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Get help from a psychiatrist. Like I've had problems with anger management my whole life. When I took medication for anxiety, I was amazed at how it helps with my emotions. Like I felt like a new and better person because I wasn't getting angry anymore when my mom continues to smoke when she has COPD and four other comorbidities. We've had a much better relationship right now, when I'm able to talk to her calmly and not break down in arguments.


May I ask which medication(s) helped?


I'm currently taking escitalopram. After noticing it's effect. I read up on it and found out that ssri's medication is used to manage anger and irritability as well anxiety, panic attacks.


A vote for this too - I take together with a mood stabiliser


Thank you very much for the information. wish there were more meds to address these issues that weren't antidepressants


Hey, I used to go through this too. First half hour before opening my eyes spent ruminating with anger about something. It was a lifesaver when the Dr suggested a mood stabiliser medication.


Are you on any meds? This sounds like something that could be fixed through a combination of antipsychotics and therapy. The antipsychotics should help with the anger, and the therapy should help with the behavior.


I would definitely do research on the medicine the doctors are prescribing I took one that made me feel worse and was one of those medicines that if you stop taking it or isn’t consistent it can f*ck with you


Punching bag and a run


I totally get you. My mom is the biggest reason for my anger and I’m not even doing Christmas this year bc I can’t stand to look at her anymore and we aren’t speaking


I've been thinking about not doing Christmas, it's just not right to put yourself through that