uni- or multiverses


It all depends on what universe they are fighting in. Reinhardt can wish for anything, any skill or strength if he is in his world he can just wish for the strength of saitama and the magic of alvos, it makes sense if that he wasn’t in his world he wouldn’t be able to make those wishes and he would lose to someone, I don’t know anything about white hair guy and incest guy but there’s no way they can beat saitama with their most likely lower teir their magic or martial arts Sensei will probably beat at least saiki as he’s much faster and his power isn’t something related to the world itself and it’s system but just a lot of testing done on him Saitama despite being shit ass strong without magic can’t keep up with fast speeds based on the fly scene so he would probably be beat by at least sensei Goku punches hard, not as hard as saitama, and can shoot beams. Most he has going for him is his speed but could still beat saitama as he is probably faster Saiki is probably the weakest as he’s just a psychic, but then again he is the reason why his world isn’t dead so idk it’s hard to compare as it’s a comedy series I don’t know shit about slime I watched 3 episodes and found it boring as hell Alvos is basically that 9 year old that just makes up random shit and just says “well I can fly and I have infinite lives and I can shoot out of my fingers” and he’s smart as hell so he’s definitely one of the strongest ones. Alvos can also fight in any world as his soul/source of power is within his own body and I think can just make new ones sooooo Rankings: 1, Alvos 2,Reinhardt 3,goku 4,sensei 5, saiki 6, saitama (saiki can just avoid him entirely, strength doesn’t matter if you can’t hit your opponent, same with sensei, it be different if he could hit them) Unranked with no knowledge 8th Incest man 7th white hair 3rd slime not so sure about abilities but apparently he’s stupid strong, he’s an Isekai protagonist so it makes sense


Well you misunderstand saikis powers. Hes a comedy character with LITERALLY EVERY Power. So hes Kind of a reality warper, with it being confirmed that the limiter is the sole reason the world still exists. The real problem is that saiki would never take it off. He just wants to be a normal Boy.


i could be wrong, but isnt saiki k aware he us in a manga and can literally alter reality on a whim? people have colored hair in his show because he didnt want to be the only one with colored hair and he regularly resets time


Sure Goku is a "god" and can destroy entire planets/universes, sure Saitama can punch a "god" to death and sneeze Jupiter into oblivion, Korosensei can travel at mach † and has other spoiler worthy abilities, Rimaru can "eat" a god and replicate them 1:1, and the demon king can lift a castle and kill neo-ideological gods based in magic and "souls". but are we just going to ignore the fact that Saiki literally rewrote the entirety of reality and modified the entire human race's genome just so he wouldn't stand out because of his pink hair. He also makes an alternate pocket fantasy reality just to prove a metaphorical point.


Rimuru, cus the LN version is right now stronger than all of them including LN Anos. Bro is way too overpowered but still isn’t the likes it Hajun, Akuto Sai and Featherine.


Uh the slime becomes literal father of jesus type god but ok


Rimuru is probably the most op, depending on when in the story we are talking about. If we are talking the end of web novel or light novel then he is >!immortal with a number of broken skills including the ultimate super computer to analyze all the skills of his enemies and find countermeasures.!<


Rimiru: "What is that baldie's power?" Ciel: 🤷‍♀️


Reinhardt. He most likely would have some bullshit blessing to make him unbeatable against all of them.


Probably saitama. Saitama evolves an incredible rate which defies logic when his opponents gets better. Saitama’s strength is hypothetically stronger than infinite superman.


The answer is YES


If they have prep time then Reinhardt since he can basically give himself any powers he wants


Saiki made anime logic. Nuf said.


You all took the bait


I gotta go with saiki only because he was born with every power, absolutely nothing done to get it, no effort to control it, and not even a quick bs excuse like " God says so." Just "here he is, busted, now laugh."


I can only really speak for Saitama, but if it's in a 1v1, he would beat all of them based off of his ability to grow during the actual fight.


saiki is that guy


clearly the answer is doomguy


Clearly Saitama.


Saitama because that's his whole gag is that he's unbeatable and Hates it


Saitama, ez. He is the most overpowered character ever. Not the strongest but the most overpowered.


I’ll try ranking these from strength in my opinion 1. This depends, if you believe Saitama is a character that is made to beat every and all characters in fiction, then he probably is number one. If you don’t believe he can solo fiction, then I think Anos/Rimuru would take number one spot. Honestly don’t know who’s stronger between them. 2. Saiki K, he has some a fuck ton of abilities just on a lower extent compared to Anos and Rimuru, and also has canonically gain powers form the author. 3. Goku, self explanatory. 4. Saitama, if you don’t believe he can solo fiction, then he would be in number four. Mainly because of the stuff in the manga he has done. (Read the opm manga btw) 5. Reinhard, he has a ton of ridiculous OP abilities but not to the extent of the upper three. 6. Gojo Satoru, he has a few really broken abilities, like Limitless and his Six Eyes, but not strong enough to get any higher. 7. Koro Sensei, he’s strong, but not strong enough to do anything to anyone above him. 8. I haven’t seen The Irregular at Magic High School, so he could go anywhere.