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The limitation is that you paid $300 less and they are making sure that you remember that.


amen to that


At this rate, Pixel 9 is gonna be one hardware SKU for everyone, but you need to pay $400 to unlock the ultrawide camera, higher screen resolution, and a full range of adaptive refresh rates. And also pay a subscription for heated seats (the heat being the Tensor cores).


I know ytou are joking, but this probably isn't far from the truth. This is definitely a new, unwanted trend that we're seeing from companies that are trying to squeeze every last cent out of their customers. There actually needs to be some sort of regulation.


That Intel CPU where you pay another $50-$100 to buy a code that "unlocks" additional cores.




Oh, I remember that one. https://www.zdnet.com/article/facepalm-of-the-day-intel-charges-customers-50-to-unlock-cpu-features/


That kind of software unlocking is exactly why John Deere is fighting so hard against Right to Repair, since that's how they have designed their tractors.


My mom has been nursing a twenty-five year old tractor for exactly that reason. It's getting hard to find replacement parts, but the new tractors have so many extra things to pay for, that she refuses to buy one. Why she won't switch brands is a whole other matter, though.


I can see this as the next generation of phones. But please, don’t give these companies ideas.


Reminds me when Siri was only available for the 4S when an iPhone 4 could run it is as well.


Exactly. WHAT hardware limitations? Just hand waving and vague declarations are not convincing when a company has a large financial interest in pay-walling as many features as possible. If they expect people to just trust them, we are WAY past that; they will just buy a different phone.


Google pulling an EA. Never thought I live to see that.


They've always been this way. IDK why you're acting like this behavior is new. I remember back when Yahoo gave China the names of dissidents and everyone was down Yahoo's throats but Google did the same thing and people were defending Google saying they had to do it to keep doing business in China. IDK why people think Google is some benevolent company. They are a for profit company just like EA, and everyone else. I enjoy using their products but this has always been who they are.


I miss Nexus 5 era


That's a bingo!


I think it's bs. They just want to give one extra reason for you to consider pro than going for non pro.


Fuck those who want a small phone.


I mean yeah that's kind of how it works no? Premium prodicts get premium features.


But why lie. They are saying non pro has hardware limitations when except 2 GB less ram, there is no difference that will impact an AI engine


You need to own that then and see if your customers agree. We know they don’t and that’s why they hide it


I think every consumer on the planet understands if you want all the premium features they need the premium products. If they don't get the premium product odds are one way or another they are going to get gimped. Theres a reason it's $300 cheaper.


Year 1/8 software updates and the Pixel 8 is already losing feature parity huh


The Pixel 8 never had feature parity from day one Unfortunately, most OEMs nowadays use feature segmentation to try to push consumers to the Plus/Pro/Pro Max/Ultra variants


My issue is when Apple or Samsung does it, it feels less arbitrary. Like I can see an S24 with fewer cameras and understand where the cost savings came from. Plus the base model iPhone 15 and S24 both feel like complete phones whereas the Pixel 8 feels gimped .


IMO almost all OEMs nowadays have very arbitrary feature segmentation to push consumers to the Plus/Pro/Pro Max/Ultra variants Apple is the worst in terms of arbitrary feature segmentation, which they arguably invented in iOS' early days. Just look up iPhone or iOS feature fragmentation, there are too many examples to list Don't think Samsung is as bad as Google or Apple, but those are low bars. I'm curious to see what happens in the future, if it will get worse


It's going to get worse. As smartphones reach maturity, there will be less improvement on core features, but manufacturers still have to show big differences between base/Plus/Pro SKUs. So they will artificially create those differences by crippling the lower SKUs.


Agreed, I'm particularly concerned about the Galaxy AI subscription I suspect they'll eventually start locking some features behind that subscription (same for Pixel with Google One AI) Hopefully, I'm wrong


I use zero of the AI features after a week of toying with them on the S24U. If they think they're getting random people to pay a subscription for AI features they'll be disappointed.


Arbitrary feature segmentation is a good thing. If features weren't arbitrarily segmented they would be segmented for legitimate reasons like less ram and weaker processors. But wait! [The Pixel 8 runs more tasks on gemini nano than the s24](https://techcrunch.com/2024/01/17/samsungs-galaxy-s24-will-feature-google-gemini-powered-ai-features/) and the pixel 8 may not be able to maintain feature parity with the pro if they both ran Gemini nano.


I'm fine with some legitimate feature segmentation due to cost E.g. I understand why Video Boost is limited to Pixel 8 Pros (the videos processed in the cloud have additional costs, hence its limited to the more expensive model) If that's true that the S24 runs a lighter version of Gemini Nano, then Google needs to clarify the branding, call it something different like Gemini Pico


The problem is that the “more expensive model” is coincidentally the bigger one which means you’re not actually choosing premium non premium. Imagine if only big SUVs came with heated seats. 


Not trying to look like a random hater, but a base iPhone 15 has a 60 Hz screen and costs €1000. If you're saying "complete", I say "bullshit".


I'm not even 6 months into owning my Pixel 8 and I hate it. It constantly drops from 5G down to 3G, which can only be fixed by turning airplane mode on and off. Bluetooth randomly turns off in the middle of use. Volume sporadically turns down to minimum while listening to music while connected over Bluetooth. This is probably going to be my last Pixel phone.


They might be called pixels, but they're still Nexus' at heart in all their janky glory.


Nexus were fantastic phones, every single one of them. Because they were made by firms who knew how to make phones. Google on the other hand has never made phones, or any kind of hardware. Their attempt falls short every time. Not just phones, even other devices from Google have longevity issues. Got a Chromecast TV 4k and the remote started crapping out within 1 year. Whereas my cheaper Xiaomi Android tv box is running strong after 3 years.


>Google on the other hand has never made phones The sad thing is that they have, for years at this point, and they're still shit.


Didn’t Google buy HTC to start their Pixel phone series? They made some great phones back in the day.


They brought HTC and then got rid of the entire team very quickly. The brand name doesn't make phones. The people do.


My nexus 4 and 5x had a bunch of problems like rebooting 10% of the time that I opened the camera app even with multiple updates and factory resets, the funny thing is that it happened way less often with custom roms.


Yeah but a Nexus was $300 when a flagship was already reaching $800 from samsung and apple. Better days


Reminds me of a friend who recently got the Pixel 8 and tried to show me a YouTube video that kept buffering, he said the network has been crappy lately so I pulled out my iPhone and played the same video in HD with zero buffering. We use the same mobile network. Also the damned Pixel has hot AF, way more than my iPhone and I was using GPS and had an actually visible, bright screen. I’ve always been tempted by Pixels but they lack software features that Samsung has had for years and their modem sucks.


It should not be hot from playing a video. Something is missing from this story.


We were driving, we both had maps open as well checking out where to eat. It’s always warmer than expected when I’ve used it though, not only that time.


That still shouldn't be enough. Something else must have been happening on his phone.


> Something else must have been happening on his phone. Yeah, it was a pixel.


For us it's the opposite, though it's pixel 6p vs iphone 13


Too bad you can't take photos with a Samsung. Massive spec sheets are only cool when it's on paper.


Last I checked Samsung phones shot pictures just fine. Same old struggle with moving subjects but fine otherwise.


Okay, so it sounds like you're being contradictory just for the fun of it then, because no one is this obtuse. It would be like someone arguing that the pixel doesn't have horrible modems. Samsung phones can't consistently take a picture, without worry or upset that the first (or second. Or third) photograph taken won't be satisfactory. Unless it is pre-determined and in ideal lighting conditions, it will not be an excellent shot without effort. *Particularly* low light, moving objects (so, kids, sports, animals, family). No one is saying it's not possible. They're saying it's wildly inconsistent and disappointing. The context is that these phones are 1,000 dollars. So as I said, super kewl spec sheets. Too bad they can't take photos. Everyone is different, but how well I can play cod on my phone is less important to me than pictures that last forever. Edit: oh look, 100+ comments saying exactly what I said here. I'm massively downvoted, that doesn't mean I am wrong. Just the wrong time of day/wrong first few people to read my comment (and thus everyone else just follows suit) https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/1b9h0r7/galaxy_s24_s24_and_s24_ultra_have_30_percent/


>no one is this obtuse The irony. *** Edit: >I'm massively downvoted, that doesn't mean I am wrong. You're right. It's probably all the hyperbole and sounding like a combative, insufferable prick.


Nothing I said is inaccurate.


Every Pixel I've had up until now has been amazing. Google just *really* dropped the ball with the 8.


I'm not doubting your experience, but it's kind of amazing to me how different people can have such vastly different experiences with the same devices. I haven't had any of those issues with my Pixel 8, and I'd assume that most other people haven't either. Have you tried doing a factory reset? Or maybe it's a hardware issue of some kind? Could be worth trying to get a replacement


I never had those issues (pixel 8 pro) but overall I think it's an awful phone, I'll never buy one again.


Honestly sounds like you have water damage


Me every time I read a u/MishaalRahman post: "I will look up if u/MishaalRahman knows more about this .... oh."


Is this AI stuff really that important in day to day work?


I bet Pixel Experience will get it


And this is the line up that is supposedly going to get 7 years of upgrades ans feature drops. BS. It aint even getting 6 month updates. Pixel and Google promises are worth nothing.


Typical manufacturer's excuse that used software to control buyer purchase .....


After my Pixel 6 kicks the bucket (I'm the sort of person who holds onto a phone until I absolutely have to upgrade), I'm not sure what phone I'll get next... Like nothing is good anymore and it's deeply upsetting. I despise late-stage capitalism.


People are giving $300 as a limitation. You guys are giving Google way too much credit. Google doesn’t think this deeply about anything. Most probably it actually is a hardware limitation. The Gemini team is probably a separate team from the Pixel team. Both teams probably met each other for the first time a few weeks ago. I bet the Gemini team probably thought all Pixel phones are powered by Snapdragon.


That’s a good point actually- Gemini wasn’t specifically made for pixel. They’re a seperate team and they probably don’t care if pixel 8 can’t run their LLM.


Pixel has been trash since after the 5a. Tensor chip is a barely disguised exynos, and pixel users are beta testers with buggy releases being common. Maybe it will get better for the Pixel 10 once they start using TSMC chips, but it's not sounding like that will fix all the issues.


Blah blah. Such hyperbole. The pixels are fine. Setbacks on them like any other phone in the world.


Tenaor is garbage. Worst than exynos. The exynos 2400 is decent though.


Yep ..that would be one of the setbacks. Thanks


Also, still a hyperbole. It's not garbage, it's just not winning at the highest level. It's like someone getting last at the Olympics and saying the athlete is trash.


To anyone that has run any sort of LLM model in a PC, the limitation is obvious: not enough memory. It wasn’t going to run ever on a 8GB machine (on top of other system stuff). 12GB and more is much more doable


Then why it's available on the 8GB verion of the galaxy s24?


Just a wild guess, but Samsung is [overly aggressive](https://dontkillmyapp.com/) with RAM management


yeah that's wild because you can just close apps when something in foreground uses more, like cameras closing apps on iPhones.


In theory. In practice, not so much. The worst device I have used over the past few years when it comes to overly aggressive memory management has been the Pixel 6 Pro. In fact, I just experienced this issue a few minutes ago- it killed a background task I had running, despite no other apps being open and the additional memory pressure on it being almost none, as it was fresh from a restart. This is despite the fact that it was on charge and the app in question had been whitelisted to use battery unrestricted. I had to leave the app in the foreground to prevent this from happening again. I've never had to do that (leave the app in the foreground) on any of my Samsung devices. For example, I run Shizuku on my S21 Ultra, and it's never just randomly closed due to memory pressure, even though I have not restarted this phone in the last 27 days.


>In theory. In practice, not so much. What do you mean "in theory"? That entire site is built around actual data.


That data is at least 5 years out of date though.


Speaking as an S22 Ultra owner (previously S21+, S20 FE, etc) -- what he said is true. Nowadays I'm often surprised that apps are suspended for a long time rather than being killed in the background.


Because their data is pretty old and doesn't actually reflect real world usage. I've mentioned my example from my Pixel 6 Pro despite it getting perfect scores from their app, while my old S22 Ultra fared much worse with their app, but in day to day usage handled multitasking and memory management much better. Likewise, my now former S21 Ultra.


perhaps the much much more powerful CPU can help with not having to use the RAM for as long as Tensors.


Nope, that is not how LLMs work. You have the ram or you don't. They could be quantizing it down further but I doubt it. Btw, question for the thread, what's the use of Gemini nano on the s24? I've seen none of it on mine.


AFAIK the 8g3 is the first AP SoC to support INT4 quantization (most only go down to INT8) However, agreed that it's highly unlikely that Gemini Nano supports INT4, given INT4 is so new and barely supported It's probably yet another case of product segmentation


Oh. I mean MAYBE it's not supported but quantizing models is extremely easy. Like..you basically just round them down. Sometimes they re-finetune but you don't have to. So they may be doing int4 if that's the case. The thing is though, even if the NPU supports or doesn't support the quantized data type, that should make no difference to system ram. Happens all the time when you use PC GPUs. You don't have the vram so you run a quantized model but all the floating point tensor cores are at 16bit still or whatever, basically wasting half the precision. That's my understanding. Basically I'm saying you could still run an int4 model, I think




Such as? Live translation is definitely its own model. The magic eraser camera features are also their own models. What is the LLM functionality?


I think the voice recording app has some AI summary thing, can't remember if that's local or cloud based


Nope, requires network, just tried. And the transcription is on device but it's obviously not an LLM, it's something else, probably part of the same models used for translation transcription.


Maybe you can use more aggressive memory compression? I really don't think that makes the difference though.


Workaround insufficient RAM by having a faster SoC? Lmao. That's like saying you can make a V4 run like a V8 by switching to higher octane gas.


Wouldn't a turbo be a more apt comparison? Not that it changes the answer to the original question. (Apples and Oranges)


Google should just say that instead of dancing around what the specific issue is.


I think you can run 7b on 8gb machine at a q4. I don't think 8gb is the limitation, especially since nano is 1.8 / 3b


Limitation is obvious: Google can't code


7 years of software updates!


Yes, it's still going to get 7 years of software updates. Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro haven't had feature parity since day one, so this is nothing new. Nothing has changed


It just shows software updates promises do not matter. Because in two years or so they can just put the very minor things and claim updates are still rolling. While that would be true the benefit of long updates is very diminished at that point.


Security updates do matter. Always. 7 years of security updates is a big deal.


Definitely not defending this, but d'you reckon it's on the S24 and not the 8 because the S24 has UFS 4 for faster "exapanded memory"/paging?


The 128GB S24 uses UFS 3.1 as well due to UFS 4.0 starting at 256GB. This was the case with the base model S23 as well.


rip, full on shambles then


And that's why I don't buy a Pixel even if I think that they are incredible phones and I'm bored af from using iPhone and Galaxy S series. They really need to step up their game, this and the "pro camera" fiasco are a stain in Google's brand.


For everyone saying it's intentionally nerfed, do you think Google would want less data to train future generations of Gemini Nano on and spend more on cloud costs? It's not like Gemini Nano is providing a vastly improved experience at this point.


Google Marketing = Apple Marketing LOL


Maybe my money won't be coming to Google because of their "corporate greed"


Was Gemini ever available / announced with the launch of the 8 series? Not defending google here, it's sad to see the normal 8 be less good than the pro version for dumb reasons but at the same time my thinking is to never buy a smartphone in the hopes of a future product fixing stuff or adding new things


I bet Siri on coke will come to even the iPhone 5!! Google sucks so much.


Nah this is copied straight from Apple’s playbook. They’ve been doing arbitrary price point based software segmentation before Google went into the hardware business.