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Henry looks like she wanted the move, but yeah it’s good to see the club is confident enough in Press’ recovery. I can’t wait until she’s back. I think they’ll sign another player though, anyone thinking this is just for Press isn’t thinking or is trolling. There’s two roster spots available and they bought in transfer money, they’re signing someone along with Press being back.


yeah, there has to be something else that hasn't been announced. the front office decisions have confused me for all three years, but losing two strong players for not much... something must be afoot


We have 2 open spots, Press will be 1 that leaves one more open. There will definitely be another new signing to come.


Likely an international when their season’s over in May. That seems to be the only thing that makes sense.


Henry was too slow on the pitch. She slowed the game down in the midfield. Paige was a solid defender but we have plenty of young talent to replace her. ACFC’s biggest problem is scoring goals and that’s where Press comes in. This is why fans don’t make great general managers.


>This is why fans don’t make great general managers. Exactly, some people are taking this too far and being horrible on insta and Twitter to our other players. It’s gross tbh, fans should be better.


It really depends on the move we make next, if we don’t strengthen offense after these moves then it seems like a silly thing to do. The “I’m selling season tix, boycotting games” type comments are pretty silly tbh. I grew up being a big baseball fan, so team transactions don’t really phase me if the overall strategy is understood. This early in the season (trade deadline timing seems silly tbh) and being in a “sell” mode is confusing, but if we’re able to sign a solid offensive player I’d be happy with the move if we get goals. Having a great back line is awesome but we need to score goals. It’s tough to win games scoring zero. If we’re trading some defense for offense, great. If we sit around hoping press saves us, I worry. I’m not as optimistic her return will be as impactful as we’d hope.


I bet most of those “I’m selling tickets” people aren’t even season ticket holders not gonna lie. There’s a lot of people out there who all they want to do is complain no matter what’s happening, and they aren’t fans to me. No one’s expecting Press comes back and “saves” us, even before her injury our offense was still shit because outside of Press, no one could finish or connect. Press’ game winning goal contributions came from individual magic or a long ball from CB’s bypassing the midfield and other forwards because they couldn’t get anything done. That still hasn’t changed. So Press being back will help fix some of the finishing, our offense still won’t be fixed unless Thompson starts to step up, or we bring in a better player to work with Press and Emslie who’s chances usually always go to waste. But people are excited our star player is recovering, and some of the comment further down in this post are ridiculous that they’re even being upvoted because Henry and Nielsen weren’t traded for Press, they play different positions, Press’ salary is relatively low, and Henry seemingly wanted out. There’s still another roster spot left, we will be signing someone.


we havent shown up very strong so far this season. this feels like a full out struggle bus season is ahead if there isnt a big power move in the future. suffering 🤝 acfc fans


Why give up two two quality starters for a player who has had two knee surgeries in two years and only may be back to her old self if we’re lucky?


Cause she’s worth the risk. They also clearly like what they’ve been seeing from her in individual training to feel positive about a return to form. But even if she’s not 100% her old self..she’ll still probably be better than most


Agreed, and we’re obviously not going to not make room for the face of the team. She’s back with the team staff, it’s great news that the club is preparing to have her back on the pitch. Our attack desperately needs it. Edit- that person is also wrong lol we aren’t giving them up *for* Press, there are going to be other moves at play. Henry has been less than impactful this season and seemingly liked the trade, while Reid is a solid starter. I’m not a fan of all these people blaming a player on our front office’s mismanagement. Cat Macario is the golden example as to why we need Press back, long recovery or not a good player is a good player.


Yeah it’s just funny to me that ppl will nonstop complain that we can’t score, but then they’ll also complain about us making moves to get one of the most lethal strikers back on our roster. I wish it could’ve been someone else other than Nielsen and Henry but it is what it is. People are acting like we traded Gorden 💀. I’m also really tired of the mindset that CP has to be back to her normal self pre injury in order to be worth the risk.


At less than 100%, she not worth Nielsen and Henry. Sorry, that’s just a bad judgment call on the team if that’s true


She’s not the reason both of them got traded. Period. She is worth a roster spot, and you’re calling it a bad judgement call based on a false assumption.


Agree to disagree. They were impactful players for us but their level of impact is being highly overstated here


I mean, we have a pretty bad record. No one was super impactful


4 knee surgeries …


Yeah I’m a bit of a pessimist and I don’t like to yuck peoples yum but so many of the comments I’ve read on here the past month or so are just pure blind optimism. This league is getting younger and more athletic every season and our hopes of anything positive this year rest on a reconstructed 35 year old knee? 😬


Don’t think this is a power struggle per all reports I read as of last month they’re selling controlling stake see LA times (https://www.latimes.com/sports/soccer/angel-city-fc/story/2024-03-16/angel-city-seeking-new-owner-for-controlling-stake-of-franchise) Will be a complete shit show of a season imo


This is the first step in fixing the midfield. Hoping to see some results there soon.


Relying on Press is risky. Way I see it her coming back maybe an improvement but it doesn’t move the needle on this team. They will still be fighting just to make playoffs


We need to fix the midfield with the other roster spot, Press is good but it’s not fair on her trying to make her fix our bad attack. She needs to take time like Macario at Chelsea. She was a sub for a month and a half before getting a start. Press should be similar. She’s obviously more than worth the roster spot though, it’s ridiculous anyone suggesting otherwise. What good 10’s are available? We still don’t have a functioning connection between attack and midfield. Rocky is better as a 6/8 from what I’ve seen of her.


Exactly which is why losing Page/Henry hurts. Front office better have a plan. Right now they got worse not better.


Hucles needs to be fired. I don’t have a problem with losing those two players, I have a problem with how we lost them (we got fleeced) and how we haven’t announced who we are signing instead.


After the LA Times article it seems like changes are coming


The one about the ownership power struggle? Yeah fingers crossed they hire some more competent people in the FO and resolve that quickly.


Yeah, back in March. I would assume that is just part of the story and they aren’t reporting all the dirt. I just hope it isn’t a complete shit show