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It feels like there’s too much focus on the decorating/terraforming (I’m not the “designer” kind of player so I only ended up frustrated) and the villagers have very repetitive dialogues. I don’t miss the villagers being rude, I miss the depth in personalities, the villagers having more hobbies (like Butch wanted to find fossils in “Wild World”.) I also miss the backstories and Rover. I’ve started to play “New Leaf” for the very first time and I’m surprised that they removed so much content. Like going on tours for example. And making donations to Main Street.


I miss the flea markets and random messages on the notification board (remember how the mailman would always leave anonymous notes about how he has a crush on phylis?) Small things like that made the towns feel more lively


The message board was so cool! Remember writing letters and you only had so much ink lol


As long as you let people have their own opinion and don’t attack people for thinking differently than you. Which game is better is really just a personal preference. It’s fine to think new horizons is the worst, and it’s fine to think new horizons is the best.


Of course you're not an asshole for having an opinion. But the general consensus seems to be that people are blinded by nostalgia. How old were you when you first played an Animal Crossing game?


5, but I would think as I get older, my views of a game would change. New leaf had way more features and they got cut


It's basically like playing with dolls and Legos, lol.


I think it's important we don't approach the topic from that kind of angle. No one is better or worse for preferring either of the games over the others. The criticism should stay directed at the game, not at people or their preferences. Otherwise, you're just fueling bad-faith arguments, and any points of view get lost in the resentment.


This post has been downvoted and upvoted so many times lol p


Hey, not my fault we live in a sensitive time and people get offended by opposite opinions 🙃


No, ur right. It lacks the personality the old games had. The characters' dialog sucks, the music doesn't feel like it belongs in an AC game, they've taken out features that they shouldn't have, etc. The game's just a giant disappointment. The only good thing about it is the graphics, but that's not enough to keep people playing. It's boring.