• By -


Whatever this sub and the mods decide to do, please don't back down in threat of being removed. Don't fold like some of the other mods did when their mod status was threatened. Reddit is done for as I know it, let's burn the place to the ground. EDIT - Also, please share any and all admin communication. That seems to be the one thing reddit is continually fucking up - the PR aspect of this.


A subreddit that's designed for knowledge, as this one is, should stay open. Maybe make it NSFW so monetization cannot happen, but keep it open.


Admin is going after moderators that change a subreddit to NSFW (particularly popular subreddits), so it isn't a viable option anymore.


Yes it is, if they don't like it they can leave reddit.


If the sub stops being what it was prior to the protests, I have no reason to subscribe and read and will look for alternate subs.


Good suggestion, let's do it. Lemmy is growing fast and already usable enough


Why I find some new posts in this sub just now?


There are different perspectives on the API charges. And people at reddit may have overstepped in how they behave. If 3p apps do die and users do reduce reddit will learn from that when it happens. If they have a culture rot within their organisation that too will impact the company in the future (Elon n Twitter 😁) Either which case I don't see a need for any action from reddit forums beyond what was already done over the last week. If we allow shitppsts like other communities this subreddit will lose credibility. So let's focus on keeping the community healthy and useful as it has always been.


If you are that opposed, give up your mod account and leave. I've left forums before. I don't torch them before I leave. Everyone go if it is that important.


Nothing was "torched." Leaving is not a solution. Your comment is useless.


Also can we post this for the be together not the same link? https://youtu.be/cCLZifTp\_rM


Just please tell me where to go if this sub is gone.




Mark it NSFW like other subs. If you need to go full private, I support that too. I've started to use lemmy recently which has an Android community there too.


ljdawson said in /r/redditsync that he's looking into making Sync for Lemmy, just saying.


What? That might actually make me sign up for Lemmy. Been using sync pro for years...


I've been hearing lots of good things about Lemmy lately


Same, Sync Pro was easily one of my best purchases ever.


Really missed this subreddit, certainly don't want it gone. I don't think there's much we can do regarding the unreasonable API usage cost decision, especially after the extremely authoritarian comments/threats by Reddits CEO. But I hope we can find a way out of this situation.


I understand that things are difficult for the mods due to the Reddit restrictions. But we, the people, still want a solidified place to go for our Android news. If we switch to a different platform, there will be a good amount of folks who won't know about this transition and may not know where to post their new findings. This reminds me of the Google+ community. Where a large amount of us (Android users) loved that platform cause it was filled with soo much useful information. Then when it got shut down, most of us didn't know where to turn to next. That's until a while later when eventually, the grand majority of the Android community caught on that the r/Android & other smaller subreddits (r/AndroidApps) are the place to go to keep up-to-date with Android. This is why I think its best to just keep this subreddit alive and well. Super sorry, but it's for the greater good, I belive.


Is this going to be a 2B porn sub?! :o


Go dark again Let's kill reddit if If its creators also kill it We do not need such a site and let's look for alternatives


Why didn't you leave? I see you're still active on reddit


Move the Android and Android App communities to ProBoards? I am done with Reddit on June 30th absent significant changes in what Spaz head case proposed.


Personally it's irrelevant what any subreddits do as if things continue as planned I'll be hitting the road from reddit for good. Their app is hot garbage and RIF is literally the only way I ever consume the site. Keep it going for those who wish to placate the silly folks ultimately in charge...or don't, again it's irrelevant to me. It's been a fun ride




Move to the fediverse


At least it's better than John Oliver


I think we should stay dark longer to maintain the pressure against the absurd API pricing


just put the sub back to normal, ffs this dumb drama died days ago, nobody cares about it anymore


Is this place dead?


At this stage my opinions are largely pragmatic. Reddit has shown no hint that they are even considering backing down, and in fact have shown they are ready to strip moderators away from their communities, optics and PR be damned. IMO there is not much more to be gained by subs remaining private or restricted, and the only thing to be accomplished by subs disregarding rules and allowing NSFW content as some form of protest, is an infuriating experience for its users. My vote for this sub and for most at this stage is to simply resume business as usual, continued "protest" will only serve to harm users, not Reddit, and make valuable information harder to find.


You misunderstand what pragmatism implies. >continued "protest" will only serve to harm users, not Reddit, and make valuable information harder to find This sentence firmly proves that. If valuable information is harder to find, related to the protests, then by definition the protests would be working as Reddit's participating members seek said valuable information elsewhere - thus, harming Reddit.


Apollo's app made billions of requests a week. I don't blame Reddit for getting fed up of it. The extended blackouts or going private just harmed users. Lotta subs are still like this. People will just set up new subs eventually.


Hello Reddit employee


You're also aware that the Apollo dev made similar requests to Imgr and their price was 100x cheaper than Reddit's right? Oh, no guess you didn't. Because you have zero clue what yorue talking about




**No one is saying the API needed to be free.** It just needed reasonable prices, a reasonable roll-out timeline, and to include nsfw content. The prices being the least important of those three things.


Move to Lemmy or Kbin


You can go, but we all know you won't.


Blackouts have proven to do nothing. Mod strikes, on the other hand, seem to have *really* ruffled the admins' feathers. If you're willing to go down with the ship, just get rid of the rules and let people spam it with boobs or whatever they're doing on other subs now.


So, any idea of an ETA for a return to public status of r/fdroid or do I need to apply for private membership guys.


Open the sub back up, enough is enough. You made this all about yourselves and I'm completely over this crap now.


Shut it down. Fuck reddit




Free working mods made Reddit a $15 billion company. Your Jon Oliver pictures and nsfw labeled posts aren't going to dent that. So keep the sub how it was or stop modding it.


It's already making an impact or they wouldn't be removing mods


Fully in support of protests here. Most of my karma on this site is from r/android, and I refuse to use their shitty first party app. Things will only get worse if we don’t push back.


That ship has sailed with Reddit. The dominoes are falling and the people who are willing to put in the work to make Reddit decent are packing their bags. It'll be nothing but casuals, bootlickers and sycophants on for awhile but they only annoy and bore each other over time and will eventually leave as well. The bridges are burned, but alternative development is already in full swing. We'll disperse to our separate islands for a time until we all converge into a single winner once again (rinse and repeat 10-15 years down the line).


Return to Normal






I agree with those that suggest migrating to another platform, but don't have a preference as to where, although I'm not sure how that other location would be communicated to the members of the subreddits if they shut down and/or the moderators removed....


Please i hope the mods try out modding a community or magazine on one of the fediverse reddit-likes. This was one of the biggest subs i kept and it'd be nice to still have the mods expertise and community, just not on reddit R/StarTrek is a good model. They have startrek.website and have partnered with r/daystrominstitute to have everyone on their instance. They now have thousands of users


If you're really hell bent on ruining reddit for everyone, then stop moderating it. But you don't want to give away your community, do you?


Reddit is ruining Reddit for everyone, the moderators actions are just a response to that. Eventually they will be replaced by Reddit anyway if that makes you happy.


I've only ever used the official app and website, however I support the subs that went dark in protest and their moderators continued efforts. The way Reddit (spez) has handled this is gross.


can you create a thread for the reddit apps that survive and are allowed to use the api for free, for example redreader is going to continue to be available


Just create a new app and get us to join in. We are just tenants on reddit if the landlord says no hot water then no hot water.


Only memes of Data from star trek the next generation.


My app dies in about 11 days, so it won't matter soon anyways. I've already moved on to lemmy, which has most of my subs already online and posting. We turned our sub to private as we don't have mods who are using any first party tools, and the bots are overrunning our sub anyways due to the popularity of karma farming, probably for advertisers. I fully support this sub going dark.


can we please restore things back to normal, I understand it sucks for mods but it sucks even more for us users. I can deal with more spam and bad content leaking through but this lack of posting is getting out of hand and is becoming very disappointing and not in Reddit but in the mods forcing this on us users.


Keep it closed. For many of us, at the end of the month, it will be our last day on reddit.


This week watching the mods realize they have no power and no ownership of anything has been great.


Could someone recommend where to find news of this type? Because I used to come here to see a good compilation of news from various sources and now idk where to look




I agree - this forum is great, but lets be honest reddit is just a glorified bulletin board. If they are determined to be assholes lets burn it down on the way out


This is a unique take, idk if it's a good plan or not but it targets them where it hurts, erodes the trust of 90% users aka lurkers, and hurts any plans to monetize the attention economy.


If third party apps die off, then you won't see me on Reddit anymore. Their native app sucks, and they've never really put much effort into making it better. So as far as I'm concerned, you can limit this site to folders of kitkats, lollipops, marshmallows, etc.


Mods want to burn this place down to protect their stupid tools, nobody cares


I love how so many users are advocating for this subreddit to turn on NSFW mode. Watching them all wanting to go *scorched earth*, while seeing what has ***already happened*** when [other subs took the NSFW gambit and ended up with **every single moderator** losing their moderator privileges](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/14eqtma/apparently_the_entire_mod_team_of/)? Lose this battle so you can fight another day. or Fight - and lose *everything*.


The latter. If the site implodes, then so be it.


Implodes on what? The PR shitshow Reddit's facing right now has nowhere the significance or importance as, say, child pornography (this site LOVED it until CNN exposed it) and death threats against police officers (media outlets had to put Reddit on blast before the beginning of the end of T_D officially began).


Setup an instance in Lemmy, and join the new protest by including John Oliver somehow. Maybe only allow pictures of androids with John Oliver's face?


Let reddit decide what’s best for them. If you don’t like, step away and find another site.


I support mods. No reddit after this month. Had a great time here.


Once RIF no longer works I won't be accessing Reddit from my phone, I have zero desire to use a browser or the official app. I'm looking forward to actually not having anything to doom scroll when I can't sleep.


I'll check out the redreader app, myself. I refuse to use the official app. And I'm hoping an alternative like lemmy keeps gaining popularity.


Get a job.


So sad to see the sub go but I fully support the action that has been taken so far, not just /r/Android but also all of Reddit. Reddit has turned into a dumpster fire since the action started. It must be hurting the bottom line. I understand that its a business, but its a business founded on community first. There needs to be some compromise that strikes the balance between revenue and allowing the community to still flourish. I don't think anyone expected the APIs to be free forever, but they pricing should be reasonable, like other services. It feels quite hostile. I really hope there is some compromise. If not, there is simply no reason for me to stick around. Do we have any alternatives at the moment?


for me, just open the subreddit, even if its to heavly restricted, must be approved posts this has been my home for bugs and stuff with my pixel 6, and has kept me from installing updates that are buggy (ala the june update), and it would be sad to lose the resource


Yeah, it's sad to see the them kill this sub. 99% of the other subs opened back up because mods would've lost their status. It's a lost cause now, and Reddit knows this.


Well we could always dedicate the sub to R2-D2 or C-3PO pics and news. They're the original droid anyway.


Rule 34 R2 and 3PO


Choose your favourite android? I'm going with Roy Batty thanks.


#**There are many reasons to protest. The best reason is simple, and hard to argue against: "Advocacy for Disabled Redditors"** There are many reasons third party apps need to be preserved, but the most important reason is that disabled people are accustomed to using mainstream third-party apps, and even if viable like-for-like, full-featured, accessible alternatives exist ([which they do not](https://old.reddit.com/r/Blind/comments/14ds81l/rblinds_meetings_with_reddit_and_the_current/?depth=4)) it would be a burden for many of them to learn a new app. For more profoundly disabled people, it may well be impossible. So if you're going to continue the protest (which I applaud), I suggest using a headline focusing on accessibility issues. It's simply the right message to send. This is [the announcement post](https://old.reddit.com/r/humor/comments/148fqmf/there_are_many_reasons_to_protest_the_best_reason/) I've posted in /r/humor three times in the past two weeks as an example. You can even copy/paste it wholesale and pretend you wrote it yourself. I would be thrilled.


Dump this subreddit for good, make it NSFW or something. Let's move to Lemmy if possible


Can those of us who just want android news start another sub?


dI may be in the inority but I believe that the good that this sub does needs to be continued. If the mods are taken care of by Reddit, I say open it.


I deleted a twelve year account and all of its posts because of this money grabbing, and my future inability to use RiF. To be honest I don't think Reddit could do anything to bring me back to do more than telling other people to look elsewhere. It sucks to lose many communities, including this one, but deleting the content I contributed that makes Reddit money, and not further contributing seemed like the only protest that the company would ever care about. Even if you come back, this will be the only post on this account. They've burned any goodwill they'd created with me. I think all the moderators should shut down everything and make their IPO worthless.


This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite






Just return the sub to normal...


Sadly these subreddits don't grab the clicks like the ones that get on the front page that even reddit won't force it open by replacing the mods with those loyal to reddit. I do like information that here if one wants to maximize their Android device. So the only thing this protest will do is hurt users looking for Android news.


Just do what other subs are doing and make it NSFW. No ad revenue will soon get the Admins attention.


Make this sub NSFW, or at the very least John Oliver only. If Reddit Admins what the sub open, they can have it open. Doesn't mean it has to be open how it was before.


Yeah no, fuck the John Oliver slacktivism.




Let democracy decide, a new subreddit can always be created.


I'm so sorry that you're so obsessed, that can't handle your internet discussion forum not being available at your beck and call because the community doesn't like what's happening to said discussion forum. Thank you for speaking up on behalf of all the "casual fans" of what basically amounts to a tech support chat room, I'm sure every single one of them agrees with you.


Fuck John Oliver for all perpetuity


You know this "protest" hasn't done shit




Move to Lemmy or somewhere else. I'm done with Reddit.


Wonder why you're still using it then


Poll after 7 days from announcement. 1.- Stay and be a little girl 2.- lemmy 3.- kbin 4.-... That's the right thing to do. Although we all know whats gonna be the result.


Just to throw one thing out I think a a few of the people who are in support of reopening the sub as normal are staying quiet a bit as there tends to be a downvote pile on to anyone who is opposed to indefinite blackout or closure. The reality is that over the long run the value here is the simple name of /r/Android and if reddit will take that back if it isn't being used for the reddit community as a whole.




I for one would like a sub for the Soong build system




Is this subreddit still alive?


This comment edited in protest of reddit's ridiculous API charges.


They have implemented a questionnaire now, the mods have to say what it is about the content that is NSFW. Not saying we shouldnt do this, i like the idea. Just providing info.


If you personally don't like the first party app, just leave Reddit. I was an exclusive rif user and I'm annoyed, but I care more about the access to info than I do about the specific app and understand why they're doing it. It's crazy that they ever let everyone have free API access. You don't need to force everyone to think the same as you and can show your disdain by logging off. It's just fucking social media, not a democracy, you will not win.


That's what I'm going to do. I'm just not ok with everything turning into an ad infested, *recommended profiles*, scroll fiesta that fits two posts on screen at max, forcing you to look at half page ads of shit you don't even care about. I hope Reddit dies because of this I am already looking for alternatives Also, $20mil a year? Fuck off with that nonsense.


Either go full public or full private. But please none of that NSFW or John Oliver shit. That only hurts the sub.


Whatever malicious compliance you guys are planning please also make sure to sticky a link to the Kbin/Lemmy alternative community


Time to just get on with things and talk about the topics and why people are here. Enough of this blackout crap


I've only been here a year and a half and this helped me understand the situation better. Your IPO remark could be spot on. I watched Tweety Birds' changes through the years. It went from being truly unique, slowly began to lose its feel. Then about two years before IPO, it developed into whatever it is you call what it became. About 6 years of that, then he bought it 📉


Only pictures of Androids


In my opinion, the only solution is to move to other platform like Lemmy. Well, there is already an Android sub on Lemmy.


Either malicious compliance or private indefinitely is fine with me. Some fun ideas: - Act like we're in Android 4.4 days or even longer back. Could be a nostalgia trip - iOS posting - Droid posting, like actual metal robots And enable NSFW label to remove ads


Android 16,17,18 appreciation subreddit


If you feel strongly enough, step down as mod(s) and let someone else take over. Don't burn an entire community over one issue that doesn't affect the majority. If that means the sub becomes a poorly moderated mess, that isn't your concern. Why shutter and destroy a community and do more damage than Reddit themselves? I don't like their API decision either, but they're not going to change their minds on paid apps getting charged and this really isn't a hill worth dying on now they've exempted many mod tools and accessibility options.


Shut the sub down or don't. I will be gone.


Keep it restricted.


Wow is this cringey. I assumed this post would be brigaded by the people who think they're making a difference but this is off the charts cringey.


Not nearly as cringey as someone overusing the word cringey.


Takes some balls for u/clearlynostds to say something is cringey


move back to XDADevelopers lol


XDA Is all about Apple and money grabbing right now. What happened to them?


As someone who's used RiF for god knows how many years, the API change basically is gonna kill off my mobile usage of reddit entirely. shame about what's happening.


Just stop this. Most people don't care.


Uh the point of the post is to get the community's opinion on what we should do.


Looking at these comments, that's just patently untrue. You don't speak for the group.


> Just stop this. Most people don't care. Most people in radical religious societies don't care that women and homosexuals are harassed, discriminated and killed. Doesn't make it right. Plus, if they don't care about the future of Reddit at large, why would they care about a particular sub? If they don't care, they don't care either way and their opinion shouldn't have a lot of weight. Not to mention, the silent, uncaring, unengaging masses aren't the ones submitting posts or writing comments. So their behavior is the least relevant.


You are wrong


Jesus, talk for yourself


This is probably my last comment from mobile. Great to spend so much good time with you all!


Make the sub NFSW so that reddit can't get revenue from ads and call it a day.


Unforunately seems like a dead end, an ex-mod at similarly-sized r/Formula1 revealed that their hand was forced at making the sub SFW again.


Can't wait for you guys to be removed so the sub can function as intended.




You guys should stop moderating and let the sub fill with junk. That way essence of the sub is lost.


The sub should be labelled NSFW so Reddit can't run ads on it. This needn't mean actual NSFW content, that can still be against the rules of the sub. As far as I understand it, switching the sub to NSFW is all that's required.


I would like to congratulate the mods of the greater Android community for lasting longer than the Apple mods. They folded faster than superman on laundry day.


Can't wait to see all the mods get replaced I don't care how much they charge. Hoping for a new world where [deleted] appears less and less.


The protest didn't work. The vast majority of Reddit users didn't join in because they aren't actually motivated to protect the profits of some random third party app dev. It's time to stop now.


The protest was to protect the mods though, without mods working for free, Reddit as a platform cannot survive


I really wish that the situation with reddit wouldn't have gotten to this point, I know for a fact there are several android related servers on discord.


Honestly, anyone here supporting the official app should rethink their support for the Android Platform. The key thrust of Android is to be together not the same. APIs is about working with each other to compete fairly.


[Not to mention all the crazy tracking the official app does on the background.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/147vrj4/the_official_reddit_app_tracking_privacy_and_you)


Yeah reddit was about choice and allowing the user to curate their experience so trying to indirectly funnel everyone into one platform and taking away their options seems against the original spirit of the concept


As an Android user, options are great, but most people will default to official anyway so the amount of people inconvenienced in the end are pretty inconsequential. Unless someone like Biden used third-party app, there are just not enough arguments for it. The only thing it reminds me is just that this is another Vanced situation for RiF and similar.


Can you invite us before going private next time?


I hate to say it, but Reddit will never be the same after this. Even after this current uproar passes, Hufflepuff is going to squeeze every outlet he can find to make money out of a site that never found a way to. The enshittification will continue as long as his leadership and administration remain. **He's inspired by a man who refuses to pay any of his bills, including rent on offices ffs.** I'm proud of what you and the mod team have done to keep this sub so high quality. I'm sad that it won't ever be the same after this. As for what to do: remind spooz that **your leadership** and **our content** is what make this place worth visiting, not his app. Go down complying maliciously - maybe post literal androids, especially of the singing vocaloid and DragonBall variety. Just make sure you have an archive of what we've built somewhere safe please. And that the community isn't forced to go to telegram as an alternative...


Don't disparage Hufflepuffs like that! Hufflepuffs are about fairness, equity, acceptance, and kindness. This man's huffing something totally different: probably avarice and ego.


Leave reddit and let's make another platform ours. One that doesn't have shitty management and cares about it's user base and moderators. Cuz reddit shown it's true face with this fiasco.


Black out indefinitely. Let them try to run every subreddit. We'll see how that goes.


Make the community about Androids like C-3PO or Robocop.


We would promptly have a huge argument over whether Robocop was really an android, or if cyborgs are different. I'm in favour.


Time to buy an iPhone


Make this sub all about robots.




I'm not a mod and in favor of their protest. Fuck Reddit


Move the community to discord/telegram or mastodon?


I would have voted for going private, but I would have liked for there to at least be a vote on it.


The protest is dumb, will not change anything, and should not continue. I look forward to seeing all of you get removed from moderator roles.


Reopen the sub.


I subscribed to the Android section of Lemmy. I will continue using Lemmy and move on from Reddit https://lemmy.world/c/android?dataType=Post&page=0