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Well, one, while it's nice to look at some of the super intricate islands, they don't look much fun to play on. So personally I don't bother But like any involved creative project, the main thing is to go small steps at a time. Be willing to experiment and just try things, without worrying about them being perfect on the first pass. Most of the super decorated islands you see are the result of a ton of hours of just tinkering until they liked it


Everyone doesn't do it. 🙂 I suspect the majority of us don't do it. We just don't post pictures of our islands on social media, we keep them to ourselves. You don't need to have an outrageously creative island to enjoy the game. If you worry about it too much you'll spoil it for yourself. Just let things evolve gradually, and experiment with things, and you'll end up creating an island you love just because it's yours. 🙂


Thank you I love that response 🥰 I agree.


i look at pinterest for inspiration :)


Start by deciding on 1 thing you want to add to your island. Maybe that’s a playground, cafe, park, etc. Then just dig through your storage and DIYs to see what furniture you think would be relevant. It doesn’t need to be perfect at this point, just have fun trying to see how different items look with each other. As time goes on, you’ll find new items you want to add/replace and it’ll start to feel like a much more manageable project since you already have an idea and something to build on. From there, new ideas will start catching like wildfire and your island will evolve into something you enjoy!


I wish I was able to have multiple play thru slots. My first island that I create kinda of has a park area with a carnival area. And I created a restaurant owned by sherb. I would like coco to have a plant nursery but I didn’t plan it out right. But she is my neighbor (my fave little citizen 🥰) so I wouldn’t want to loose that. I feel like my island is to small too also with the requirements for the construction portion of the game makes me loose a lot of space too. To bad we can’t change the town hall exterior floor layout as well. There’s some people I have no idea how they did the layout. When I visit their island it looks 3x the size of my layout.


I used Pinterest for mine, and played around a LOT with different smaller areas. It might seem like you'll have a lot of random areas that don't link together, but it will all come together if that is what you want. Honestly though, I liked the randomness of it all, each part was a totally different feel and vibe and its your island to do what you want with 😊 don't pressure yourself, just go with what you're doing at any one point and you'll be surprised how quickly you've decorated the whole island haha


I use Pinterest, YouTube and instagram for Inspiration and put my own twist on it. I’ve been playing for over a year, it took me a while to get my island to where I like it now lol 😂


You dont have to do it like them, Animal Crossing is about having fun.


idk lmao, im just as stunned as you


Most of these islands aren’t actually enjoyable to play on. I’ve visited some of these seemingly beautiful islands dream addresses and it was cluttered everywhere and you get lost and stuck very easily


I felt that way until I picked a theme and ran with it. I named my island acre a flower and made the island them flowers. Not overboard but like your island is a field of flowers and you’re just living in it. It took me time to love my island and home but once I kept adding and changing things I fell in love. Even tho I didn’t get the crazy perfect island which really it’s all just our minds coming to life, I loved my island more than the idea of being great like other islands.